The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2244: Nangong Wuzhi

"Not to mention, you can't kill me, so don't humiliate yourself." Li Zedao said again.

Now that he had offended him, he would be completely offended and dead. Anyway, he didn't want to get any benefit from the Nangong family.

As for Nangong Waner...

When Li Zedao guessed that Nangong Hill was killed by Concubine Shui Ling, he probably knew that he and Nangong Wan'er were basically over.

With Nangong Wan'er's character, she would almost let herself make a choice, whether to choose Shui Feiling or choose her.

Such multiple-choice questions are too difficult, and Li Zedao would never do it.

Therefore, in order not to make Nangong Wan'er too painful, Li Zedao could only do more absolutely. He could only make a noise in the Nangong family and step on the Nangong family a few more feet.

This is another big barrel of oil!

"I killed you!"

Nangong Yan, who had almost lost his mind, couldn't help it anymore, and broke away from the Nangong fire fiercely before slashing towards Li Ze with a sword.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Nangong Yan flew out at a faster speed.

He was kicked flying by Li Zedao, who burst into a terrifying atmosphere.

"High-grade cultivation base in the spiritual realm?"

Everyone's brains roared violently again, and there was a huge wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe it was true.

You know, the news that came back said that this kid has successfully become a strong low-grade cultivation in the spiritual **** realm, and has become a teacher of the Buzhou Academy.

This has already surprised these people in the Nangong family. After all, in the impression, that kid is a trash, just a joke, and just like the mother of Nangong Meili, it is a shame to the Nangong family.

The head of the patriarch had his brain flooded or his brain was caught by the door, arbitrarily and arbitrarily disregarding the opposition of others, he insisted on betrotting Nangong Meili to such a waste.

However, he turned out to be a top-grade cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm?

"Now you believe it? You are not my opponent at all." Li Zedao said helplessly. Why is it that no one believes in telling the truth these days?


No one answers, they don't know what to say anymore.

They don't know if they are too angry, too shocked, or too jealous.

In short, they all wished that the **** in front of them hurriedly died.

"In addition, I want to dissolve the marriage contract with Nangong Meili." Li Zedao said, but his heart seemed to be stabbed by a knife.


Nangong Lie's body shuddered even more severely, and he really felt insulted to death.

This kid is deceiving too much!

"Boy, Hugh is crazy!"

At this moment, a full of breath sounded in everyone's ears.

Li Zedao's scalp went numb, his body tightened suddenly, and he felt danger.

Li Zedao knew that the visitor was Nangong Wuzhi, the old ancestor of the Nangong family, and he knew that this old man had a murderous intention on himself.

He wants to kill himself!

While breathing, a quaint long sword surrounded by circles of blue light containing terrifying energy appeared, and pierced Li Zedao's chest fiercely.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, and the sword was also unsheathed.

For a time, the air in the entire hall seemed to freeze.

Including Nangong Lie, all the core members of the Nangong family felt that their breathing became unsmooth.

Looking at the sword in Li Zedao's hand, it was actually wrapped in circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying power, and it made a muffled sound of "Zezi..." like thunder.

The third sword of Leiqi Sword Art!

Li Zedao used this sword against Yijiang before, but Yijiang also cultivated the spiritual arts of the heavenly ranks, and he was still the peak cultivation of the spiritual gods. From the perspective of spiritual skills, the two of them were half a catty, but from Xiu From the point of view, he exceeded Li Zedao too much, so he easily blocked Li Zedao's sword.


The sound of thunder and lightning continued between breathing, and even tended to become stronger and stronger.

Everyone trembled, and there was incredible in their eyes, and they did not dare to imagine that this kid's sword might be so terrifying.

Nangong Lie was secretly lucky, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Fortunately, he didn't do anything to this kid, otherwise he must be the one who fell in the end.

Between the lightning and flint, Li Zedao held up the long sword wrapped in thunder and lightning, and slashed at the sword that was about to pierce his chest.

The two terrifying blue cyclones collided fiercely like this.

I only heard "Boom!" A deafening muffled sound exploded in everyone's ears, making their ears buzzing, which was really uncomfortable.

Li Zedao stepped back, his face pale.

Nangong Wuzhi also took a few steps back, his face turned extremely ugly, and he worked hard to swallow back the blood that was about to be sprayed.

A tie with this kid is already quite a shame. If he is vomiting blood, the old face is afraid that he will be rubbed against the floor.

Nangong Wuzhi was shocked.

He really did not expect that although this child's cultivation base was one level weaker than his own, the spiritual skills he cultivated were more than one level higher than the spiritual skills he had cultivated.

The cultivation base is not enough, the spiritual skills come together.

Therefore, in this match, the two were evenly matched, and no one took advantage.

