The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2543: Secret purpose

At this time, the person who was sitting there in charge of registration happened to be the Yang Ye mentioned by the violence.

Ye Yang glanced at the violent with a meaningful look, then looked at Li Zedao and smiled: "Heh, I'm looking for a substitute? But shouldn't I find a weak one when I'm looking for a substitute? How to find a top-grade peak cultivation base in the spiritual world The strongest?"

As soon as he said this, the several guards sitting over there drinking all laughed, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes looked like a fool.

"Why? I'm about to sprinkle all my brilliance on the sacred mountain mine. I feel too lonely and find someone to accompany him?" Ye Yang blinked at Li Ze, motioning not to speak stupidly.

Li Zedao naturally did not dare to speak, and looked at Yang Ye with grateful eyes.

This look made Yang Ye want to laugh, a fool is a fool, and even if he is pitted to death, he can still look at you with gratitude.

Rage respectfully handed over his Shenlong Card.

Ye Yang made the registration and looked at Li Zedao and said vaguely: "Of course, your kid is so lucky. Even the strongest of the highest-grade peak cultivation of the Spirit God Realm can be defeated. Maybe it will really let you escape tonight. ."

Speaking of throwing the Shenlong Card back to the violent: "Okay, what should I do, get out."

Li Zedao hurriedly talked to Fury, and then returned to Room Nine.

"Now you believe it?" said violently.

"Thank you Yang Ye, and thank you brother violent." Li Zedao was deeply intent on violent, with an expression of gratitude.

"You don't need to do this, just take what you need." Furious waved his hand, "Time is running out, you quickly hand over the fifty spirit stones to me, I will exchange for some precious pill, let Yang Ye take a few masters, so Once this matter is settled."

Li Zedao quickly took out a bag, looked so reluctant to hand it to Fury, and said deeply: "Brother Fury, please do everything."

Fury took the bag, opened it for a few times, focused his head, turned and walked out of Room 9.

Li Zedao closed the door, with a sneer on his face, and cursed inwardly: "Damn, you really treat my son as a little sheep? When you cry at night."


This is a very old attic in the northwest corner of the Dragon Palace.

The surroundings of the attic seemed so dilapidated and gloomy, with fallen leaves all over the place, and overgrown with weeds, so incompatible with the magnificent atmosphere of the main hall, like the cold palace in that palace.

In a simple room in the attic, Princess Long was sitting at the only table.

There are two things on the table, one is the Rubik's Cube, and the other is a book.

The book is not a spiritual skill or a spiritual decision, but a book that records the scenery of the major tribes in God's Domain.

Such books are rare in God's Domain.

In other words, there are very few things like books in God's Domain.

In God's Domain, everything is relatively primitive and there is no order.

Those with cultivating qualifications are busy cultivating, and those without cultivating qualifications are busy with their lives, and are busy fighting for the little pitiful resources that are left, so there are really not many people who go to compile such a book.

Similar books were basically compiled during the Panlong period.

At that time God's Domain was still in the era of Panlong rule, and it was also the strongest and most unified time.

Now, Panlong is more of a kind of faith, a kind of awe, that's all.

Shenlong City has long lost its absolute dominance over God's Domain.

Although Shenlong City can still respond to each other, but this "baiying" is more just to join in the fun.

This kind of book was naturally dismissive of the original Long Princess.

But now she was looking at the book quietly, her expression was so focused and serious, as if all her mind was attracted by the content of the book, and there was nothing else in her eyes.

The door behind him was slowly pushed open, revealing Father Mo's old face that seemed very respectful.

Princess Long did not turn back, still quietly looking at the book in front of her.

Father Mo looked at Princess Long's graceful back, the respectfulness on his face was replaced by mockery, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

As a powerhouse at the peak cultivation level of the Lingxian mirror top grade, as the chief manager of the Dragon Palace, managing the affairs of the Dragon Palace, Grandpa Mo devotes all his attention to cultivation and the affairs of the Dragon Palace, and he has long ceased to be greedy for women.

But now looking at that graceful figure, his heart that had been silent for a long time began to heat up again.

Regardless of her identity, this is a woman who makes men angry.

Then he lowered his head and said, "Princess Long, please."

There is no such respect in the voice, only playfulness, only desire.

Princess Long still had no response, her face was calm, her purple eyes could even be said to be holy looking at the book in front of her.

Seeing that Princess Long did not respond, Father Mo was not surprised at all. After all, this was not the first time.

Of course, this is the last time.

His seemingly respectful old face showed a sneer and said, "Long Yue'er, put away your ridiculous pride and nobility."

