The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2548: The disappeared murderer

One of the guards snarled inwardly: "I don't care what you want to do! I warn you to let me go as soon as possible, otherwise I will definitely make you die ugly... well..."

The face of the guard who issued a serious warning was twisted into a bun because of extreme pain.

Looking at his mouth, there was a lot of blood pouring out continuously.

A small piece of scarlet foreign body came out with the blood... it was half a tongue!

His tongue was cut off!

Li Zedao, who didn't know when there was a long sword with cold glow in his hand, was rather uncomfortable and cursed: "Damn, this son hates being threatened!"

Ye Yang, the four guards and Zhao Tianfu, their pupils stared round again, revealing an expression of incomparable horror, even more silent!

A moment ago, they all clearly felt that an extremely terrifying sword aura flashed in their eyes.

They even clearly felt the terrible breath erupting from the little sheep.

Lingshen Realm top grade peak cultivation base!

This was so scared that the whole body was trembling, and even the weak person who dared not go up on the high platform turned out to be a strong person at the top level of the spiritual **** realm!

In these eight gods, the top-level cultivation base of the spiritual **** realm is actually nothing, but the point is that this weak person has always been only a low-level spiritual **** cultivation base.

But at this time, his cultivation base suddenly soared.

He is really hiding his strength! It's okay to hide, the key is that he can hide so perfectly, so flawless! This is undoubtedly quite scary.

"I remember you also threatened this son." Li Zedao looked at Ye Yang with his sullen eyes.

Ye Yang's body trembled violently, and absolute fear spread from deep in his heart.

Immediately, he was horrified to see a terrible sword qi sweeping over him. The next moment he was more horrified to find that a large amount of scarlet liquid appeared in his mouth, and there was a small piece of softness in the liquid.

Ye Yang's face was also directly distorted into a bun.

Li Zedao did the same and cut off the tongues of the remaining three guards.

Compared to their threats, Li Zedao didn't want to hear their begging for mercy. Their begging for mercy would make Li Zedao feel quite disgusting.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on Zhao Tianfu.

Zhao Tianfu's body trembled extremely badly, and his teeth trembled violently.

"Go around... forgive..."

Zhao Tianfu was really scared. This terrifying strong man who did not know where he came from even killed the guards, let alone him.

Li Zedao looked at the long sword gleaming with cold light in his hand, and said gloomily: "If you want me not to kill you, it's okay, but you have to show your value."

When Zhao Tianfu heard this, he nodded in a hurry: "You said, you said... whatever you let the little one do, the little one will do it well..."

Zhao Tianfu stunned, he found that his originally soft body had recovered its strength.

"So, can it be..." Zhao Tianfu hastily suppressed the terrible thoughts in his mind.

"Very good." Li Zedao nodded with satisfaction.

He pointed to the five guards on the ground whose faces had been distorted because of extreme pain and resentment, and said, "Don't you claim to be a master of poison?"

"Then prove your strength and give you some time to use your most poisonous poison to poison all these five fools to death."

Zhao Tianfu's body shuddered, and his face showed horror. He did not expect to say that this terrible strong man made him do such a thing.

Feeling a few ferocious eyes shot over, Zhao Tianfu's little heart trembled even more.

"Ten breaths." Li Zedao said again.

Zhao Tianfu's body trembled again, gritted his teeth, his complexion became extremely hideous.

He was grateful that he took out a medicine bottle from his arms, poured out five carefully refined poison pills from it, and quickly flicked into their mouths under the painful and extremely vicious eyes of the five guards.

As soon as the medicine pill entered their mouths, the pupils of the guards were suddenly rounded, their complexions quickly twisted and turned black, and the scarlet flowing out of their mouths turned into a terrifying blue.

Their bodies twitched violently a few times, and then they became apparently silent.

Zhao Tianfu's face was as pale as paper, and his body was trembling, and a lot of sweat kept coming out.

He never thought about it, it would be such a terrifying thing to poison others.

He tried to raise his head, squeezed a humble smile on his face, and looked at the terrible devil.

But seeing that the other party was staring at him with wide eyes, he looked astonished.

" actually killed the guard sir?" Li Zedao exclaimed.


Zhao Tianfu's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are beginning to twitch, how can you be so shameless? Didn't you force Lao Tzu to kill?

So, is he planning to go wrong? Planning to push all the charges of murdering the guard to his head? Are you kidding me?

Zhao Tianfu's face became vicious and vicious, and an extremely terrifying aura was released from his body.

He thought to himself that you are an alchemist and me too, you are a top-grade peak cultivation base in the spirit and spirit realm, so is Lao Tzu! That being the case, why can't Lao Tzu kill you the other way around?

Even if I can't kill you, I might have a chance to escape.

