The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2365: Why betray

"Your diagonal looks good, so give it to me, are you okay?" Li Zedao said grimly.


Jin Lu let out an extremely angry neigh, his eyes seemed to tear Li Zedao into pieces.

The sword light flashed, and blood was stinking everywhere.

"Woo..." Golden Deer made a heart-piercing sound, and the huge body rolled on the ground, and then the rolling force became smaller and smaller, and the neighing sound became lower and lower.

There was no pity in Li Zedao's eyes. He took the pair of golden antlers that he had cut off and turned and left.

After about a stick of incense, several ghost-like figures appeared in front of the short fat man and the golden deer.

After seeing the scene before him, the ugly face of Alchemist Ghost instantly became extremely ugly, and the scarlet eyes seemed to burst into flames.

After receiving the message from Mengdie, Master Ghost Pill immediately brought people to rescue.

But after all, it was a step too late.

At this time, both the golden deer and the short fat man had completely lost their breath.

Antlers are indispensable to the golden deer, just like the human heart, if the heart is gone, the human will die.

As for the short and fat man, he killed himself with only a little energy left in a state of despair.

If they die, they die, but the key is that their death is extremely tragic.

The bones of Jinlu's body were all broken, and the two horns were brutally cut off.

Humpty Dumpty's end was even more tragic, not only was his lower body scrapped, but his dantian was also crushed.

"Ah..." The Ghost Shadow Alchemist looked up to the sky and made an extremely angry and ferocious voice.

"Who is it? Who did it? I must let his family be buried!"

Several other people also have scarlet and ferocious eyes

"call out!"

The terrifying sound of breaking through the air screamed, and obviously something was violently attacking the head of Pill Ghost.

Master Ghost Pill's eyes were stunned, and at the same time he suddenly turned his head, he slammed it in the past without reservation.

And just as soon as the ghost shadow alchemist turned around to meet, two ghost-like figures rushed towards the source of the sound of breaking through the sky.


The deafening explosion sounded, and the dense smoke instantly enveloped the ghost alchemist.

At the same time, several sword lights flashed.

Alchemist Ghost fell heavily to the ground, and the anger in his eyes had been replaced by extreme bewilderment.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, he just felt a hidden weapon hitting him, and then hit him with a punch without reservation.

Who thought that the hidden weapon had a violent explosion, and he exploded his fist to the ground. Then he felt that his strength was drained instantly, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment and completely lost his ability to resist. .

What made the ghost shadow alchemist's heart tremble violently is that it was not just him who fell, but also the four men of good strength he brought. They actually fell almost at the same time.

What is even more terrifying is that each of them had their throats severed and turned into cold corpses.

The body of the ghost alchemist who had killed countless people became cold, and his entire chest was filled with intense fear, making it difficult to breathe.

A figure appeared in front of the ghost pill.

The ghost shadow pill stunned, and then his eyes became savage again.

I want to know that he is the fellow who tortured and killed Gang Xuan and Lu'er at the top level of the spiritual **** realm. He didn't expect that instead of leaving, he was lying in ambush here.

Alchemy Ghost's heart was violent, and his eyes flashed with ferocious light, and he couldn't accept the facts before him. His murderous revenge is coming. He was attacked and fell inexplicably before he did anything.

How could all of his four subordinates be killed in an instant?

Shouldn't he be the peak cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm? Why is the cultivation of the top grade peak of the Spirit God Realm so powerful?

Suddenly thinking of something, Pill Ghost's pupils shrank violently, and a strong fear filled his heart again.

Wait, he knew he was coming over? Why does he know?

So, this guy knows his origin? Know the origin of Golden Deer? Is he a strong master of spiritual mirror cultivation? After all, only the powerhouse with the Spirit Immortal Mirror cultivation base can feel the distinctive blood aura in them.

But how is this possible? He didn't even feel the aura of a strong spiritual mirror cultivation master from the opponent.

Besides, if it is really a strong spiritual mirror, why use a sneak attack?

"Who are you?" Ghost Shadow Alchemist's voice was stern.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth outlines an inexplicable range: "How do I feel a strong fear in your voice? You guys who consider themselves avengers are also afraid?"

Alchemist Ghost's pupils shrank violently again, and sure enough, he knew their origins!

"Isn't it weird? Since I am not a strong person at the spiritual mirror cultivation base, why can I feel the violent blood aura in your body? And I seem to be familiar with you? That short fat guy thought I didn't know him and Jinlu Is it actually a group? Thought I didn't know that he quietly let go of a dream butterfly?" Li Zedao sneered.

"Who on earth are you?" The ghostly shadow pill master's eyes were extremely ferocious.

