The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2354: Upgraded version of blood essence

"Quickly, get Lao Tzu's essence and blood pills." The victorious Erniao couldn't wait to handle the medicine bottle, and poured out all the pills in it, and wanted to take one of them.

But at this moment, the eyes of these birdmen went wide, and they couldn't believe what their eyes were seeing.

I thought it wasn't three pills that came out, but I didn't expect it to be four!

Three of them looked exactly the same, flushed, with a pungent smell of blood, and they were the essence of blood that they were familiar with.

But this fourth pill was greenish, and the taste was far from the smell of essence and blood, and it also released a strange coldness, which made people shudder.

"What kind of pill is this? Shouldn't there be three essence and blood pills? How come there is such a completely different pill?"

These birdmen looked at each other, then stared wide-eyed and studied the pill.

"Big bird, did you tell you this pill when the **** gave you the medicine bottle?" the old bird asked.

Big Bird frowned and shook his head: "Master Goupi only said that there are three essence and blood pills here. I didn't say much about the others, and I didn't open it."

He had retrieved the essence and blood pill from Goubi Ye many times before, and there were always only three. Now it is the first time that there is an extra strange pill.

"Then what is this?"

"Couldn't it be that some medicine was mistakenly put into the bottle of essence and blood pills? Should we report to Lord Goupi?"

"What a precious thing is the essence of blood pill, how can it be installed wrong?"

"I see!" The little bird suddenly stood up, his eyes gleaming with wisdom.

"What do you know?"

"Think about it, it’s impossible to pretend the essence of blood pills are so precious! So since this pill is with the essence of blood pills, it must be the essence of blood pills, maybe it’s an upgraded version of the essence of blood pills, and The reason why Goupiye didn't say it was because he wanted to test our knowledge and give us a surprise!" The little bird vowed, feeling more and more that what he said was right.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the other birds brightened, and they nodded with deep conviction, thinking that the birds were really **** reasonable.

This is the essence of blood, and it is an upgraded version of essence of blood!

Li Zedao in the corner also felt that this ugly guy was too **** right. He almost raised his hands and feet in agreement.

This strangely green pill is naturally the cut root pill that Li Zedao has refined and has not yet undergone clinical trials.

Just now, Li Zedao took advantage of this group of bird-men rock-paper-scissors and unconsciously ejected them into the medicine bottle.

Based on Li Zedao's understanding of these bird-men, he knew that these bird-men would treat the extra Root Root Pills as essence and blood pill in all likelihood.

Sure enough, these birds with worrisome IQ did not disappoint Li Zedao.

"So, who should this upgraded version of the essence of blood belong to?" Big Bird's eyes were bright, and he kept swallowing.

"I think the three of us who have just failed can play rock-paper-scissors once. Whoever wins will get this essence and blood pill. As for the three of you, quickly take away your essence and blood pill."

"Nima's, why are the three of you? Why are the three of us deprived of the opportunity to get this pill?" Erniao quit immediately.

"That's why?"

"Didn't you already get a blood essence pill?"

"Who knew there was an extra blood essence or an upgraded version?"

"If you want me to say, shouldn’t it count the rock-paper-scissors this time? Let’s compare it again. Let’s decide the ownership of this upgraded version of the blood essence. The remaining five people will decide the outcome of the final. Ownership of an ordinary essence and blood pills. What do you think?"

"I think this method is good."


The old bird's suggestion was immediately approved by several other birds.

So these birdmen once again formed acetaldehyde, and their expressions suddenly became solemn again, and the atmosphere of the medicinal material library fell into solace again.

"Rock, paper, scissors..."

After several rounds of fierce competition, Big Bird had the last laugh all the way, and he became the last winner.

"Jie Jie Jie... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this super blood essence is mine..." The winner, Big Bird's eyes shined, really excited.

What he didn't know was that an eye full of danger and expectation was staring at him.

The other birdmen were extremely frustrated, and felt that they had lost their best chance to become a fertility expert in one fell swoop, and become a respected hero of this Sumiyu!

Fearing that the night would have many dreams, Big Bird quickly picked up the upgraded version of Broken Root Pill, and swallowed it directly without even thinking about it.

The other birdmen looked at him blankly, their eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and they really wanted to replace him and swallow this upgraded version of the essence of blood.

The pill was poisoned, and the big bird had a bitter face. The smell of this nervous version of the essence and blood pill was too **** good, like swallowing shit.

Li Zedao frowned when he saw this. It seemed that the taste had to be improved a bit. Even if it can't be colorless and tasteless, it has to be good in taste, right?

