I want to know that this should be the internal contradiction of the Baili family, so Baili Jianyu was eliminated by Baili Kuanglang and Baili Qingmu.

I just don't know what the relationship between these three people is.

In addition, Li Zedao was also curious, why Baili Jianyu only left his last words saying that he killed Baili Qingmu to avenge him, but did not mention Baili Jianyu?

Does he hate Baili Aoki more than Baili Kuanglang?

Seeing that Li Zedao was not speaking, Zhou Yan seemed to lose his interest in speaking. Although he was extremely curious about the origin of this person and his relationship with his grandfather, he still shut up with interest.

The wind and rain are getting stronger and stronger, and the wind is like a knife, cutting your skin with one knife.

The raindrops are like grains of ice, slamming heavily on you.

At the same time, the waves screamed heavily on the hull, as if to tear the ship completely into pieces.


An extremely violent lightning struck down fiercely, as if to split the violent sea.

Of course, the hull still moved forward steadily and quickly, without being hindered in the slightest.

However, this mast is afraid that it will not be able to withstand the devastation of this violent storm.

"Go on." Li Zedao said lightly.

This kind of violent storm that seemed to tear everything around it to pieces made Li Zedao's caution really dirty and shivering several times.

I thought that the strongest super typhoon that Phoenix City has ever encountered is nothing short of the storm.

If such extreme weather existed in the mortal domain, mankind would have perished long ago.

"I want to go home." Li Zedao was crying.

Li Zedao's figure flashed and came to the deck.

Zhou Yan's eyes squinted slightly, and immediately followed, came to the deck and stood in front of Li Zedao.

On the deck, the demon corpses were still walking there unconsciously, but they were absolutely afraid to approach Zhou Yan, as if there was something on Zhou Yan that made them feel scared.

Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan with one eye, and the corners of his mouth curled up with an inexplicable range.

He knew that this guy had just struggled in his heart, he was struggling, should he immediately let the surrounding demons attack him.

"Fortunately you did that." Li Zedao said.

Zhou Yan's heart froze and bowed his head as if he didn't understand Li Zedao's words.


Another extremely violent wind hit.

Immediately, only a muffled sound was heard, and the thick mast broke from it, and then the broken part was swept up by the storm, and finally slammed into the sea that was roaring in anger.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled a few more times. If the boat hadn't been carried by an octopus, it would have been beaten to pieces by the waves.

If you didn't worry about this guy, you would have to be buried in the vast ocean at this time.

"There, is Yongye Island?"

Li Zedao vaguely saw that the outline of an island appeared in front of him. It's just that the wind and rain are too great, and it's extremely dim, so it's not too clear.

"Exactly." Zhou Yan nodded.

Soon, Li Zedao discovered that the ship had left the water completely.

At the same time, a large group of dark things popped out of the water all at once, as if the tide had faded, revealing the small hills that had been submerged before.

This huge, pitch-black thing is the eight-claw spirit chapter!

It has already been seen that it is close to the shore, so the sea water naturally cannot cover the huge body of the Eight Claw Ling Zhang.

The appearance of this eight-claw spirit chapter is similar to the octopus that Li Zedao is familiar with, and the color is as black as ink.

At this time, four of its tentacles were holding the ship steadily, and the other four tentacles were quickly walking toward the coast. From a distance, it seemed to be a black mountain that could move.

Soon, the Eight Claw Lingzhang completely left the water and climbed onto the shore, and then steadily put down the big ship.

For a moment, Li Zedao only felt that an extremely terrifying aura suddenly enveloped him.

This terrible breath naturally comes from the Eight Claw Lingzhang.

Obviously, when Zhou Yan did not issue an order on the surface of the sea, the Eight-Claw Lingzhang had no idea that its owner Zhou Yan was about to be tortured to death. He doesn't have much wisdom at all.

But now, seeing a stranger suddenly, he suddenly became hostile.

Li Zedao looked indifferent.

If this is in the sea, his little heart will tremble a few times, but now it has come to land. If this Eight-Paw Spirit Chapter dared to be crooked, it would be killed with one sword.

Zhou Yan hurriedly made a series of weird sounds, apparently communicating something with the Bajiao Lingzhang.

"Woo..." The Eight Claw Lingzhang made an extremely harsh neighing sound. Then, it turned around and dived into the deep sea again.

Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth cocked inexplicably.

I want to know that Zhou Yan was struggling again. He actually wanted to order the Octopus Spirit Chapter to attack him, but he didn't know his depth and was not so confident in the Octopus Spirit Chapter.

