"Damn, the old idiot, he doesn't understand what negotiation is?"

"Because he is the person in Panlong's prophecy, so no matter how he will not die, he will definitely save God's Domain from the water and fire... Why is it always so natural when it considers the problem?"

Master Long was so annoyed that he couldn't help but scolded his mother again.


God Eight City, Yuege.

Princess Long's figure appeared at the top of the Moon Pavilion, looking in the direction of the Demon Mountain.

With her current cultivation base, naturally she couldn't see the terrifying devilish energy that went straight into the sky, but she clearly felt a death breath full of corruption and darkness enveloped.

"What happened?"

Princess Long's face was full of solemnity, and a trace of jealousy appeared in her purple eyes.

At this moment, a dream butterfly appeared in the ear of Princess Long like lightning.

After whispering a few words, Mengdie disappeared, and Princess Long's face became more solemn.

The old dragon emperor sent a message saying that the magic mountain had undergone a great change and the magic man reappeared, so that Princess Long returned to the dragon palace to listen to the command of the dragon master.

Princess Long looked in the direction of the magic mountain again, frowning.

So, the conveyor belt broke again? The leader of the demon, Chi Long, once again descended into the realm of God?

Princess Long hurried to the Dragon Palace with extreme anxiety.

At the same time, in the small dark room of the small dining hall, Li Zedao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the position prescribed by the magic mountain. The muscles on his face couldn't help but twitch, wondering how this cold pressure was restored. thing? Even have an extremely familiar feeling?

Forget it, even if the sky collapses, you don't have to bear it by yourself and continue to comprehend the breath of heaven.

An hour later, Li Zedao suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the closed door, and squinted slightly.

He felt a terrible breath enveloped the whole cabin through the door.

But this breath does not belong to the old Meng, so it is the old Ou?

Li Zedao thought to himself, this boss, who seemed to appreciate him quite a bit, didn't sleep in the middle of the night, what did he do?

I'm so embarrassed to always ask the guard to come over and ask for roast chicken, so he came in person because he was afraid that the guard would laugh at him?

At this moment, the door was pushed open silently, and a figure floated in.

In an instant, Li Zedao's breathing stopped, and his heart felt like a heavy blow.

His mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe it was true.

Because it was Princess Long who came in!

It was the Princess Long who, in the eyes of Li Zedao, should have been in the small courtyard of Wucheng, playing the Rubik’s Cube and experiencing life!

What made Li Zedao's heart trembling even more was that she seemed to be a little weaker than her, but was definitely stronger than that of Father Mo's kind of strong aura.

Shouldn't she be a mere Lingyun Realm cultivation base?

Although his mind was trembling, his mind roared so badly, he was almost bleeding from his seven orifices, but with his strong mind and superb acting skills, Li Zedao was alive when he saw a woman suddenly and even this woman was still a one in case. That's why she has a silly expression.

After all, in this eight **** city, women have always been a very rare species.

Only by going to that brothel can you get a glimpse of the true face of a woman.

Princess Long seemed to be returning to her own home. After floating in, she returned and even gently closed the door.

"You...you...who are you?"

Li Zedao "difficultly" swallowed his saliva, and his little heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Princess Long turned back, those eyes that released mysterious purple light in the dark stared at Li Zedao's eyes very seriously, showing emotions of laughter and laughter, as if they were mocking, and as if admiring a fool who was there. It's like acting awkwardly... At least Li Zedao interpreted Princess Long's expression in this way.

In short, Princess Long's expression immediately hurt Li Zedao's extremely sensitive heart.

"Should I call you Senior Savage? Senior Snake? Or Senior Second?"

Princess Long asked very seriously: "Or, these are not your true identity? So, who are you? So proud and terrible, so aggrieved and curled up in this eight gods city, what is the purpose? ?"

Princess Long's words were like a sledgehammer, slamming Li Zedao's trembling heart fiercely.

One, two, several!

Li Zedao felt that he was going to vomit blood.

So, I have been exposed long ago?

I understand, I understand everything!

She had eaten her own roast chicken, so she immediately found herself through the taste.

Did she doubt herself even earlier? So the so-called recruiting chef, one person makes a roast chicken, just to really confirm his identity? Also in order to stay in this divine mansion for better surveillance?

So that night, eating chicken legs in the backyard and staring at him silently was also the Princess Long?

After asking the guard to come over to roast the chicken, and also said that something seemed to be seen through, it was also not Ou Lao, but the Long Princess?

She was the one who arranged to go to the small dining hall?

Let Elder Meng come to be his master, or is she... the purpose is to let a mere fifth-grade soul master come to humiliate herself?

