The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2279: Scrub brush

I don't know how long it took. Although Li Zedao couldn't see the situation outside the barrel, his perception ability was so powerful. At this time, he felt that the situation outside had changed dramatically.

The surrounding temperature is no longer the scorching heat in the daytime, nor the bitter cold in the middle of the night, but extremely mild, just like the warmth of spring.

The air no longer has the extremely hot and dry smell, but has become moist, and there is a faint fragrance. This kind of fragrance seems to come from a certain kind of flowers and plants. It smells very good and refreshing, but it smells for a long time , But it gives people a drowsy feeling.

In short, it was very comfortable, so comfortable that Li Zedao wanted to sleep.

Soon, Li Zedao felt that the barrel was put down, and then the lid of the barrel was opened.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that a big hand lifted himself from the tub, as if he was carrying a little chicken whose plumage had been plucked.

Then, he was thrown heavily on the moist ground, surrounded by mist, as if it was a bath room.

The strong humiliation once again haunted Li Zedao's entire heart, making him almost crazy.

Immediately, my heart was full of murderous aura!

He wants to scream, enough! Really enough!

A bucket of hot water was poured directly on Li Zedao.

Before Li Zedao could react, he felt that something similar to a brush was being brushed on him, as if he was going to be scrubbed thoroughly, which undoubtedly made him feel aggrieved and almost wanted to vomit blood.

After brushing the front, Li Zedao was turned over and continued to brush the back.

"Let me die!" Li Zedao's heart was in a storm.

This brush, brushed a stick of incense for a long time.

Then Li Zedao was thrown into another bucket of clear water again, then picked it up, and continued to brush.

It's the front brush, the back brush, the upper brush, and the lower brush.

The time is also extremely precise, no more, no less. For a time of incense sticks, one can imagine that this scrubber who helps others brush their body is quite experienced.

After brushing, Li Zedao was thrown into another bucket of clear water again, and then he picked it up to continue the procedure of "brushing".

In this way, the front and back brushed nine times and changed nine buckets of water.

For Li Zedao, this kind of experience brought him a great humiliation, it goes without saying, it gave him a feeling of timelessness.

He felt like a pig, a pig that was thoroughly washed and ready to be slaughtered.

He discovered for the first time that it was such a horrible thing to take a bath.

Since he couldn't open his eyes to see everything around him clearly, the panic in his heart was even worse.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that a piece of fragrant and soft cloth wiped off the water stains on his body. Then, his body was wrapped in a large piece of cloth similar to satin, and then he was carried up.

Li Zedao's heart was raining heavily, tears of humiliation burst into his eyes.

He suddenly remembered the episode on TV.

If the emperor is going to be lucky with any concubine, the court ladies will wash the concubine clean, and then the **** will carry it to the emperor's palace.

My own experience at this time is undoubtedly very similar to those concubines, who was being carried by the **** to the beautiful woman who was going to be lucky enough to swallow her belt bone into her belly.

At the same time, Li Zedao began to wonder whether the Boya Empress was really a first-class beauty, as it was said.

Or is it a dominatrix?

But whether it was a beauty or a dominatrix, Li Zedao hated her to death.

After a stick of incense, Li Zedao felt that he was placed on a sweet and soft bed.

Immediately, the person carrying Li Zedao left, and Li Zedao felt that in the huge space, he fell into a very strange and dead silence, as if there were no living things around.

Such an experience was undoubtedly extremely weird, and Li Zedao's little heart trembled.

Whether it was swallowed by a mouthful or this Bing Qing Yujie's body was violated, this was something Li Zedao could not accept.

The weird silence continued, Li Zedao's little heart trembled more and more severely, and even in the end, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Ma Dan, if you want to kill you want to chop you.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyelids twitched.

He suddenly felt that his eyelids, which were originally heavy, had become relaxed, as if his strength had recovered.

The originally soft fingers tried to move, able to move! Really move!

But out of instinct, Li Zedao didn't have the slightest ecstasy in his heart, so he didn't dare to move, even he didn't even dare to open his eyes.

Suddenly he felt that it seemed good that the eyes could not be seen and the body could not be moved, but now... Do you say you open your eyes or not? Does the body move or not?

Open your eyes...what if you hell?

Wouldn't you be too timid if you didn't open your eyes?

Damn, what the **** is this **** empress, why do you give such a rare question?