"I'm afraid you don't believe it." Li Zedao smiled coldly, and tore off the mask on his face, not to mention suppressing the blood aura on his body.


At this moment, the man seemed to be struck by lightning, looking at Li Zedao's face as if he had seen a ghost.

What a familiar face, so ugly and weird, many people around him look like this.

What a familiar breath of blood that made his blood boil.

So, he actually came from that place just like him, an Avenger with the blood of Nuwa.

but why?

Alchemist Ghost's eyes were about to burst out of his eye sockets. He knew better than anyone else. When he saw this face and felt the breath, he had absolutely no chance of surviving.

But will the descendants of Nuwa beg for mercy? will not!

He was so angry that he looked distressed and roared: "Why? Why are you betraying my Nuwa clan?"

"Because I am willing." Li Zedao's ugly big mouth outlines an extremely hideous scratch.


Li Zedao's long sword was unsheathed, and with a chuckle, it directly pierced his heart.

From beginning to end, Li Zedao did not hesitate at all.

After pulling out the long sword, Alchemist Ghost's body twitched violently, and then he did not move, but his eyes were still round, staring at Li Zedao, like a ghost.

Li Zedao felt no wave in his heart, so he put on the mask calmly.

Killing these guys who don't know which of the eight categories came from is nothing to Li Zedao. Anyway, he has made up his mind to get rid of all these people who are not visible.

Not for God's Domain, just for the right and wrong that I think in my heart.

Immediately, Li Zedao squatted down, stretched out his hand and touched the body of the Ghost Alchemist, but found nothing.

No way, that short fat guy also has a good thing like essence of blood on his body, there is no reason why this guy does not have a good thing on his body.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyes lit up.


Isn't the Sumeru ring worn by this guy's left thumb? I really can't tell, this guy is still a soulsmith?

This is really an accident, waiting for a big fish.

As for why such a character who has basically the same status as Shen Gongmao would leave Xumiyu... it's my shit.

The sword light flashed, and the thumbs simply divided.

Li Zedao picked up the severed finger, and took off the Sumi ring if he got a treasure. As for the severed finger, he threw it away as trash.

Li Zedao did not leave immediately, but looked at this Xumi Jie with interest.

"I don't know what good things are hidden in this Xumi Jie."

Li Zedao took the heavenly aura to investigate the Xumi Jie, and sure enough, this Xumi Jie was already imprinted with the master's soul.

The power of the soul is nothing but the contaminated aura of heaven, and Li Zedao possesses the purest aura of heaven, so he easily got rid of this brand and immediately imprinted his own brand.

Soon, Li Zedao checked the things in the Xumi Ring one by one.

Most of them are rare herbs, and some are extremely precious.

There are also several medicine bottles. Even one of the medicine bottles is filled with a bottle of essence and blood pills, and the other bottle is filled with ghost pills that Li Zedao is familiar with.

At the same time, there were still many soul gathering bottles filled with ghosts.

In addition, there were two pills that attracted Li Zedao's special attention.

This pill is a circle smaller than Guiwan, and its color is almost the same as Guiwan, but the strange coldness is a bit stronger than Guiwan.

It is conceivable that this is also a soul pill, and its effect should be similar to that of ghost pills.

Li Zedao suddenly remembered the drug-addicted man he had encountered before being brought back to Nasumiyu by the pig.

At that time, the drug-addicted man was not a medium-level cultivation base in the spirit of the gods. After taking a certain pill, his strength suddenly skyrocketed to a quasi-spirit fairy mirror cultivation base!

Such a rapid increase in strength is unmatched by Onimaru.

But its side effects are also extremely scary.

After the effect of the medicine, he actually started to foam at his mouth, his body trembled, and the flesh and blood on his body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, he became a mummy with only black skin wrapped in bones.

"Could this be the kind of medicine that guy was taking?" Li Zedao thought.

Shaking his head slightly, Li Zedao put the two pills back into the bottle and put them away.

Then quickly dug a big pit to bury the corpses, then turned and left Jinlu Mountain.

After going down the mountain, Li Zedao didn't go to the tribe immediately, but first found a secluded place to refine the pill, and finally he successfully refined the blood essence.

Immediately, Li Zedao began to improve the root pill.

It is undoubtedly an extremely difficult task to refine the root-breaking pill into a pill that is almost the same as the essence and blood pill, but Li Zedao is not in a hurry, he knows that he can refine it after all.

This is undoubtedly an expression of great self-confidence.

In the past two days, many unwilling people have plucked up the courage to enter the Golden Deer Mountain Range, wanting to try their luck to see if they can find the trail of the Golden Deer again, naturally nothing.

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