"Mature inner alchemy?" Li Zedao's expression was slightly moved.

The beasts whose strength is no less than that of the lower-grade cultivation base of the spirit and gods, they cultivated the inner alchemy that stores the essence of heaven and earth, and the mature inner alchemy mentioned by Shen Gongmao refers to those whose strength is comparable to the upper-grade spirits and gods The inner alchemy of the powerhouse of the peak cultivation base!

"This **** cat is really sinister!" Li Zedao was quite upset.

"Oh, by the way, I don’t have much time and patience, so I only give you half a month. Do you steal it or grab it or do you pity on your knees and pray for those poisonous insects and beasts to give them their inner alchemy Dig it out for you, it's up to you! I only want the results." Shen Gongmao said with an extremely sinister smile.

Of course he knew that within half a month this waste would not be able to find ten mature inner alchemy.

With his cultivation base, let alone ten mature inner alchemy, even one, he might not be able to bring it back.

The opportunity has been given, and he can't catch it by himself. In this way, Lord Pig will not be able to say anything.

"I see, thank you Lord Cat." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said.

"You can go away, I will be angry when I see you!"

"Yes, yes, don't be angry, I'll get out of here!" Li Zedao quickly apologized, and wanted to leave.

"Wait! It seems that not only did that stuff waste your ears, but you also didn't understand what Lao Tzu said? Lao Tzu said, get out! Get out of here!

After talking, he kicked Li Zedao, who had never resisted, to the ground, then raised his foot and stepped on Li Zedao's face, crushing it a few times in humiliation.

"Yes, yes, I'll get out of here, don't be angry, Lord Cat..." Li Zedao curled his head.

"Jie Jie Jie, look at your trash! Go!" Shen Gongmao let out a terrible laugh.

After Shen Gongmao removed his foot from his face, Li Zedao began to roll on the ground, and just like that, he rolled to the foot of the mountain.

This scene was seen by many strange-looking people, but each seemed to be watching a good show. The expressions should be more playful and playful.

Among them were a few people who had been bullied by ghost faces before. When Li Zedao rolled over, he even kicked them.

"Ah, rootless waste, I'm sorry, I accidentally stepped on you."

"Bah... I'm sorry, I accidentally spit on you."

A piece of bone that did not know where it was flying from, hit the back of Li Zedao's head heavily, and blood flowed directly.

"Damn, if I had left here long ago to kill a few more **** God's realm people, and then you would die with a **** damn God's realm person with a high-grade cultivation base of Spirit God Realm or above!"

"So cheap? I seriously doubt that he is a member of my holy Nuwa clan."


Li Zedao's body was rolling forward, and the strange thing was that there was no wave in his heart, silently bearing all this.

Once, he has already suffered even greater humiliation, but now this kind of scene, but what counts?

After rolling to the foot of the mountain honestly, Li Zedao stood up and returned to his hut at the foot of the mountain.

The higher the status, the higher the place of residence.

Ghost face used to live on the mountainside, but after being "seriously injured", he was sent directly to this hut at the foot of the mountain.

In the darkness, Li Zedao's one eye was shining with an inexplicable gloom, and the cold smile at the corner of his mouth was heart palpitating.

After clearing the blood stains on his face and the footprints on his body, Li Zedao walked out of the hut, still bowing his head with an invisible look, and walked towards the exit of Xumiyu.

Every Xumiyu must have an entrance and exit, and this is the only entrance.

It's just that this entrance and exit exists in the nihility, so outside, even the powerhouse of the Lingyu realm, there is no way to see this entrance.

Unless it is an extremely powerful soulsmith, there is a way to see some clues.

But in this Xumi domain, you can clearly see the location of the entrance, that is a door, a door that looks ordinary.

This entrance and exit is located at the foot of the yin and energetic Liulu Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there is an extremely dark entrance. Entering from the entrance is a cold and dark passage, and at the end of the passage is the door leading to the outside.

At this time, there happened to be many people from other peaks gathered here, just after registration, they can leave this Xumiyu from the exit of the passage.

Many of them were actually pushing cars with corpses that had been tortured in disarray. These people were members of the corpse-throwing department of each mountain.

Li Zedao glanced at the corpse, then moved his eyes away. He really didn't have the courage to take another look.

The person in charge of registration was an old man with only a layer of dark orange skin on his face and a skull.

The old man's turbid and yellow eyes glanced at Li Zedao, and Li Zedao quickly said: "North of Xuhai Peak, Ghost Face."

The old man glanced at Li Zedao, thinking that of course I knew that you were a ghost face, and I also knew that you were born from me and a bug. After registration, he threw a jade card with a weird light to Li Zedao.

"Thank you." Li Ze said, catching the Yuka.

