The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2498: Looking for an oasis

Excited, these people turned their eyes to the inconspicuous figure behind the dean's buttocks, thinking that this young man could come back alive...Well, it must be the dean and the old man who saved his life.

But anyway, since he can come back with the dean alive and his old man, the dean must like this young man very much, so the eyes of these people looking at Li Zedao are also quite friendly.

Baili Kuanglang waved his hands in an unusually tired voice, and said in a weak voice: "Go, in the name of Fuzhou Academy, in my name, let's make an announcement."


The teacher from Yingzhou College bowed his head and was so excited that he felt extremely relieved.

You know, the defeat of this snake slaughter campaign has spread throughout the entire God's Domain. Now everyone knows that the terrible snake slaying team formed by Yingzhou College was killed by more than 20 snake men. People ran out of the desert with their **** peeing, and didn't dare to put one more fart.

Now, the dean and his elders want to issue a notice, naturally, to let the world know that Baili Kuanglong has not failed, and Yingzhou College has not failed!

He might even want to let the entire God Realm know that he has already killed the Empress Boya under the sword!

Baili Kuanglang said with a weak voice: "The core content of the announcement is that our Yingzhou College took the opportunity to go deep into the desert to attack the snake-men family who had just experienced a huge disaster. This is a rather despicable act of aggression. It is simply intolerable... …"


This teacher from Yingzhou College was directly in a dull state, and the expressions on the faces of the teachers from Yingzhou College were also frozen into a ball.

Their heads were roaring violently, and there was a huge wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what their ears heard.

With the sound of Baili's violent waves, he felt that the old blood was pouring into his throat again and was about to squirt out.

He swallowed the **** old blood abruptly, and continued: "I have a hundred miles of waves...I am incompetent, shameless, shameless, and ashamed of the world. From then on, I will reflect on myself in Yingzhou College and never Leave easily..."

The minds of the teachers in Yingzhou College roared even more fiercely. The eyes of Baili Kuanglang looked like they had seen a ghost...No, ghosts are not so scary!

They even seriously doubted whether the person in front of them was the Dean of Baili they were familiar with.

"Go ahead."

This time, Baili Kuanglang seemed to run out of strength, squeezing out these two words with a breath, and couldn't lift his hand.

Everyone, look at me and I see you. They can only think that the dean’s move has deep meaning, but they don’t know the deep meaning, so they took their orders.

A day later, this announcement spread throughout the entire God's Domain, but it was like a few shells being thrown on the calm lake, causing an uproar.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the snake slaughter team formed by Baili Kuang Lang would be relaxed and happy to make the snake people completely disappear on this land.

Of course, in their sympathy for the weak, they also despise the practice of Baili Kuanglang.

Then, these people were slapped severely!

This snake slaying team not only failed to threaten the snake people, it even lost more than half of it. I heard that the snake people only killed more than 20 people.

After that, Baili Kuanglang issued such a notice!

Their hearts trembled extremely hard, wondering what kind of fright Baili Kuanglang suffered and what kind of terrible loss he suffered that they were forced to issue such a notice that they would humiliate themselves to death? Is it scared that the rest of his life will be curled up in the old nest and never dare to appear again?

Or, what conspiracy and tricks is brewing?

No matter what the Baili Kuanglang is doing, almost everyone has reached a consensus: The desert is terrible! Snake people, too terrible!


In the depths of the big desert, a city that is not small in size and half buried by yellow sand appears to stand abruptly there.

There are faintly visible streets, city walls, and collapsed buildings that look simple and vicissitudes.

This is not a mirage, but an ancient city that really exists deep in the great desert.

This ancient city is also where the snake people live.

For thousands of years, this ancient city has hidden under the thick yellow sand in a very mysterious manner, which is a miracle.

Who built the ancient city? Even the snake people don’t know exactly. They only know that when the snake people were forced to flee into the desert, this ancient city already existed, and it was full of primitive vicissitudes. , As if it had existed for thousands of years.

The ancient city has majestic buildings, fertile land, and a steady stream of sweet water. What's more amazing is that the ancient city can also absorb fresh air and sunlight from the outside world.

Snake people are able to thrive in this paradise, avoiding hatred and even massacre.

For thousands of years, the snake people have never thought that one day in the future, the thick sand above the ancient city will crash down, and they never thought that one day in the future, they will leave here.

But now, even God can't tolerate them.

