The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2531: steamed bread

"These people who came to Shenlong City are as pure as this son, I am afraid that they are gone." Li Zedao was rather shameless.

The more I sighed, the more hungry my stomach became, and in the end I almost couldn't walk.

It's as if I haven't eaten for at least three days.

Li Zedao showed an extremely bitter smile, thinking that he had the strength of the top-grade peak cultivation base of the Spirit Immortal Mirror anyway, he was hungry, and he was extremely humiliating.

While sighing, he looked for the only sacred mansion where he could exchange spirit coins.

The Palace of God is a huge and majestic mansion, it is entrenched in this "slum" with a daunting posture.

According to Li Zedao's understanding, the so-called Shenfu said that the Dragon Palace was built in the police department of the Eighth City of Shenyang, and the people living in it were officials, police officers and so on.

For example, those guards are serving in this shrine.

Want to exchange for spirit coins, also get Shenfu.

If you want to find a "policeman" to appeal your grievances, you naturally come to Shenfu.

And the one with the most power in the gods is naturally the supreme ruler of the Iori City, known as the Eight Kings.

The Eight Kings are also dragon veins, and they were sent by the Dragon Palace to manage the Eight Gods City.

Of course, because the Iori City is too dirty and messy, it is naturally impossible for the noble Iori to condescend in that palace, and occasionally appearing in the Iori City is already "the imperial grace."

So at this time the most powerful person in the gods is actually Baye.

The Eighth Lord is not a dragon vein, but he is deeply loved by the Eight Kings, so instead of the Eight Kings, he sits in the Shenfu and manages the entire Eighth City.

Therefore, the eighth master who has risen by relying on the eight kings is definitely the object of envy and hatred by everyone, and is also a role model for everyone. They think that the eighth master is the winner in life.

Big figures like Ba Ye naturally rarely show up. They have been in that divine mansion for years and years, and it is difficult for others to see each other.

The palace is like the unusual big diamond in the sand. It is quite easy to find, and it can be easily seen from far away.

After half an hour, Li Zedao came to the majestic palace.

The surrounding area of ​​the Shen Mansion is extremely clean and extremely quiet. Compared with other places in Shen Bacheng, it is simply the oasis in the desert.

It's just that this oasis seems so sacred and so majestic that it cannot be desecrated, so the idlers naturally dare not stay in this place.

The place to exchange for spirit coins is located in a house behind Shenfu, named Lingxing.

Li Zedao couldn't help but vomit, why does the name Lingxing sound so crass? Would you like to find an opportunity to suggest to Shenfu to change the name of this Lingxing to a bank? Even the gold line is better than the spiritual line.

And the Shenfu can be changed into the ** office building, or the White House or the Kremlin?

At this time, many people came to exchange for spirit coins, and there was a long line.

These people kept absolutely quiet as if they were going to enter the Shenlong City before.

Occasionally, they will look at the guards guarding there with the corner of their eyes, and their eyes will show awe but envy.

Then he looked like a frightened rabbit, and quickly moved his eyes away, not daring to look at it, as if watching for a second would cause a murder.

These people's eyes are familiar to Li Zedao.

He remembered that when he was a child, he would show a similar look when he ran into the police uncle.

He even understood that in Shenlong City, how strong you have is the next thing.

Because even if you are a strong cultivator of Spiritual Mirror, you will never dare to do anything to the ants of the lower grade of Spiritual God Realm at will. Once you do it, you will pay a heavy price.

If you can hug someone's thigh, or even hug the thigh of a dragon vein, then you can live quite well in this Shenlong City.

Li Zedao wanted to cry. He had long known that she had tightly hugged Princess Long's very thin but thick thighs!

Finally it was Li Ze's turn, his performance was not much different from that of many people. He appeared cautious and carefully took out five spirit stones in exchange for a bag of so-called spirit coins.

The number of spirit coins seems to be quite a lot, but it is barely enough for Li Zedao to live on this side for ten days.

After exchanging the spirit coins, Li Zedao, like everyone else, quickly left the area where the Shenfu was located, not daring to wait.

Half an hour later, Li Zedao, who had spent money to buy a dirty-looking steamed bun, was gnawing on the steamed bun while his small heart trembled. His face became paler and his mind roared violently.

Because this is just a steamed bun, but it is not an ordinary steamed bun!

This is a steamed bun mixed with soul!

To put it bluntly, this steamed bun actually belongs to the category of Horcrux!

If the soul formation hidden in the dark can make people feel hungry, then this steamed bun is naturally the antidote.