The moment he received the Yuka, Li Zedao felt like his body was like an electric shock, and his entire soul trembled. At the same time, the Yuka in his hand released a more dazzling and strange light, just like the burning ghost fire. , Then disappeared.

Li Zedao knew that this kind of jade card was an extremely special Horcrux, and its function was equivalent to the key of this Xumiyu.

At this time, the jade card has been integrated into your soul. In this way, when you return, the door of Xumiyu will automatically open for you.

If you die outside, this special jade card will disappear immediately, without worrying about falling into the hands of others.

The old man's muddy old eyes glanced at Li Zedao weirdly. The two words "thank you" undoubtedly made him feel weird and uncomfortable.

"What are you going out for?" the old man asked more.

"Help the Pill Department to find a mature core." Li Zedao said truthfully.

The old man nodded and entered the pill department, which was considered a place to stay. Broke and nodded to indicate that Li Zedao could leave.

Li Zedao rushed to the old man, then entered the intersection and stepped into the extremely dark passage.

Soon, Li Zedao came to an extremely ordinary door at the end of the passage. The first time I encountered this situation, it was a bit new, so Li Zedao stayed for a while.

"Damn, go or not? Don't go and roll, don't stand in here." The people behind saw Li Zedao dragging his feet and cursed directly.

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and strode out of the door leading to the outside.

While breathing, Li Zedao felt his mind in a trance, and then the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

There was a violent storm around the city, and the icy raindrops poured through Li Zedao's body at once, and the lightning that struck down seemed to completely split the entire mountain range.

Li Zedao probably knew that this was the Underworld Mountain, which was a mountain located at the junction of the Kan tribe and the Gan tribe.

This mountain is winding and winding, the peaks are towering into the clouds, and there is extreme weather. From time to time, thunder and violent storms are heavy, as if the mountains are to be broken into pieces.

It is precisely because of this extremely bad weather that this place is also one of the ten most fierce places in God's Domain.

There are ancient rumors that this mountain is the entrance to the netherworld, hence the name.

Now think about it, this kind of rumors may be correct, and the conveyor belt from God's Domain to the ghost may be hiding somewhere in this Nether Mountain.

Li Zedao finally knew that there were no fierce beasts and natural treasures in the mountains of the underworld, and they were completely cleaned up by the life gate hidden in the mountains.

Many people appeared around Li Zedao as if they appeared out of nowhere, but they ignored each other and disappeared into the rain.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, discerned the next direction, and strode forward.

Shen Gong cat only gave half a month, so he didn't have time to spend more time in this dead mountain range.

Even if Li Zedao's current strength can barely compete with the quasi-spirit fairy mirror cultivation powerhouse, it is still extremely difficult to obtain a mature inner alchemy.

Not to mention that the poisonous insects and beasts with mature inner alchemy are extremely powerful. If you want to kill them, you will have to pay a great price, not to mention that it is extremely difficult to find the traces of the powerful poisonous beasts.

I think that in order to find the fire scorpion’s fire scorpion’s inner alchemy, Shui Feiling went deep into the dangerous mountain range many times, and finally found an adult fire scorpion, and even took advantage of the fire scorpion to spit out the inner alchemy When the little fire scorpion was cultivating, there was a way to cooperate with Li Zedao to steal the fire pill.

Li Zedao now has his eyes blacked out, and he doesn't even know where the terrifying poisonous insects and beasts are located, let alone a total of ten mature inner alchemy.

Therefore, Li Zedao naturally would not go stupidly to look for those powerful poisonous insects and beasts in the deep mountains and old forests. Such a short time would not allow him to do so.

Li Zedao decided to go to Dangu to try his luck.

Earlier, Li Zedao heard that there was a place called Dangu in the Gan tribe.

In fact, Dangu is not referring to a place, but an organization called Dangu. The main pharmacist of Dangu Valley, Qingniu, is not only a powerhouse of spiritual immortal mirror cultivation, but also a Fourth-Rank Soulsmith!

Therefore, Dan Gu's strength in this God Realm is only higher than that of Huang Quan and the public loser family in Huangcheng.

Even a super power such as the Baili family, when facing Dangu, I am afraid that they have to be polite and try to get close to it. After all, you simply don't know if you will ask Dangu someday.

After Shen Gongmao made this request, Li Zedao decided to go to Dangu, let alone ten mature inner alchemy in that place, there were even a hundred.

Anyway, you don't need to care what kind of poisonous insects it is, as long as it is a mature inner alchemy.

As for whether it will be recognized as having the blood of Nuwa, Li Zedao is not worried.

The pure and unsullied breath of heaven can easily hide the breath of Li Zedao's body, including the blood of Nuwa.

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