The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2380: Ouyang Chihiro

Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, and finally saw clearly what the light ball was.

It was a woman dressed in white. The woman's body was actually shrouded by a huge mask, so that her clothes did not get wet, and the violent storms could not be immersed in that mask. According to the situation, she can dive into the sea freely.

It's just that her expression is far less than her figure, so indifferent.

Her small face was full of dignity, and there was panic in her big eyes.

"It seems that the mask should be some kind of powerful Horcrux." Li Ze thought.

It's similar to the golden cover, except that it is not comparable to the golden cover. After all, the golden cover can block the attacks of the strong spiritual mirror cultivation base, and even if the owner of the golden cover has an inexhaustible aura, then the spirit fairy Even if the strong of Jing Xiu is dead, he can't break the golden cover.

However, the mask covering the woman obviously does not have this ability. That is why the woman needs to rush to avoid the wrist attack of the Eight Claw Ling Zhang.

"Woo..." The Eight Claw Lingzhang made an extremely revealing neigh.

These days, the Eight Claw Spirit Zhang was undoubtedly spent in extreme panic and depression.

First, his wrist was broken, and then he was deceived by the benefactor's grandson, so scared that he almost spewed feces and urine.

Now, the emergence of this human is just enough to let it vent.

At the moment, the Eight Claw Ling Zhang unfolded four wrist tentacles at once, and he was about to pat the light mask floating there from all directions.

Li Zedao raised his brow slightly, he didn't think that the woman could withstand the terrifying blow of the Eight Claw Lingzhang.

With a glimpse of his figure, he is already standing on a rock.


Li Zedao said coldly, and a terrible breath suddenly enveloped the Eight Claw Ling Zhang.

The Eight Claw Lingzhang's body suddenly stiffened, and a sense of familiar fear instantly spread all over it, making its originally hot body suddenly become extremely cold.

Immediately it turned around and dived into the deep sea without a trace.

In the mask, the white-clothed woman was shocked first, and then heaved a sigh of relief. This time it was really dangerous and extremely dangerous, and she almost lost her life.

Unexpectedly, there is such a terrifying Eight-Paw Spirit Seal living in this sea area.

Immediately, she frowned and looked back at the tall and thin figure standing on the reef not far away. It was even harder to believe that someone was living on an island in such a bad condition.

If it hadn’t been for the ship to fall into a terrible vortex, and then the hull would be completely shattered. She used the water drop to stay in the water temporarily, and then came here by accident. She didn’t even know that it was here. There is such a small island without the sky.

Although the woman couldn't see the other person's face, she knew that a cold look was falling on her.

When this person spoke at random, he scared away the terrible eight-claw spirit chapter, so the eight-claw spirit chapter was the sea beast he kept? Or maybe he was afraid that the eight-claw spirit chapter was beaten by him?

In either case, it proved that this unidentified man was quite terrifying.

The shell teeth bit her lip slightly, and the woman still controlled the mask and floated to Li Zedao.

"Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace." The woman said.

The woman was dressed in white, and although her appearance was not stunning, she could also be said to be a rare woman. At this time, there was a hint of alertness on that delicate face.

Obviously, when facing Li Zedao, the lifesaver, she was not calm at all, and she was even ready to do it.

Li Zedao nodded slightly, his figure flashed back to the boat again and walked into the room.

As for who this woman is and why she is here, really, he doesn't care at all.

Rescue her is just a matter of effort, anyway, idleness is idleness.

"Uh..." The woman was messy in the storm.

that's it?

Isn't he curious who he is? Why come to this island where birds don’t shit? Or maybe, he is not curious about what the aperture that covers him is?

Putting aside these things, I am also a big beauty. How many men like to show this diligence around me, how can his attitude be so cold?

"Wait, that ship..."

The woman's eyes widened suddenly, and her brain roared, she couldn't believe what her eyes saw.

Isn't this the one that Teacher Liuxu is in charge of that should have arrived at Maeyu Island a few days ago?

A few days ago, the ship lost its track for no reason and disappeared in the vast sea. Yingzhou College immediately sent dozens of ships to search for it, but found nothing.

Unexpectedly, that ship was actually on this weird island.

And looking at the hull, it seemed that apart from the broken mast, there was no other damage. At all, the hull broke and sank to the seabed as they predicted.

Teacher Liuxu, other staff members of Yingzhou College, and dozens of spiritual and god-level cultivation masters from the major tribes of God's Domain, where are they?

After her face changed drastically for a while, the woman gritted her teeth, and then drove the ball of light onto the boat and came to the room on the top floor.

Taking a deep breath, the woman's left hand already had an extra steel needle shining with cold light, and her right hand knocked on the door and said, "Senior, the weather outside is bad, so can you let me go in and take a break?"