A terrible earthquake completely destroyed this magical ancient city and shook it out, completely exposed to the vicious sunlight, and even more exposed to the butcher knife of the people of God's Domain.

The buildings are gone, the streets are gone, the fertile land is gone, and the sweet water is gone, only the sky full of yellow sand is left, only the vicious sun during the day and the coldness of the night at night.

The living snake man looked a little numb there, but quickly digged into the sand, trying to dig out the relatives still buried in the sand.

They were eager to see the miracle, but in the end, what was dug out was one after another corpses that had begun to decay.

A race with a population of tens of thousands was lost in this terrible earthquake!

It's gone, then I know what it's gone!

There are vultures hovering in the air, making extremely greedy and excited calls. They are looking for opportunities to dive down and devour the corpses on the ground that are beginning to decompose.

The emperor Boya, the emperor of the snake-man clan, stood on the sand dune not far away. The white dress on her body had long been covered with a thin layer of fine gray. In the two-way indifferent eyes, there was heartbreaking Sad and at a loss.

Now, she is no longer the high queen, she is just a woman who looks so helpless and needs a strong shoulder to lean on.

Her jade hand covered with dust was like a machine and waved upward.

She has repeated this action hundreds of times, already numb.

In an instant, a few larger grains of sand whizzed up and blasted fiercely on the vultures who tried to treat the corpses of the snake-man clan as food, directly blasting them into a mass of flesh and blood.

The remaining vultures were so scared that they let out a harsh melon cry, and immediately flee.

However, the escape is only temporary, and the greed for food will continue to drive them to fly to this place.

Although the powerful snake slaying team led by Baili Kuanglang has retreated, the bigger problem lies in front of the Empress Boya.

Where is the future of the snake people who seem to have been completely abandoned by heaven?

Without the ancient city’s shelter from the wind and rain, even the snake-men clan could not live in the depths of this terrible desert for years and months, so they continued to search for an oasis.

However, although God's Domain is very large, it seems that Empress Boya will never reach the end of this world.

But the irony is that this vast expanse of land does not seem to have a race that can accommodate only a few thousand people.

This desert has become a dead place, but outside the desert, it is directly hell!

Once they dare to step out of this desert, they will be slaughtered in an instant, and they will not even have the qualifications to become vulture food.

They will be frustrated, or they will be made into specimens and hung on the city gate for exhibition... Look, this is the snake-men clan that has harmed God's Domain for thousands of years!

The snake people are very wronged, angry, and helpless!

Why should they be treated differently? Want to be put on such a heavy hat?

"How to do?"

Empress Boya's red eyes swept the child who was crying loudly because of pain not far away. That powerful heart became a mess at this time, full of powerlessness.

Lord Scorpion and Lord Mary, who were in charge of monitoring the enemy's situation, returned. They glanced at the corpses and the tribesmen who looked like walking corpses with a look that became a little numb because of excessive grief, and then came to the Empress Boya. in front of.

Although the snake slaughter team had already retreated, Baili Kuanglang was seriously injured and taken away, but for the sake of safety, the snake people are still closely monitoring the actions of the enemies outside.

Master Mary brought back a piece of news that made her feel extremely unbelievable and unimaginable.

Baili Kuanglang actually issued such a humble announcement into the dust. Such a move is confusing to people. Is that terrible enemy trying to retreat for advancement and plotting something secretly?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so Mary, who has a very high status in the snake-man clan, felt that instead of taking it lightly, he had to be more vigilant for those outside bandits who should be killed to enter this large desert again.

The current snake people can no longer withstand any violations.

Empress Boya frowned and was silent for a moment, and then the red eyes lit up slightly, and finally seemed to have made some determination. She took a deep breath and looked at Master Mary and said, "You have the authority to do everything here. To deal with it, we must calm the emotions of the people and give them confidence!"

Lord Mary showed a bitter smile, soothing the emotions of the tribe, and giving confidence is not easy?

Her current mood is quite low, and she has shown a rather pessimistic or even desperate attitude towards the Snake Clan being able to overcome this difficulty.

Snake people have no future!

"Your Majesty, where are you going?" Lord Mary couldn't help asking.

She was really scared. Her Majesty the Empress once again looked for the Baili Crazy Wave to fight to the death.

On that day, she was very worried and worried that Her Majesty could not return.

Her Majesty the Empress can't come back, and the Snake Clan can announce the countdown to annihilation on the spot.

"For our people, look for an oasis." Empress Boya glanced at the people who seemed to be desperate, and said in a very serious tone.

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