The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2164: Infinite Hell

Until the figure of Concubine Shui disappeared in front of him, Li Zedao jumped off the cliff, planning to return to Liuli Cave to continue refining some medicines that might be used tomorrow, and he had to make some preparations.

Probably because Lian** can be used as a kind of medicinal herb for alchemy so that he has accumulated a lot of experience, so he can now easily refine the seventh-grade pill. In other words, he is now a Seven-rank alchemist, but no one knew it.

Li Zedao doesn't need others to know, low-key is the kingly way these days.

In addition, if you can refine the nine-tier pill in time, you can refine the nine-tier pill and soul-melting pill, and then you can continue to develop towards the soul artisan.

However, although Li Zedao possesses the astral body, his astral body has not yet awakened.

Li Zedao learned about the awakening of the astral body in a certain book in the Cangshu Pavilion. It is not difficult for people with astral bodies to awaken their astral bodies.

The first is natural awakening.

It's like a fruit that has already grown on a fruit tree. Just give it time and nutrients, and it will mature naturally.

It's just not easy to say whether this natural awakening time is one day or three days, one year or three years, and varies from person to person.

The second way is to find another soulmaker to use the power of the soul to help you awaken the astral body.

The so-called astral power is a mysterious power that naturally arises after the astral body is awakened. It is said that that power will allow you to see the existence of ghosts, and even touch the ethereal soul.

After all, the soul master can use the emptiness of the soul to refine the pill, and refine all kinds of Horcruxes out of it, he needs to be able to see or even touch the soul.

Li Zedao thought for a while, should he ask the dean to let his old man help to awaken his astral body?

Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

In fact, the soulmaker uses the power of his own soul to help others awaken the body of the soul, it will cost a lot of money, and his soul will be damaged.

This kind of damage will reduce the soulsmith's cultivation base, and there is no way to recover it in a short time.

Therefore, unless you are a loved one, no soulsmith will use his own soul power to help you awaken that soul body.

Entering the Liuli Cave, when Li Zedao was about to light the charcoal to open the furnace for alchemy, he suddenly noticed an unmatched force coming from his back.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Li Zedao was directly hit and flew, his body hit the mountain wall heavily and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The entire cave seems to be shaking, and you can see how powerful this collision is.

"Puff!" Li Zedao directly spouted a mouthful of blood, struggling to get up and look up, only to see a little tortoise in a gold suit floating there, and the tortoise's eyes were full of discomfort and staring at him.

"Little Daozi, you can't be too shameless." Little Turtle said.

Li Zedao was very embarrassed and smiled: "Master Gui...that..."

"Master Turtle is very upset now, don't talk to Master Turtle!" Little Turtle stared.

Li Zedao hurriedly shut up, scolding this little tortoise secretly that he was too careful, wouldn't he use your means to pretend to be a force? As for beating?

"Little Daozi, do you know the **** fruit?" Little Turtle gave Li Ze a white look.

Li Zedao felt that this tortoise was really sick, and he just shut himself up, but now he asked himself to answer his questions.

What is another **** fruit? Why have you never heard of it?

Li Zedao had already memorized the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" by heart, and even turned over the drawers of various herbs on the third floor of the Pills Pavilion. It seems that there is no record of this so-called **** fruit.

"Master Gui, what is **** fruit?" Li Zedao shook his head and said he didn't know.

Little tortoise opened her mouth and cursed: "Little Daozi, your sister! I don't even know what **** fruit is, but I vowed to say something about Sister Shui. I don't want you to die. Sister Sister, I won't let you die...Your sister! I almost spit out the breakfast I ate a year ago! Man, as expected, I can only say some bluff!"

Li Zedao's pupils suddenly rounded when he heard this, and his head buzzed.

So, the **** fruit that the little turtle said can extend the life of the water concubine spirit?

"Dare to ask Master Gui, I don't know where to find this **** fruit?" Li Zedao asked anxiously.

"Xiao Daozi, even if Master Turtle tells you where there are **** fruits, you think you can see it? Not to mention, you can't get there at all!" Little turtle looked at Li Zedao's eyes as if looking at an idiot. Like.

"Master Turtle, what does it mean to be invisible?" Li Zedao didn't care how the little tortoise ridiculed himself so much, and continued to ask how he looked down on himself.

This is a life-saving straw, so Li Zedao was always grateful, so he took the initiative to ignore all kinds of cold remarks that the life-saving straw made to himself, and even acted on himself.

But why do you want to drink turtle soup so much?

Without the ability to reach that place, Li Zedao understood for himself, thinking with his knees, he knew that it must be an extremely dangerous place.

As for being invisible, Li Zedao can't figure it out at all. Should he be blind? Not only are you not blind, but you also have golden eyes, OK?

