"Return the golden pupil!"

The Baili Poison Wolf made a hideous sound, and the index and middle fingers of his right hand slammed out, piercing Li Zedao's eyes fiercely!

If this is stabbed, Li Zedao's eyeballs will be dug out abruptly.

Li Zedao didn't hide or leave, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm, and his heart moved.

At the moment when Baili Poison Wolf’s index and middle fingers were about to pierce Li Zedao’s eyes, a golden light appeared out of thin air that seemed so mysterious. The golden light immediately blocked Baili Poison Wolf’s fingers, making it disappear. The method continues to move forward by a few minutes.

The vicious and hideous eyes of Baili Poison Wolf were immediately replaced by extreme horror, his mind roared violently, and an unprecedented huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

What's happening here? Why can a mere golden light be able to block one's unreserved blow?

"Yellow...golden cover?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Baili Poison Wolf subconsciously exclaimed.

His mind roared even more fiercely, and a huge wave 10,000 times stronger than before was set off in his heart, and the whole person became an idiot.

Golden cover?

The ancestors and patriarchs of the three major families looked at the golden aperture that wrapped Li Zedao, and their eyes were round, and they couldn't believe it was true.

This kid is actually carrying the gold cover of the Ninth Grade Horcrux?

"Very unexpected?" Li Zedao sneered.

Of course, such a smile fell into the eyes of Baili Poisonous Wolf, this kid is showing off his wealth rather shamelessly.

"It's really unexpected." The consternation in Baili Poison Wolf's eyes has been replaced by hot greed.

This level of Horcrux, no matter who appeared on it, or even appeared on a powerful person of the level of the longevity Taoist, would give people a rather unexpected feeling.


At this moment, the sound of the sword entering the flesh sounded.

The expression on Baili Poisonous Wolf's face instantly solidified, and the viciousness and greed in his eyes had been replaced by extreme incredibleness.

He bowed his head with difficulty, and suddenly saw a long sword inserted straight into his heart, and the slender blade came out even more.

At this moment, a stream of **** water was following the sharp peak that shone with cold light, dripping drop by drop to the ground. The sound of such a slight sound was abnormally harsh at this time, and it was so terrifying, as if it came from the Jiuyou Hell.

The ancestors and patriarchs of the three major families were dumbfounded, and there was a huge wave ten thousand times stronger than when they saw the golden cover.

None of them saw that kid draw his sword!

That sword, as if appearing out of thin air, pierced the heart of Baili Poisonous Wolf coldly!

"Li Zedao..." Baili Poison Wolf looked up, looking at Li Zedao with an incredible face.

This kid actually has a golden cover, he can barely accept it.

But this kid **** stabbed himself with a sword...how did he do it? How can he do it?

"This... is none of my business." Li Zedao said quite innocently.

The magical little tortoise couldn't help but want to curse when she heard this. What is your sister's little way, it doesn't matter to you? If it weren’t for you to express pitifully that you’re too rubbish, and beg Master Turtle to kill all the old guys at the top of the Spiritual God Realm, and Master Turtle’s claws are also itchy, will Master Turtle take action?

My sister's!

As if being severely irritated by Li Zedao’s words, Baili Poison Wolf directly spewed a mouthful of old blood, and his body fell softly to the ground, twitching constantly, and his scarlet eyes were full of nothing. Willingly.

He didn’t understand, he clearly occupied the right time and place, and he knew that he had four strong men with the highest level of spiritual and **** cultivation, plus three strong men with the highest level of spiritual and **** cultivation. Why did he die in the end? ?

"You... how did you do it?" Baili Poisonous Wolf said with difficulty, and he couldn't really catch his eyes unless he understood this matter.

"It's all said, it's none of my business." Li Zedao didn't want to carry such a murder charge, he didn't want to provoke that powerful family.

Li Zedao wanted to cry, he had already provoked, and it was the kind that provoked death.

Baili Poison Wolf's body pumped even more severely. He was very angry, really angry. He was not so angry when his son was tricked by that **** woman.

How can he do? Don't you **** admit to killing someone? The character of this kid is really problematic!

He wants to question the real Changsheng, don't you think about character when recruiting students in the college?

Immediately he spouted another mouthful of blood, his head hung weakly, and he couldn't catch his eyes.

The ancestors and patriarchs of the three major families have completely become idiots.

They don't know what happened, and they don't know what will happen next.

At this moment, Dongfang Guardian felt that a terrifying aura was coming, but it was too late to escape.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, he flew out directly, vomiting blood during the flight.

While breathing, his body slammed heavily on the wall, and then fell to the ground, his face was already pale as paper, and he was obviously injured.

At the moment when Dongfang Guards was beaten and flew out, the ancestors of the Ximen family and the Beitang family were also knocked down to the ground almost at the same time, all vomiting blood, and the powerhouses who were cultivated at the top of the spiritual gods became Renren. Lambs slaughtered by people.

