Meng Lao made this kid understand that if he dared to pretend that he was his Meng Lao disciple, he would let him die very tragically.

Immediately, Mr. Meng took out a thick set of "Compendium of Plants and Trees" and threw it to Li Zedao.

"The old man will give you one year to memorize all the medicinal herbs in it first, and then teach you the technique of refining pills."

"Within one year, if you can't recite, you won't be qualified to be an old man's disciple!"

Idiots can hear the disgust and perfunctory in his words, but Li Zedao is so touched

"Thank you, Master."

"The student must concentrate on studying this "Compendium of Plants and Trees" and dare not be slack in the slightest."

The disciple’s emotions are like this, but Meng Lao is even more disgusting. I want to blow Li Zedao's face with a punch, thinking that you are not slacking off, I even want you to slacken!

Turn around and leave now.

After a while, Li Zedao noticed that the defensive soul array covering the hut had disappeared, and could not detect the breath of Meng Lao. Knowing that he had gone far, he got up and closed the door.

Focusing on the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" that he had long read badly in his mind, Li Zedao had a feeling of dumbfounding, and he felt that he was insulted to death.

How can a rank 5 soul craftsman be qualified to be his own master? Do you even dislike yourself?

Li Zedao thought that if he let this old Meng know his strength, he would be scared to death, right?

Lie down on the book as a pillow, his eyes widened in the dark.

Thinking about it, the appearance of Meng Lao should be Ou Lao because the roast chicken is so **** delicious, so "given" the chef who made the roast chicken such a great fortune.

"The old man Ou is a stupid." Li Zedao cursed secretly, and he didn't think much about it, closed his eyes, and realized his secret aura.

Not only does he now possess the aura of secret secrets, he is also a veritable practitioner of secret secrets.

There are naturally two concepts to possess the breath of heaven and the practitioner of heaven.

The former is still dominated by spiritual energy, and the aura of heaven only exists in his body.

And in fact, there are many people who possess the aura of heavenly secrets, because those soulsmiths possess the power of the soul, and the power of the soul is simply polluted heavenly aura.

But a cultivator of Heavenly Mystery has no spiritual energy or soul power, only the purest and most good at hiding the heavenly aura.

Therefore, Li Zedao already knew that even if he realized the aura of heaven, he would not be discovered.

More than a dozen days passed in a flash, Lord Shen Ping and the others didn't kick Li Zedao into the Shenshan Mine because the dishes Li Zedao did not suit their appetite.

The uneasy mood in Li Zedao's heart is also getting less and less, and the little days have become calm and nourished.

Although I still have to lose my smile from time to time, and my little heart trembles a few times, but compared with the encounter when I first entered the Eighth City, there is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

At least he doesn't need to worry about the steamed buns, where to live before the curfew, or the spirit stones that are about to run out.

As for Meng Lao, he never showed up after that night.

Li Zedao knew that in the heart of this old guy, being such an apprentice was quite embarrassing to him, even he might have chosen to forget that he had such an apprentice.

During this period, Old Ou did not send any guards over to let Li Zedao help make the roast chicken.

At the same time, Li Zedao has been searching for the answer to what the spirit stone is, but it has failed.

This day, late at night.

In the darkness, Li Zedao's eyes suddenly opened, bursting out a terrible light.

Li Zedao's face showed ecstasy, and his cultivation level finally broke through again!

Before, he had touched the threshold of the Starry Sky Realm, and now he has finally successfully crossed that threshold and become a real starry sky powerhouse.

Corresponding to the Starry Sky Realm, it suppressed the peak cultivation level of the Lingxian Mirror.

Therefore, at this time, even if several experts like Grandpa Mo join hands, Li Zedao can easily suppress it.

Even facing the little tortoises, they won't be cold all over, and they will have no resistance.

Given time, if you can touch the threshold of the next level, that is, the threshold of the Tuxian Realm, then you will have the strength to wrestle with the eight masters and the eight spiritual gods.

When you really enter the Tuxian Realm, then you can completely suppress the Eight Great Masters and the Eight Great Spirits!

A terrible light burst out from Li Zedao's pupils.

He can't wait to hope that day will come quickly.

When that day comes, he wants to make the eight masters and the eight spirit gods tremble!

He even knew that that day was not far away!


The deepest part of the Sunda tribe has such a dark place, which is called the domain of demon.

The Demon Realm is like a place abandoned by the heavens. It has not been irradiated by the sun for many years, and it is in absolute darkness.

Such a terrifying Demon Realm was not listed as one of the top ten fierce lands, just because there were too few people who knew this place.

There are even fewer people who can reach this place.

If you want to step into this dark place, you must first climb over many dangerous mountains and pass through many bad waters to get there.

This is only secondly because the demon qi of the Demon Realm is too strong. Once a person with a weaker cultivation base approaches here, he will be eroded by the devil qi, sometimes poisoned, and seriously killed.

