The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2240: pregnancy

"Little brother, what's wrong with you?" Concubine Shui Ling saw that Li Zedao's expression was so wrong, and she was a little nervous.

Li Zedao didn't respond, he swallowed wildly, and felt that his heart was about to roll out of his throat. His body was shaking, the muscles on his face were shaking, his pulse hand was shaking, and every cell in his body was shaking.

He has forgotten, when was the last time he was so nervous, it seems that when he first learned that Antarctica was pregnant, he was not so nervous and excited.

After more than a dozen breaths, Li Zedao raised his head fiercely and stared at Shui Feiling with wide eyes. He stared at Shui Feiling like this, his lips twitching all the time trying to say something, but only a word Can't say it.

"Little brother, are you... okay?" Shui Feiling was even more worried, and Li Zedao's stunned reaction really scared her.

"Shui...Sister Shui, have...have..." Li Zedao finally said what he wanted to say, but his voice changed and he trembled extremely.

"What is there? Little brother, what's wrong with you? What are you trying to say?" Shui Feiling was even more worried.

" have a baby, you have a baby in your stomach." Li Ze said, the crying voice was full of unspeakable excitement.

There are grievances! Great grievances.

Although those are two different things, Li Zedao suddenly felt that he could understand why Mr. Fan Jin went crazy after learning that he had been in the Juren.

At this time, Li Zedao also felt that he was on the verge of madness.

Once Antarctica was pregnant, he was also very excited. When driving, the whole car hit the telephone pole, but he didn't realize he had hit it.

Later, he was told that he was infertile.

Therefore, Li Zedao fell from heaven to **** all at once, his head turned green.

Of course, it's not really green. After all, Antarctica is close to him, and it originally has a strong purpose.

Antarctica doesn't belong to him in the first place, it's just acting with no sense of contradiction.

And now, Li Zedao is not only excited, he is also wronged, he is also bitter.

He kept thinking that infertility is very common in men, and the medical level is so advanced, it is not too difficult to cure.

But why, it happened that he could not cure it? Why can you cure this **** infertility by crossing into this god's realm?

Just because I'm handsome? Just because I am rich?

"What...what?" The muscles on Shui Feiling's face twitched wildly.

Looking down at his stomach with difficulty, his face was stunned.

So, I am pregnant with my little brother's baby? Are you going to be a mother?

Then he sighed heavily and smiled bitterly.

This kid is really not at the right time.

Concubine Shui Ling is not afraid of death, but she can never see the little life that is gestating in her belly, and she will follow her without seeing the world.

Therefore, the infinite **** must go, and the **** fruit must be obtained.

Concubine Shui Ling gently stroked her belly with one hand, but her other hand was clenched into a fist, her eyes filled with determination.

Li Zedao worked hard to calm himself. But obviously, he failed. His body was shaking involuntarily, and he was about to tremble with tears.

Concubine Shui Ling saw that Li Zedao was so excited, thinking that Li Zedao was over-excited, angry and funny, but quite sweet.

"Damn little brother." Shui Feiling said, stretched out her hand and stroked his face with admiration.

"Sister Shui...Thank you, thank you..." Li Zedao's head was deeply buried in the softness of Concubine Shui Ling's chest, tears streaming down his face.


For Canghai City, today is a very special day, such a day only occurs every five years.

On this day, the core members of the four major families and the leaders of the forces that they depend on will gather in the martial arts field in the center of the city for a fierce duel, and decide who is the city lord of Canghai City for the next five years.

The residents of Canghai City and the rangers in the past can also go to watch this event.

The center of the city is a relatively special place. Its special feature is that it is the intersection of the four major families.

Standing at this intersection, one step east is the territory of the Eastern family, and one step south is the territory of the Nangong family.

Therefore, this place was directly established by the four major families to establish a martial arts field that can accommodate 10,000 people. It is only opened for the grand event every five years.

And a tradition has been going on for hundreds of years.

Over the past few hundred years, the four major families have continued to grow, and no one can surpass each other stably, they still check and balance each other, and are entrenched in this sea city.

But for the Eastern family, the Ximen family, and the Beitang family, this day has become less special, and they no longer want to fight for this fame.

On the one hand, all three of their families have joined the Dao Sect, and more importantly, their sect master is also the son-in-law of the Nangong family. Let Nangong Lie continue to be the lord of the Canghai City, and the power should be sold to the sect master.

The three major families were deeply convinced by one of the master's practices, which was to secretly establish Daomen in secret without involving the Nangong family.

