When talking about her son's death, the woman's tone was so ordinary, as if she was talking about other people's children.

As for the husband, he came out of the mountain with some herbs he picked the day before yesterday. He went to the nearest town to exchange for some necessities.

The nearest town is far away from here, it takes half a month to go back and forth.

The woman said you can live here for ten days, and she must leave before her husband returns because her husband has a bad temper.

There is one word that the woman did not say that her husband is not a thing at all. Seeing such a girl, there is no reason not to infringe.

"The rain stops, my father...I will leave." Princess Long said quickly.

Princess Long was not embarrassed to stay in the house like this, she hoped that the rain would stop quickly.

But the rain did not stop, and it lasted three days at a time, without a moment of rest.

So Princess Long stayed in this hut for three days in embarrassment.

She watched the women cooking pretty fragrant rice on the dark stove in the corner.

The rice is really fragrant. Various wild vegetables and dried meat are simmered into a paste, which looks ugly, but has a natural taste.

The bowl was too dark, as if it had never been washed before, and the chopsticks were two small wooden sticks of different lengths.

But Princess Long still ate very fragrant, even more fragrant than the wild fruits that she ate before. She understood that the exquisite food served in exquisite utensils is not necessarily comparable to the mush in the black bowl.

The key is mentality.

At night, Princess Long was lying on the wooden board with the women. Although it was covered with animal skins, it was still very hard and cold, but Princess Long felt warmer than ever.

She slept beautifully and didn't have nightmares again.

On the fourth day, the sky cleared, and the poison wolf herb was very effective, and Princess Long could hardly feel any pain.

Princess Long looked at the woman slightly and said that she was leaving.

Princess Long actually wanted to leave something for women, but unfortunately, she had nothing on her.

The woman just glanced at her, nodded, and then turned back to continue burning.

You have to go, feel free, you want to stay for two more days... or don’t, in case my husband comes back early, that’s fine.

I'm doing an extremely common thing, it's as simple as picking up a piece of dry wood and putting it in a stove to burn. I don't need your appreciation.

Princess Long said again, that Zitong glanced at the hut that had been there for three days with nostalgia, and turned around and walked out of the hut somewhat reluctantly.

The sky has cleared, and the long-lost sunshine drives away the chill and moisture.

Princess Long raised her head, slightly squinted to look at the sun, and a very comfortable smile appeared on her face.

It turns out that sunlight can be so beautiful and sweet.

Then, she looked forward firmly and she wanted to continue walking forward.

Now, she just wants to see how long she can live in this mountain range, how far she can walk, how many evil wolves she can kill, abandoning the noble identity of Dragon Vein.

She regarded this as a goal, which was the first goal of her life.

When he walked tens of feet forward, a figure that looked so noble and proud suddenly appeared in Princess Long's sight.

Princess Long's eyes widened suddenly. She stared at the figure in a daze. She didn't expect to say that he would appear here. Then her nose sore and she almost cried again.

It wasn't excited or moved. Princess Long didn't know what kind of emotion she was at this time, it was very complicated.

King Ming looked at the embarrassed figure several meters away, his pupils shrank violently, his heart seemed to be hit hard by a blunt instrument, and he felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Not distressed, but angry! Almost uncontrollable anger!

It is even more disgust, disgust that has been written on his face.

This is really that dazzling, even the King Ming who is hard to ignore among the many dragon veins, and the long princess who feels blasphemous at first glance?

Except for those purple pupils that are still dazzling, is there any point in her body that has a touch with the dragon veins?

Therefore, she is no longer Princess Long, she is just a beggar, a pariah who lives at the bottom of God's Domain, and even this is not much different from the miners in the Shenshan Mine in Shenlong Mountain!

Same humble! The same makes people look disgusting! Looking at it more, I feel my eyes are hurting.

The more King Ming looked at Princess Long, the more disgusting he felt, as if he saw a pile of shit. Subconsciously, he took a few steps back. He really didn't want to smell the disgusting stench released from Princess Long.

Princess Long was stunned, and the teardrops stopped falling.

When I was lonely and lonely, the complex emotions of seeing someone I knew or even relatives with the same blood all at once disappeared without a trace.

She was like a child who didn't know what was wrong. She looked at the disgusting disgust on King Ming's face blankly, and looked at the backing figure of King Ming, so at a loss.

Gradually, the loss turned into a miserable laugh.

In the end, she slowly lowered her head, without looking at King Ming, those purple pupils became extremely silent, no longer carrying any emotions.

She thought to herself, this is the natural response, isn't it?

