The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2328: Flattering

"The moment I saw the young lady, I was shocked as a god, and my heart almost jumped out of my throat."

Li Zedao murmured in a low voice, but it spread to every corner of the entire Panlong Temple: "There is only one thought left in a small mind, heaven and earth, why is this world so fresh and refined? Woman? It's beyond my realm of cognition. Miss, you look so holy, like the little stars in the sky, that makes people look forward to yearning from the bottom of their hearts."

"but now……"

Li Zedao's voice became extremely disappointed: "Now that the young lady is going to do such a crude thing, it is equivalent to making a mark on the flawless white jade, and sprinkling a handful of carbon ash on the white snow. It's a terrible sight!"

"Miss, I beg you, please return that flawless Miss Dangu to me and everyone." Li Zedao's voice was choked with a trace of pain in it.

I thought that if my mother was so disgusting, I would have to draw a sword to kill.

The woman's body shook violently, and her head roared so hard that she looked at Li Zedao stupidly.

The moonlight on the side was extremely strange and shocked! It turns out that in order to survive, a person can say such words with no lower limit.

Moonlight wanted to rush to tear off the black gauze on this kid's face. He wanted to know how thick this kid's face was.

After a few breaths, the woman was still in a state of confusion, and she hadn't recovered yet.

Moonlight knew that after the lady was wearing such a high hat, she didn't want to embarrass this shameless boy. On the other hand, this is Panlong Temple after all, and it is indeed not suitable to cause trouble here, otherwise if such a thing spreads out. , Will bring a bad reputation to Dangu.

So he took out a dragon card and threw it to Li Zedao, motioning him to get out of the way while the lady hadn't reacted.

Li Zedao quickly turned around and escaped from Panlong Temple, staying away.

After half an hour, Li Zedao smoothly entered the foggy city holding the dragon card.

As for what happened in the Panlong Temple, Li Zedao had long been left behind. Of course, if there is a chance to meet that vicious girl in the future, she must be taught a lesson.

Now, let her go for a while.

Walking on the street with extremely bad air, Li Zedao saw a rather interesting phenomenon. Many people just sat casually on the side of the road, frowning and studying the thick "Compendium of Plants and Trees" in their hands.

Seeing the "Compendium of Plants and Trees", Li Zedao felt a little bit in his heart. He already remembered the time when he and Nangong Wan'er had a copy of "The Compendium of Plants and Trees" when he and Nangong Wan'er were studying carefully.

Li Zedao sighed slightly, that kind of short but quiet good time, he couldn't go back when he was there, neither he nor Nangong Wan'er.

She regarded him as an enemy, an endless enemy.

From a distance, I saw a large-scale medicine shop in front of him. Li Zedao pondered and walked in.

But all around the medicine store are the kind of medicine cabinets with drawers, and the drawers contain all kinds of herbs.

It's just that there are not a few customers, obviously the business is extremely deserted.

Li Zedao probably knew that for these drugstores, the biggest customer was Nadangu.

On the counter in front, there was a guy sitting there, but he stared at a copy of "Outline of Plants and Trees" in his hands without squinting. After hearing the movement, he raised his head and glanced at Li Zedao.

"What medicine to buy?"

The man murmured, then he turned his gaze to the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" in front of him, as if he was studying hard.

Li Zedao scanned the small drawers around and found that they were all medicinal herbs that were not too hard to find, and there were basically no treasures here.

"Is there a mature inner alchemy?" Li Zedao walked up to the buddy, straight to the point.

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that the possibility of a mature inner alchemy was extremely low. Even if there were, there would be one or two.

Of course, even if there were only one or two, Li Zedao couldn't afford it.

At that time, I am afraid that I will be a gentleman of Liang Shang.

The guy raised his head and looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot: "Do you think I can have that kind of thing in this small store? Even if there is, it has already been sent to Dangu. Go out, don't Excuse me from reading. Tomorrow Dangu will be appraised for accepting disciples. If you can become a disciple of Dangu, you are better than guarding this drug store."

The guy waved his hand impatiently and motioned to Li Zedao to leave quickly.

Accept disciples assessment?

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment. It is no wonder that after entering the city, many people were studying there holding the "Compendium of Plants and Trees". It turned out that they were holding the Buddha's feet temporarily in order to cope with the appraisal of disciples to be held by Dan Gu tomorrow.

"Oh, big brother, can you tell me about this assessment..."

The guy interrupted Li Zedao impatiently and pointed to the door: "I'm not free, you go quickly!"

