The little tortoise looked back at the black ball of meat that made it gritted its teeth, curled his lips, and said: "Who would have thought that such a terrible earthquake suddenly happened and completely shook out the hiding place of the snake people. The edge of the desert. A batch of **** has gathered again, planning to encircle and suppress the snake people."

Little tortoise couldn't help but wanted to scold your sister. Although your sister’s you are all rubbish, but how much is still useful rubbish, since it is useful rubbish, can you live well? Not only went to the desert to find death?

"Don't worry." The old ghost said lightly.

"What?" The little tortoise thought he had heard it wrong, and the tortoise's eyes widened slightly. "You mean, you don't need to warn the trash so that they can stay away?"

"No need." The old ghost glanced at the fainted baby, thinking this is the first time he fainted? He suffered such a fate as soon as he was born. If he survives by luck, he will surely achieve great achievements in the future.

The turtle's eyes became bigger, of course, no matter how big they were, they were not the size of a mung bean.

It was rather depressed and said, "Why? You don't have a deep connection with the snake-man clan? In addition, it really fought, the garbage is somewhat useful, and it died like this. Isn't it a pity?"

"I have no relationship with the snake people. The reason why I protect the snake people is only to agree to Qingbai's dying request." The old ghost's eyes moved away from the pink face.

It had no experience in taking care of children, so it forced the little turtle to stay.

As for the child's mother, when she arrived in this hell, she was frightened to death.

The child's stepmother, Shui Fei Ling, was still asleep. Her little fortune teller was picked up, but the **** fruit was too insidious after all, after all, it still violated her soul. When will she wake up, the old ghost doesn't know, the little turtle doesn't know, only God knows.

Little tortoise had no choice but to catch a Pegasus that had just given birth.

The Pegasus was not scared to death, and the baby leaned on Pegasus's milk and finally did not starve to death.

The little turtle was stunned, and then racked his brains to remember, and finally said rather depressed: "Who is Qing Bai? Why has Lord Gui never heard of such a person?"

"Qingbai is not a human being, it's a pig like me."


The old ghost's tone was very plain, as if he was doing something that had nothing to do with him: "Once she was my favorite girl, and was my favorite. At that time, Qing Bai had made friends with the leader of the snake people, Red Snake. "

"After the end of the war, Qingbai was seriously injured and unable to return to heaven. At that time, because of the words that Red Snake said, plus the fact that the Snake Clan was like Nuwa, they were all human heads and snakes, so everyone's unquenched anger was transferred directly To the snake people."

"At that time, Qing Bai, who was about to die, begged me to help the snake people."

"Your sister, the turtle thinks you pig likes the red snake." Little turtle expressed disappointment.

Why didn't the pig and the snake have a passionate love? Are you like this... Doesn't the story seem too plain and unstimulating?

One pig agrees to one thing because he pets another pig...Your sister, what's the point?

What makes Little Turtle very angry is that this plain story also brings out your old ghost's infatuation. In order to be a pet girl, it has protected the snake people for thousands of years.

The old ghost glanced at the little tortoise and said lightly: "Do you think I am you?"

"My sister, when did the turtle like that red snake?" The little turtle felt insulted to death.

The old ghost was too lazy to respond.

"Then this time, why don't you continue to protect the snake people?" Little Turtle asked puzzledly.

"Because even God, there is no room for snake people." The old ghost said naturally. Since God can't tolerate you, it's useless for me to intervene.

The old ghost's thoughts have always been so simple and rude, but he can't fault it.

If Xiao Daozi is the person in Panlong's prophecy, then what does it matter if I revealed his identity to Wuming?

The little tortoise twitched his face, and was speechless for a while.

"No, Master Turtle has to stop." Little Turtle said.

It is kind after all, it really can’t bear to see a few more garbage corpses on the hot sand...Well, the more important reason is to find a chance to leave this infinite hell. It really doesn’t want to stay in this place for even a second. The bell is up.

"You can't stop it." The old ghost pointed to the top of his head and said lightly, "I think ignorant they should talk to a friend."

"Even if they don't come, you can't leave."

"Why?" Little Turtle said angrily.

"Because I am better than you."



As the setting sun is about to go west, the endless yellow-orange-orange sand exudes such a noble but mysterious color under the sunlight.

The setting sun that was about to fall stretched the shadow of this undoubtedly extremely powerful snake slayer team from paper strength.

