The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2281: Another tribute

Just when Li Zedao didn't decide whether to open his eyes and dying to struggle, a croaking hoarse voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Dirty stuff, go away!"


Li Zedao hadn't reacted yet, but he felt a big hand pinch his throat.

Li Zedao's face changed drastically, his eyes opened instinctively and he was about to fight back, only to find that he was thrown out like rubbish.

Li Zedao stabilized his body at the same time his pupils shrank slightly, his scalp became severe.

He saw a woman, a dark-skinned, tall woman with a spectacular bucket waist!

What's more spectacular than the waist of the bucket is the fullness on her chest, as if two basketballs were stuffed inside.

For the first time, Li Zedao clearly felt that the bigger the place, the better, it would only give people a very greasy and disgusting feeling...Of course, the main reason was that her face was too ugly, she Her waist is too thick, and her legs are too thick.

If she had the face, waist and long legs of Concubine Shui Ling, she was afraid that when a man saw it, her eyes would roll down from his eye sockets.

At this moment, the woman was standing next to the bed, staring at Li Zedao with ugly triangular eyes that looked so gloomy and vicious.

Feeling this terrifying look, Li Zedao's scalp became numb, and his small heart almost jumped out of his throat.

If his own body was violated by the female emperor, Li Zedao would still be acceptable. Although he didn't know what it looked like, his voice was like a natural sound.

But if he was taken away by this woman, Li Zedao felt that he would die.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, the old lady swallowed you." The woman said grimly, her tongue still sticking out. The scary thing is that her tongue is scarlet, and it is still forked, like a poisonous snake. Faithful.

Li Zedao's scalp was numb, he quickly moved his eyes away, really afraid to look at this woman again.

At the same time, he also noticed that a handsome young man whose body was wrapped in a quilt was carried on the woman's shoulder, and only the head was exposed.

The man's face was pale, his eyes closed tightly, the muscles on his face twitched, and his expression was panic and painful.

Li Zedao felt a little bit in his heart, so that day he was scrubbed by such a woman nine times with a brush, and finally carried him to this room?

Li Zedao had an urge to find a piece of tofu and smashed to death, and subconsciously wrapped his robe tightly.

I just feel that the humiliation is abnormal, it's better to die.

I thought that if this ugly woman dared to do something to herself, she would definitely resist desperately, so she would die!

The woman gave a gloomy smile and didn't pay any attention to Li Ze. Instead, she threw the man on her shoulders on the soft bed casually, and turned and strode away.

"It seems that this terrifying aunt is sending another tribute, not to help her body, let alone to invade herself, that's fine."

Li Zedao heaved a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his eyes fell on the man on the bed, and he sighed softly.

It seems that he was hit by a certain kind of powerful **** exactly the same as himself. This kind of **** will completely drain your strength and make you not even have the strength to open your eyes, but your mind is quite clear.

"Because she is so handsome, the Empress Poya was reluctant to eat herself, so this man was caught again?" Li Zedao felt a trace of guilt and sympathy.

When I was wondering whether to tell this dear friend how he dealt with the Empress Na Boya, his eyes flashed.

While breathing, a beautiful image appeared out of thin air, appearing in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly.

It's not that he has never seen beautiful women, on the contrary, there are many Yingying and Yanyan around him.

However, Li Zedao was still amazed by the indescribable face of the woman in front of him.

She was dressed in a simple white robe, and her long hair was scattered around her shoulders so casually.

But this is simple but quite not simple, not so simple that it enters the hearts of others so easily, hitting the softest part of the heart.

This is the legendary beautiful woman snake that is extremely cruel, extremely lustful, dissatisfied, and feeds a large number of beautiful men?

Li Zedao felt that anyone who believed such words would be a fool.

Empress Boya felt Li Zedao's slightly sluggish expression, and she sneered in her heart. Sure enough, this tribute was still the same as the previous ones. After seeing her appearance, she was overwhelmed and her face was ugly.

As for his previous words and deeds, he must be pretending to be calm and intentional.

What a cunning tribute!

This time I even sucked the blood of two tributes.

Li Zedao's complexion quickly returned to normal.

The reason why he looked sluggish was not only because this beautiful woman snake looks too good-looking, but also because it is really difficult for him to combine the image of the beautiful woman in front of him with the legendary beautiful woman snake.

