The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2223: Father and daughter

"It's also for your mother's good. If you want your mother to get rid of the curse, he must die." Yi Jiang explained, his eyes filled with bitter smiles.

"You, shut up!" Nangong Meili said blankly, just feeling that her breathing is not smooth, and her heart is chaotic to the extreme.

If this is just a person who wants to kill Li Zedao, then she can just pass it with a single sword, but unfortunately, he is her biological father, and unfortunately, he also found such a person that made her unable to make a decision. reason.

This made her feel panic and helpless, not knowing what to do.

Yijiang opened his mouth and shut up after all. He was jealous, so he wished to kill Li Zedao who was trapped in the colorless wall immediately.

"Let go of them." Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao, her eyes full of self-blame and pain.

"Can't let it go." Yi Jiang shook his head.

"Let go of them!" Nangong Meili's voice became even colder.

Yijiang shook his head again.

"Bang!" Nangong Meili drew out her long sword and stared at Yijiang firmly.

The blade that shone with cold light was not aimed at Yijiang, but at his own pink neck.

"Let go of them!"

Yijiang smiled bitterly and shook his head again.

In the colorless wall, Li Zedao calmly witnessed all this, but his hands were slightly clenched into fists.

"Little brother, don't worry, that guy won't let her commit suicide." Shui Feiling said.

"I know." Li Zedao said.

"It's hard for her." Shui Feiling sighed softly.


Nangong Meili's eyes showed desperation, and she was about to cut her pink neck.

Immediately, her pupils widened slightly, and she found that her body seemed to be frozen, completely unable to move, her mouth opened and she could not make any sound.

At the moment, she looked at Yi Jiang's eyes even more desperate, and her heart was extremely cold.

Immediately, her world plunged into endless darkness, and she couldn't see anything.

She knew that she had been guilty by her own father.

Although Yijiang was not very good at Gu poison, he had also raised Gu worms after all, so some of the most common Gu worms were raised in the cave on the Gushen Mountain. The right is to pass the time.

The Gu worms he raised can temporarily immobilize the body of the middle Gu, or lose sight and hearing, as well as the ability to speak.

Of course, because it is the most common Gu worm, other Gu people can easily detoxify it even if they are infected with such a Gu poison.

But for Nangong Meili, she was helpless after being infected with this kind of poison, and she completely turned into a lamb to be slaughtered.

Yi Jiang stretched out his hand, gently snatched the long sword in Shui Concubine's hand, looked at her with such loving eyes, and said, "Child, it will be over soon."

Nangong Meili closed her eyes, a teardrop fell from the corner of her eyes, and her heart felt helpless and painful.

At this moment, I only heard a series of muffled sounds of "Om...", and then a large number of Gu worms came over the sky and covered the earth, making the already dim forest even darker, like the end of the world.

Li Zedao was surrounded into a bug ball before, so seeing this kind of scene at this time, it is not so creepy.

Concubine Shui Ling took a few breaths back. Although the scalp had been chased by a large group of Gu worms before, the number of those Gu worms was nothing compared to the current situation.

Immediately, the flames flickered, and dozens of small bamboo rafts quickly surrounded them, and the gu worms rushing from all directions surrounded the area about a mile from the center of the canoe.

Six or seven Gu people stood in each small bamboo row, and many Gu people held torches on their bodies.

There was a bamboo lounge chair on the small bamboo row at the front, and a thin old woman was sitting paralyzed on the lounge chair.

The woman's old face was wrinkled, like a few orange peels, but it was pale and bloodless, as if she had albinism.

Those muddy old eyes were sallow, but they showed a rather gloomy atmosphere, and she was wearing a lot of silverware. These silverware did not make her look noble, but made her look like a fairy tale. Like an old witch.

When Yijiang saw the old woman, he knelt down on one knee, his eyes were full of piousness, and he drew a special symbol on his chest with his fingers, and said, "Holy Girl Qianqiu!"

In the colorless wall, Shui Feiling and Li Zedao watched all this, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

That terrifying old witch turned out to be the saint of Gu Jiang?

For a while, Li Zedao felt so disappointed and disappointed, aren't all the so-called saints on TV all super beautiful women? How come this is a horrible old woman who doesn't need makeup to play a ghost movie?

"Little brother, you insulted your sister Shui. This old woman who is about to die is one ten thousandth as good-looking as her sister?" Concubine Shui Ling glanced aside with dissatisfaction, Li Zedao.

