Princess Long gritted her teeth, and a stronger aura erupted from her body, speeding up again.

Li Zedao looked at the back, speeding up the same.

The demon behind him couldn't catch up with the two frogs jumping so fast, but now they can't catch up.

However, the disappearance of the devilish energy that rushed into the sky also made them ecstatic, let them see infinite hope, and made them want to kneel on their knees now, take a good shot of the great Lord Chilong's ass, and praise it. powerful.

Although this matter seems to have nothing to do with Master Chi Long, it must be right to flatter Master Chi Long at any time.

After a stick of incense, Li Zedao and Princess Long finally passed the Heishui River and stepped on the thick land.

At this moment, Li Zedao only felt an extremely terrifying coercion from top to bottom.

Holy and inviolable!

He looked up at the towering mountain in front of him, and finally understood why the devil couldn't climb over the mountain, but had to honestly leave through the crack.

At the foot of the mountain, you have to endure such terrible pressure, let alone go up the mountain, for fear that you will be squeezed into blood by this terrible pressure.

Looking at the crack, Li Zedao once again understood the terrible place of this mountain.

It is as powerful as having the power to break the earth, and it can easily smash the conveyor belt, but it can only split this crack out, rather than smash the entire mountain.

When the mind was in violent turmoil, feeling the power of Pangu, Li Zedao and Princess Long came to Taniguchi of the Valley of Devil.

Behind him, those demons still chased after him.

At the same time, the looming coercion is even worse, and of course it is also within the range of tolerance, otherwise, let alone escape, I am afraid that I will be unable to walk.

Li Zedao looked at the valley in front of him, which was shrouded in endless darkness and seemed to be very long. He felt that there was a decadent and violent death breath coming from the depths of the valley. He knew his guess was correct.

As early as when the seal was weakened, some demons endured the terrible pressure brought about by the seal and entered the Demon Realm to reach the Demon Mountain, just to let the demons who broke out of the cage understand this time in the shortest possible time. A situation in God's Domain, let them know that their powerful soul is enough to walk sideways in God's Domain.

Let these demons know that they must leave the Demon Realm as soon as possible to prevent the strong from guarding the exit of the Demon Valley. At that time, I am afraid that they will not be able to get out.

So these demons that broke out of the cage have already appeared in this valley at this time.

Li Zedao could already feel their **** cruelty, decay and death that had been suppressed for a long time.

Princess Long looked at the valley of the devil with her mysterious and gloomy purple pupils, her expression even more solemn, she found that she still thought of these demon people too simple.

Even, if she hadn't convinced Senior Savage, she and those powerhouses in God's Domain would not be able to resist the valley mouth at all.

"How to do?"

Princess Long looked at Li Zedao, her eyes slightly solemn and helpless.

Li Zedao couldn't bear the look, and took a deep breath and said, "The demon behind will be handed over to you!"

Just holding Taniguchi is not the best move at all.

Li Zedao knows better than Princess Long that even if the two of them are added together, they don't have the strength to be one man and one man, and they can't stop the impact of those demons.

Whenever a demon rushed out, then their action would be considered a failure.

Therefore, Li Zedao intends to enter this valley without the sun. He already has a plan in his heart that may not be successful but is worth trying.

Of course, Li Zedao would not wish to say that he was capable of stopping those demons in the valley. After all, those demons with powerful soul bodies could not kill.

But the brains of these powerful demons may not work well, so Li Zedao felt that he still had a chance of success.

Princess Long's pupils widened slightly: "Senior, is this going to enter the Valley of the Devil alone?"

Li Zedao didn't respond. He thought this woman was an idiot. How could she ask such an idiot question if she was not an idiot?

When the next one was about to rush into the valley, he smelled of iron and blood.

He took a deep breath, squeezed the long sword in his hand, and looked calmly at the passage shrouded in absolute darkness, but suddenly remembered that Nu Wa fought side by side with Panlong to fight Chilongsuo a long time ago. The leading demon.

And now, Nuwa's descendants and Panlong's blood are also committing crimes side by side, and are also fighting against the devil.

Is this a coincidence? Or the reincarnation of fate?

Nüwa's ending is, being stabbed in the back by Panlong, what will happen to her?

Wouldn't it be possible that Princess Long had not been able to stab herself at all, and she would have been cut off by the devil?

Li Zedao suddenly wanted to call himself a stupid. At this time, shouldn't he take off his clothes and make a small flag to cheer for these escaped demons?

Even if you don't do such a gloating thing, you should run away, right?

