The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2386: Reason not to kill you

During the breath, only a muffled sound of "Kang!" was heard, as if something broke from it.

Immediately, the sky full of sword rain disappeared, and the old figure was unified again, but it was standing on the wooden board where Ouyang Qianxun had just been.

His body is stiff, like a stone sculpture.

Looking at his old face, it turned pale, without any blood.

The flesh on his face was twitching at a visible frequency with the naked eye, and his wide-open eyes were full of panic, apparently experiencing something terrifying.

There is only half of the long sword in his hand!

Immediately afterwards, the ancient chest even seeped bleeding, staining his white robe red, and it looked so dazzling.

The area of ​​blood stains was getting bigger and bigger, and at the same time, a trace of blood was slowly flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Ouyang Qianxun was stupid, Murong Qiu was stupid, and the others on the boat were also stupid, each of them inhaled coldly, their scalp numb.

Even in Yingzhou College, where the masters are like clouds, the ancient, which is absolutely the most powerful, has been defeated?

Li Zedao casually threw Murong Qiu, who had been scared to death, back to the boat, looked at the dumbfounded ancient, and said grimly: "Please give me one, a reason not to kill you!"

The ancient body shuddered, his mouth opened, and he spouted blood.

He looked at the tall and thin figure in front, his eyes full of grief and anger. He couldn't understand why it was such a result.

It is even more unimaginable that the opponent has such terrible strength, and he can use such terrible swordsmanship.

In an instant, Gu felt that he had been hacked by Ten Thousand Dao Thunder.

"What kind of swordsmanship is that? Why do you have a familiar feeling? It's as if you have seen someone use this sword." The ancients thought and thought, but after all, they couldn't get the answer to the question.

"This is, what sword technique?" the ancient voice asked hoarsely.

"Is this the reason you gave you not to kill you?" Li Ze asked.

"...The old man simply wants to know what sword technique it is." The ancient abruptly swallowed the blood that was about to spew out. If he continues to vomit blood, his face will be lost.

"You are not qualified to know." Li Zedao said.

"..." Gu still sprayed out the stuffy blood that was stuck in his chest.

"Ten breaths, give me a reason not to kill you." Li Zedao said again.

The ancient body trembled violently. He couldn't find a reason. Just as he said, do you need a reason to kill you? There is no reason not to kill you.

By now, I am afraid that Yingzhou College can only be moved out.

It's just that the prestige of Yingzhou College can let the other party stop, the ancient heart is not at all.

He could only bite the bullet and said: "The old man is Yingzhou College..."

The sword light flashed!

The head of the ancient man rolled down from his neck, drifted on the surface of the water, and then slammed his body into the sea heavily.

When the people on board saw this, their brains roared fiercely again, and a huge wave that was tens of thousands of times stronger than the ancient defeat was set off in their hearts. I couldn't believe it was true!

He actually dared to kill the people of Yingzhou College? And is it still an ancient place with a not-low status in Yingzhou College?

"Yingzhou College? Haha, is it amazing?" Li Zedao sneered, and the sword was sheathed.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he flew onto the ship.


The people on the boat were so frightened that they backed up again and again, and some almost jumped into the sea to escape.

Murong Qiu, who had escaped from the dead, was even more unbearable, even crawling back and forth, almost scared to pee.

Ouyang Qianxun looked at this tall and thin figure with an extremely complex expression.

She knew that he was very powerful, but she never expected that his power was far beyond her understanding.

Even the old enough to make these teachers look up to them was easily killed by him. I am afraid that only the dean and the elderly can stop him, right?

"Go!" Li Zedao looked at the calm sea and said lightly.

The direction the ship sailed was exactly the pier where Li Zedao went to sea before.

Yingzhoudu is exactly the name of that pier.

Killing the ancients is considered to be a complete affair with Yingzhou Academy, so you have to leave the tribe first.

Of course, even after leaving the tribe, Li Zedao did not intend to return to Nasumi Region immediately.

He planned to find a secluded place to practice quietly and alchemy, and when the time was about to come, he would go back for business.


The sea breeze was fascinating, the stars were dazzling, and the salty air made Li Zedao intoxicated.

Li Zedao lay on that deck, staring at the crimson crescent moon above.

He was like a curious baby, thinking about one question after another, such as why the moon in God's Domain was actually blood red.

In addition, is the moon of God's Domain and that of Mortal Domain the same moon?

There was a slight but hesitant footstep, slowly approaching.

Li Zedao ignored it, always staring at the crescent moon.

Ouyang Qianxun looked at the tall and thin back, biting her lip with her teeth, and struggling for a while, before she said softly: "Senior..."

