Hasn't the dantian of this running dog been completely crushed by Lord Pig and lost his cultivation base? Isn't he already a complete waste? Any three-year-old child can beat him to death?

But now, what's the matter with this force even more terrifying than the top-grade peak cultivation powerhouse of the Spirit God Realm?

Li Zedao had a nervous smile on his face, and said, "Do you clearly feel what is called fear? You are an ugly monster who should go to hell!"

With that, Li Zedao moved his other hand down.

Guimian's body suddenly tightened, and the horror in his eyes became even worse.

He wanted to beg for mercy and said, "No. Lao Tzu relies on that person to eat. Without that Lao Tzu's status in this life, he will drop rapidly. He wants to become a waste in the eyes of others. Everyone will go wherever he goes. You spit on your body.

However, his throat was pinched tightly by Li Zedao, and he even found it difficult to breathe, let alone speak.

He could only look at Li Zedao with pitiful eyes. He hoped that Li Zedao could see such a pitiful part of himself, and he must let him go.

"It's better to tear off this sinful thing and treat it as an atonement." Li Zedao let out a nervous laugh.

The other party's pitiful eyes made Li Zedao amused and disgusted.

How many innocent people, innocent birds, dogs, etc., have looked at you with such pleading eyes, hoping that you can let them go, but you are just taking pleasure in it, it's crazy!

Of course, helping him atone for his sins was just one of the smallest reasons. Li Zedao had a more important purpose.

After borrowing this body later, Li Zedao never wanted to contaminate that bitch, goshawk, or something.

Clean yourself, start with me.

So, this thing is completely ruined.

Before he could finish his words, Li Zedao's hand violently burst! Immediately, his hands were full of viscous liquid.

Li Zedao stretched his hand back and wiped the ghost face, his face full of disgust: "What a **** disgusting!"

Looking at the ghost face, that face was pale, with a cold sweat bursting out of it, and the one eye seemed to roll out of his eye socket at any time.

His throat squirmed desperately, but it was because of the throat that was pinched so hard that he couldn't make a sound.

"Seriously, after all, we have the same blood. In this foreign country, we should be united. We must not have infighting, but you say it is strange? Now that I kill you, not only do I have no sense of guilt, but even a kind of dirty The feeling of the hand." Li Zedao did not understand.

The blood spurted out from under the ghost's face, it was painful for a long time to doubt life, and he couldn't hear what Li Zedao said.

Li Zedao shook his head, and the hand that was pinching Guimian's neck pressed hard.

The pale face of Guimian turned red all at once, and his body wriggled like an earthworm that saw the light.

There was no mercy in Li Zedao's eyes, no ferociousness, no hatred, and no pleasure.

Only resolutely, extremely resolute.

For the water concubine spirit, for the child in his womb, for the mortal domain, or for the gods domain, for those unarmed people who only hope to live their lives in peace and tranquility.

The axe must succeed!

After dozens of breaths, Guimian's body stopped moving, and then his head drooped down, completely losing his vitality!

He was strangled to death by Li Zedao! His one-eyed eyes are still round, and there is still horror in his eyes.

Li Ze Dao's hand loosened, and Guimian's body was soft to the ground, like a dead dog, his lower body was still bleeding from stench.

"In this way, you can stay away from that kind of disgusting deeds and honestly be a beautiful...er, ugly man!" Li Ze thought to himself after a glance at the corpse.

After taking a few deep breaths, Taoist Li Ze raised his hands suddenly and patted his head fiercely.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao's head exploded directly, and his body fell to the ground. The whole scene was **** and terrifying.

After ten breaths passed, the ghost-faced corpse that was originally motionless was drawn a few times, and then the ugly one-eye suddenly brightened up, like a star in the sky.

Naturally, Li Zedao resurrected again through the body of ghost face.

"Damn, it really hurts!"

Li Zedao clutched the **** crotch and stood up grinning.

Li Zedao really admired himself and admired him too much. In ancient times, the undefeated Oriental wielded his sword from the palace to practice the Sunflower Collection. Today, there is Li Zedao for the common people of the world. He didn't even wield the sword.

"Hey, why do you think I am so great? I have already moved myself to cry... Hiss... It hurts, it hurts..."

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the terrible corpse on the ground, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

After taking a few deep breaths, he calmed his mind. He pulled his throat and let out an extremely hideous and painful roar: "Ah...you...you...ah...you dare to do this? Damn a running dog! I killed him! You! I killed you..."


Li Zedao hit the past with a punch.