The door was opened from the inside, and Li Zedao's tall and thin figure appeared there.

The woman subconsciously took a step back, clenched the steel needle in her hand, and tried to squeeze out a stiff and embarrassing smile, looking at Li Zedao with eyesight.

"Come in." Li Zedao said lightly. Turned around, walked back to the table and sat down, picked up the glass of wine in front of him, and drank it.

The woman entered the room cautiously, but did not close the door.

Looking at her, once the door is closed, the danger will undoubtedly increase a bit.

While removing the water drop, I scanned the surroundings a few times, but my heartbeat speeded up a bit. Sure enough, this is the ship that lost its track, and this is the room of Teacher Catkins.

What happened? Teacher Liuxu, where are they? Who is this undoubtedly terrifying man in front of him?

Did he attack the ship and get it to the island?

Like her, Liu Xu is also a teacher of the Fuzhou Academy, and she has a certain degree of friendship.

Therefore, the woman is still quite worried about the catkins.

For a while, the atmosphere of the room fell into a strange silence.

The woman's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and her thoughts surged. Li Zedao drank the wine indifferently.

"Oh, in the next Ouyang Qianxun, dare to ask the name of the senior's surname." Ouyang Qianxun was the first to break the strange silence in the room.

"When the door is closed, the wind and rain are blowing in, which seriously affects my mood of drinking." Li Zedao said lightly.


Ouyang Qianxun smiled stiffly. After all, he closed the door in the past, but his heartbeat was a little bit faster for no reason, and he regretted that he had come to this room rashly.

"Sit down." Li Zedao said again.

"Thank you, senior." Ouyang Qianxun tried to calm himself down, and Yiyan sat down on the chair mountain in front of Li Zedao, but his nerves were tense and ready to do it.

"Drinking?" Li Zedao glanced at this not too ugly woman.

"This...Thank you seniors, I never drink alcohol here." Ouyang Qianxun smiled reluctantly.

Without reluctance, Li Zedao poured himself a glass of wine and asked, "The mask that allows you to easily enter the sea is a kind of Horcrux, right?"

Ouyang Qianxun's heart twitched violently, and the vigilance in his eyes became even more vigilant. Does this guy have a heart of murder and treasure?

He bit the bullet and replied: "Yes, senior, it is a second-grade Horcrux that avoids water droplets. It can allow you to walk in the sea for several hours without any problems, but it can't resist the beasts in the sea.

"That's it."

Li Zedao nodded, it is no wonder that when facing the Eight Claw Lingzhang, she could only avoid it in embarrassment, and at all she did not have the slightest counterattack ability.

Otherwise, even if she is not as good as the Eight Claw Spirit Seal, with the strength of her spiritual **** realm high-grade cultivation base, she would not be so embarrassed to avoid it.

"It just so happens that I want to leave this place. Is it convenient for you to take me away with you?" Li Ze asked.

Rather than taking the risk to ask Zhou Yan to order Ba Xia Ling Zhang to take herself and the ship out of this sea, it is better to let this woman with a lower risk factor take herself away.

That’s why, Li Zedao


Ouyang Qianxun was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to make such a request. In fact, he could kill himself and take away the water drop.

But he didn't do that. He just made such a request that can't be said too much.

For a while, Ouyang Qianxun's heart relaxed a little.

"Of course, if you encounter a sea beast like the Eight Claw Lingzhang, I will send it away." Li Zedao said again.

"Senior is polite." Ouyang Qianxun hurriedly replied, "Senior is Qianxun's life-saver, and Xia Xia agreed unconditionally to what Senior asked."

"So, let's leave now." Li Zedao stood up.

"Huh?" Ouyang Qianxun's eyes widened, "This... leave now?"

"Is it possible that you still want to go around and experience the unique scenery of this small island?" Li Zedao asked rhetorically.

"That's not what I mean..." Ouyang Qianxun bit his lip, then plucked up the courage to ask, "I just have a few questions next time, or the senior told me."

Li Zedao glanced at Ouyang Qianxun, nodded and said: "The first question is that it was the Eight Claw Spirit Medal you encountered that attacked this ship, and it was also the one that moved the ship to this island. As for me, I am also a victim."

Ouyang Chihiro's eyes widened.

"The first question, the person in charge of this ship, Catkins, and the dozens of spiritual and spiritual masters who plan to participate in the teacher assessment held by Yingzhou College, are afraid that they have been digested by the eight-claw spirit chapter. "Li Zedao said again.

"..." Ouyang Qianxun's eyes widened.

He actually knew what he wanted to ask? So, does he know his identity?

"Any questions? Teacher Ouyang." Li Zedao asked.

Ouyang Qianxun's face changed drastically, and sure enough, he knew his origin.

Ouyang Qianxun nodded hard: "Yes."

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