"You shouldn't come here." Li Zedao said lightly.

Inexplicably, Ouyang Qianxun's nose was slightly sour, and even more complacent.

He was so to him, but until now, he is still reminding himself kindly.

Indeed, I shouldn't be here, because he is already standing on the opposite side of Yingzhou College, and he will be hunted down by Yingzhou College!

If you come here at this moment, you will definitely be considered an accomplice with him.

She wanted to understand even more. Before the ancient duel, he had vilified her words, which was a kind of protection for herself.

But... I was so uncomfortable and tortured, so she came over after all.

She wanted to stand with him, not to protect him... She was not qualified to protect him, just to make herself feel better.

"Yes... I'm sorry." Ouyang Qianxun looked a little at a loss, like the pupil standing in front of the teacher who made a mistake, "I... too weak, I really don't have the courage, I..."

"It's okay." Li Zedao said, "I knew you were too weak to change anything, so I didn't expect anything from you."

"..." Ouyang Qianxun's complexion instantly turned red, trying to find a gap and then hurriedly got in. Does this guy speak so annoyingly?

Although it is an ironclad fact, I would be quite embarrassed if you said it so bluntly, okay?

She bit her lip again with her teeth, took a few deep breaths, and then walked to Li Zedao, learning that he was lying on the deck.

The heartbeat started to speed up, almost coming out of his throat.

It was the first time that she approached a man so actively. She didn't even know the man's appearance, his age, his background, or his name.

She just felt that getting close to him like this would make her heart beat faster and her body even more tight, but she felt less self-blaming and uncomfortable in her heart.

"Do you want to sleep with me?" Li Zedao was extremely speechless.

"..." Ouyang Qianxun was almost choked to death by these words. Desperately rubbing his extremely hot face, this guy would think too much.

"I...this is..." Qianxun said with courage, "You saved my life anyway, so I have to be with you. They want to kill you, so kill me first."

"You mean, do you want to follow me?" Li Zedao was even more speechless.

"If Senior doesn't dislike it, Chihiro is willing to serve Senior." Chihiro Ouyang bit her lip with her teeth, her voice was very soft and trembling, as you can imagine, she was a little nervous.

Of course, this kind of service doesn't contain any ambiguity, and it doesn't even have the slightest **. She simply wanted to follow Li Zedao, after all, she had nowhere to go.

It would be better if he could become his apprentice.

Li Zedao poured a basin of ice water directly over it: "I hate it."

This is not a drag oil bottle and what is it?

But in my heart, I have to feel that this woman is still very smart. She knows that her situation is quite dangerous, and being close to herself is a pretty good way to save her life.

Of course, there is indeed as she said, guilt, so I came here.

Take half of it.

Ouyang Qianxun continued to rub her hot face, so angry that she wanted to cry, and so ashamed that she wanted to find a gap to get in. This is the first time I have been so disliked since I was young.

"Anyway, I...I'll follow you. If you don't let me follow, you can kill me." Ouyang Qianxun said angrily.

"You are not qualified to let me take action." Li Zedao said lightly, "Besides, someone will kill you naturally. I can't wait to die, and I can jump into the sea now. Don't worry, I won't be trying to save you."

"You..." Ouyang Qianxun's eyes were red with anger, tears rolling in his eyes.

He almost threw himself at this **** guy and bit him hard.

If you don't bite this kind of slut, it's a pretty nasty behavior.

If this were before, Li Zedao was afraid that his heart would be softened, but now his heart is hard, like a stone in a pit.

Therefore, there is no special reaction, continue to enjoy the moon.

Ouyang Qianxun wiped away tears fiercely, and gave Li Zedao a fierce look. Then, learn from Li Zedao to see the moon.

This **** guy didn't even eat soft ones, hard ones... he couldn't beat him at all, so he could only find another way.

Suddenly thinking of something, the corners of his mouth had already outlined a sly range, and then one after another question was raised.

"Senior, what's your name?"

Li Zedao did not respond.

"Senior, how old are you?"

Li Zedao still did not respond.

"Senior, do you have any children?"

"..." Li Zedao was speechless.

"Senior, how many apprentices do you have?"

"Senior, if you are so powerful, is your master also very good? Say you don't have a master? You are so talented and self-taught?"

"Senior, I think you carry the pill furnace and herbs with you. Are you a alchemist?"

"Senior, I think you always wear a mask. Are you pretty ugly?"

"Senior, you have a strange smell, how many days have you not taken a shower?"

"Shut up!" Finally, Li Zedao couldn't help it, and shouted fiercely.

"Oh." Ouyang Chihiro shut up angrily.

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