Baili Kuanglang saw that face again.

He must keep this face firmly in mind, so that in the future he can use the most vicious means to torture him, and he has to kill all those who have a relationship with him!

It was still too ordinary to be in that ordinary face, but the timidity and tension disappeared without a trace, but indifferent, he was looking at himself indifferently.

Not looking at a dead person, not looking at a strong man, but looking at a grain of sand.

In his eyes... just a grain of sand?

Why would he dare to look at himself with such eyes?

Baili Kuanglang's heart was rippling violently, and he spouted a mouthful of old blood again, and his extremely pale face was full of grief and anger.

He couldn't understand that even the gods hated the snake-men clan. An earthquake shook their nests out, let alone how many snake-men were crushed to death.

Why did my own genocide against the snake-men fail?

He didn't even understand, how could this ordinary person who is only a low-level cultivation base in the spirit of God, his acting skills can be so superb, even he was deceived!

He didn't even think about it, how could the level of the lower grade in the mere Spirit God Realm be able to use such a terrifying sword?

He was hiding, but the kind of hiding to death, even he could not see any clues.

The only definite thing about Baili Kuanglang is that it is Lei Che's sword art, a means of eternal life!

So, his true identity is actually from the college? He infiltrated this snake slaying team under the order of the old thief of the longevity, and his purpose was to join the snake people to stay in the desert forever?

What a great acting! What a sinister and shameless old thief!

I don't know why Baili Kuanglang wanted to laugh, but he showed an expression that was worse than crying.

"Why can't you kill it?" Empress Boya glanced at the young man who was not surprising but started her hands.

She rarely said the three words "why", but thanks to this young man, this terrible enemy lay there and became a lamb to be slaughtered, so she had to listen to this young man's thoughts .

Empress Boya did not ask his identity either, after all, that terrible lightning had been exposed too much! In all likelihood, this young man is a disciple of the Dean of Changsheng himself.

Everyone knows that Yingzhou College and Fuzhou College are like fire and water, so it is not surprising that this scene is happening now.

Inexplicably, Empress Boya remembered that figure that was very cheap, narcissistic, and shameless. He seemed to be the apprentice of the Dean of Longevity. Is this young man's junior?

Li Zedao wiped off the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, looked at Empress Boya calmly, and explained seriously: "Because I need to take him away."

Empress Boya was silent for a moment and said seriously: "This emperor needs him to become a dead person."

Only when Baili Kuanglang died can it bring a strong and terrifying deterrent to those in God's Domain who are still planning to deal with the Snake People, so that they will not dare to step into this large desert easily in the future.

Li Zedao earnestly promised: "Your Majesty, my majesty, I can assure you that this person will not be able to threaten your snake people in the future! After this battle, I am afraid that no one will dare to step into the desert easily. "

Li Zedao completely changed both his appearance and breath, and the Empress Boya did not recognize him at all, which made Li Zedao very satisfied.

It seems that with the growth of the heavenly aura, I am afraid that even a strong person of the level of the ignorant sect master will not even want to see through yourself.

Empress Boya responded earnestly: "This emperor does not need your guarantee."

She didn't believe this man's words, and if Baili Kuanglong didn't die, even if she fled the desert in embarrassment, she still couldn't create much deterrence.

The snake-men family suffered tremendously from this sudden earthquake, and the casualties were extremely heavy, and they could no longer bear any large-scale invasion.

That's why, Empress Boya and Baili Kuanglang came desperately.

She intends to use her own life in exchange for a chance to let the snake people breathe.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and could only say in a deliberate tone: "Your Majesty, you seem to owe my little junior brother a great favor, right? Would you just pay that favor now?"

I want to know that this woman must have thought of something through the sword just now, so Li Zedao naturally had to follow her thoughts.

The Empress Boya raised her brows, thinking that he was indeed the younger brother of this person, and he was probably the one with a very good relationship.

However, the Empress Boya couldn't figure out why Changsheng Zhenren wanted to accept people from the Nuwa clan as his disciples, so he was not afraid of being pointed out by thousands of people?

"Not everyone has a malicious attitude towards the snake people, and they want you to disappear completely on this land." Li Zedao said extremely sincerely, "At least we don't."

Empress Boya was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "You take him away."

"Thanks, goodbye!"

Li Zedao rushed to the Empress Boya and arched his hands, then took out another pill and put it into Baili Kuanglang's mouth, and then slapped him on the chest with a rather rough slap.