Two spiritual celestial mirror cultivation is strong, eight quasi-spirit celestial mirror cultivation is strong, plus more than two hundred spiritual spiritual realm cultivation is strong, this kind of strength is enough to form the strongest power in the gods...Of course, Excluding the power of God Realm hidden in the dark and extremely special places like Shenlong City, in addition to the Nuwa clan.

This powerful team has been marching forward for five days and five nights.

At this time, the team continued to advance step by step, seemingly aimless, but in fact pointed directly at the city that had been hidden under the ground for thousands of years that was shaken out by the great earthquake.

According to the information collected, I am afraid that it will take less than three days to reach the destination.

As for whether he could meet the snake-man clan in that city, no one can say for sure. It might even be possible that the snake-men clan might kill from any direction at any time, so the nerves of these people are tense.

Snake people are good at making poison and everyone knows it.

Therefore, before the team set off, Yingzhou College provided everyone with several detoxification elixirs with excellent medicinal effects. Once it is found that something is wrong, immediately take the elixirs. Although it may not completely detoxify, it should save your life. There is no big problem.

During this period, there were several aftershocks. The violently swaying sand surface made these strong men tremble with their small hearts, and they were afraid that they would collapse under their feet or that huge quicksand would appear.

Who knows if there is nothing under the sand?

Fortunately, in the end, there was no danger.

As for the poisonous insects and beasts encountered, there is nothing to say. They have become food for the people without any accident, and it can be regarded as an improvement in food.

Li Zedao, who was walking at the back of the crowd, raised his head to look at the still terrifying sunset, wondering why the warning from the little tortoise hadn't appeared yet.

One day passes.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shines on this yellow land again, the bitter coldness of the night is of course gone, replaced by sultry heat.

Immediately, the sun became harsh and dazzling. If the guilty stares at him, I am afraid it will burn my eyes.

Facing the sunrise, this snake slaughter team set foot on the journey again.

Walking forward less than an hour's distance, the sacred camel under everyone's hips suddenly stopped, making bursts of neighing, and there was a trace of fear in the big eyes, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Everyone's body tightened, and they could see the strong vigilance in each other's eyes.

Since the sacred camel had issued a warning and stopped, it meant that an extremely terrifying danger was imminent.

It could be the kind of rare but undoubtedly terrifying black storm, or some kind of extreme weather.

Li Zedao squinted his eyes and glanced at the sky that became gloomy. He took out a piece of white gauze to block his face that had become quite ordinary.

Once, Li Zedao and Shui Feiling went deep into the great desert for dozens of days, and they experienced extremely rare **** storms, and it was still a century...No, there hasn't been a super **** storm once in millennia or even ten thousand years.

Seeing this movement, it shouldn't be a **** storm, but the storm that will blow later should not be underestimated.

The guide of this snake slaughter team grew up in a small town on the edge of the desert. His cultivation is not too strong, but he is quite familiar with the temper of the desert.

These days, when the team takes a break, when to set off, and in which direction to move forward, are completely in accordance with his instructions.

Seeing the warning from the camel, and the sky became more gloomy, the guide realized that something was wrong, and quickly reported the seriousness of the situation to Baili Kuanglang.

Baili Kuanglang trusted the guide quite a bit, and immediately issued orders as he suggested.

The so-called command is also very simple. Everyone dropped the sacred camel, let the sacred camel lie down and leaned against the sacred camel, and each protected their own water.

At the same time, the rookies in the logistics department also used the fastest speed to let the remaining squat squat.

As long as it is not the kind of **** storm that can be said to be a rare occurrence in a century, it is impossible to be scraped away with the ability of the **** camel.

People are close to the camel, so naturally there is no need to worry about being scraped away.

While everyone was waiting in awe, a strange breeze came, and the golden sand on the surface was blown by the breeze and fluttered gently.

In such a hot weather, it is undoubtedly an extremely comfortable thing to have such a gust of wind suddenly, but the faces of everyone have changed slightly, and the awe in their hearts is even greater.

They knew that the kind of storm that the guide said was not uncommon in the desert was about to unfold.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, the breeze that appeared suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the yellow sand that was blown up fell to the ground, and then fell into an inexplicable silence in the huge desert.

The desert is pretty quiet most of the time, but at this time this strange silence makes everyone feel very depressed, as if something terrible is about to happen.

To be honest, they didn't put those snake people in their eyes at all, but they gave enough awe to this terrible desert.

Another strange breeze swept across, gently touching everyone's hanging small heart, and the golden sand everywhere rolled gently.

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