The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2357: Pharmacist Cloud

Without any hindrance, Li Zedao went down the mountain smoothly, first returned to his hut and simply cleaned it up, and then walked towards the exit of Xumiyu at the foot of Liulu Mountain.

As before, several people from other peaks gathered here, and only after registration, they could leave this Sumiyu at the exit of the passage.

The person in charge of registration is still the old man named Old Fish Head.

Li Zedao had thought that the old man's eyes seemed a little strange when he looked at him, and he was worried about whether he was seeing any clues.

Only now did I know that the ghost face was born from this old fish head and a bug living in the water.

In other words, this old fish head is the father of Guimian!

Of course, in this Xumi domain, there is no such thing as the so-called family relationship between father and son. Lao Tzu can also be a son or even grandson's offspring.

Everything depends on strength and contribution.

An old man like the old fish head who used to make a contribution now because he is too old to contribute, and his strength is average, will be assigned to those relatively leisurely positions.

But what he enjoys is not the so-called leisure, but the disgust and blindness of others.

To put it bluntly, these people who have made little contribution to the Nuwa clan should take the initiative to die quickly. Even if they breathe, they are wasting the air here.

"North of Xuhai Peak, Ghost Face." Li Zedao nodded.

Knowing that this old man turned out to be the father of Guimian, Li Zedao felt somewhat weird in his heart when facing the old man at this time.

The old man's cloudy and yellow eyes glanced at Li Zedao, registered Li Zedao's name, and threw the jade card with weird light to Li Zedao.

As before, the moment he received the Yuka, Li Zedao felt like his body was like an electric shock, and his whole soul trembled. At the same time, the Yuka in his hand released a more dazzling and strange light, just like that burning. The igniting ghost fire disappeared immediately.

The old fish head didn't say anything, Li Zedao nodded, and then strode into the extremely dark passage to the door leading to the outside, Li Zedao stepped out.

While breathing, Li Zedao felt his mind in a trance, and then the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

There was a violent storm around the city, and the icy raindrops poured through Li Zedao's body at once, and the lightning that struck down seemed to completely split the entire mountain range.

"This Sumiyu is really amazing. Even the entrance and exit can be perfectly hidden. Inside and out, there are basically two worlds."

Li Zedao smashed his mouth, wrapped his body that was soaked in an instant, and quickly left this ghost place.

If you get smashed by this thunder, you will be wronged.

Two days later, Li Ze passed the Panlong Temple under the guardian mountain and came to the Wucheng City.

Li Zedao didn't come to Wucheng on purpose, he just happened to pass by here.

This time Li Zedao didn't cover his face with black gauze. He wore a mask made of some kind of animal skin.

This kind of animal skin mask is very common and popular in God's Domain. Many people wear them on the road. They come in various shapes, so they don't look abrupt.

Sweeping the gate of the city from a distance, Li Zedao found that the two men standing at the gate of the city were wearing Dangu costumes.

"It seems that the dean has gone out of his way." Li Zedao thought.

"If that's the case, then go to the Pharmacist Qingniu to borrow something to wrap around." Li Zedao muttered to himself.

This journey is far away from the tribe. If there is no travel funds, then you can only sleep and eat, begging all the way.

The previous dragon card was not known where it was thrown by Li Zedao, so Li Zedao could only once again come to the Panlong Temple at the foot of the guard mountain, planning to obtain a dragon card so that he could enter the fog city. .

Step by step up the stairs, Li Zedao came to the Panlong Temple.

Looking at the oppressive hall in front of him, Li Zedao felt that his breathing paused slightly, and the feeling was as if an extremely terrifying breath was pressing on him.

"You really deserve to be a strong person in the spiritual realm. Just serving one tablet can produce such a terrible sense of oppression." Li Zedao once again yearned for it.

That is a desire for absolute strength.

With strength, you have the right to speak, you don't need to be conscientious, you don't need to walk carefully on thin ice, and you don't need any conspiracy. Anyone who refuses to accept it will slap to death.

After taking a deep breath, Li Zedao walked into the front yard.

There was a flash in front of him, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Li Zedao, but his face was full of shame, his nostrils facing the sky.

He slanted his eyes and glanced at Li Zedao, looking extremely impatient, as if Li Zedao had bothered him.

"Qiulong card is here?"

"Yes." Li Zedao said. Secretly shook his head, Dan Gu's people are still such a virtue.

Li Zedao knew that after Dan Gu was out of danger, Yao Shi Qing Niu should restrain his subordinates. It is a pity that these people have long been arrogant, and they will not be able to solve the problem of eating **** for a while.

"Follow me." The man said impatiently.

Right now, Li Zedao followed the man and walked into the hall and came to the Panlong tablet.

