The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2556: Two dishes

The little heart that almost came out of Ou Xi Du's throat fell instantly, and he almost cried.

Li Zedao nodded and said with a respectful look: "God judges the Lord to take care of everything every day, so naturally you can't trouble him... well, then we will have another fight."


The guard couldn't help but slander this villain in his heart, as if God had condemned an adult to take care of you if he didn't care about everything.

Although you have become the cook of the small dining hall, the cook is the cook. The Lord God sentence will not even look at you again, and maybe at this time tomorrow, you will no longer be a cook.

It was Li Zedao who picked up a piece of wood and smacked Oasi's poison.

Ou Xi Du was also a middle-class cultivation base in the spirit of God, and Li Zedao's beating behavior also caused him some skin injuries, and he would not kill him.

But being pumped with a wooden stick by a weak person whose cultivation base is far weaker than his own, as if beating a dog, also felt quite ashamed.

While he silently endured it, he cursed in his heart, don't let Lao Tzu catch the opportunity, otherwise Lao Tzu will definitely let you die miserably.

Of course, I was secretly thankful that the bastard's rights were not strong enough, otherwise he would not only get out of the sacred mansion, or even be sent to the sacred mountain mine to be absent from work.

"Kacha!" The stick broke.

Li Zedao was too lazy to continue picking up a wooden stick. He looked at the guard who still had a flattering smile and said: "Draining half of a bun every day, this shouldn't require the permission of Lord God sentence?"

"This... of course not needed." The guard smiled, but his eyes looked at Ou Xi Duo with some pity.

"Then only give him half a steamed bun every day, and the extra half, so that Dong Xiaoxie will be divided with the official Rongqing." Li Zedao thought for a while.

Li Zedao had a good impression of Shangguan Rongqing and Dong Xiaoxie who took Shangguan Rongqing with him to kill chickens, and it was good to leave them a bite before leaving.

The guard nodded: "Please rest assured, Lord Li."

He understands that Master Li and Li Zedao want Dong Xiaoxie and Shangguan Rongqing to be grateful to him, so he has to think about how to tell Dong Xiaoxie and Shangguan Rongqing about this in a while, so that the image of Li Ye will be instantly restored. The glory is taller.

Let their gratitude to Li Ye be like the surging river, endless.

There was a violent wind blowing in Ou Xi's heart, and it was about to faint with a heavy rain.

Taking away half of his steamed bread is equivalent to killing half of his life.

This **** villain, why should he be so vicious? Is it because I am jealous that my cultivation base is higher than him? Is he more handsome than him? Well, it must be so!

Li Zedao spit on Ou Xi's face again, and then said contentedly: "Take me to the small dining hall."

"Hey, Lord Li, please here." The guard led the way with a smiling face.

In the backyard of Nuo Da's Shenfu, the guards finally brought Li Zedao to the small dining hall.

The small dining hall is not too big. The layout is similar to the school dining hall that Li Zedao is familiar with. It is divided into an inner hall and an outer hall.

The outside hall is neatly arranged with tables and chairs, which is the place where the Lord God sentenced them to eat. The inner hall is naturally the kitchen, and this will also be Li Zedao's workplace for some time to come.

This so-called period of time in the future may be one day or even half a day, or it may be time for a meal.

No one can say for this kind of thing, even if God sentenced the adult himself, he doesn't know when he will find the food unpalatable and lose his temper.

On the way here, the patrol briefly explained the situation of the small dining hall.

The small canteen is mainly responsible for helping the gods and adults to cook three meals a day.

As for what kind of dishes you want to make, Lord Li, you decide for yourself. There are various kinds of ingredients in the small dining hall. Of course, there are not too many kinds of ingredients.

However, in the spirit of saving food, prepare two dishes for each meal.

Li Zedao knows that this has nothing to do with frugality, but for these powerhouses, eating three meals a day is a burden and even a shame for them.

Of course, occasionally the gods will judge an adult or a master who wants to order wine and food, he will send someone to notify him, and Master Li will prepare it, but this kind of situation is rare, and it is good to come once in ten days and a half month.

There was originally a chef in the small dining hall, but I made a mistake. I heard that there was a dish that did not suit the appetite of the adult who was new to the post a few days after having breakfast, so he was waved by the adult. , Throw it directly into the Shenshan Mine.

So after Li Ye arrived in the dining hall, he naturally started to prepare two dishes for noon.

This caused Li Zedao to be frightened and sweaty.

I thought that being a cook in this small dining hall is a high-risk profession. Once you make a small mistake, or even make those who come to eat, you will end up disastrously.

Not to mention that it hasn't been two days since this master of God sentenced him to power, he naturally needs Liwei, and their little shrimps are good objects for Liwei.