Li Zedao was so calm, it also calmed her anxious heart, and started joking.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, when is this, sister Shui is still in the mood to say such things.

"It seems that for the curse on Yang Dai's body, Yijiang has secretly hooked up with Gu people a long time ago." Shui Feiling said with a frown.

"It may also be forced." Li Zedao said.

I thought that Senior, as he knew, was not a good person in the true sense. For his own benefit, he could easily abandon morality.

For the sake of his own life, he could watch his pregnant woman being accused, abused and spurned by thousands of husbands, and then thrown into the pig cage without dignity.

Li Zedao was even more willing to believe that Yijiang lied before.

After giving him such a step down, he immediately fabricated such a lie.

In Li Zedao’s view, the reason why he had the courage to replace Yangdai in the pig cage that night and accept the torture on her behalf was not because he was so painful that he could not hear the fetus in his belly. It's because of the sound, but because he knows very clearly that he can't die!

In other words, Snake Bird has already begun to repay him because of his grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's kind deeds, so Yijiang knows that even if he is thrown off the Devil Volcano, Snake Bird will save him!

As for whether this is the case, Li Zedao did not dare to make a judgment.

"Who knows?" Shui Feiling shrugged her shoulders inconspicuously, and then said murderously, "However, he must die!"

She glanced at Nangong Meili with a painful expression, and then changed her words: "At least, he has to pay a painful price."

Li Zedao smiled. This change in Shui Feiling's personality is naturally what he would like to see. If she has been so arrogant and aggressive, it will be difficult to get along with Linglong and the others. Even after a long time, huge conflicts will arise.

She was also a little touched. This woman had completely changed her behavior for her own sake. She had become decisive in killing her now, but she really embarrassed her.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and gently held Shui Feiling's hand.

"Why? I want to sleep with my sister again?" Feeling the kind of love from Li Zedao, Concubine Shui Ling gave Li Zedao a blank look.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled, calling out the evildoer.

Smiled shyly, with a rather pure appearance: "I was found by Sister Shui."

"Deng's disciple... do you still want to be in the same bed after you go back?" Concubine Shui smiled charmingly, fascinating.

Had it not been for the same situation now, she would have eaten her little brother.

She knows the taste, so she is extremely passionate about that kind of thing.

"Can you?" Li Zedao swallowed, making him even more shy.

The charming smile on Shui Feiling's face was even more intense, and her attractive red lips exhaled like blue in Li Zedao's ear: "It's not impossible, I'm afraid that after seeing their sister's jade body, they will be ashamed of themselves."

"..." This woman is really confident.

In fact, Li Zedao's guess was correct. The reason why Yi Jiang gave him such a statement was indeed coerced at first, and it was a terrible coercion.

As early as a day ago, when Shui Feiling continued to experience the persistence of Li Zedao without shame or irritation, Yijiang couldn't listen to it, and almost cursed his mother.

These two shameless people simply don't regard themselves as men.

Although a lot of his flesh is gone, revealing white bones, the place is still intact anyway, plus it has been holding back for 20 years, it is extremely hot.

Hearing this kind of voice now made him almost crazy, and even thought of killing the kid and trying to force the stunner. In the end, he could only choose to leave the cave to find someone. Help yourself eliminate it everywhere, and it will kill people if this continues.

When he came to a secluded place, Yi Jiang recalled the fragrant and beautiful scenes when he was with Yang Dai in his mind. It felt like he quickly took off his pants to put out the fire.

At this moment, he felt that his little brother was numb, and when he fixed his eyes, Yijiang's pupils suddenly rounded up, and his heartbeat speeded up sharply. In the end he almost came out of his throat, on his forehead. It was sweating like rain.

Because he saw a bug, a bug that didn't know when it landed on his little brother.

The figure of this flying insect kept expanding in his already dilated pupils, and not only had his body completely destroyed during his breath, it had even destroyed his soul.

As a Gu person, Yijiang naturally knows what kind of bug this is!

This is Silver King Gu!

Except for Gu God, the most powerful Gu worms, even those with strong spirit mirrors, would have to run away when encountering Silver King Gu, let alone him.

But the Silver King Gu fell on it now, and it even seemed to have a bite on it!

Yijiang felt the darkness in front of him, the sky was spinning, and he was so scared that he almost fainted, and his heart was extremely gloomy.

At this moment, Silver King Gu stirred its wings to leave the place of Yijiang, fluttered several wings in front of Yijiang, and then flew forward.

Yijiang knew that the Silver King Gu motioned to follow him.

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