The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2289: Infinite Hell

Li Zedao's body took a quick stop, and his pupils suddenly widened.

"Turtle...Master Turtle..."

Li Zedao's throat squirmed, but no sound came out.

He seemed to have been bullied, and he was so wronged that he almost cried as if he saw his parents.

"Your sister's little Daozi, if you stare at the tortoise with such disgusting eyes, be careful that the tortoise will slap you to death with one of the tortoise paws!" The little tortoise's eyes stared, only that the tortoise hairs on his body were standing up It was really disgusting.

I also feel quite embarrassed. Your sister is also the person in Panlong's prophecy. Can't you be more promising?

Li Zedao knew that Little Tortoise was not joking with himself, he said that he wanted to shoot you, it would really kill you.

He quickly reduced the excitement on his face, and once again felt bold and bold, feeling that even if this desert was ten times more terrifying, he could easily conquer it.

I was even more confident about finding the whereabouts of Shui Fei Ling.

That's right, that's so self-confident, because he is a man with a turtle!

Although people still have to rely on themselves in the end, for the time being, there is such a **** tortoise to rely on, Li Zedao hurriedly leaned on it.

"Little Daozi, let's go." Little Turtle said.

"Where to go?" Li Ze asked. Does the little tortoise have to take himself to the hell?

But what is the point of going to Hell without finding the whereabouts of the water concubine spirit?

"Take you to find your friend." Little tortoise said lazily.

Li Zedao's body shook violently, his brain roared fiercely, and a huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

"Turtle...Turtle did you say?"

Li Zedao's nose was sore and sore, his voice was trembling, and he couldn't speak clearly, and his legs were trembling, so he couldn't move forward half a step.

He just felt that the dark and gloomy depths of his heart suddenly poured into the gentle sunlight, and the barren and cracked ground suddenly poured into a large amount of water.

"Your relationship is in Hell at this time." Little Turtle said again.

"..." Li Zedao was directly silly.

When he reacted, the little tortoise had already floated a long distance and turned into a bright golden light.

The bright golden light was even more dazzling than the vicious sun in the sky, almost not blinding Li Zedao's eyes.

But it was like a lighthouse in the dark night, guiding Li Zedao's direction.

"Master Tortoise, wait for me..." Although she didn't understand why Shui Feiling was in Hell, Li Zedao knew that Little Tortoise didn't need to deceive himself, so he hurriedly pulled out his legs to keep up.

Walking less than tens of feet ahead, Li Zedao saw the little tortoise floating in front of a group of dark things.

This thing is about the size of a basketball, but it has no hair on its body. It is just so dark that you don't know where its eyes and mouth are.

At the same time, the hot surroundings disappeared without a trace, being replaced by coldness.

It was Li Zedao who was very knowledgeable, and he didn't even know what the dark guy who appeared in front of him and the little turtle was.

But Li Zedao clearly felt that the original lazy little tortoise's aura suddenly changed. From the original awesomeness to some grandchildren, he obviously didn't dare to be here at all, but it was undoubtedly quite terrifying. Put the calf in front of the black meat ball.

It is conceivable that the strength of this black meat ball is extremely terrifying, at least there is no problem with the stabilized little turtle.

"Little Daozi, this is your black master." Little Turtle said.

"Hei Ye."

Li Zedao hurriedly made a gesture, and be more respectful and respectful.

The guy who is afraid of even the little tortoise can be horrible. You must know that the little tortoise is a turtle who regards Huang Quan as rubbish, and even the terrifying Gu God is a **** in its eyes.

But it was obvious that the little tortoise didn't dare to push it in front of this weird meat ball.

So Li Zedao wanted to hug the thigh of the black meat ball instead of loosening the turtle's legs?

"Infinite Hell is its home." Little Turtle said again.


Li Zedao's eyes widened, his mind roared violently, and an unprecedented huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

God's Domain ranks first among the top ten fierce land, which is the home of this black meat ball?

You know, home in Hell and Hell are two concepts. Home is completely different.

"Boy, you are not bad." The old ghost glanced at Li Zedao with the same pitch-black eyes.

Having said that, the tone is quite plain, without the slightest praise in it, it seems to be perfunctory, but it does not give people a perfunctory feeling.

It is conceivable that this black meat ball always speaks like this.

"Hei's ridiculous praise." Li Zedao gently swallowed, the expression on his face must be more respectful and respectful.

"Perhaps." The old ghost couldn't comment.


Although miracles had happened time and time again on this kid, it did not mean that he could finally become the person predicted by Panlong and save God's Domain.