Princess Long looked at the figure in front of her, she only felt that her heart was infected by a certain emotion that seemed so unfamiliar, and a certain string was being gently plucked.

She knew that Senior Savage could completely stay out of the matter. With his cultivation base, those demons couldn't hurt him at all, but he still came over.

Because of the snake people?

Princess Long didn't think so... Mainly, she felt that Senior Savage was not so great.

Why is that? Princess Long didn't know.

"Are you going to die?" Princess Long came.

She didn't think Senior Savage was such a stupid person, he should have some plan, but after thinking about it, she still felt that this kind of behavior seemed to be no different from sending death.

Li Zedao's body halted, and the iron and blood aura that was deliberately released instantly disappeared without a trace. At this time, you can't say something to boost morale? At least some auspicious things should be said, right?

Annoyed: "You control me?"

Princess Long was silent and said, "I'll take care of you."

"...I want you to control?" Li Zedao was a little speechless, thinking you thought you were my woman? You don't want to be too beautiful.

"I can't stop those demons without you and me." Princess Long said.

Li Zedao was even more depressed. He found that it was himself who thought too beautifully.

He glanced at this woman whose words were quite hurtful and said, "You won't stab me, will you?"

"Huh?" Princess Long was taken aback, not sure what Li Zedao meant.

"I've heard that a long time ago, after Nuwa helped Panlong repel Chilong, Panlong stabbed Nuwa... if we succeeded in stopping the devil, you wouldn't want to stabb me too. Knife?"

Princess Long frowned slightly, there is such a thing?

Before Princess Long responded, Li Zedao seemed indifferent and said: "It's okay if it will, after all, I am not Nuwa, and you are not Panlong."

"I'm not that stupid to die. I have a plan, but you need to stop those demons and you can't let them escape into this valley. Besides, you must not enter the valley of the devil before I come out.

After speaking, Li Zedao's figure flashed and disappeared in front of Princess Long.

Princess Long looked at the endless darkness with such complicated eyes, and said with a voice that only she could hear: "I won't stabb you!"

Then he frowned slightly, wondering why Senior Savage sighed with such emotion? Why do you want to ask such a question? Is he a descendant of... Nuwa?

If he is really a descendant of Nüwa, he comes from the Nasumi area where Nüwa descendants hide, then his series of actions can be explained more clearly.

The only explanation that didn't make sense was that the big formation in Shenlong City that could absolutely reject the descendants of Nuwa, why didn't it react at all?

If she didn't understand this, Princess Long didn't even think about it. She made a fist and rushed towards the demon who was about to come.

She must stop these demons to ensure that the so-called plan of Senior Savage can proceed smoothly.

The war begins!


The moment his figure swept into the valley, Li Zedao felt as if he had stepped into Jiuyou Hell, his scalp numb uncontrollably, and his small heart trembled violently.

This narrow valley looked so dim, and it was attacked by demonic energy, so it was full of the smell of rotten death.

There was no sound in the valley, as if there was no living thing, and even Li Zedao couldn't hear the movement caused by Princess Long and those demons at all.

No sound can come in!

He could only feel that the terrifying air-explosive aura continued to invade, and he judged that Princess Long was fighting the devil.

At the same time, Li Zedao could clearly feel the terrifying demon energy in front of him approaching bit by bit, but he could not hear any movement from those demon men.

In such a quiet and depressing space, the only thing Li Zedao could hear was his own heartbeat.

The heart beat vigorously, but it calmed down bit by bit.

In the end, the heart didn't increase the beating frequency because of the darkness of the valley, the quietness enough to make people crazy and the devilish energy that came from pressure.

Li Zedao found that he was not nervous.

"Is it because I'm too strong? I'm so strong that I won't put these demons out of the cage in my eyes?"

Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

He took a deep breath, and while speeding up, he swept forward and took out the Demon Eye mosaic into his forehead.

In an instant, he was also enveloped by a strong devilish air, and he turned into a demon.

This is the power of Demon Eye, it can make Li Zedao a perfect demon.

This is also the power of the heavenly aura, it can be perfectly disguised as aura or devil.

After another stick of incense kung fu passed, I felt an extremely powerful, full of death smell enveloped, Li Zedao's figure abruptly stagnated there.

The figure of the devil is in front!

A few could not breathe, Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly.

However, eight icy, extremely distorted and fuzzy figures appeared silently in front of them, all of which were shrouded in cold and strange black magic energy, releasing a terrible breath of rotten death.

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