The guard hurriedly comforted him, Master Li, how handsome, brave and suave you are, Lord God sentence will definitely be quite satisfied with you.

Li Zedao wanted to curse, although words such as handsome, unrestrained, brave and romantic are indeed qualified to describe this son, but Nima’s has something to do with cooking?

Isn’t it right?

I thought that my life in this Dragon City was about to begin, at least I don't need to worry about a steamed bun, but I didn't expect that this is a road of thorns, and it may be covered in bruises at any time, or even beyond disaster.

Li Zedao felt that his life was too bitter.

There are two guys in the dining hall, one is responsible for burning the fire, and the other is responsible for handling various ingredients.

These two people are also talents. The reason why they are talents is because in this small dining hall, I don't know how many cooks were thrown out of the Shenfu or even into the Shenshan Mine.

But the two men still looked like the iron-clad joint, waiting for the arrival of the recruits.

Being so strong naturally has its advantages. Maybe they have a good relationship with which master, so no one touched them.

One of these two people is named Wang Wu and the other is named Zhao Liu, which is basically a random name.

People who came to the eight cities of God may be because of the big gap, or they want to completely abandon the past and welcome the future.

In short, many people have abandoned the original name, and just helped themselves to choose a name that is too common.

In addition, these two people are both the peak cultivation base of the middle grade in the spirit and **** realm.

Li Zedao couldn't help feeling that there were so many spirits and spirits in this Shenlong City that they were really worthless.

Anyone who is about to starve to death is also a strong spiritual and spiritual realm cultivation.

Seeing the new chef coming, Wang Wu and Zhao Liu greeted them immediately, with extremely flattering smiles.

If you want to live more moisturized in this divine palace, your own cultivation is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to know how to slap a horse, at least you have to show a humble expression on your face, so that you won't cause trouble to your upper body.

Wang Wu Zhaoliu did a good job in this regard.

Li Zedao did a better job. He guessed which of these two strong figures might have something to do with him, so it was a politeness.

This made Wang Wu Zhaoliu look terrified and even said he didn't dare, but he was still praising this kid in his heart.

After flattering each other, Li Zedao officially started working as a cook in this small dining hall.

There are also two times when the gods and senior officials of the gods will come to this small dining hall to eat, so Li Zedao must quickly prepare two dishes.

The food and vegetables grown in God's Domain are not the same as those in Moral Domain, and there are not so many varieties.

The people here mostly eat the meat of various beasts and lead a more primitive life.

Li Zedao swept the ingredients around and found that there was really no choice.

It's nothing more than roasting a chicken, frying a dish, and done.

Killing chickens, washing vegetables and burning fire were naturally done by Wang Wu and Zhao Liu, while Li Zedao stood in front of the big pot and started to make the first dish of either continuing to explore or head straight to hell.

In less than an hour, two dishes are freshly baked.

It didn't take long before the senior officials from the Shenzong Palace also arrived.

Li Zedao hurriedly took Wang Wu and Zhao Liu out to welcome them out, respectfully.

Li Zedao had seen the previous **** sentence, and was "scared" to tremble by the **** sentence.

Hearing from the guards, the last **** judge seemed to be Gao Qian, and he was not staying in this eight cities.

Speaking of the last sacred master, the guard still looked longing, that is the winner of life.

Li Zedao also learned to look forward to it quickly, but the name Nuwa appeared in his mind, thinking that the powerhouse of this level is the pinnacle of life.

On the surface, the last sage judge was quite modest, but this sir...Li Zedao wondered how this stupid guy got in that position?

Shenzheng and the others did not bother to look at these greasy cooks at all, and even a little disgusted.

He waved his hand to indicate that you can roll, and then sat down at the table.

Wang Wu and Zhao Liu hurriedly put the two dishes carefully cooked by Li Zedao on the table.

Li Zedao’s heartbeat began to speed up, worried that these silly forks, in order to continue to send them to the Shenshan Mine, would like to eat to their deaths and deliberately said that they were unpalatable to death, or they were quite shamelessly sneaking a cockroach into the dish The mouse said that sanitation is not good...

At the same time, Li Zedao thought of a very serious question.

Since the two small dishes made by myself can eliminate the hunger of these idiots, it proves that this dish has been adulterated into an antidote.

When did this happen? Who put the antidote?

Wang Wu or Zhao Liu?

Two sticks of incense were not enough time, the **** sentenced the people to finish the meal, and left the small dining hall with a stern face. There was no superfluous expression. It was not surprising, Xiao Li, that the dishes you cooked were so **** delicious. That's it.

Li Zedao knew that no response was actually the best response.

He has escaped temporarily.

Dinner is still two dishes, these people still leave with a straight face after eating, and there is no response.

Li Zedao wiped out a cold sweat that he didn't know when, thinking that today is a safe time.

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