That kind of power does not refer to how terrifying the snake-man’s cultivation base is. Really face-to-face, the snake-man clan can only be strangled by this snake-slaughter team.

Stronger than the Empress Boya, she is definitely no match for Baili Kuanglang and Gongzumozi's joint strangulation.

The strength here refers to their kind of control over the timing of their shots and their terrible familiarity with this desert.

These snake people are obviously very familiar with the temper of this great desert, and they are extremely aware that at this moment, there will be a terrible storm coming here.

At the same time, they even knew the speed of the snake slaughter team, knowing that they would just enter the storm circle, and then were forced to stop.

Therefore, they are all ready to ambush.

In addition, when the attack began, they paid much attention to the two powerful spiritual mirrors in the snake slaughter team. They knew that if there was a little movement, they would use the two spiritual mirrors to cultivate. The terrifying strength of the strong, I am afraid that it will kill them in an instant!

Therefore, when a snake man shouted "kill" before his neck was twisted, they did not hesitate and rushed into the team without fear.

In this way, even these two terrifying spiritual mirror cultivation masters could not kill them for a while.

Although these temporarily combined snake slayers were extremely powerful, they did not have any tacit understanding at all. And at this time they had been blinded by the terrible storm, and their nerves were in a tense state. At this time, someone killed them, and they immediately showed their weapons to counterattack desperately.

Therefore, a scene of horror happened.

These people, for their own lives, desperately carried out the most aggressive moves to kill anyone who tried to get close to them, but their tight nerves made them temporarily forget that those close to them were more of his temporary colleagues.

So the battle that was supposed to kill the invading enemy turned into an unreasonable chaos.

Such chaos is naturally the perfect result that the snake people want to see.

In the chaotic battle, Baili Kuanglang's deafening roar was even more mixed: "Stop it!"

No one will stop! No one dares to stop! Because the terrible knives are all around me, and once you close your hands, it means death.

Li Zedao, who was hiding under the corpse of the camel, admired the snake-man's terrible control over the right time and place, and smeared it on his body and face with the blood that had flowed in front of him, indicating that he was also seriously injured.

Then closed his eyes, planning to take a nap.

Without a stick of incense, the storm that appeared suddenly disappeared into the invisible, as if it had never appeared before.

Everyone's sight, which had been severely blocked, became clear again.

At the same time, the irritable aura disappeared suddenly, and those who were holding swords facing each other seemed to be frozen in the ice, and no one was able to stab a sword or punch.

This golden and mysterious land has become a **** on earth.

The golden sand was covered with blood, and it was covered with stumps and broken arms as well as the crumbled corpse.

There are human corpses, and there are also the corpses of **** camels.

The faces of the people who were still standing were full of horror, and the blood-stained hands were shaking gently.

It was obviously hot and dry, but their blood seemed to have solidified. The fear and helplessness from the deepest part of the soul left them in an absolutely dull state.

At least half of them have not yet arrived at the old nest of the snake-men clan that was shaken out, and at least half of them will stay in this large desert forever.

Before entering the Great Desert, they thought it was a unilateral killing, a just massacre, and even treated it as a casual sweating to get a desert tour and sightseeing from Yingzhou College and its generous rewards.

The only thing worth paying attention to is this terrible desert.

The desert is indeed terrible, but what they can't imagine is that the snake man is even more terrifying than the desert.

They even took advantage of this storm to kill them!

I want to know that this is a carefully planned attack, and the right time and place are indispensable.

It's just that the area covered by the storm is compared to this big desert, but at the tip of the iceberg, how can these snake people be so sure that they will just walk to the place covered by the storm?

The blood-red desert has already fallen into a kind of weird silence. Everyone's mind is either thinking about various problems in confusion, or is simply in a sluggish state.

Those lucky camels who were not stabbed or used as a meat shield were still curled up there, and there was a strong panic in their big eyes, but they didn't even dare to make a sound.

Compared with the terrible storm, the strong smell of blood in the air, and the corpses of the same kind on the ground made these llamas feel terrified.

At this moment, a strange sound broke the weird silence.

I saw a corpse with its head hanging to one side slipping from Baili Kuanglong's hands and falling into the pool of blood.

The corpse wore clothes with the color of yellow sand.

There are more than twenty similar corpses, and they are scattered in various places in this hell.

