The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2319: Demon face

The ghost face's one-eyed eyes full of vicious light swept the floor and looked at Li Zedao again. When he saw his mouth full of blood, he also made a swallowing motion, as if choked by something, his eyes were still full. Panicking, wanting to vomit but not daring to vomit, Guimian nodded with satisfaction.

Damn, you know you **** traitor stooge, knowing to swallow that piece of meat obediently, and you didn't disappoint Lao Tzu's heart, otherwise Lao Tzu will make you look good!

"Kneel down, I will let you put up a correct concept now, you **** traitor, running dog!"

Li Zedao got up with difficulty and knelt down in front of the ghost face extremely humble.

The ghost sat down on the chair he brought with him, and looked at Li Zedao condescendingly, with an extremely bad attitude, "Slacking dog, you have remembered for Lao Tzu, I will only say what I want to say next. You must say every word. Remember it for Lao Tzu, or Lao Tzu will pull your skin off."

Li Zedao was conscientious, with an extremely worried expression: "I...I will remember."

The ghost face didn't see it, Li Zedao's pupils flashed with cold light.

"It's pretty much the same." Guimian was fairly satisfied with Li Zedao's attitude.

"First of all, let me ask you a few questions. Where did you come from, this **** traitor?" Gui Mian asked with some incomprehension.

In fact, the appearance of Li Zedao completely exceeded their expectations. After all, they attach great importance to every drop of fresh blood. The birth of every descendant must be reported, and there are specialized personnel to raise and teach. Divide the levels according to looks and cultivation talents, and delegate different tasks.

How could they allow descendants with such a normal appearance to live out and be raised by those **** gods?

These Nuwa descendants are divided into eight sects in total, hiding in eight extremely secret places in God's Domain.

These eight doors are Open Door, Rest Door, Life Door, Wound Door, Du Door, King Door, Dead Door, and Shocked Door!

According to the investigation, I haven't heard of any pregnant woman who escaped. So where did this guy with the Nuwa bloodline emerge from?

As for Li Zedao possessing the highest-grade peak cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm, they were not surprised at all.

With the Nuwa bloodline, adding that little talent for cultivation is enough to make you grow to this level.

That's right, Nuwa's blood is so noble and awesome!

Li Zedao shook his head slightly and said weakly, "I don't know."

"Forget it, what about the woman you made pregnant?"

Guimian didn't think Li Zedao was lying. If he knew it would be doubtful, so he changed to another question.

As for where he came from, it doesn't seem to matter that much, anyway, he has "home" now.

Li Zedao's expression suddenly changed, and his tone was extremely low: "Some accidents happened before, and I was sleeping in the desert."

Such expressions clearly fell into the eyes of the ghost face, making him feel that this guy was not lying, but he couldn't help kicking Li Zedao's face and directly kicking Li Zedao away.

Li Zedao let out an extremely painful groan, opened his mouth, and spurted out a mouthful of shocking blood.

Guimian cursed heartily, "Damn traitor! Why don't you die? Why didn't you protect that woman?"

"Do you know that this woman is pregnant with my Nuwa family? Do you know how important each new bloodline is to my Nuwa family? Do you know that a woman can be pregnant once, To be pregnant for the second time? Maybe even to be pregnant with Lao Tzu's seed? Nima's, why did you let her die?"

Li Zedao continued to vomit blood, but his heart was filled with murderous intent.

I want you to be arrogant for a while, after digging something out of your mouth, I will kill you!

"Nima's, are you dead? If you're not dead, don't you hurry up and kneel for Lao Tzu to climb over?" Guimian cursed.

Li Zedao struggled, kneeling on the ground again, and climbing up to the ghost face with difficulty.

"Bah, minion, I want to kill you when I see you, I can imagine how cheap you are."

The ghost face fiercely spit on Li Zedao's face and said: "What I want to say next, you must remember every word for Laozi!"

"I...I will." Li Zedao continued to hold on.

"Stooges, do you know who Nu Wa is? Do you know who we are? Know how long we have been in this **** ghost place? Know why those **** God's Domain people are deliberately trying to find us and get rid of it Is it fast then?"

The one-eyed ghost stared at Li Zedao, and raised several questions in a row.

Li Zedao was both painful and terrifying, and his voice was weak: "Please also tell the ghost master, I will definitely remember it firmly."

"Stray dog, you don't even know who Nu Wa is?"

"No... I don't know, no one told me about it. After listening to Lord Pig, I knew that I also have the blood of Nuwa." Li Zedao explained in a low voice.

