The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2180: Descendants of Nuwa

"Uh..." Li Zedao made a huge wave in his heart.

So, how many people from the mortal realm actually live in the realm of God? Just as there are several old monsters from God's Domain in Fanyu?

"Because Panlong was severely injured, and the strength of the remaining eight messengers was also extremely powerful, after that, they escaped the chase of the strong in God's Domain, and finally hid in the darkness of the sky. "

Concubine Shui Ling said: "In the long years that followed, these eight envoys fleeing from the power of God's Domain in the darkness, while struggling to thrive..."

Shui Feiling continued to stare at Li Zedao with inexplicable eyes, as if he was staring at some monster.

Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened suddenly, showing a look of horror.

Could it be...

Seeing that Li Zedao showed such a terrifying expression, Concubine Shui knew what he had thought of, and said: "Little brother, what you have in your heart is right. In the following years, they seem to be so horrified. Strengthen their own strength, and thus have the ability to wreak havoc on the entire Divine Realm. They choose to do whatever it takes to continue the Nuwa bloodline. They forcibly rob women and use them as tools for fertility. What is even more frightening is that they also forcibly interact with various poisonous insects Kind of mating, continuing blood..."

Concubine Shui Ling's eyes narrowed slightly: "Little brother, the corpses in the big pit that you saw just now are the masterpieces of these people."

Li Zedao trembled and felt that his breathing had stagnated.

Not only because of hearing such a shocking fact, but also because of Shui Feiling's eyes.

From in front of the big pit, Li Zedao noticed that the eyes of Concubine Shui looked at him were quite weird, as if he was the culprit.

The twelve envoys of Nuwa are from the mortal realm...

Just like historical reasons, almost all Chinese people today hate islanders.

So Concubine Shui also knew that she was from the mortal realm, so she stared at herself with that look?

Li Zedao became quite at a loss, breathing quickly, what should I do? Do you want to turn around and run now?

No, be calm! Maybe this woman was just skeptical, or maybe she was worried too much.

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman's faces also turned pale.

It was the first time they knew that such a terrifying group of Nuwa descendants lived in God's Domain. As beautiful women, they indicated that their safety had a great problem.

"But after all, bloodlines are different, and humans and animals are also different, so these eight people didn't have much bloodline. Most of the children died before they were born, or they were weak and sick, and died shortly after birth. Or it may have survived by chance, but is not fertile. It is said that only less than 10% of people in normal body are in normal body, and the task of this adult is to continue the blood."

Li Zedao made a difficult point. For a scholar from the mortal domain like him, he naturally understood why he had no fertility.

To explain in more professional terms is that after all, they are not the same species, so when their offspring are fertilized, their chromosomes will be messed up and they will not be able to form embryos... Fuck, is it time to show off knowledge?

"In fact, little brother, you have already fought against Nuwa's descendants." Shui Feiling said.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled again, what does Shui Feiling mean?

"The dragon python, one of the top ten fierce beasts, is actually the descendant of the eight ambassadors. Nuwa's blood is flowing in it."

"..." Both Nangong Meili and Su Caiman were dumbfounded. They were the first to hear that the dragon python, one of the ten most fierce beasts in God's Domain, turned out to be the descendant of Nuwa, which was really unimaginable.

And these words exploded like a thunder in Li Zedao's ears, making him completely stunned.

Lomon is actually a descendant of Nuwa?

Li Zedao clearly recalled the scene when he encountered the dragon python.

At that time, the dragon python didn't directly swallow him with the bones of his belt, even, it seemed to be laughing.

Li Zedao always thought it was a mockery of evil taste, or the kind of smile that the foodie showed after seeing the food.

But thinking about it now, it seems to be a friendly smile.

So the dragon python rooted in the mortal domain knows that he is also from the mortal domain, so it shows its kindness?

Li Zedao's soul was trembling, and there was an urge to turn around and run away. Even the dragon python could see that he was from the mortal realm, can the water concubine spirit not see it? Even if Concubine Shui Ling can't see it, can the Yuan Changsheng see it?

But anyway, Shui Feiling knew about it all the time, otherwise why would she stare at herself with such weird eyes?

"Little brother, who are you? Are you really the son of that third-rate swordsman Li Xiaoyao?"

The corners of Shui Feiling's mouth curled up with an inexplicable range, a pair of little brothers and sisters who knew everything, so don't hide it.

After swiping, Nangong Meili and Su Caiman's eyes fell on Li Zedao.

Su Caiman's expression was a little dazed, and she didn't understand what Shui Feiling meant.

Nangong Meili's brows wrinkled slightly. She had long known that the Li Zedao in front of her was not the same Li Zedao before. The two people looked exactly the same, but their personalities were completely different.