"This guy's forbearance skills can be compared to his own. In order to get his purpose, he can be such a humble dog."

Li Zedao saw his shadow in Zhou Yan.

In the domain of Sumi, in order to survive, in order to obtain the purpose, is not it also to live humbly?

Things like dignity had long been buried in a big hole by him.

Li Zedao's figure flashed, he got off the boat and stood on a large rock that was extremely severely eroded by wind and rain, and glanced around.

This is a small island with a small area. Because it has been ravaged by torrential rains for many years, there is no sunshine, so there is no greenery on the island.

The whole island looks dead and heavy, and it feels like a terrible black monster occupies.

"Have you always lived on this island before?" Li Zedao looked back at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan nodded, pointing to a large ship that was stranded on the rocky shore not far away, and said, "I live on that ship for half a year."

Li Zedao glanced at the big ship, knowing that this guy asked the Eight Claw Lingzhang to bring back all the ships. On the one hand, it was for the convenience of transporting the dozens of corpses on the ship. On the other hand, he is afraid that he wants to change to a house that does not leak.

"Clean up the blood on the boat, I want to enjoy the surrounding scenery while drinking... Is there a bar?" Li Ze asked.

"..." Zhou Yan was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words.

"There should be on this ship." Zhou Yan said.

Immediately Zhou Yan took out a whistle with a rather weird shape, and then blew out a sharp, faltering sound.

It is strange to say that after the dozens of corpses on the ship heard this weird sound, they thought they heard some kind of call, and there was a hint of color in those extremely pale eyes.

Immediately each jumped off the boat and stood there in line, but they were motionless, like sculptures.

It feels like this is an army awaiting orders.

"Magic whistle? It's amazing." Li Zedao glanced at the whistle and said.

The devil's corpse is controlled by the demon's evil whistle. Even if the whistle is very light, the devil's corpse can hear this sound. The sound level is different, and the commands issued are naturally different.

It is said that this kind of evil spirit whistle is also a kind of Horcrux.

In addition, the evil spirit whistle is the only thing the corpse fears. Whoever gets the evil spirit whistle is the master of the evil corpse.

Regarding the evil spirit, Li Zedao naturally saw it from a fairly old book in the bookstore of the college.

"The owner is really knowledgeable." Zhou Yan gave a little flattering. It gives people the feeling that he has completely resigned his fate and completely succumbed to Li Zedao.

Immediately turned around, Pi Dian Pi Dian cleaned up the blood on the boat.

In the darkness, his face wet with rain was full of hideousness.

Li Zedao stared at the dark shadow on the deck with one eye, his mouth curled up with a hint of disdain.

The heavy wind and heavy rain, coupled with the scouring of the sea waves, so that the originally **** deck has been washed clean, so Zhou Yan didn't need to clean up.

As for fine wine, there are indeed in the cabin, and there are not too many.

Soon, he came to Li Zedang and nodded and said, "The wine is ready, please move on."

Li Zedao nodded, followed Zhou Yan and boarded the ship again, but came to the room on the top floor of the ship.

This room is much larger than the room Li Zedao and Zhou Yan stayed in before, and the decoration inside is also extremely luxurious. In the incense burner on the tabletop, a faint fragrance is constantly released.

This is the top grade ambergris, which has a calming and refreshing effect.

The surrounding walls are also inlaid with a lot of luminous fluorite, making the entire room compared to the outside, like the difference between heaven and hell.

I want to know that this should be the room of Willow Xu, the highest person in charge of this ship.

At this moment, there is still a jug of wine on the tabletop.

Li Zedao sat down at the table, Zhou Yan hurried forward and helped Li Zedao pour a glass of wine.

"Isn't it poisoned?" Li Zedao smiled faintly.

Zhou Yan smiled humblely: "The master said and laughed."

He wanted to be poisoned, but the surviving trace of reason told him that he should never do it without being 100% sure, otherwise he would end up tragically.

Li Zedao drank it all, Zhou Yan quickly filled the empty glass again.

"Simply tell me about your grandpa Baili Jianyu." Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan.

The surprise in Zhou Yan's eyes flashed by, he was very curious about what this terrible guy had to do with Grandpa.

He said he owed his grandfather a favor. Did Grandpa help him when he was alive?

He took a deep breath and nodded: "This is a long time ago."

"It's okay, you say slowly, I have time." Li Zedao drank the wine in the glass again, "Oh, yes, don't hide, don't exaggerate, seek truth from facts. Some things about the Baili family, I probably still knew."

Zhou Yan's heart shuddered again, and he quickly filled the empty wine glass in front of Li Zedao, and then slowly spoke.

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