The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2189: Danger strikes

"Oh, I forgot. You are still a virgin. Naturally, I don't know how durable he is. It seems that your relationship with your little brother is not intimate enough. Your nominal fiancée must have failed." He giggled, his expression was quite disdainful.

"With each other." Nangong Meili glanced at Shui Feiling and counterattacked. Don't think I can't see it, you and him haven't broken through that relationship.

"Surely each other?" Shui Feiling said with disdain, "Well, when he and his two close friends were over there, I secretly took a peek, how about you? Don't tell me you also peek Ever."

"..." The corner of Nangong Meili's mouth twitched violently, and her expression was so weird and weird. The confrontation was a complete defeat, because she hadn't really watched it.

She is not so boring, not so nasty!

The most important thing is that he doesn't have that kind of skill, so he won't be discovered when he is peeping.

"Seriously, I really hate you, sometimes I want to kill you all." Shui Feiling said.

"It's not enough to just kill a few of us." Nangong Meili replied blankly. "As far as I know, there is one or more women waiting for him to return somewhere."

Concubine Shui Ling's eyes widened at once, her face full of shock: "Really?"

"Don't you know?" Nangong Meili felt that she had found the best counterattack point.

"It seems that your relationship with him is not close enough."


Concubine Shui Ling felt upset, gritted her teeth: "Damn little brother!"


A few days later, Ziyun Eagle took Li Zedao and the others to leave the Gen tribe and arrive at the earthquake tribe, the destination of their trip!

Like the other tribes of the nine major tribes, the earthquake tribe has a large area.

The mountains here are endless, and the bad waters are intertwined. Compared with other tribes, especially the Chinese tribes, it can be regarded as a poor village.

The city here is either built on the hillside, or built on the water, the structure is extremely simple and rough, full of primitiveness everywhere.

The words of poor mountains and evil waters coming out of the people are also quite applicable here. The people here don't welcome outsiders so much. If they make a mistake, they immediately draw their swords to each other.

Because either stayed on the back of the Ziyun Eagle, or rested in a deserted place, and had not had any contact with the people of the Zhen tribe, there was no conflict with the people here.

Of course, I didn't encounter a killer sent by Yingzhou Academy, and I didn't know whether they were secretly preparing an attack plan or that they had temporarily given up on the hunt.

In addition, although most people in the shock tribe regard the Gu God, known as the King of Ten Thousand Gus, as a spiritual symbol, and worship the Gu God as a god, but it is only that group of people who really raise Gu worms and use Gu worms. The group of people in the deepest and most mysterious place of the Zhen tribe are called Gu people.

As for that mysterious place, it was called Gujiang.

Gu people can be said to be the most primitive residents of the shock tribe. They live in the deep mountains, raise various powerful Gu worms, and use **** Gu as their spiritual symbol.

Afterwards, Gu people walked out of the Gu Territory, combined with people outside to multiply their offspring, and with the entry of people from other tribes, so cities were built, and villages were built, forming the current earthquake tribe. .

Gu people still live in Gujiang. They don't have any contact with outsiders. Occasionally, all communication is in exchange for some necessities of life.

And outsiders rarely enter Gu Territory, let alone that mysterious place is surrounded by a large area of ​​terrifying rainforest, and Gu people are quite unfriendly, and they don't like others to spy on their lives.

Natural Hazard plus its own extremely powerful strength, so unless there is a reason to go, no one will try to get close to that area.

Gujiang is the final destination of Li Zedao's trip. After all, the rumors about Gu God come from Gujiang. If there is a Gu God, it must be in Gujiang!

With a clear howl, the Ziyun Eagle landed on top of a big tree.


Another bolt of lightning burst in the sky, as if to tear open the endless black curtain ahead.

Immediately the rain began to increase, and the raindrops the size of soybeans crackled and fell, and it hurt people as much as being hit by that bb bomb.

At this time, Li Zedao, Shui Feiling and Nangong Meili were huddled in the raincoat made of some kind of animal skin. This raincoat is unique to the Zhen tribe. It is waterproof but tough. It is a little heavy. Don't worry too much about the continuous downpour.

The raincoat was "purchased" by Li Zedao from a family. Li Zedao was quite repulsive of this kind of sneaking, but under the coercion of Concubine Shui Ling, he could only do it. However, when he took the raincoat, Li Zedao left something behind. Sack of gold coins.

The Ziyun Eagle was a little embarrassed. Its originally smooth and shiny feathers were all wetted by the rain at this time and curled up into a ball. The huge body was also shivering, so its flight speed was greatly reduced.