Whether he likes it or not, Baili Kuanglang is still quite humiliating after all, he knows it is some kind of poison pill by smelling the smell...It can't be a healing pill, right?

His eyes that had been filled with grief and indignation were already cold, and he looked at Li Zedao as if he were looking at a dead person.

Li Zedao seemed to be carrying a bag of rubbish, and he lifted him up and threw him on the back of one of the sacred camels. Only then did he get on the other sacred camel.

Empress Boya stood on the sand dune and watched him leave, but after all, she did not ask that question.

Is he okay?

The camel walked forward for more than two hours before Li Zedao stopped under a sand dune.

After getting off the sacred camel, he lifted the violent waves on the sacred camel and threw him on the cold ground at will.

Baili Kuanglang's complexion remained unchanged, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Li Zedao did not change.

In the dark night, his eyes were thicker than the night, colder than the cold sand, and bloodier than the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, so he stared straight at Li Zedao, as if looking at a dead person. .

Being stared with such a pair of such terrifying eyes, Li Zedao didn't care, he sat down in front of him and said with a smile: "Why? How can there be such a good young man in this world? Good enough to be like you The terrible powerhouses are deceived and turned around?"

"Yes." Baili Kuanglang said without hesitation.

"Although you are a well-known strong in God's Domain, but I don't know why you affirmed, but I feel insulted."

Li Zedao frowned and shook his head: "Probably because you are not qualified to affirm me."

Baili Kuanglang looked at him and felt that the joke was not funny at all, but he still let out a grinning laugh: "Your Master, you are not qualified to say such things to me."

Li Zedao was full of mockery: "My master? Dean of Changsheng? Do you think Dean of Changsheng is qualified to be my master? Do you think he has the ability to teach the kind of cultivation based on the spiritual and spiritual realm but can use that to make you? A great student who has to pay attention to a sword?"

The expression on Baili Kuanglang's face solidified: "Who are you in the end?"

Once again, he was so depressed that he wanted to spit out a few mouthfuls of old blood. Why was it completely different from what he thought? Could it be that he is old to the point where he is completely brainless?

Li Zedao smiled inexplicably and said: "You are not qualified to know who I am. In addition, counting the time, the time for the onset of the drug should be about to begin. Please Mr. Baili first to feel the wonderful taste. Keep talking about something else."

Some people don’t shed tears if they don’t see the coffin, so Li Zedao intends to let the old man take a look and appreciate the coffin he prepared for him. After reading it, he can lower his stiff head, which is obviously too proud to rise. speak nicely.

When he was in the mountain range before, Li Zedao obtained two kinds of pills from the black devil, one is the poison pills and the other is the antidote.

What Li Zedao forced Baili Kuang Lang to swallow was the kind of poison pill that made the old eagle eye a slave completely, but this poison pill was wrapped in a coat of medicine outside, which prolonged the poisoning time.

Counting time, that layer of medicine coat has been completely digested, and the poison is about to wreak havoc on the soul of the powerful man!

Baili Kuanglang's heart shuddered, and his eyes became even colder.

This young confidence was so full that he suddenly became bottomless.

Suddenly, an indescribable pain appeared in his abdomen uncontrollably, and it swam all over his body at once.


The scream of screams spurted out of the mouth of Baili Kuangbo, completely breaking the silence of this vast expanse of desert, and even scared the three gods camel's body shivering, those strong four legs again It started to soften.

Li Zedao digs out his ears that are extremely harsh, and is too lazy to appreciate the tragic situation of Baili's wild waves, and he looks up to appreciate the blood-red moon.

Li Zedao has always been curious about one thing. Although the Moon of God's Domain is as clear as what he knows, it has a clear and perfect color, but the color is quite weird. There was a **** layer.


Like the pain from the deepest part of the soul!

Baili Kuanglang couldn't imagine that he who entered the spiritual fairy mirror cultivation base, whether he was physically or absolutely powerful, would actually be afraid of pain.

His weak body twitched and twisted involuntarily on the cold sand, like an earthworm exploding in the sun, looking so disgusting, yet so pitiful.

Baili Kuanglang wanted to die, but he was more sober than ever.

He clearly felt that something terrible was burning his skin, something terrible was gnawing at his internal organs, something terrible was licking his brain, and something terrible was gnawing at himself. Bones and terrible things are playing with needles in their own souls.

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