She thought to herself, if she changed to King Ming and another bloodline fell to her level, she would not react much better than King Ming, right?

She would quite dislike the other person, thinking that she had tainted the noble blood of Long Mai, and she would feel sick even looking at him more.

She wanted to understand and was relieved.

Therefore, she was no longer sad, and there was no panic. She silently accepted this cold fact and accepted the trial that was waiting for her.

Princess Long seemed to see her own future.

Either he was deprived of his dragon vein identity and headed towards death, or he was imprisoned in the incomparably dark little black room and headed towards the endless darkness.

King Ming could dislike Princess Disgusting Long so much, Father Mo and the guards naturally didn't dare.

Even if their scalp is numb and their hearts are trembling violently, it is impossible to imagine that this is true. Even though they are equally disgusting, they dare not show anything on their faces.

Grandpa Mo hurried to the front, bowed and said, "The Savior is too late, so Princess Long has suffered, and Princess Long should forgive you."

The lower heads of other Shenlong guards are almost about to hit the ground, and they are working hard to suppress the weird emotions that are absolutely weird and should never appear in their hearts.

Looking at it more is blasphemy, let alone feeling strange.

Princess Long did not look up at Grandpa Mo, nor did she respond. She lowered her head and looked at her shoes very seriously.

The shoes made of extremely soft silk are still dirty today, with a few holes broken, and the same dirty toes are exposed.

She looked at the toes very seriously.

No sadness or joy, no arrogance or rashness, no resentment or hatred

Seeing that Princess Long did not respond, Grandpa Mo raised his head slightly and glanced at her respectfully and said, "Princess Long, please move and meet your subordinates in the palace."

Princess Long had a reaction this time, she didn't lift her head and said lightly: "I don't want the identity of Dragon Vessel anymore, so, can I not go back?"

If she had a choice, Princess Long naturally didn't want to be locked in that little black room, nor did she want to wait for the Dragon King to deprive her of her dragon vein identity.

So, take the initiative to give up that identity.

"This..." Father Mo's expression changed slightly, and he could only look back at King Ming.

Hiding far to avoid being stained by the stench of Princess Long, the brows of King Ming frowned. It was really hard for him to imagine that Princess Long would say such a rebellious and extremely stupid thing.

How noble is the dragon vein, she said...no more? If her body is dirty, so is her brain dirty?

She is blaspheming the dragon vein!

"The Dragon Emperor is still waiting for Princess Long to return." He said lightly. The title has also changed from the old sister Long to Princess Long.

Alienated, cold, ruthless, and disgusting!

Now he even looked at this Princess Long, and felt that his eyes were seriously insulted.

"Even if you are willing to fall, you should get the permission of the Dragon Emperor." King Ming said again.

Princess Long didn't look at King Ming, as if there was no such person at all, but she didn't say much. She knew that King Ming was right, and if something like this happened, it would be impossible if she didn't return to the Dragon Palace to meet the Dragon King.

Grandpa Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, after all, if Princess Long insisted not to go back, presumably King Ming couldn't persuade her, so he could only tie it back forcibly.

It's okay to tie it back, after all, Princess Long is no longer the Princess Long, and she will definitely be punished severely if she goes back this time.

But what if? What if she was not punished by the Dragon Emperor? What if she is still the noble princess of the past?

Even if this possibility is minimal, Father Mo is absolutely unwilling to take such a risk.

Immediately, King Ming's arrogant gaze crossed the obstacle of Princess Long, swept the small house not far behind her, and glanced at the Shenlong guard not far away, and said, "Kill!"

The tone was almost exactly the same as when Princess Long said "kill" when she saw the stinky feet a few days ago, indifferent but taken for granted.

Princess Long's heart trembled suddenly! She is familiar with this tone, and she is more familiar with these two words!

She has said these two words in this tone many times!

A Shenlong guard is familiar with the road and draws his sword.

With just a sword, the hut that is not as big as Princess Long’s bed, including the crude bed in the hut, the table and chairs made of wooden stakes, the bowls that have not been washed for several days, and the random tree branches His chopsticks, and the middle-aged woman with a wooden lump, will be chopped into countless pieces!

Princess Long suddenly raised her head, her purple eyes became fierce and looked at the dragon guard, like a hen looking at an eagle that was about to prey on a chick.

"Dare you?" Princess Long said.

The body of the Shenlong guard became stiff and his head lowered.

He did not dare to even look at Princess Long.

King Ming raised his brows slightly, and he waved his hand.

One of the old man standing behind him, with his head down, suddenly raised his head and glanced at the Shenlong guard with a blank face.

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