Soul stone?

Li Zedao's thoughts surged fiercely.

It seems that the soul stone that this guy said should be the colorful stone. Unexpectedly, the colorful stone is also a Horcrux made from ghosts. It is no wonder that the effect it brings is so heavenly and its side effects are so terrible.

In this way, Nu Wa is also an extremely powerful soulmaker.

Also, according to the statement of the consciousness she left behind, Nuwa is naturally also an extremely rare cultivator of heavenly secrets, and has reached a terrible dominance.

The strength of the Skyrim practitioner absolutely suppresses the spiritual energy practitioner of the same level, so her strength is definitely above the Panlong and the Chilong.

"But after all, the colorful stones cannot be refined in a day or night. It is an extremely large and energy-consuming project. Therefore, Nu Wa agreed to Panlong's request, and she personally led the strong in the mortal realm into God Realm, fight Chi Long together."

"What's next?" Li Zedao's heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.

Li Zedao believed that this guy with good acting skills did not add fuel to this matter, and the angry expression on his face and the violent flames burning in his eyes were not deliberately made.

Because Li Zedao clearly felt that the blood of this ugly guy was boiling.

He is really furious!

"That battle ruined the sky and the earth, blood flowed into rivers! Chilong is strong, but how can it be stronger than Nuwa and Panlong? However, Chilong is not weak, so the strong of God and Mortal fell. Countless! After that, the Demon Region was defeated, and Chilong rushed back to the Demon Region with people."

"Subsequently, Panlong suggested that Nuwa take advantage of the victory and chase, and completely occupy the devil's domain. Nuwa refused. The reason why she agreed to help Panlong's opponent Chilong was because of her kindness, and she really didn't want to see the tragic scene of being charred. On the other hand, I am also worried that Chilong will turn his spearhead to the mortal domain."

"Now that Chilong has already retreated, Nuwa will naturally not take the initiative to provoke a war, and her life will be overwhelmed, so she flatly rejected Panlong's request."

"Panlong saw that Nuwa did not agree. Although he was not insisting on it, he already hated Nuwa. Then he begged Nuwa to refine some more colorful sacred stones out, repair and seal the conveyor belt between God's Domain and Demon's Domain, with a view to Endangered."

"For Panlong's request, Nu Wa has agreed to it."

"After that, Nuwa spent a lot of effort to repair the conveyor belt from God's Domain to Demon's Domain and after the seal was completed, when she started to repair the conveyor belt between Moral Domain and God's Domain, she did not expect..."

The one eye of Guimian had completely turned blood red, and it was obviously angry to the extreme.

Perhaps because of having the same blood, Li Zedao's blood actually started to boil, and his heart was completely enveloped by an inexplicable anger.

"The **** Panlong led the strong from God's Domain to light up the butcher's knife against Nuwa and the strong from Mortal Domain!"

Although I already had the answer in my heart, Li Ze's eyes widened suddenly, and his blood boiled even more!

It turns out that this is the truth!

As for why Panlong wants to do this kind of thing, you can think about it with your knees. It is nothing more than two words: profit!

There must be two more words, it is nothing more than the word "shameless"!

Panlong didn't intend to keep his promises. He didn't want to claim vassal from the mortal domain. He even wanted to get all the resources of the mortal domain because of the great damage to the vitality of the gods!

"Because Nuwa spent a lot of energy in refining soul stones, and Nuwa didn't even think that Panlong would actually cause evil in his heart. Therefore, Panlong and the others succeeded in their sneak attack, and they successfully treated Nothing from behind. The defensive Nuwa and the strong from the mortal domain start!"

"At that time, Nuwa, who was stabbed by Panlong severely, became angry. She led her twelve most elite messengers and other powerful men to rise up to resist! Fortunately, Nuwa's cultivation base was above Panlong, although she suffered She was seriously injured, but she also successfully wounded Panlong, and immediately returned to the world through the conveyor belt. In the end, she exhausted her last vitality to repair the sealing conveyor belt."

"But, after all, it's still too late. There are already a lot of powerhouses from God's Domain who have seized the opportunity to enter the Mortal Domain and they are killing them!"

"Damn!" Li Zedao gritted his teeth. This time, he was completely on the side of this group of people.

Those who entered the mortal realm and started killings were naturally Xuanhuang True People and their group.

"Damn it!" The ghost gritted his teeth, "It's not an exaggeration to die ten thousand times! At that time, the conveyor belt was repaired and sealed for the safety of Nuwa, and the twelve messengers led the remaining strong from the mortal realm at the conveyor belt. There is a **** battle with those **** guys in God's Domain in that mountain range!"

"Finally, after all, outnumbered, all the strong from the mortal realm were killed, and the twelve envoys fell four. In the end in that cruel and unusual counterattack, Nuwa finally repaired and sealed the conveyor belt, but the remaining eight The scarred messengers have no way to return to the mortal realm through the conveyor belt. They decided to hide temporarily, thrive, and get revenge in the future!"

