"Seven...seven, it's seven. Lord, I was wrong, I was really wrong, and I will never dare to..." Xiao San almost freaked out and got up and knelt there, snotting To tears, began to kowtow desperately.

Li Zedao has no mercy in his one-eyed eyes. It is also a curse to keep such people.

The sword light flashed.

After stepping out of this small boat, in order not to be treated as a fat sheep again, Li Zedao suppressed his cultivation in the spirit and spirit realm, and then he wandered around.

Soon, a fat man in front caught Li Zedao's attention.

The reason why Li Zedao noticed this fat man was not because the fat man’s cultivation base was not low, he was a middle-grade cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm, but because the fat man’s chubby face and Zhou Yan’s big pie face were three points apart. Divine consciousness.

If the fat on this face is a little bit less and the nose is a bit flatter, then there must be six or seven points of consciousness.

Seeing that face, Li Zedao's thoughts were fluttering, and his thoughts fluctuated sharply, as if he had met his old friend in a foreign country, and suddenly had a bad impression of this fat man.

Therefore, Li Zedao quickly walked towards him.

"Something?" Fatty's eyes were obviously alert, and his fat body was even tighter, ready to do it.

I thought that the breath on this guy feels pretty lewd-cheap, isn't it a pervert?

Li Zedao looked at this vigilant face, almost tears in his eyes. Nima's, at a closer look, it looks more alike. This perfectly showed Zhou Yan's rather nasty expression.

Li Zedao politely bowed his hands: "Dare to ask Xiongtai, you can know that Meiyu Island..."

"What, you also go to Mae Yu Island?"

When the fat man heard this, he immediately became enthusiastic: "So brother, you also signed up? Walk, we just happen to be a companion, this way is not boring."

"Sign up?" Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, "What sign up?"

"Why? Didn't you sign up? I saw that you were also a middle-grade cultivation base in the spirits of the gods, and I asked about Meiyu Island, thinking you had signed up too." The fat man was also shocked.

Li Zedao shook his head: "I'm not here to report any name."

"The reason why I explored Maeyu Island in the next place is just to hear that the island has an extremely beautiful scenery, and I heard that there is also an unfathomable big hole, so I want to experience the beauty in the past."

"So that's it." The fat man suddenly realized.

"Dare to ask Xiongtai, this registration..."

"Don't be so polite, just call me Zhou Yan." The fat man chuckled, "How about you?"

"Fuck!" The face under Li Zedao's mask flicked violently, and he couldn't help but explode in his heart. This guy was also called Zhou Yan?

Didn't that wretched fellow Zhou Yan also come to this God's Domain, right?

"That... Phoenix City Beauty Concentration School..."

"What?" Zhou Yan looked confused.

"Oh, it's okay, I mean my name is... Oh, Li Xiaoyao, from the Chinese tribe." Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

Even if Zhou Yan really came to this realm of God, he could not be a medium-grade cultivation base in the realm of Spirit God. It was already the limit to reach the realm of Spirit Mountain.

After all, he is such a stupid person.

"Haha, it turned out to be Brother Li, so lucky to be here." Zhou Yan said enthusiastically.

"Fortunately to meet, then this registration..."

"Oh, that's it."

After Zhou Yan's introduction, Li Zedao understood why Yingzhou College had to close the Meiyu Island.

It turns out that Meiyu Island actually belongs to an island of the Baili family.

In fact, at least one tenth of these tens of thousands of islands belong to the Baili family, and the residents or forces on the islands all accept the leadership of the Baili family.

In current terms, the Baili family has controlled one-tenth of the territory from the tribe and established a regime.

Of course, with the exception of Yingzhou Island, the Baili family does not restrict other people from accessing these islands, so don't make trouble on the island.

And just a few days ago, Yingzhou College issued an invitation to the powerhouses of the entire God's Domain.

It probably means that for development needs, Yingzhou College has decided to recruit dozens of powerful people with a level of cultivation above the spiritual and spiritual realm as teachers of Yingzhou College, and the interview site is on Nameiyu Island. That is why, Ying Zhou Academy closed Mae Yu Island.

It was precisely when Zhou Yan got the news about the recruitment of Yingzhou College that he came from the Dui tribe.

"Brother Li Xiaoyao, did you see the magnificent ship before? That's the boat from Yingzhou Academy. Or you can sign up with me, so that you can get to Maeyu Island smoothly. , Enjoy the scenery. As for the subsequent assessment, you just need to deal with being eliminated." Zhou Yan said with a smile.

"Then together." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.

When they came to the luxurious ship, they were stopped by a few men with terrifying aura who were standing there.

Zhou Yan hurried forward, explained his intentions with a smiling face, and even took out a medicine bottle and passed it.

One of the men took the medicine bottle, opened it and scanned it a few times, then looked at Zhou Yan with slanted eyes: "Go up and register."