At the end of the Demon Realm is the Demon Mountain that towers high into the clouds and is entangled with rich demon energy.

The conveyor belt from God's Domain to Demon's Domain is hidden in this Demon Mountain.

In the old days, Chilong led the group of demons, and it was from this magic mountain that they went straight to the Dragon City of the Sundan tribe.

It's just that Shenlong City has an absolutely powerful formation, and the twelve spirit gods led by Panlong are not vegetarian, so Chilong's plan to flatten Shenlong City failed to implement.

He turned to lead the group of demons to sweep other gods' domains, wherever he went, blood flowed into rivers across the wild.

If it weren't for the last Panlong to put down his figure and go to the Mortal Realm to ask Nuwa for help, the Shenlong City would have to be breached sooner or later, and the God Realm would also become Chilong's territory.

There is a huge hole on the top of the magic mountain, and this hole is just a little-known magic hole.

Among the demons, many terrifying powerhouses have terrible astral bodies. Although they are dead, they are still alive, and they still have extremely terrifying consciousness.

Even strong men like Nu Wa and Panlong can't let their souls fly away.

The scary thing is that any body, even the body of poisonous insects and beasts, can be used by these powerful souls to be resurrected again.

Even this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that even if they haven't resurrected through the flesh, they still have extremely powerful strength!

In order to prevent these terrible souls from harming God's Domain again, Nu Wa sealed all these terrible souls in this magic cave, so that they would never see the sun.

At this moment, at the foot of the Demon Mountain, there were eight figures standing there quietly, their faces slightly and solemnly looking at the Demon Mountain that was wrapped in a strong monstrous demon aura.

"I haven't been here for many years, and the demonic energy here is a lot richer." Sect Master Dumen said with a solemn expression.

With such a strong devilish energy, even they felt a trace of pressure.

"The devil is really terrifying, even if it has been sealed by the Lord Nuwa for such a long period of time, the soul is still immortal, and even more powerful." The ignorant sect master exclaimed.

The six masters sneered: "Panlong and Lingshen, these idiots have been sealed by the Lord Nuwa for this reason. There is no possibility of coming out again. No matter how strong the seal is, there will always be the day when it loses its effect, unless Lord Nuwa Seal it again, otherwise..."

The look of the six masters became ferocious.

The other seven masters are also murderous.

God's domain betrayed their faith, and even killed the Nuwa clan who helped them defeat the devil. It's time for them to pay a bitter price!

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend." The master of life and death said grimly. "Let's help our friend and tear this seal apart!"

"It should be so!" The Sixth Master gritted his teeth.

Once, they paid a great price to seal these demons here, but now, they are going to tear the last seal with their own hands to help the demons escape. This is quite ironic!

"Let's go!" Dumen's master said.

Before the words fell, the eight figures instantly disappeared in place.

In a blink of an eye, their figures have appeared on the top of the magic mountain, and they are divided into eight positions, standing in front of the mouth of the huge abyss.

But I saw a strong devilish qi constantly ejected from the huge hole, like the kind of thick smoke from a volcanic eruption.

"What a powerful devilish energy!" The Wuming Sect Master admired again.

Even if he is a strong person in the quasi-spiritual realm, he can't help but feel a little jealous.

It is undeniable that the demon is really powerful, and the leader of the demon, Chilong, is even stronger.

In the old days, even if Nu Wa and Panlong joined forces to flank him, although they were severely injured, they still let him escape back to the Demon Realm.

At this time, the terrifying aura contained in the demon aura formed by many demon men could even be compared with their eight masters.

"At that time, as long as we stare at the eight spiritual gods and don't give them a chance to take action, then God's Domain will be plunged into a huge turmoil." The master of life and death laughed grimly.

"Let's do it." The Sixth Entry Master said.

In an instant, eight terrifying auras burst out, blasting fiercely towards the huge hole.

The next moment, a deafening muffled sound rang, and then the entire magic mountain began to shake violently, as if it were a terrible earthquake.

In the darkness, a large number of boulders rolled down the mountain.

At the same time, Ali's magical energy released at the entrance of the cave is more intense and rich, something inside is struggling hard, trying to break free of the restraint.

In the end, I only heard "Boom!" A muffled sound like the sky and the earth cracked, and then a terrifying magical energy passed through the nine heavens, and the posture seemed to pierce a big hole that day.

The master of the eight sects stood firmly on the top of the Demon Mountain, which was violently turbulent as if it was about to explode at any time. They raised their heads and glanced at the demon energy that rushed into the sky, and then glanced at each other. I could see the trace of blood at the corner of the opponent's mouth and the extremely moving eyes.

Knowing that they are still too small to look down on the terrible part of this seal.

Even if they hit with all their strength, they still just tore the seal that was about to lose its effect, and didn't completely smash it.

Even they were backlashed by the seal and their souls were damaged.

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