Although I knew that the little tortoise was quite awesome, when Li Zedao saw it like cutting melons and vegetables, he wiped out the four powerhouses at the top of the spiritual **** realm. The little heart still trembled violently. Next, it's hard to believe this is true.

In fact, Li Zedao first asked Little Tortoise to kill the three ancestors of the other three major families who had the highest level of cultivation of the spiritual mirror and the Baili Poison Wolf, but Little Tortoise disagreed. It said that only Baili poison was killed. Wolf, as for the other three rubbish, it is still useful to leave it.

Li Zedao didn't understand and asked what's the use.

The little turtle turned white. Li Zedao said, "Xiao Daozi, do you know the biggest role of garbage?"

Li Zedao looked confused: "What is it?"

He actually wanted to say that the biggest role of garbage is to pollute the environment, but he remembered that he was also garbage in the eyes of the little tortoise, so he hurriedly held back these words.

"Xiao Daozi, you are really rubbish, so you don't understand what the tortoise says." The little tortoise is quite contemptuous. "Trash is naturally used to deal with rubbish."

Li Zedao was even more confused, and he really didn't understand this.

"You should form your own forces." Little Turtle said again.

Li Zedao understood this.

Li Zedao removed the golden cover, glanced at the Eastern Dragon, who was in a completely stupid state, and said softly, "Ahem, thank you for bringing the Baili Poison Wolf and the ancestors of the three major families. Only then is there a way to kill the Baili Poison Wolf, and beat all the patriarchs of your three major families to the ground, so I won't kill you."

Little tortoise wants to curse again, is Xiaodaozi too shameless? Those people were defeated by Master Turtle, okay?

The Eastern Dragon's body trembled so badly, he knelt on the ground, his eyes full of horror when he looked at Li Zedao.

Ximen Feng and Bei Tanglun were the same, and their courage was almost shocked.

They have never been so scared.

They didn't even make a move... At least they definitely didn't see whether he made a move, and then they all beat the four strong spiritual gods of the highest grade peak cultivation base. The only reasonable explanation is that he is not a spiritual **** at all. The cultivation base of the top grade, he is the spiritual mirror cultivation base!

They actually tried to provoke a strong spirit fairy?

The ancestors of the three major families lying on the ground were all terrified, and they couldn't believe it was true.

In front of this young man, they did not have the slightest ability to resist.

They are like ants, they are pinched to death with a slight pinch.

"Of course, I won't kill you either." Li Zedao glanced at the trembling Ximen Feng and Bei Tanglun, and said lightly, "Even the ancestors of your three major families, I won't kill them, but..."

Li Zedao's cold eyes swept across these people one by one, and everyone who was swept by his eyes trembled a few times.

"I want to set up an organization called'Daomen' recently. I wonder if you are interested in joining?" Li Zedao said.

So everyone was taken aback, so this young man was planning to swallow up their three big families in one bite?

They thought that Li Zedao would say something like "The Nangong family is attached, and from then on, Canghai City can only have the Nangong family."

Unexpectedly, what kind of door does he want to establish himself?


Dongfang Guardian was the first to react. He got up and fell to the ground with difficulty, how respectful and respectful that pale old face was.

"From then on, there will be no Eastern clan in Canghai City, only Daomen!"

In his opinion, Baili poisonous wolf was brutally killed, who knows whether the Baili family will put the bill on them? So the wisest way at this time is to quickly find a thigh hug.

In front of him, he has a golden cover and his cultivation base... The cultivation base seems to be the top grade of the spiritual **** realm, but in fact it should be a spiritual mirror, isn't it the thickest thigh?

Not to mention, if you don't return now, who knows if he will kill him with a single sword?

Seeing this, Ximen Kuang, the ancestor of the Ximen family, and Beitangyu, the ancestor of the Beitang family, secretly scolded this old guy for being so badly injured that he could react so quickly. Lord! From then on, there will be no Ximen (Beitang) family in Canghai City, only Daomen!"

The ancestors in the family are already like this, Dongfang Shenlong, Ximen Feng and Bei Tanglun naturally didn't dare to say anything, so they squatted on the ground respectfully.

Li Zedao blinked, and had to feel that the cheeks of these old guys were really thick.

"Very good." Li Zedao cleared his throat and said, "From now on, our Dao Sect is officially established, Dongfang Guards the Sky, Ximen Madness, and you Bei Tang Yu. The three of you are the three elders of our Dao Sect. During the absence of the sect master, he is responsible for handling all matters of the sect."

"Yes, the master." The three old men agreed in unison.

Li Zedao touched his nose, then didn't know what to say.

Increasingly, I feel that this kind of picture seems a little strange, and more accurately it seems to be a little tricky.

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