After gritting his teeth, taking a few deep breaths, and struggling deep in his heart for a long time, Li Zedao finally decided not to open his eyes, just love it.

Then he took a deep breath, condensed his mind, and continued to enter the cultivation state.

In the gloom, a pair of eyes that were as bright as the stars in the sky looked at Li Zedao with a surprised look.

At first, as she expected, as soon as the tribute was delivered to this place, she began to fall into a great panic.

You see, his face is pale, his forehead is sweating, and his lips are trembling.

Immediately, when the tribute found out that his body could move, his nerves suddenly tightened, and the panic in his heart reached its peak.

But when she saw this tribute, she only took dozens of breaths of panic, and she entered the cultivation state without even opening her eyes. She was slightly shocked, not dare to believe what her eyes were seeing.

You know, after the tribute sent over in the past, after the poison of the Baixiang soft tendon pill was released, who could not wait to quickly open his eyes, and then looked so panicked and looked at everything around him.

This tribute was good. Instead of opening his eyes, he quickly entered a state of indifferent state, and even started to practice without anyone else.

He is not curious about where he is at this moment? Don't worry about what terrible danger surrounds him?

Strong enough inside? They come, the security?

What surprised the owner of the eyes was that the blood of Nuwa was flowing through the tribute this time!

Those ugly monsters can reproduce such handsome offspring? This has to be said to be a miracle.

Immediately, those eyes were filled with inexplicable smiles. The tribute this time seemed to be really interesting, and I was really reluctant to just eat him like this.

Immediately, the owner of the eyes quietly left, and issued an order to send a tribute over, as for the present tribute, keep it first.

Well, if the boss Sha and others in that oasis knew that such an order was coming to them, they would be crying.

Three days passed, the owner of the eyes was the first to lose his breath.

She has been observing him for three days and three nights, but she has found that he is always in a state of cultivation, and his body has always maintained that posture, motionless.

"Why don't you open your eyes?" Finally, she couldn't help but speak.

Li Zedao, who had entered the cultivation state, felt that the sound like a natural sound rang in his ears. This sound was so beautiful, it seemed that only the voice of Lord Gu God was qualified to compete with the other.

"This is what the voice of Empress Boya? At this moment, she is staring at her own body with her eyes that are shining with extremely terrifying light?"

Li Zedao was not attracted by the beautiful sound, but his little heart began to tremble.

But the voice is so good, it can be seen that this woman has a very high face value...Of course, not necessarily, many women with good voices have the appearance of a dinosaur.

Sure enough, she had been secretly observing herself there, but in the end she couldn't keep her breath.

In a panic, Li Zedao felt that he was so awesome that he even made the legendary beautiful woman snake uncomfortable.

"Because I am lazy." Li Zedao opened his lips slightly and said something like this.

In Li Zedao's view, to deal with such an extremely terrible enemy, you have to do the opposite.

You must not show the slightest fear, you have to do nothing, you have to make her feel fresh, feel you interesting, feel that you are completely different from the male pets she raised before, otherwise you are afraid of how you died Do not know at all.

Of course, this has a major premise, that is, you have to be handsome!

Women like men who have grown badly and don't like men who have grown badly.

Li Zedao didn't grow bad, so he turned himself into a bad handsome man. At this time, whether it was his tone or expression, he felt like a rascal.

This is naturally a gambling game, and the chips are his life, and even his icy body.

Therefore, Li Zedao said it was a fake not to be nervous. His small heart was twitching and his scalp was numb, but from his expression, you could not see any clues.

I have to say that Li Zedao's acting skills can be called a burst, at least deceived the Empress Boya.

Upon hearing this answer, and seeing the lazy and unsharp expression, Empress Boya's eyes were surprised, and she couldn't believe what her ears heard.

Such an answer is unheard of for her, and there has never been a tribute like the present one that does not take her experience at this time seriously.

From the moment she was born, she had a supreme position in the snake-people clan, so everyone's attitude towards her has been extremely respectful or terrified.

It was the first time that she didn't take her seriously like this.

This made her not know what to say for a while, but she felt very new.

"You open your eyes first." Finally, Empress Boya said.

She wanted this tribute to look at herself, and suddenly she wanted to know how he would react when he saw him clearly.

She didn't know why she was so bored.

"Perhaps, I want to prove that he is like those men who have met him?" The Empress Boya thought.

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