"You know better than anyone else, when the Dragon Emperor betroth you to me, you are no longer Princess Long, you are my father-in-law's woman, so you better be polite to me!"

When Master Longshi personally came forward and successfully brought Princess Long back to the Dragon Palace, the old dragon king looked at Princess Long with such disgust, he felt that she had tainted the noble lineage of Dragon Veins, and immediately ordered that she directly deprived her of Long Veins. She was imprisoned in this cold palace.

A few days later, the old dragon emperor didn't know what he had lost his heart, or what kind of ecstasy was poured by Duke Mo. He even ordered again to betroth Princess Long to Duke Mo.

Of course, this time it was a secret order.

Only Princess Long and Grandpa Mo received this secret order, and the others didn't know it.

The old dragon emperor told Mo Gonggong that Princess Long is a dragon vein after all, and she was once the most dazzling existence. Betrotting it to you might cause dissatisfaction with other dragon veins.

But if you can conquer Princess Long, there is no way other dragon veins are dissatisfied.

Therefore, I will make such a secret order first, and when you let Princess Long surrender, the emperor will automatically make the next will.

Mo Gonggong repeatedly said yes, and was grateful.

After receiving the secret order from the old dragon emperor, Princess Long didn't have much expression on her face, and she didn't even have any waves in her heart. She just faintly expressed that she was given several days of quiet time.

Although he had been deprived of his identity as Dragon Vessel, he was ultimately a descendant of Panlong, and it was not easy to force him too much, so the old dragon king agreed.

Now a few days have passed, and Father Mo has completely lost his patience. Today he wants to take this woman away forcibly, stepping on the ground with her pitiful dignity and pride.

Why can a **** snake-man get involved in her body? The savages who did not know where they came from, but in all likelihood should be a demon can also get involved in her body, but my majestic dragon palace chief can't?

He wants to conquer this woman today!

How to conquer? Is it not easy yet?

Princess Long's purple eyes were not angry or cold, nor nervous or afraid, but calm and quiet.

She stretched out her hand to close the book, then calmly stood up and turned around and looked at Grandpa Mo.

Looking at that exquisite face and those noble purple eyes, Father Mo's heart is hot again, because this is already his woman, so the most primitive human desire in his eyes is gone. Need to cover up.

At this moment, he wanted to press this woman firmly under his body, severely ravage him, and completely conquer him.

Princess Long stretched out her hand, slightly clenched into a fist, and said, "What do you think this is?"

Father Mo glanced at the fan fist, with an inexplicable smile, and said uncertainly: "Do you want to hit me?"

"No?" Princess Long asked back.

Father Mo smiled even more, and said in a very weird voice: "My princess, if you want to beat your subordinates, they will naturally not hide... Is this flirting?"

"You are really stupid." Princess Long said.

Father Mo's face was slightly gloomy: "What did you say?"

How dare this defiled and humble person say that he is stupid?

"Why do you think the Dragon Emperor wants to make such a decree? Or is it a secret decree that only you know and I know he knows? You should know that even if this princess is deprived of her dragon vein identity, it is still not something a dog like you can get involved."

"A dog like you knows it, let alone the Dragon Emperor?"

Princess Long seemed to be back to her former pride, and what she said was so vicious but so natural, yet it was beyond rebuttal.

Grandpa Mo's face suddenly became dark.

In fact, he couldn't understand why the old dragon emperor made such a secret decree, but to himself, there was no loss at all, and he could even taste the taste of Princess Long.

Although this once high princess is already rotten, she is noble than most women.

Let alone look so good-looking.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are nothing more than a dog. It is a dog of the gods, a dog of the dragon master, and a dog of the dragon palace!" Princess Long said again.

Father Mo gloomily said: "Yes, I am a dog, so what about you? You? First humiliated by the snake man, then humiliated by the devil, and now you are going to be **** by my dog. Are you a dog? Not as good as?"

Princess Long's face was still as calm as water, as if she hadn't heard the words of Grandpa Mo.

But there were waves of ripples in my heart.

In the past few days, she recalled her past in detail, and found that she had almost forgotten the fragments of her life in the Dragon Palace.

But on Yingzhou Island from the moment she saw the smelly foot, she remembered every fragment that happened afterwards.

"Thank you." She said in her heart.

For the snake man or the savage, who seemed to have multiple identities, Princess Long had strong gratitude and extremely complicated emotions.

It was he who forced himself to become a completely different person.

It was him who went to Wucheng by chance.

"Your subordinates will let Princess Long know that you are really worse than a dog!"

Mo Gonggong was poignant, his tone was quite polite, but that face was quite sordid, and the **** in his eyes was completely exposed.

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