In fact, Panlong’s prediction is true or false, the old ghost is not sure, and the little turtle is not sure.

Just out of the kind of awe of Panlong, they are willing to believe the prophecy made by Panlong before going into deep sleep.

So Li Zedao was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say, this horror guy was much more difficult to communicate than the little turtle.

When facing a little tortoise, you just have to treat it as an uncle and treat yourself as the tortoise grandson.

But in the face of this black meat ball, it seems that no communication method works well.

You hold it, it is indifferent, you are humble, it is also indifferent.

"Let's go." The old ghost said again, and then floated forward.

Li Zedao swallowed and quickly followed.

I don't know how long he has been going forward, Li Zedao found that the surrounding scene suddenly changed completely.

There is no longer the blue sky and the vicious sun above, nor is there an endless golden patch ahead.

Suddenly, a very strange thick fog appeared around.

The fog was so heavy that Li Zedao almost couldn't see the little tortoise and the black meat ball floating just two or three meters away from him.

At the same time, the surroundings became extremely cold, much colder than the big desert in the middle of the night, as if they had really stepped into the Nine Nether Realm.

Li Zedao watched the surrounding movement while secretly swallowing saliva, his small heart trembled.

Has now entered the scope of infinite hell, right? I didn't expect this kind of ghost place in this big desert, it was really weird.

Li Zedao thought about it carefully, but he couldn't remember how he got into this area.

It seemed to be walking, and then there was a thick fog around inexplicably, and then just came in.

Not knowing how long it took to walk through this thick fog, the black meat ball and the little turtle stopped.

Li Zedao's eyes widened at once, and his heart trembled.

He saw an extremely dark and extremely tall stone gate appeared in the thick fog ahead.

Looking up, it was because the fog was so dense that I couldn't see clearly, but it was vaguely visible that it seemed to be a high mountain hidden in thick fog, and there was a cave in front of it.

Immediately, the sound of "creaking" that appeared to be ancient and vicissitudes of life continued to be heard, but the huge stone gate was slowly opened. Not long after, a dark and strangely cold entrance appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"This is the entrance to the Hell?" Li Zedao swallowed. He had forgotten how many saliva he had swallowed along the way.

About to enter the legendary God's Domain's first fierce infinite hell, Li Zedao said that it was fake if he was not nervous, and he felt that his little heart was about to jump out of his throat.

At the same time, they were extremely excited.

Therefore, Shui Fei Ling is here! She is fine, she is really fine.

She must have been saved by the black meat ball and the little turtle.

The black meat ball floated in with the little tortoise, and Li Zedao quickly followed into the huge black entrance.

The moment he entered, Li Zedao felt that the blood on his body was about to freeze into ice, and his body was trembling with the cold, and his teeth couldn't help but fight.

While breathing, frost appeared on the eyelashes and skin.

Li Zedao is somewhat aware of this, and very few people know why the Hell of Infinite Hell is hailed as the first fierce land in God's Domain.

Not to mention that there lives a meat ball that is even stronger than the little turtle, even if the strong spirit mirror breaks into this place, it will definitely die.

Only this kind of coldness, even a strong person like him at the top of the spiritual **** realm peak cultivation base can't bear it, I am afraid that without a stick of incense time, he will be frozen to death alive.


The quaint voice of vicissitudes sounded again, and the huge black door slowly closed.

"Garbage is garbage, and even this kind of coldness can't be resisted." Little tortoise glanced at Li Ze, who was shivering, quite disdainful.

"When you first came to this place, it was not much better than him." The old ghost glanced at the little tortoise and said lightly.

So, Little Tortoise wanted to have a good theory with this **** guy: "Your sister, you are saying that Master Tortoise is as **** as Xiaodaozi?"


"..." So the little tortoise didn't just think about theory, it also wanted to do it.

The old ghost did not pay attention to the little tortoise anymore. It opened its mouth and exhaled a black air full of rotten aura, and then the black air suddenly wrapped around Li Zedao's body.

While breathing, Li Zedao felt that the unbearable coldness disappeared most of the time, and his body gradually warmed up.

"Thank you Hei Ye." Li Ze said to the old ghost.

The old ghost didn't say anything, but continued to float forward.

Li Zedao continued to move forward while looking around.

However, I found myself in a dark passage at this time. The walls on both sides of the passage were also carved with various primitive and vicissitudes of life patterns that seemed so simple, or they could be words. Of course Li Zedao couldn't understand it.

He was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, curiously looking at everything around him, wondering what exactly this place was like.

After walking through this not too long passage, the eyes suddenly became clear.

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