Li Zedao's sensitive little heart is even more tingling. How could this woman be like this?

Princess Long smiled and said, "Are you surprised? Surprised? Still angry?"

Li Zedao looked at Princess Long expressionlessly, his body was filled with a terrifying murderous aura.

"What? Want to do it?"

Princess Long didn't mean to be scared at all, but laughed a little playfully, as if it were a very interesting thing.

There is a strong confidence in the beautiful voice.

"Senior Savage, I noticed that if you haven't seen you for a while, the aura on your body has become much more terrifying. Now I am not your opponent, but if you want to kill me, I am afraid it will take some time."

As soon as the voice fell, the terrifying aura on Princess Long became stronger again.

Li Zedao's eyes were slightly condensed, and he was really annoyed, thinking that he would die if he didn't pretend that he would die.

Can’t kill you at all? If you want to leave, my son can stop you... at least in this Shenlong City, he can't stop you at all! Your sister!

"Furthermore, the Dragon Master is in the Dragon Palace at this time. Once there is a big disturbance, he will appear in this Eight Gods City in just a moment...Do you think you have the ability to escape from the Dragon Master?"

Li Zedao glanced at Princess Long indifferently, wondering if this is nonsense?

If he had the ability to escape from the Eight Great Spiritual Gods, he would have troubled the ignorant sect master a long time ago. He would have gone to the old ghost. He would slap them in the face fiercely and yell in their ears: I don’t want to be Undercover!

Li Zedao has never forgotten his true purpose in coming to God's Domain.

He came to repair the fragile conveyor belt and avoid the Extraordinary Domain being invaded by God's Domain again.

But the truth of the facts was completely different from what he knew, and there were even several versions.

Li Zedao still doesn't know which version he should believe, or even what he should do.

The only thing he can do is take one step and count one step.

Then he grabbed his hair a little irritably, and said coldly: "I always thought that no one is my opponent compared to hiding. I didn't expect you to hide deeper than me."

Princess Long sat down in front of Li Zedao and looked at his eyes and said, "Savage-senior said that is wrong, I am not hiding."

Li Zedao sneered: "No?"

Princess Long said: "At that time, I was indeed a spiritual cloud realm. I was really scared to pee. I was almost eaten by a wolf. I was really cold and hungry. I was afraid of the darkness and quiet. I was also afraid of wind and rain. At that time, I was really helpless, not hiding."

Li Zedao frowned and glanced at the delicate face of the Dragon Palace. He suddenly thought of something and asked inconceivably, "Fog City? Panlong Temple?"

"Wucheng, Panlong Temple." Princess Long responded positively.

Li Zedao raised his brows.

Once approaching Panlong Temple, Li Zedao felt an extremely strong sense of oppression. At that time, he admired the terrible power of the spiritual realm realm. Only one temple could release such terrible pressure.

At that time, I wondered if Panlong would leave any treasures in this Panlong Temple. I didn't expect it to be.

"Inheritance." Princess Long said.

"My ancestor Panlong left a legacy in the Panlong Temple before he fell asleep."

"When you went out that day, I vaguely heard someone calling me. I followed the guidance of the voice and finally went to the backyard of the Panlong Temple. I got the inheritance of Panlong and got most of his power."

"It seems that you are the descendant that your ancestor Panlong is waiting for." Li Zedao said coldly.

"I'm afraid so." Princess Long said.

Li Zedao felt that this woman was too narcissistic.

Li Zedao also wished to give himself a big slap in the face and scold him for being too careless.

"It's no wonder that after I came back that day, I found that you became weird. It seems that you are no longer afraid or confused, and you chose to stay." Li Zedao depressed.

Where is the long princess who was aloof at the beginning, who didn't bother to look at it a second time?

Where is the little hesitation and helpless tail?

This is a woman full of scheming!

"The inheritance is not over yet, my cultivation is not stable yet, so naturally I have to stay." Princess Long said.

"After the inheritance is over, you will return to the Dragon Palace on your own?" Li Zedao asked again.

Princess Long shook her head with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes. Although she only lived for a few short days, but in those ten days, Princess Long's mood was unprecedentedly calm and powerful.

In her opinion, apart from the Dragon Master and the Savage, she already possesses the strength of other people in Wuji.

"The Dragon Master appeared in Wucheng, I can only return to the Dragon Palace."

Originally, Princess Long didn't plan to leave the small courtyard, at least for a short time.

Immediately, Princess Long briefly explained what happened in the Dragon Palace.

Li Zedao's eyes were round, as if he had seen a ghost.

The old dragon emperor actually made a secret order to betroth Princess Long to Grandpa Mo? Li Zedao was very curious, this is all father-in-law, is that still a normal man?

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