In Li Zedao's view, the empress should be a horrible old witch similar to the kind of fairy tales. How could she be such a fairy who looks like a fireworks in front of you?

So, the fairy who is incapable of cannibalism and fireworks is about to start clinically on that man?

There was no envy, jealousy or hatred in Li Zedao's eyes, only weird.

Such a weirdness fell into the eyes of Empress Boya, which made her a little surprised.

Li Zedao felt that he should avoid it, but he seemed unable to get out of this room, so he said weakly, "Um... you continue, I will close my eyes and block my ears, so I promise not to overhear or Take a peek... or, I go out?"

Li Zedao pointed to the door.

The Empress Boya was stunned, she didn't understand what he meant.

But I don't know why, but there is a feeling of being humiliated.

She has been out many times before and has seen many so-called beauties who make men crazy, but when it comes to looks and temperament, those women can't compare with herself.

Therefore, the Empress Boya knew how amazing her appearance was and how noble her temperament was.

When the man saw his face, his face was dull. She felt that this was the reaction she should have, but she felt that it was blaspheming herself. They were just tributes. They were not qualified to show such an expression to themselves, so they were damned.

But the sluggish time was so short, but after ten short breaths, it had already returned to normal, and there was no amazing look in his eyes, but rather weird, which was too bullying.

"It seems that I can't go out."

Li Zedao smiled, obediently walked to the corner, turned around, closed his eyes, and blocked his ears with his hands. I wanted to stop making too much noise, otherwise I wouldn't be able to block my ears.

Li Zedao's heart was full of helplessness, what a mess it was.

Empress Boya was stunned again.

Thinking of something immediately, the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

What made the tribute's mind so contemptible?

Is it because the tribute is quite nasty, or because of the rumors outside?

The Empress Boya would go out every other year, ranging from a few days to as long as a month, and she had traveled to many corners of God's Domain for so many years.

As a spiritual fairy mirror cultivation base, there are very few places in the huge divine realm that she cannot go to.

Of course, every time she goes out, she quietly appreciates the beauty outside, and has never had any communication or dispute with others.

She was like a breeze, she came with a gentle breeze, and she left with a gentle breeze, leaving no trace.

So you can say that she has seen the world, but you can also say that she has never seen the world at all.

The so-called seeing the world does not mean that you go to many places, that is, seeing the world. Rather, it should have experienced various things and dealt with all kinds of people, but Empress Boya did not, she only communicated with the snake people.

As for the tributes, she has always disdain to say a word to them. After appreciating the ugliness of the tributes, she drained his blood.

But after all, she had been out, so the Empress Boya naturally heard the rumors about her from the outside world, which made her extremely surprised.

She didn't know why there were such unrealistic rumors.

What kind of dissatisfaction, what raising a large number of male pets, what eating people's heart and liver... These are all dumbfounding slanders.

"Open your eyes and turn around." Empress Boya looked at Li Zedao angrily, her tone beyond doubt.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled. It was really hard for him to imagine that such a holy woman would like this kind of tone. It was really unimaginable.

But she had to open her eyes, turned around rather reluctantly, staring at Empress Boya with wide-eyed eyes.

Since you like this tune, I can only appreciate it with a learning attitude. Who can let me beat you?

Empress Boya raised her brows slightly. She didn’t like the look of the tribute that looked like a good show, and wondered why she didn’t drain his blood, just because he was not like other tributes. same?

Or is it because he is carrying Nuwa's blood? So he is the enemy of the enemy, so he can barely be counted as a friend?

Yes, after so many years, the Snake Clan now does not regard Nu Wa as an enemy at all.

In the old days, because of Panlong’s impending sleep and the conveyor belt leading to the mortal realm being sealed by Nuwa, the powerhouses of God’s Domain vented their anger on the snake people, just because the snake people are the same as Nu Wa. Has a human head and a snake body.

The snake people think these people are too much, how can they vent their anger on themselves?

They felt angry, wronged, and cried out injustice, but what they got in the end was almost an extermination.

After that, he could only hide in this big desert and linger.

Like the Nuwa clan lurking in God's Domain, they are the race that those strong in God's Domain want to completely eliminate.

Empress Boya's thoughts surged, and then she recovered her calm.

She was not responding to Li Zedao, but instead set her eyes on the tribute on the bed.

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