I want to know that once the Nangong family is involved, with the overbearing and shameless virtues of the Nangong family, it is bound to rely on their relationship with the sect master and then suddenly override the heads of the three major families. Then they can only Dare to be angry but dare not speak.

The sect master is taking care of their emotions.

Therefore, the three clans tacitly released the water in the duel, and ordered the children of the clan to do and sweat. Don’t win, and after the defeat, you have to clasp your fists to show that you are too powerful. Far from being an opponent.

Of course, the core members of the Nangong family who participated in this duel did not find that the opponent had released the water. They only convinced their opponents that their strength was too strong.

Naturally, in more than a dozen duels, the Nangong family easily won, and Nangong Lie was re-elected as the city lord of the sea.

As soon as the result of the duel came out, it spread all over Canghai City at once.

Those forces that belonged to the Nangong family were drums, drums, and firecrackers.

In the Nangong family, a feast was held to celebrate Nangong Lie's re-election as the lord of Canghai City.

The forces that belonged to the other three families had their chests out, and their faces were dim, saying that in the next five years, they would have to look at the ugly face of the Nangong family.

Li Zedao did not go to watch the four big families duel in the martial arts field in the center of the city. He really didn't have time to watch the tofu he ate on Shui Feiling's soft chest.

After eating tofu, the duel is over.

Li Zedao and Shui Feiling walked out of the Wanjia restaurant and strolled to the site of the Nangong family.

When Concubine Shui Ling was waiting in a teahouse, Li Zedao came to the quaint and majestic mansion of the Nangong family alone.

But I saw a huge plaque hanging on the door. On the plaque was written two big characters of dragon and phoenix: Nangong!

Smelling the strong smell of wine in the air, listening to the endless compliments, bragging, and defamation coming from inside, Li Zedao felt helpless, isn't it just a false name? And that fame was the result of the three big families selling their own face and giving it away. As for such celebration?

The servant guarding the door saw Li Zedao poking his head over there and shouting: "Who are you? You are poking your head here? This is the Nangong mansion. Is it a place where you can stand freely?"

"I want to see Nangong Patriarch." Li Zedao said.

"Which force do you belong to?" The servant gave Li Zedao a few glances with interrogation eyes. He only felt that the boy in front of him seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

But anyway, the servant didn't even want this kid to enter.

Although today the Nangong family defeated the other three families with absolute strength, the patriarch Nangong Lie once again became the lord of Canghai City, so many people came to congratulate him.

But who of those who came to congratulate them didn't bring generous gifts to come right away?

Even if this kid is late, he is still empty-handed. He really doesn't understand the rules.

"I don't belong to any forces. I just want to see the Nangong Patriarch and discuss something important." Li Zedao smiled.

"Laugh? What's so funny? Do you think you can step into this gate with a smile?" The servant stared, "Go away, don't pollute the air here."

Li Zedao was simply powerless to complain, and even a janitor dared to be so arrogant and insulting people at will. No wonder that Nangong Hill dared to beat people in the street and rob civilian girls.

It seems that the Nangong family has become accustomed to domineering in this city, and they don't know how many innocent people have been abused and humiliated by them, and even taken their lives at will.

Li Zedao thought for a while, the other three big families in their respective territories, I am afraid they also have such a high face, right?

Of course, there are still kind people in this family, such as Nangong Wan'er. You explained that you are a sibling, so why is there such a big difference in personality?

Li Zedao reported his name: "I am Li Zedao."

"I thought you came out of that bitch's ass-eyes?" the servant shouted, "I'm late and I haven't prepared a generous gift, I want to step into the gate of the Nangong family? There are no doors! Get out, don't It's an eyesore here."

Li Zedao's eyes were slightly cold.

I was even more depressed. I think I can be regarded as a famous big man in Canghai City. The other three families all know the prospective son-in-law of Nangong Lie from the Nangong family. That's right, that's Li Zedao. That's amazing, that talent in cultivation is high. The rise of the Nangong family in the future may depend on him.

This guy in front of him is good. As a servant of the Nangong family, he has never heard his name? Forget it, dare to speak rudely to his mother?

Li Zedao can only say: "I am..."

Unfortunately, the servant did not give him a chance to speak at all.

He was so angry that he immediately interrupted Li Zedao's words.

This kid doesn't hurry to get out...Of course he can't forget it, he still dares to crook?

He rushed towards Li Zedao in a flash, intending to beat him into a dead dog!

But ideals are beautiful, but reality is skinny.

His neck rushed into Li Zedao's palm!

Yes, at this moment his neck was pinched tightly by Li Zedao, as if he rushed over to die.

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