In other words, if you do not eat this special food, but eat other foods, you will not be able to eliminate that terrible hunger.

Therefore, coming in with food from the outside is a rather stupid and ignorant behavior.

It's no wonder that there are civet and civet corpses on the ground, but no one picked them up for cooking in the past, not thinking about it, but eating it for nothing.

Li Zedao cursed in his heart that the Dragon Palace was really disgusting, while trying to swallow the remaining half of the dirty steamed buns, and finally eliminated a lot of that unbearable hunger.

Then, another headache was placed in front of Li Zedao.

There is a curfew in the Eighth City of Shenyang. No one is allowed to hang around outside after dark and must stay in the house. Violators are fined ten spiritual stones and expelled from the city.

Seeing that the sky is getting dark, naturally I have to hurry to find a place to live, otherwise I am afraid that I will be blasted out of the city.

In the end, after paying 30 coins with great distress, Li Zedao finally got a corner position in a small, dirty and ugly hut located in a remote corner.

Yes, only one corner.

In this room less than ten square meters, there were already a dozen people crowded.

More than half of these ten people are not even at the spiritual level, and some of them are quite good, all of which are above the medium-level spiritual level.

And these few people are still together, obviously a group of people.

When Li Zedao walked in, they all looked up and glanced at Li Zedao, then looked back.

In short, the place is very small, it is impossible to sleep lying down, it is good to have a place to sit.

Of course, you can also change to a better place, but those places are so expensive that Li Zedao can't bear it at all.

"It's not for people at all here!" Li Zedao wailed in his heart.

After a long time of tossing, his whole person became extremely decadent and extremely depressed.

I think I'm still a rare secret cultivator in thousands of years, I am the only man who has passed through the conveyor belt that was repaired by Nuwa, I am so handsome and suave, I am the top student in the college entrance examination, and I have countless beauty I was chased by girls wherever I went... Why did I fall into this kind of field?

What is even more desperate is that although Li Zedao can see the sun of tomorrow, he cannot see the hope of tomorrow at all.

Tomorrow will be the same as today. I will spend a day in the eight cities in a daze. When I'm hungry, I will pay for the cheapest kind of buns. I will quickly find such a poor habitat before the sun sets...

When can I enter the Dragon Palace to hunt for treasure? When can the body of the Panlong be burned? That seems to be a distant dream, and its difficulty is probably as difficult as returning to the realm again.

"Forget it, go to bed first." Li Zedao slowly closed his eyes with the thoughts of nostalgic for the unparalleled life before.

As the night gets deeper, the surroundings become extremely quiet, unlike the hustle and bustle of the day.

Occasionally, there was the sound of extremely heavy footsteps, which were movements made by guards.

I don't know how long it took, the muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched slightly, and his eyes suddenly opened.

In the darkness, a cold light flashed up, and the sharp blade reached Li Zedao's neck.

Li Zedao did not hide, nor did he counterattack, as if he was frightened by this sudden change...After all, he was only the strength of the lower-grade cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm.

In this Shenlong City where there are many strong spirits and gods like dogs, this kind of cultivation is naturally nothing, and it is impossible to stop this extremely fierce sword.

At the same time, this small room was even more frightened.

"What are you doing?"

"who is it?"


A sneer sounded immediately, completely suppressing the sounds of fright.

"Everyone, please stay calm, but don't scare my brothers, otherwise, if they get nervous and shake their hands and cut off any of your heads, then I'm really sorry. ."

Li Zedao looked forward with a look of horror, and he already saw a man with a hideous face walked into the small black room with his hands on his back, and he was looking at them with a look of a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In this small black room, there were originally fourteen people squeezed, and now seven of the fourteen people have been put on their necks with a sharp knife. As for the remaining seven, they are the ones who hold sharp edges.

It was also the group that Li Zedao noticed after coming in.

Therefore, this expensive place is basically a place where robbers live.

These robbers rented out the big place for one night at an expensive price while waiting for the sheep to appear.

The seven sheep tonight are the strongest but the lower-grade cultivation base of the spirits and gods, so tonight is quite suitable for hands-on.

"Relax, as long as you cooperate obediently and take the initiative to hand over all the spirit stones and spirit coins on your body, our brothers will not kill you." The savage bandit leader who walked in smiled grimly. Got up and said again.

One of the controlled men turned pale with fright, and said with a trembling voice: " are not afraid of being discovered by guards outside? Are you afraid of being punished by the palace?"

The robber leader's hideous gaze fell on the man, shook his head and said, "It seems that you still don't understand what I said."

As soon as the robber leader's voice fell, a cold light flashed.

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