"Hell Fruit Hell Fruit, as the name suggests, is an extremely mysterious fruit from hell. It is said that it was transformed from the soul of a super strong person, and it is the most yin thing."

The little tortoise glanced at Li Zedao and slowly spoke. There was a hint of solemnity in his eyes. One can imagine how unusual this kind of **** fruit is.

"Because of this, only the awakened person can see this **** fruit with the naked eye, and other people don't even want to see him."

Li Zedao suddenly realized that it was so.

Although he has an astral body, he hasn't awakened yet, so I really can't see it.

Little Tortoise glanced at Li Zedao: "Little Daozi, you have the astral body. Although you have not awakened, this is not a problem. It is as simple as a yawn for the turtle to wake your astral body."

"Master Gui, since this kind of thing is so simple, then help me awaken the soul body now." Li Zedao's eyes brightened.

"Your sister, Master Tortoise... that indeed can help you awaken that astral body by yawning right now, but why should Master Tortoise help you?" The little turtle twitched at the corner of her mouth. Pat the turtle paw!

Master Turtle is just exaggerating. You kid kicking his nose and ass? Are we familiar? Still nodding face?

Li Zedao's head shrank, and his heart was quite contemptuous.

This tortoise is too exaggerated and likes to pretend too much. He doesn't know what it means to be realistic.

"In short, the place where **** fruit grows is extremely dangerous. Even the boy who is longevity doesn't have the courage to get close to that place, let alone your boy." Little Turtle said.

Li Zedao's scalp went numb, and what a terrifying and fierce place was the place that even the dean didn't have the courage to approach?

I couldn't help but swallowed, and asked in a low voice, "Master Turtle, what is that place? You dare not approach that place?"

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Li Zedao flew out again, hitting the wall heavily, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

With a mouth open, he spouted a mouthful of blood.

"Your sister's little Daozi, can you speak human words? What does it mean to dare not go? Who is the master turtle? That ghost place, master turtle, think about it and return, how about no one can take master turtle? "The little turtle scolded very uncomfortably.

Li Zedao got up with difficulty, wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth, and silently greeted this **** turtle's eighteenth-generation ancestor in his heart.

Your sister, will you die if you don't brag? Don't think I haven't seen the name of the place that hasn't been mentioned, your tortoise face has changed.

"But even if Mr. Turtle wants to go, he just wants to leave. Why does Mr. Turtle go to that ghost place to help you pick the **** fruit? You are not Mr. Turtle’s son or Mr. Turtle’s lover, and that woman is not Mr. Turtle. Who is this, Master Gui takes care of her to die." Little tortoise gave Li Ze a fierce look.

Worried that the turtle would slap it again, Li Zedao could only smile humbly, and did not dare to provoke the **** turtle.

"In short, if you want that woman to survive, you must use the **** fruit. Send the **** fruit to the turtle master. The turtle will naturally have the ability to refine the pill to save the woman's life." Little tortoise has such a simple thing. Turtle's expression can be solved with a yawn.

"Master Turtle, where is the place where the **** fruit grows?" Li Zedao didn't bother to care about the little tortoise pretending to be there.

Whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, in order to prolong the life of his life-saving benefactor, he is going to make a break.

Li Zedao was overwhelmed by his own character of knowing kindness.

"Infinite Hell!" The little turtle's tone changed slightly, and his eyes also showed movement.

Can make this little tortoise, who ignores the powerful spirit fairy mirror, change its color, one can imagine how terrifying this Hell is.

"Infinite Hell? That infinite **** where no one knows where it is?" Li Zedao's expression also changed, and he took a few breaths.

Infinite Hell is not the eighth **** of the eight hot hells that Li Zedao originally understood from the Buddhist scriptures. It is also called the Abi Hell.

The Buddhist scriptures say that infinite **** is huge, vast and indifferent. The ghosts that have penetrated into **** cannot escape. Because there is no reincarnation, they will suffer in **** forever and forever as a vicious retribution in his lifetime. Therefore, this **** is also called "Abi Dacheng" ".

The infinite **** here is actually a fierce land.

There are ten fierce lands in God's Domain. These ten places or the climate are extremely harsh, such as the imperfect plains covered by ice for thousands of miles, and stormy snow at night.

Or a variety of powerful poisonous insects and beasts rampant, such as the endless mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles.

Another example is that big desert. Not only is the climate extremely bad, walking into the desert is like entering the big steamer, it seems to be roasted, and there is a beauty snake with extremely terrifying power.

It is said that the beauty snake not only likes the handsome male pets, but sometimes even when the mood is slightly unbeautiful, she will swallow the male pets she favors.

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