Ziyun Eagle is afraid of water, the kind that is very afraid.

The reason Shui Fei Ling was able to tame it before was to bathe it continuously.

Concubine Shui pointed to the endless rainforest hundreds of meters away, her expression dignified: "Little brother, the dense forest in front is the lost forest known as one of the ten most fierce places in God's Domain. The lost forest stretches for thousands of miles. It will be much smaller than the Buzhou Plain. And if we want to reach Gu Territory, we have to pass through this dense forest first."

Her voice was mostly submerged by the rain, and it sounded a little vague.

"It turns out that it is the Lost Forest, one of the ten most fierce places." Li Zedao swallowed, his little heart trembling.

The large black area is a bit more dangerous than the plains.

Nangong Meili's complexion also became solemn.

She has known a little about this lost forest.

It is said that because of the heavy rain in this area for many years, the trees in the lost forest grow extremely luxuriant, completely shielding the sun from the sky.

And there are countless undercurrents under this dense forest, full of poisonous miasma, and people can't walk in the forest at all.

There are undoubtedly only two ways to walk through this dense forest.

First, build a small and light boat and walk slowly through the forest.

Second, it is natural to use Ziyun Carving, a beast that is good at flying, to cross directly.

The second method seems to be much safer and faster than the first method, but it is not.

Because this stray forest lives in a palm-sized poisonous insect called millipede mosquito.

Millipede mosquitoes are so fast that they feed on sap from big trees, but occasionally they will open their flesh, that is, when birds fly over their heads.

It stands to reason that such a large dense forest should be a paradise for birds, but there is not a single bird in this dense forest!

It is said that there were many birds a long time ago, but one day I don’t know where a millipede flew from, and then fewer and fewer birds, and more and more millipedes.

In the end, no birds were seen, and the millipede mosquitoes had nothing to eat, so they had no choice but to start sucking the sap of the big tree.

Therefore, when birds appear over this dense forest, it is the time for this group of millipede mosquitoes to fight their teeth.

Nangong Meili also heard that this millipede mosquito is actually an extremely powerful gu worm raised by the Gu people. Its purpose is to prevent people from trying to fly through this lost forest through flying birds to reach the place where they live. Region, that is, Gujiang.

Therefore, with the help of the Ziyun Sculpture to pass through the lost forest in front, it is a very terrible thing for the Ziyun Sculpture. There is almost no accident. Its blood will be absorbed by the millipede mosquito that likes to **** the blood of birds.

Traveling through the dense forest with the help of a light boat is equally dangerous. Who knows if there are some terrifying poisonous insects and beasts living under the water? Or what kind of powerful Gu worms kept by Gu people?

What's more terrible is that one who is not careful will be completely lost.

Getting lost, knowing how to return, this is advice, but also a warning!

"Little brother, I can only take the boat next." Concubine Shui said solemnly.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and nodded: "Go down and build a boat."

"You will?" Nangong Meili asked.

Wouldn’t the situation be better if I wanted to be the public loser? After all, people from the public loser family are proficient in organs, and it shouldn't be difficult to build a light ship.

If it doesn't work, then look for a larger piece of wood, which can barely be used.

"I folded it with paper." Li Ze said with a smile.


"Get out!" Shui Feiling almost kicked Li Zedao down without holding back. When was the time, she was still in the mood to make such a joke.

Sui Feiling patted Ziyun Diao's head, and Ziyun Diao let out a long roar. After a few breaths, she had already come under the big tree.

The tree is extremely lush, like a huge open umbrella, so even if the thunderstorm is heavy, the soil under the tree is still quite dry.

Li Zedao jumped off the back of Ziyun Carving, tore off the raincoat and hat on his head, and exhaled heavily.

Such bad weather can really kill people.

He had never thought that rain would be such a horrible thing, so terrified that after he felt the rain, a strong person with a high level of cultivation in the spirit and **** realm felt a sense of fear.

It seems that no matter how powerful human beings are, they are so vulnerable to nature.

Another flash of lightning flashed across, and the entire sky instantly turned pale.

"Rumble..." The deafening muffled thunder followed closely, causing Li Zedao's ears to buzz and feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Li Zedao's pupils shrank, and his nerves suddenly tightened!

He feels danger! Extremely strong danger!

At this moment, a sword that was as black as ink appeared out of thin air, stabbing him in the chest fiercely.

When Li Zedao reacted, the sword had already pierced the raincoat he was wearing.

"Little brother..." Shui Feiling's face instantly turned pale, her eyes were cracked, and she wanted to save it but it was too late.

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