Speaking of this, the one eye of Ghost Eye is already full of hot light.

Li Zedao felt that the dragon was too shameless. Nuwa helped him repel the invasion of the devil, and also helped to repair and seal the conveyor belt. In the end, he was severely bitten by the fierce Panlong. This is a typical farmer and snake story.

What's even more exaggerated is that the snake completely distorted the truth afterwards.

Said that Nuwa who helped God's Domain became a vicious and cruel woman with a snake body who invaded God's Domain, said that she was extremely murderous, and even liked to eat human hearts and brains.

After she invaded God's Domain, she carried out extremely **** killings, wherever she went, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers.

In the end, the heroes from the various tribes of God's Domain all shot and united against the female snail. In that battle, many heroes fell, but they also successfully drove the demon of the female snail out of God's Domain.

Even, in order for this distorted thing to look more real, they also formed the Fuzhou Academy! What's more, they even lighted up a butcher knife against the extremely innocent snake people.

Don't be too shameless about these kinds of crimes, you can fight that **** little one!

"Damn lackey, do you know how much my Nuwa line wants to return to Mortal Realm and return to their hometown?" The ghost's face was in tears with horror.

Although it was cruel, Li Zedao still wanted to say that otherwise you should not go back and stay here forever.

If this group of people were to return to the Mortal Realm, they would have corpses piled into mountains and blood flowed into rivers.

These people's thoughts have been completely extreme and distorted. They can no longer be regarded as humans. To say that they are beasts and perverts is a kind of praise to them.

"So Ghost Lord, our Nuwa line can have such a prosperous situation today, relying on the eight ambassadors?" Li Zedao asked.

"Exactly! Now, those eight ambassadors are also our eight masters and the supreme ruler of our Avengers." The ghost face's eyes are full of heat.

He has a better attitude towards Li Zedao, and feels that this running dog's mental awareness is still very high. For example, the words "prosperous situation" are used quite well.

Of course, the main credit is still himself. Without his own guidance, his thinking would definitely not be so high.

"Master of the Eight Gates?" Li Zedao was taken aback. The eyeballs turned and scanned the surroundings a few times. It seemed that there were eight such places in total, and they were distributed in eight places in God's Domain.

"Thanks to Nuwa's heavy damage to Panlong, the **** Panlong finally fell asleep. Therefore, the Eight Ambassadors managed to escape from the chase of God's Domain and got a chance to breathe. In the end, they decided to thrive. And form the Avengers."

"The Avengers have a total of eight doors, and eight messengers manage one of them. These eight doors are Open Door, Rest Door, Life Door, Wound Door, Du Door, King Door, Dead Door, and Shocked Door. Here, there are eight. The door opens in the door. These eight doors thrive on each other but are closely connected, and together they strengthen the blood of my Nuwa clan."

Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, isn't this the eight of the Qimen Dunjia?

"Now, the masters of the eight sects are in a state of closed-door cultivation, and only one day they can enter the Lingyu Realm, and then they can get their revenge on the Divine Realm!" Guimian said again, "So now every elder is in charge of the affairs of every sect. Come on. Like our life, it is managed by the prisoner elder Niu, and the twelve beasts where Lord Pig is, represent the strongest combat power of our life."

"Twelve beasts?" Li Zedao nodded, indicating that he remembered.

But it was secretly frightened and wanted to stay on the verge of life. The only eight people who had existed at the beginning seemed to have developed into an extremely terrifying force.

Haizhu’s cultivation base is a quasi-spirit fairy mirror, that is to say, just open the door, there are as many as twelve strong quasi-spirit fairy mirrors!

As for the elder who opened his eyes, Li Zedao felt that he had difficulty breathing before, so he wanted to know that he was a strong man with the spiritual mirror cultivation base, that is to say, the entire Avengers, the strong man with the spiritual mirror cultivation base There are eight!

As for the eight masters who are in retreat, they are now attacking the Lingyu Realm, which means that their cultivation base at this time has reached the Quasi Lingyu Realm!

Such a gathering of powerful organizations is enough to sweep even superpowers such as Fuzhou Academy and Yingzhou Academy.

Of course, Li Zedao also understands that these people want to sweep God's Realm right now, and they are simply dreaming.

Because God’s Domain is composed of many forces, there are still horrible powerhouses like Little Tortoises, Old Ghosts, and Gu God Lords who can compete with the Eight Sect Masters. The difference in strength between the two is too obvious. .

"Ghost, the little one has another question." Li Zedao said cautiously.

Guimian was in a good mood at this time, and nodded: "You can ask."

"Where is this place? The despicable and shameless people in God's Domain can't find us?" Li Zedao asked.

When the ghost heard this, he sneered and said: "Even if you are Panlong, don't even think about finding this place, let alone other people."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, thinking that this place is so secretive? Even more terrifying is that there are seven other places like this.

"Because this is Xumiyu." The ghost grinned, revealing a grinning sharp tooth.

"Xumiyu?" Li Zedao's eyes widened.

He knew where Sumiyu was.

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