Li Zedao saw this and shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, shady is everywhere, and it's hard to get a precious son. You don't have the money to give gifts these days, so be careful that you have been ruthlessly deprived of your qualifications to enter.

"Thank you, big brother, big brother." Zhou Yan nodded and bowed.

"Eh? Who allowed you to go up?" Li Zedao who followed was simply stopped.

Before Li Ze could say anything, Zhou Yan said with a smile, "Big Brother, Brother Li is with me."

"Is it great to be with you?" The man sneered, "Do you really think that you are only qualified to board this ship because it is only a medium-grade cultivation base in the Spiritual God Realm?"

"Yes, yes, brother, he doesn't understand the rules, let me talk to him."

Zhou Yan hurriedly pulled Li Zedao to the side, lowered his voice and said, "Brother Li, if you have any pill of Grade 6 or higher on your body, just take one out and you can board the ship."

"I don't have any medicine." Li Zedao helplessly spread his hands.

Li Zedao didn't want to give it to him, he couldn't get used to this unhealthy trend!

Besides, even if he doesn’t get on this boat, he still has a way to go to Mae U Island

"Really not?" Zhou Yan looked very headache, "Forget it, I can help you, who will let us see it right away."

Li Zedao was stunned slightly, but he really couldn't see how generous this guy was.

Really just hit it off? Or... steal or steal?

"So thank you Brother Zhou." Li Zedao Yi.

Zhou Yan smiled: "You and my brother, there is no need to be so polite."

Immediately Zhou Yan took out another Grade 6 ammunition and handed it to the man, and Li Zedao was allowed to board the ship.

When Li Zedao got on the boat along the stairs and came to the deck, he saw a table in front of him, and a charming middle-aged woman sat in front of the table.

Judging from the terrifying aura released by the woman, she is a strong spiritual **** realm high-grade peak cultivation base.

Seeing someone walking up, the woman's indifferent eyes glanced at Zhou Yan, and then at Li Zedao.

"Senior." Zhou Yan quickly respected and tried to give a good impression first.

Li Zedao is the same.

"Come here and register." The woman nodded, but she didn't look like the two underground guards who deliberately wanted to board the ship to sign up.

Li Zedao and Zhou Yan hurriedly came to the front.

"Senior, I am Zhou Yan from the Dui tribe, and this is Li Xiaoyao from the Chinese tribe. We are all middle-grade cultivation bases in the spirit and spirit realm." Zhou Yangang said with a smile.

"Duitribe? All salty, I think you are more like a person from the tribe." The woman said.

Zhou Yan smiled awkwardly: "It's been a few days since the little one came to the tribe. From time to time, he went to the sea to swim, so it tastes salty."

The woman nodded slightly, then her eyes fell on Li Zedao's face: "Why wear a mask?"

Perhaps because of the unique sixth sense of women, Catkins felt that this kid wearing a mask seemed not as simple as it seemed.

In the same way, she felt that Zhou Yan did not come from the Dui tribe.

Of course, this is just asking casually. Yingzhou College doesn't care which tribe you are from, or whether you have a mask or something on your face, as long as you have enough strength to become a member of Yingzhou College.

"This...senior, it's like this, for a little vanity." Li Zedao said with a cautious look.

"You mean, you look ugly?" asked Willow.

"It wasn't pretty at first, but later I was poisoned by eating poison pellets. Although I was lucky enough to get his life back, he was totally unrecognizable and lost an eye." Li Zedao said embarrassingly, "If the seniors don't like it, the younger one Take off the mask."

"No need," said Willow.

She didn't want to embarrass this junior.

People like to hide their own shortcomings, or modify their own shortcomings, this is a kind of nature, there is nothing wrong.

"Dare to ask seniors? Yingzhou College has requirements for appearance? If so, get off the boat if you are younger." Li Zedao said again.

Zhou Yan's heart twitched slightly, saying that his appearance is really not good-looking.

If the woman in charge of registration likes handsome men, then he can also disembark now.

"Yingzhou College focuses on character and strength, and has no requirements for appearance." Liu Xu said.

"That's fine." Li Zedao said.

Zhou Yan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, it's scary.

Immediately, the catkins gave the two a jade medal: "This is the brand that represents your identity. With this brand, you can freely enter and exit the ship. You can disembark now, and you can come back before the ship is about to open. Stay in room 25 on the ship that temporarily belongs to you two."

"Dare to ask Senior, when will the ship set sail for that Meiyu Island?" Zhou Yan asked respectfully.

"Two days later." Willow said.

In the next two days, strong men with spiritual and spiritual cultivation levels successively boarded this ship and came to the catkins to register. Obviously, the recruitment notice issued by Yingzhou College has really caused a lot of spiritual and spiritual cultivation. For the interest of the strong.

Of course, you have to honor those two watchdogs before boarding, otherwise you won't be able to board at all.

Unless forcibly, but forcibly means a dead end.

Such recruitment is the biggest difference between Yingzhou College and Buzhou College.

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