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, Zhao Tianfu slammed the medicine bottle in his hand at Li Zedao. At the same time, his figure flashed and he was about to flee.

Then, his body gave a sudden stop and stood still abruptly.

His pupils were round, revealing extremely strong fear.

However, there was a sword flashing with cold light on his chest, and that sword pierced his chest.

Although it avoided his heart perfectly, it was very painful and cold!

Five days later!

A major event that shocked the eyes of others instantly spread throughout the entire Shen Bacheng.

The five guards in charge of the Shenshan Inn were murdered!

The murderer was named Zhao Tianfu. He was a seventh-rank alchemist and a strong master of the highest-grade peak cultivation in the spiritual **** realm. He usually lives in Room 1 of the Shenshan Inn.

He also has a potential identity, he is a wolf dog raised by guards.

The bodies of these five guards were found in Room One. It is said that the bodies were all black and stiff, and they were obviously poisoned by some extremely terrible poison.

Even more frightening is that the tongues of the five guards were cut off.

As for Zhao Tianfu, his whereabouts are unknown.

So things couldn't be clearer. Zhao Tianfu was afraid that he had poisoned the five guards with some kind of poison, then cut their tongues quite brutally, and finally escaped from the Shenshan Inn.

However, Shenlong City didn't seem to have found the record of Zhao Tianfu leaving the city, so it is conceivable that he was hiding in a corner of God Bacheng at this time.

Of course, everyone thought that it was only a matter of time to find Zhao Tianfu with the absolute control of the gods' eight cities, and that time would not be too long.

Before, at most one hour, Zhao Tianfu will be found!

At this time, the Shenshan Inn was surrounded by the guards, and several important officials from the God’s Mansion, headed by Shenzheng, appeared in Room One that belonged to Zhao Tianfu.

As for the people in other rooms, they were taken away for detailed questioning.

After carefully inspecting the bodies of the five guards, an old man stood up and looked at the ugly face and said: "It is indeed poisoned and died, and the poison is indeed Zhao Tianfu's poison."

Zhao Tianfu is a wolf dog, so the Shenfu side naturally knows him.

Shenju's face became gloomy again.

"Moreover, these five people died five days ago." The old man said again.

"What are you talking about?" Shenzheng's expression turned gloomy again, as if he would wring out a few kilos of water.

In these eight gods, even if the guards are not heaven, they are like gods. As a result, they were murdered five days ago, and their bodies were only found five days later, which is shameful.

"This guard manages the Shenshan Inn alone and moves relatively freely." The old man said, "Even if the other people didn't see the guards, they would only think they were where they were. No one thought they would be killed, so It's normal not to be found."

"Add more personnel, and be sure to use the shortest possible time to get Zhao Tianfu out of the Judgment!" The Judgment lowered his voice and shouted.


The questioning of other people's rooms soon came to fruition.

No matter which room it was, no one noticed any movement on the night five days ago.

Such a result was naturally within the divine judgment's expectation. If such a bad thing happened, these people would not talk about it even if they heard something.

Even at this time, they might be laughing and gloating in their hearts.

At the same time, the Shenfu side also noticed one thing: Li Xiaoer in Room 9 turned out to be a cultivator in the Spiritual God Realm. There was a little disturbance about this Li Xiaoer staying at the Shenshan Inn.

For this Li Xiaoer, he had some impressions of Shenfu.

Because in the previous wolf dog killing incident, there was this Li Xiaoer among the few weak lambs.

But now the headache is caused by the killing of five guards. It is important to capture Zhao Tianfu, so the attention of the Shenfu side is not on this insignificant weak person.

The gods thought that they could catch Zhao Tianfu without waiting until dark.

Even the people in the entire eight cities think so.

However, the result of the matter was far beyond their expectations.

It was dark, and the Shenfu side could not find Zhao Tianfu's whereabouts at all.

One night later, Zhao Tianfu still failed to be arrested and brought to justice, and two more days later, Zhao Tianfu was still at large!

Even though the guards almost had to dig three feet into the ground, and even mobilized almost half of the entire Shenba City to find Zhao Tianfu, they still failed to find Zhao Tianfu's trace.

As a result, the people in the eight cities couldn't help but admire. Brother Tianfu is really a man of God, really a role model for my generation! It is really amazing to be able to hide in the Eighth City of God for so long without escaping from the city.

The divine palace was in a state of extreme irritability. Whether it was the Lord Sentence or the guards, they felt that they had been humiliated to death.

Immediately, they continued to search in a more careful and crazier manner, causing troubles in the eight cities, and everyone was at risk.

Two days later, Zhao Tianfu still couldn't hold him. He didn't see a person or a corpse, as if the person had been evaporated.

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