When other people saw this result, their eyes widened, and they sucked in cold breath again and again, and their scalp was so numb, they couldn't believe it was true.

This kid really didn’t speak big words. They really couldn’t kill him if the ancestor didn’t make a move. Even if the ancestor made a move, they seemed unable to kill him. Not to mention that there was a strength behind him that might be stronger than that Woman.

"Let's go. From now on, you will no longer be the son-in-law of my Nangong family." Nangong Wuzhi took a deep breath and said, breaking the weird silence in the hall.

I was really upset that such a talented young man should have become the core figure of the Nangong family. In the end, he might even lead the Nangong family to break the existing pattern and become the sole master of the city.

But now, why is he standing on the opposite side of the Nangong family?

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to chop up the corpse of the Nangong Hill on the ground to feed the dog.

He likes this grandson, it just likes his sweet mouth, which always coaxes him quite happy, and he is quite disappointed with his talent and character.

Why would a high-grade peak cultivation expert in the dignified spirit **** realm kill such an ant? Isn't this ant running to provoke others recklessly?

"Father..." Nangong Yan yelled, Li Zedao's eyes were really vicious, but he didn't have the courage to draw his sword and rush at him again.

"Shut up!" Nangong Wuzhi glanced at Nangong Yan expressionlessly.

His favorite grandson died tragically, wouldn't he be heartbroken? Wouldn't he want to smash the murderer to pieces? But... you also have to recognize reality.

Nangongyan was silent. He hugged the corpse of Nangong Hill on the ground as if losing his soul, glanced back at Li Zedao, and then slowly walked out of the hall.

His eyes were very ordinary, without the slightest fierce light, but it gave people a feeling of palpitations.

This is the real hatred, just like that blood, which has spread to every part of your body.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and to be honest, he had never imagined the situation in which things had developed so far.

He thought he would get a warm welcome and great attention when he came to the Nangong family.

The Nangong Clan hosted a banquet to welcome the son-in-law of Tianjiao. Everyone had a meal in high spirits, and then took away Nangong Meili's mother.

The Nangong family is reluctant to leave on their own. The ancestors said in tears that you must come back often to see your children. This will always be your home, we will always be your relatives, or you should not leave...

How could it be the current situation of drawing swords?

Li Zedao thought for a while. He drew his sword and killed the servants of the Nangong family in the street, and frightened Nangong Hill. It was a turning point for things to develop on the other side.

Li Zedao thought about it again, if he came again, he would do the same.

Those doglegs will kill, and Nangongqiu must also teach him a severe lesson.

"Patriarch Nangong, this is a letter from your daughter Nangong Meili."

Li Zedao did not leave immediately, but took out the letter Gu God handed over to him: "She is now in Gu Territory and has become the saint of Gu Territory. She asked me to take her mother to Gu Territory to relieve the curse. "

When everyone heard this, their minds were confused again.

Nangong Meili has become the saint of Gu Jiang? When did this happen? Shouldn't she be in Fuzhou College at this time?

Nangong Lie looked weird, and took the letter and opened it and glanced at it. It turned out that it was the handwriting of her daughter Nangong Meili, and Nangong Meili did let Li Zedao take her mother away.

"Huh! Yangdai is the mother of my Nangong family. How can you take away only a few words you don't know the truth or falsehood and a letter that doesn't know the truth or falsehood?"

At this moment, Nangong Wuzhi said in a harsh tone, "Who knows if you want to persecute her to threaten my Nangong family? Even, has my precious granddaughter already encountered you?"

As soon as these words came out, the core members of the Nangong family became murderous again. If they hadn't been afraid of the strength of Li Zedao and the scary woman behind him, they would have rushed to chop it into mash.

Nangong Lie understood his father's meaning, his eyes turned scarlet, and the letter in his hand immediately turned into ashes. He looked at Li Zedao and shouted murderously: "This is basically my daughter's handwriting, and said, what have you done to my daughter?"

Li Zedao was helpless, how could he not know the thoughts of the father and son.

As soon as they heard that Nangong Meili had become the saint of Gujiang, they began to know each other.

They knew that Nangong Meili did not have too deep feelings for the Nangong family, but as long as her mother remained in the family, Nangong Meili had to take care of the Nangong family.

So how could they agree to take away Nangong Meili's mother?

"Boy, my Nangong family really can't help you now, but the old man swears here that one day he will take your life and avenge my grandson. If you break the oath, it will be like this chair!"

Nangong Wuzhi said murderously, and even a single sword split a chair in half.

Li Zedao felt even more helpless, and said, "What you always say is what you say."

After speaking, under the gaze of the murderous eyes of these core members of the Nangong family, he turned and left.

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