It's just that she is not too curious about the true origin of Li Zedao.

She is a woman who doesn't think so much, as long as Li Zedao likes her, other things include his true origin, or how many women around him, she really doesn't care that much.

Looking at this situation now, it seems that Shui Feiling knows his true origin?

Li Zedao's scalp was about to burst, and cold sweat came out directly.

Take a deep breath and warn yourself to be calm. Before the other party really reveals your own details, you must not mess up or frighten yourself.

The expression on his face looked so confused: "The younger brother doesn't understand what Sister Shui means. The younger brother's father is the third-rate swordsman Li Xiaoyao from the middle tribe."

"Really?" The inexplicable wrinkle at the corner of Shui Fei Ling's mouth was even worse.

Li Zedao nodded madly, but now that he can only bite the bullet and refuse to admit it.

"Little brother, do you know why you became a special student recruited by the dean?" Shui Feiling's big eyes flickered, full of inexplicable smiles.

"This...because my talent for cultivation is as high as that of no one before and no one else? Also because I am handsome and can become a worthy person in the Academy?" Li Ze thought for a while.

"..." Concubine Shui almost struck this shameless guy to death without holding back a whip.

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman also had weird expressions on their faces. They only felt that the original nervous atmosphere was suddenly shaken by his shameless words.

I have seen someone who is shameless, and I have never seen such a shameless person. Wouldn't he be a little embarrassed if he put gold on his face so crazy?

"It can't be because I am the illegitimate son of the dean, right?" Li Zedao spread his hands.

"Go!" The muscles on Shui Feiling's face twitched.

Damn little brother, you too value the old man, right? How could that old man grow so failed to give birth to a handsome young man like you?

Worried that if this shameless guy continues to speak, he can't help but want to kill someone. Shui Feiling said: "That's because the dean accidentally met you when he went to the Central Tribe and discovered a secret in you. "

"Huh?" Li Zedao was taken aback, as if things were different from what he thought.

"What...what's the secret?" Li Zedao took a deep breath, his back was chilly and completely wet.

"You are not Li Xiaoyao's son, you were picked up by Li Xiaoyao accidentally somewhere deep in the mountains and old forest." Shui Feiling said.

"Sister Shui, what are you talking about?" Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, his face was full of astonishment, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

Seconds into the play! Li Zedao was so touched by his superb acting skills.

"Sister Shui, what are you saying is true?" Li Zedao asked anxiously, completely at a loss, "unable to accept" all this.

"It's true. In fact, you have the blood of Nuwa, little brother." Concubine Shui's Lingbei teeth bit her lower lip slightly.

"Huh?" Li Zedao was stunned. This time he was not acting in a hurry, but really dumbfounded.

Therefore, the reason why the dragon python smiled at himself and the eyes that only Shui Feiling looked at was so weird, not because he knew that he was from the realm of God, but because that Li Zedao had the blood of Nuwa...

Ma Dan, I said earlier, this handsome guy was scared to death!

Li Zedao felt that he was about to collapse.

As for whether he will be killed if he has the blood of Nuwa, Li Zedao is not worried at all, after all, if he would be killed, he would have died long ago.

The eyes of Nangong Meili and Su Caiman staring at Li Zedao widened, and they couldn't believe what their ears heard.

This guy turned out to be the descendant of the evil Nuwa who invaded God's Domain in the past?

Nangong Meili understood why Li Zedao would say that before.

He told Nangong Wan'er before that his situation is very special, and the future situation may be very bad. If one is not careful, he will stand on the opposite side of the entire God Realm...

That's it! Being a descendant of Nuwa, isn't it the same as standing on the opposite side of the entire God Realm?

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao and saw that he was at a loss, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted up inexplicably. This guy, who knew his origins, was now pretending again.

But... not right!

Nangong Meili frowned. You know, this Li Zedao and the previous Li Zedao don't seem to be the same person...Nangong Meili is also a little confused, so she doesn't think much about it.

"Shui... Sister Shui, what are you saying is true?" Li Zedao's voice was trembling, his body stepped backward, as if he didn't know what to do.

Naturally, he is continuing his acting skills.

"It's true!" Shui Feiling nodded, "It is reasonable to say that when you find that Nuwa blood is flowing on your body, the dean should kill you, but he did the opposite. You will be specially recruited into the Academy of Flaws, and after that, you will be taken care of by the old sword. Let the old sword teach you the heavenly high-grade spiritual skills, Leiqi, and allow you to use any resources in the Pill Pavilion, even if you almost take Nadan The Medicine Pavilion was blown up..."

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