"Mom's running dog, who is pregnant with Nüwa's blood, but doesn't know who Nüwa is, he really deserves to die." Ghost face cursed.

Probably because of Li Zedao’s humble attitude, this time the ghost face did not pass, but said: "Forget it, this can’t be all to blame for you, after all, you grew up next to those **** God’s domain people, no one Speaking of this to you, even most people in God's Domain don't even know that there is still such a brave and handsome race in God's Domain..."

Li Zedao can't listen anymore, this guy likes to put gold on his face too much, right?

"So, you don't know that it is also extremely normal. But fortunately, you did not meet a strong person with a spiritual mirror cultivation base. A strong spiritual mirror cultivation base can immediately feel your unique bloodline. Will slap you into pieces!"

Guimian felt that this lackey's luck was too good. After living with that **** God's Domain for so many years, he could still thrive. He had to say that his luck was too bad.

Li Zedao only nodded his head and agreed with the other party's words.

The ghost face raised his head slightly and looked upwards, that one eye fell into a certain thought, and the whole person became quite artistic...extremely disgusting.

Li Zedao almost couldn't help jumping out and slapped to death this ugly guy who pretended to be a literary artist.

"Stray dog, I will tell you a very long and very long story now." Ghost face said quietly.

"I will firmly remember every word you say, Lord Gui." Li Zedao said quickly.

After brewing for a while, Guimian said, "That was a long, long time ago, when there was no sky, no land, no people, no flowers, trees, or all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts, no mountains, no water, no day to follow. There is only chaos in the dark night."

"Stooges, do you know what chaos is?"

Before Li Ze said anything, Guimian said again: "Forget it, I won't be embarrassed by you. Anyway, you only need to know that it is called Chaos."

Li Zedao thought to himself that you have no idea about this chaos, right?

"You just need to remember. I don't know how long it took, the spiritual energy contained in this chaos gave birth to an extremely terrifying person, his name is Pangu!"

The ghost face's voice became moved, with an extremely rich exclamation: "At the same time, a heaven-defying artifact was born, and this heaven-defying artifact is called the Heavenly Axe!"

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden, with a look of astonishment that this happened.

"After that, Pangu held the Skybreaking Axe and smashed it directly with an axe, splitting the chaos into many planes. This God's Domain is just one of the planes."

Guimian was very satisfied with Li Zedao’s reaction, and continued: “After that, every plane has its own unique scenery and order, and every plane also has a guardian, or guardian. God."

"The guardian of God's Domain is the Panlong who deserves a thousand swords! And the guardian of Mortal Domain is the Nuwa who bestows our noble blood!"

"Now, do you know? This is not the home of our Nuwa clan! Our home is in the mortal domain!" The ghost face's eyes are already full of heartbreaking sadness, even when it comes to emotions, A teardrop slipped down from that pupil.

Li Zedao's face was dull and his body became extremely stiff, as if he was completely shocked by this unimaginable thing.

Naturally, he started acting in Biao again.

Li Zedao secretly cursed that although this guy is ugly and simple in mind, his acting skills are really not covered.

The tears fell away as soon as they were spoken, which was very powerful.

"Maybe Pangu’s axe wasn’t thorough enough, or Pangu did it deliberately. In short, there are still some close connections between some planes, such as God’s Realm and Demon Realm. , Ghosts and our mortal domains, there is a close connection between these four domains."

"In all four planes, there is an extremely secret passage leading to another plane. We call it the conveyor belt. Through this conveyor belt, you can go to the other three planes. Of course, this conveyor belt usually It is hidden, and only at a special time will it appear and be exposed to everyone."

"It's just that even if there is a conveyor belt, ordinary people can't pass through other planes by teleportation. Only one person can pass through the conveyor belt to enter the other three planes at will, even if the conveyor belt is hidden. It is the patron saint of every plane!"

"At that time, the four planes each established their own order, and no one interfered with each other."

"But at this moment, in this God's Domain, an extraordinary event happened." The ghost face's voice became low and his complexion became solemn.

"What... What's the big deal?" Li Zedao swallowed.

It used to be Biao acting, but now it's really interesting.

He knew that he might be able to find out the truth about the myths and legends of Pangu's creation and Nuwa patching the sky, and understand what happened.

Guimian was even more satisfied with Li Zedao's reaction, and he wasted a lot of saliva to help him establish a correct concept.

If you want to establish a correct national concept, you must first understand the real history. Guimian felt that his leader was quite successful.

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