So the corpse that was already terrible was directly shattered, and the whole picture was extremely bloody.

The few extremely ugly guards outside heard such a big movement in the small black room, and they hurried over to find out.

When they saw the pile of minced meat on the ground, they were dumbfounded.

They were even more stupid when they saw the ghosts rolling over there with their faces under their covers, making a sound like killing a pig, and blood still coming out.

What happened here? What's wrong with Ghost Face?


"Ghost face, what the **** is going on? Didn't I ask you to help the running dog erect a correct concept? How did you tear him to pieces? Why are you still injured?"

Hai Zhu's face was not very good, and he couldn't understand what was going on.

But the elder said, save the kid's life and give him a chance to know when he is lost. Maybe he can become a hero of my Nuwa clan.

After all, he succeeded in getting a woman from God's Domain to conceive. He had a successful precedent, and there was a great possibility that he would succeed in the future. The child might even be extremely healthy, and he could even grow into my Nuwa clan in the future. army head!

Even then, he will definitely realize his mistake, and then he will take the initiative to tell the whereabouts of his woman and bones.

what? The lackey said with a sad expression that the woman was already asleep in the desert? Who believes it!

Unexpectedly, one didn't pay attention, but the ghost face smashed it into pieces, so how should I explain to the elder?

Had it not been for the tragic end of him, Hai Zhu would have wanted to slap this **** to death!

"Pig... Lord Pig..."

Li Zedao's voice was extremely weak, his one-eyed eyes were full of grievances, and that monstrous hatred.

"I don't know what's going on, that guy actually has a cultivation base..."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Hai Zhu's complexion froze, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"That **** running dog actually has a cultivation base, and at least it is a low-grade cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm. I didn't pay attention to it, and he abandoned it, so I furiously shot..."

"How is this possible?" Hai Zhu suddenly got up, and the brain boy roared violently, unable to believe what his ears heard.

You know that Li Zedao's Dantian was abolished by him. He knows better than anyone that the **** traitor's cultivation has been lost, how could he still possess the spiritual and god-level cultivation?

But Guimian couldn't lie, after all, he didn't have to lie.

Not to mention that his lower body suffered heavy injuries. This is an iron-clad fact. If there is no lower-grade cultivation base in the spirit and spirit, even a sneak attack will not even hurt the ghost face with the middle-grade cultivation base in the spirit and spirit.

"Damn! What the **** is going on?" Haizhu's heart was trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima, and it was extremely messy.

Could it be... what kind of weird spiritual skills did he cultivate? Although the cultivation base has been abolished, but still has the strength of a blow?

A cold sweat broke out on Hai Zhu's forehead. If the **** traitor did this to himself without paying attention...

After thinking about it, Hai Zhu felt that he was thinking too much. He was not a trash like a ghost face. Even if he was attacked by that **** running dog, he was completely able to avoid it.

"Master Pig, I..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, just take care of your injuries."

After taking a few deep breaths, Hai Zhu looked at the ghost face and comforted him: "I will report this to the elder, and I will also help you say a few good things. I believe the elder will not blame you, and I will compensate you later. ."

"Thank you, Lord Pig." Li Zedao was grateful.

"As for this matter..." Hai Zhu pointed to Li Zedao's thick plaster on his lower body, "I will tell those people who know the truth about it. No one will know what happened to you except us. This is something, don’t worry, I will let you take care of the **** you like. If you are pregnant, the credit will be on you."

"Thank you, Lord Pig." Li Zedao was even more grateful, and couldn't wait to kneel and kiss Hai Zhu's feet.

"Take a good rest." Hai Zhu waved his hand, turned and left.

Li Zedao lay back on the bed, with a icy width floating around his mouth.


Hai Zhu would naturally not go stupidly to report to Prisoner Niu that the damned traitor still possessed a low-grade cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm for some reason, and directly squeezed the lifeblood of one of my subordinates, and was later killed by my subordinates.

It just said that the **** traitor not only didn't listen to the guidance, but also kept scolding the holy Nuwa clan. His subordinates missed and killed them in anger, and he had already punished his subordinates severely.

It was nothing more than a traitor who had insulted the blood of the Nuwa clan. Although he had expectations for it, he was still stubborn and even dared to speak wild words, so he died.

As for Li Zedao's past, to be honest, Elder Prisoner Niu didn't care at all, and he didn't need Li Zedao to be a bad spy or something.

The powerful and proud Nuwa clan does not need any spies!

Therefore, the Elder Prisoner Niu did not doubt what Hai Zhu said, nor did he pursue anything, so this matter passed.

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