Li Zedao is a person with relatively high requirements for the quality of life, and he absolutely does not allow the poison pill he refines to let people know that it is a poison pill at the first entrance.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Do you feel that blood is boiling? I want to toss the dog now?"


The other birds looked at Big Bird with envy, jealousy, and hatred, wishing to beat Big Bird violently, and beat out the upgraded version of the essence and blood pellet in his stomach that might not be digested in the future.

But at this moment, Big Bird's face changed drastically, and the pale face directly solidified into a ball, and his hands even subconsciously covered his hips.

pain! It's like pain from the soul!

This kind of pain started from the lower body, and then spread throughout his body, shaking his soul.

That kind of feeling, as if there was a fire burning his lower body.


There was a terrible sound from the big bird, which really frightened the few bird people around.

Looking at the big bird's face, the eyes turned round, and the pain in his eyes was even more heartbreaking.

Immediately, he fell softly to the ground, his hands tightly covering his hips, and he rolled over in pain, and the sound he made was even more heartbreaking, sharp and abnormal, as if he was about to lift the ceiling of the medicinal material library. It seems.

When these birdmen saw this, their faces changed wildly, and all of a sudden became a mess.

"This...what's wrong with this?"

"Quickly, go and inform Lord Goupi."

"Inform Lord Goupi, you should find Master Yang Alchemy first, this is obviously the wrong medicine..."

Li Zedao, who was staying in the corner, was secretly speechless, thinking this reaction was too big, right?

With such a reaction, this Root Pill was a complete failure.

What Li Zedao most hopes to see is that after these people have taken Broken Root Pill, their roots are cut off without any awareness, instead of the way that any fool can see at a glance, this is simply taking the wrong medicine.

After the dog skin and the sheep alchemist that these birdmen said came, the big bird was already in pain.

His ugly face no longer sees any **** color, and sweat keeps coming out, even all his clothes are soaked, and the water keeps dripping down, as if he had just been taken out of the water. Like fished out.

His originally recessed eyes are now bulging out completely, just like the eyes of a dead fish.

The corners of his mouth kept dripping with saliva and blood mixed in.

What is even more strange is that his hands are still tightly covering his hips, and perhaps even because of too much force, blood is constantly leaking from his crotch.

"This...what's going on?" Dog Skin was dumbfounded and looked at the other birdmen.

Then he looked at Li Ze who was staying in the corner. Could it be that the big bird provokes the ghost face again without knowing it, so the ghost face that was ashamed into anger is simply abandoned?

How else could I shed so much blood.

Li Zedao quickly shook his head with a dazed expression, saying that he didn't know what happened.

"I... we don't know either. Big Bird just swallowed the upgraded version of the Essence Blood Pill, and that's it." The second bird's voice was trembling.

I'm really glad that the person taking the upgraded version of the blood essence is not me, otherwise I am afraid that I am lying down now.

"What did you say?" Dog Skin was dumbfounded again.

How can this be? How could this happen after swallowing essence and blood pills? Goubi suddenly thought of something, and his expression froze: "Wait, what did you just say? What upgraded version of the essence of blood?"

The essence of blood is the essence of blood, what upgraded version of essence of blood? How come I have never heard of it?

"It's the upgraded version of the essence and blood pill, and the three essence and blood pill were put back by the big bird, don't you know what Goupi?" The old bird also stunned.

The dog skin became even more confused: "What do I know? I obviously only give the big bird three essence and blood pills. Where is the upgraded version of the essence and blood pills? When will there be an upgraded version of the essence and blood pills?"

Gou Pi stared at Master Sheep.

Master Yang Alchemy is a tall and thin man, and his appearance is more normal than that of people like Dog Skin, and he is a bit uglier than Zhou Yan.

He looked at the painful big bird rolling on the ground, frowned and shook his head: "There is no upgraded version of the essence of blood."

This person was obviously poisoned, and what he was caught was a severe poison like heartbroken, otherwise it would definitely not be so painful.

"What? No?" The other birdmen were dumbfounded.

If there is no upgraded version of essence and blood pills, what is that strange green pill? Where did it come from?

They seemed to have agreed, and their eyes full of horror looked at the dog skin.

After all, the essence of blood pill was received from him.

The muscles on Dogskin's face twitched, and his eyes stared: "Nima's, what kind of look are you guys? I really don't know what the upgraded version of the essence of blood is!"

A few birdmen still watched him swallowing wildly.

Dogskin's face was completely dark, and his teeth were so itchy, he wanted to kill.

"Master Yang, what's wrong with him?" Gou Pi looked at Master Yang, and almost couldn't help but act on this alchemist who was still pretending to be cold.

Nima asked you to come here to save the bird, not to let you come here to pretend to be force.

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