Li Zedao smiled helplessly, turned and walked out of the drugstore.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the front foot walked out of this drugstore, a man on the back foot suddenly appeared in front of Li Zedao. Those eyes gleaming cunningly stared at Li Zedao, full of profiteers.

It was born from the heart, so Li Zedao could tell at a glance that this guy was not a good person.

"Something?" Li Zedao asked.

"Looking at you like this, you know that you are eager to make achievements in alchemy, am I right? I am boldly guessing...Well, you also came to participate in the Dangu annual appraisal of disciples, right?" Man He lowered his voice and said, as if he could not be heard by others.

"Uh... be it." Li Ze said in a daze, "but I just arrived, so I don't understand all of this."

It just so happens that you can get some news from this guy.

"Hehe, then your kid should feel lucky, because you met me, go, let's take a step to talk." The man chuckled, then pulled Li Zedao into a corner.

Li Zedao calmly followed this sly-eyed guy, he wanted to see what this guy was going to do.

In the drugstore, the guy looked up at the door and shook his head slightly.

"There is another person who is going to be deceived by that **** vagrant." The guy thought to himself, and then once again focused his attention on the "Outline of Plants and Trees" in his hand.

"Do you know who I am?"

After arriving in the corner, the man looked mysterious and powerful.

"Of course, it doesn't really matter who I am. What's important is that my uncle is Dangu's eighth grade alchemist..."

"Really?" Li Zedao doubted. I thought that you are like a bear, even if you really have an uncle, that is basically the same virtue.

"Naturally it is true. Do you think I am a liar?" The man expressed dissatisfaction with Li Zedao's words.

Li Zedao almost nodded seriously if he didn't hold it back, saying that you look like a deceitful person.

"Also, let me tell you, my uncle is still the examiner for the first examination tomorrow, isn't he great?" The man said in a low voice.

"Too great." Li Zedao echoed.

The man had such a powerful expression, and then he took out a book from his arms, and glanced around a few times, showing that the baby couldn't let others see this expression.

Li Zedao saw it, isn't this the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" that has long been familiar to heart, and can even be memorized backwards? And from the point of view of thickness, the content here is one percent of the outline of the entire "Herb" is considered good.

I instantly understood that this guy was cheating money out of all likelihood.

It's a pity, this liar is destined to return without success, and he doesn't have many gold coins.

"My uncle, I hope I can go to participate in the appraisal of recruiting disciples tomorrow, and then enter Dangu to become an alchemist, so he secretly gave me such a condensed version of the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" that flows from Dangu! On the surface, this is an extremely incomplete "Compendium of Plants and Trees", but it is not the case. What is written here is the focus of tomorrow's assessment." The man said in a low voice.

"Really?" Li Zedao felt a little funny.

"What you said, do I look like someone who can lie?" The man continued to express his dissatisfaction with Li Zedao's suspicion.

I thought to myself that I was an honest person, why doesn't this kid always believe what he said?

Immediately the man opened the book a few pages.

Li Zedao's eyes were very quick, and he glanced at the content above, really dumbfounding.

The content here can be said to be extremely incomplete, and the printing is illegible. This is simply a pirated book of very low quality.

"I can tell you, I am not interested in alchemy at all, and I feel that you and I are destined, so I plan to transfer this precious "Compendium of Plants and Trees" to you. Since you doubt it, then forget it."

With that, the man put the book back into his arms, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait..." Li Zedao stopped him.

The corners of the man's mouth curled up in an inexplicable manner, thinking that another idiot had taken the bait.

"Although I came here to participate in this assessment, but I just arrived, I don't know anything about it, and I heard that the assessment will be tomorrow, I don't know if I can sign up." Li Zedao hesitated.

It gives people the feeling that he actually wants to buy it, but he doesn't know the situation, and is worried about how useless after buying it.

The man turned around and quickly said: "You don't need to sign up in advance. As soon as tomorrow hour arrives, you can register on the spot at Nadangu Square not far from here on time. Naturally someone will tell you about the specific matters."

"That's the case." Li Zedao suddenly realized, "So, can I sign up tomorrow?"

"Naturally, you can sign up for the assessment no matter where you are from. And as long as you have the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" in my hand, you can study it carefully after you go back and be prepared, and you will surely pass the assessment tomorrow."

"Meeting is fate. This book is sold to you for a hundred gold coins, how?" The man had a cut expression.

Li Zedao sneered. Ten gold coins can buy a complete set of "The Compendium of Plants and Trees". It's good for you, but you dare to sell a hundred gold coins for such an incomparably broken book?

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