Almost all of them had their bodies dismantled, and more often their necks were simply and roughly twisted.

Except for Li Zedao, who lay there pretending to be severely injured at the beginning of the melee and temporarily unable to get up, Baili Kuanglang and Gong Tumozi are the only people in this chaos who remain sober, but they are even The powerhouses of the Spiritual Mirror cultivation base, even if they broke their throats, even if they madly released the power of the powerhouse, they could not stop the turmoil.

In that short period of time, these powerhouses caught in panic are like headless flies. Unless they lose their lives, they will never be able to stop the murder weapon in their hands. .

As for making them incapacitated, I'm afraid they will be hacked to death in the next second.

Therefore, the only thing that Baili Kuanglang and Gong Yumozi can do is to pull out the snake-men who burrowed in the crowd, and then cut their necks neatly.

The slightly embarrassed father Mozi stood there quietly, as if nothing had happened.

Compared with Gong Yimozi, Baili Kuanglang was even more embarrassed. The always spotless robe of this powerful spiritual mirror was covered with shocking blood.

His supposedly serious face is even more gloomy as water, and the **** murderous aura on his body is so strong as if it were twisted, like a ghost crawling out of the hell.

It is as strong as a hundred miles of wild waves. Seeing such a tragic situation, there is also a momentary blank in his mind.

A team with such a terrifying strength was completely defeated by a sudden storm and more than 20 snakes who were the strongest and medium-grade cultivation base in the spirit and gods!

What a shame this is!

The rest of these people were afraid that they would not dare to go one step further.

Gradually, everyone turned their eyes on Baili Kuanglang in the end.

Their eyes are no longer the kind of invincible and fiery awe of Baili's wild waves before they set off, but fear, bewilderment, and retreat.

Baili Kuanglong was motionless, silent for a long time, like an ice sculpture, and even the gloomy expression on his face gradually became indifferent.

But those who are familiar with him know that Baili Kuangbo in this state is like a barrel, and only a small amount of sparks will cause an earth-shattering explosion.

I don't know how long it took, Baili Kuanglang raised his head, and looked at the guide he valued with indifference.

Suspects don't need to use people, so when this guide named Amule, who is very familiar with the Great Desert, appeared in front of him, Baili Kuanglang gave enough trust.

In fact, these days, Amul has also completed his guide work very well.

"You have nothing to say?" Baili Kuanglang said.

His voice was abnormally cold, like a sharp sword dug from the eternal glacier. Although the weather is extremely hot at this time, the temperature of the sand can cover the eggs, but everyone feels an inexplicable chill. , Even his eyes were stung by the chill.

Amule was terrified, and his trembling legs could no longer support his body, and the whole person crawled on the ground, lowering his head towards the terrifying strong man.


Stimulated by the terrible chill, he was so frightened that he couldn't say a complete sentence.

But everyone can clearly feel his panic, grievance, and helplessness.

Everyone knows that Baili Kuanglang was smashing the guide's head with the charge of losing this time. He felt a sense of sorrow for the rabbit and fox inexplicably, and he strengthened the idea of ​​not going forward.

This big desert is terrible, and the snake people are also terrible, and the waves of hundreds of miles are equally terrible.

Li Zedao, lying among the dead corpses pretending to be dead, raised his eyebrows, and then had to admire Baili Kuang Lang's meticulous thoughts. In a moment, he thought of the criticality of the problem and uncovered the sharp nail in the team.

It seems that the idea that I always think that others are idiots is really dangerous.

"The snake people have been hiding in this large desert for thousands of years, and this place has become their home! They are naturally very familiar with their home, and they can predict when a terrible storm will blow in this area. , This is not surprising!"

Baili Kuanglang looked at the trembled guide with an indifferent expression: "But how sure are they that this team will just enter this storm and enter their ambush range, you can give me one Explain?"

The Snake Clan did not sneak over here, but hid in the sand beforehand. This is quite certain.

After all, this snake slaying team is not only the strong men above the spiritual level, but also two strong men with the spiritual mirror cultivation base. The snake men are following, how could they not be alert?

The guide's body halted, and immediately trembled more severely.

Everyone's hearts shuddered, and the look in the guide's eyes had changed, from the original sadness of rabbit and fox to absolute anger, and they wished to smash Amule.

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