"Worship, pay ten gold coins, you can receive the dragon medal." The man said lightly.

Li Zedao nodded, standing in front of the memorial tablet, seemingly pious and honest, and cursing his mother in his heart. After paying another ten gold coins, he took the dragon card from the man's hand.

Just as he was about to leave the hall, a sound that looked furious came from the backyard behind the hall.

"You... what are you going to do?"

After hearing this sound, Li Zedao's raised leg suddenly stopped, and his body became extremely stiff as if struck by lightning. The ugly face hidden under the mask also became extremely weird.

He is very familiar with this voice! very familiar! The familiar kind of ashes recognized. Who is it if it's not Nangong Wan'er?

There was scolding in this voice, and it was more panic! So, she is being violated? Is she in danger?

Yes, the idea that came up in Li Zedao's mind at this time was not "Why is she here" at all, but she is in danger!

Therefore, his heart was pulled, his complexion became ugly, and his one-eyed eyes were filled with hideousness!

Immediately, his figure was lightning fast, and rushed towards the backyard.

The man only felt that there was a flash in front of him, that the person who came to ask for a dragon card actually bypassed him and rushed to the backyard, making his whole body tense.

The murderous aura suddenly released from Li Zedao made him feel extremely cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Turned out to be a terrifying powerhouse? Trouble looking for Dan Gu?

It was immediately realized that this person had already rushed to the backyard, his face changed drastically, and he hurried after him.

At this moment, an aura of terror struck head-on.

The man's face changed drastically, and the fist wrapped in the blue cyclone quickly greeted him fiercely, slamming into the terrible breath.


The man felt that an unmatched force was coming, and he flew out, vomiting blood.


Not only is Nangong Wan'er, but his father Nangongyan is also there.

In addition to Nangong Wan'er and Nangong Yan, there is also a middle-aged man who is the second son of Yao Shi Qing Niu, who is also the father of Yao Shi Zi Ling, Yao Shi Yun.

Yao Shi Yun heard the unusual movement from the hall, but didn't think much.

This is Panlong Temple, which is under Dangu's jurisdiction. Who dares to run wild in this place? Besides, there is Zhang Er of the middle grade peak cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm who is guarding over there, nothing can go wrong.

Yao Shi Yun looked at the panicked Nangong Wan'er's eyes, as if looking at a skinned little lamb, the desire in his eyes was unconcealed.

It was really itchy in my heart, this is really a beauty, the face of color that is full of panic, it is really pitiful.

Yao Shi Yun couldn't wait to hold this woman tightly in his arms now, and take care of it.

But Nangong Yan stared at the ugly face of Nangong Wan'er and yelled, "Wan'er, what are you doing? Mr. Yao Shi can see you, it's your honor, do you know?"

I really hate having to become steel, and I can't wait to slap it over.

If I were you, I would have already embraced and hugged Dangu's thick thigh tightly.

Yakushi Yun nodded in agreement, hehe smiled: "That's right, ordinary women really can't fall into the eyes of my Yakushi Yun! As long as you serve me well, then don't say you become a disciple of Dangu. , What is behind you... the Nangong family? It can also become a subsidiary force of my Dangu, and be covered by my Dangu. Then let alone become the master of the sea city, that is, the master of the entire middle tribe. It’s not difficult."

When Nangong Yan heard the words, the muscles on his face began to twitch with excitement, and he hurriedly said flatteringly: "Thank you, Mr. Pharmacist."

Once the Nangong family can become a subsidiary power of Dangu, then why are you afraid of the other three families? Why are you afraid of the kid who deserves a thousand knives? The Nangong family will become the masters of Canghai City! The old couple of the three big families will kneel down in front of their Nangong family, shivering and repenting!

After that, their Nangong family could even dominate the entire Chinese tribe.

Thinking of the scene of ten thousand people bowing their heads in worship, Nangong Yan was so excited.

Nangong Wan'er looked flustered, helpless and anguished.

The reason why she came to this Dangu with her father was to see if she could come under the name of Dangu, and she would become an alchemist of high rank in the future, so as to lead the Nangong family to rise again, instead of living in that sea city. Living under the coercion of the three major families, the actions are completely under the surveillance of others, even as a dog.

Unexpectedly, before entering the Fog City, he would encounter this Yao Shi Yun from Dangu, and Yao Shi Yun was even more upset, and he acted on her in public.

What made Nangong Wan'er even more chilling was that what she got was not her father's protection. Instead, she scolded her. She hated iron for not making steel. She wanted to strip her naked and throw it on the bed of Yao Shi Yun.

In fact, she felt this chill when Nangong Wan'er returned to the family.

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