The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2580: Panlong and Vulcan

After resting for an hour, Li Zedao once again picked up a corpse and entered the Valley of the Demon to the foot of the Demon Mountain.

Continue to vomit blood gorgeously, cheer up these demons with exciting words, make them full of hope, and feel that they have the brightest future.

Immediately, another demon was resurrected with great vigor, and then was attacked by Li Zedao in the valley of the demon.

In this way, within two days, seven demon men were tragically attacked by Li Zedao and were sucked into the absolutely dark space in the eyes of the demon.

Later, Princess Long became accustomed to it, she didn't even bother to feel surprised, and she directly ignored Li Zedao's suggestion of "Hurry up and worship me".

This undoubtedly makes Li Zedao quite depressed, is he not worthy of worship if he has already made such a shocking move?

This woman is too difficult to serve.

"The last one!"

Li Zedao looked at the corpse of the old man Kongshan, took a deep breath, and calmed down his extremely complicated emotions.

He also had a close relationship with the old man Kongshan, knowing that he had a close relationship with Dean Changsheng, and thus knew that Dean Changsheng was also a member of the God Realm.

Even Zhou Academy is affiliation of the God Realm.

For thousands of years, I don't know how many elites have been sent to the God Realm.

I was treated differently by the Dean of Changsheng in Bu Zhou Academy before, although that kind of treatment seemed to have a very strong purpose.

But Li Zedao is still very grateful to him.

Therefore, leaving the body of the old man Kongshan till the end is worthy of him.

Li Zedao knew that if these old men knew their bodies and knew that their bodies were occupied by the demons who had escaped from the devil's den, they would be so angry that they would come back to life again.

At this moment, Li Zedao's spirit was in a daze. For a while, the world turned around a bit and almost sat on the ground.

That kind of feeling, it was as if the soul had been punched hard, and almost broke away from this body.

The vertigo came suddenly, quickly, and violently, like a huge wave in a storm.

But what was so strange was that it disappeared extremely quickly, lasting less than two breathing times, so that Princess Long not far away did not notice Li Zedao's strangeness.

Even if it weren't for the violent contraction of the heart, Li Zedao would have wondered if he was dreaming.

Li Zedao took a heavy breath, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The intense dizziness just now made him feel helpless and fearful.

It was as if this fainted, he would not be able to wake up.

Li Zedao frowned, thinking that he was too tired to vomit too much blood?

Although you are not afraid of devil qi, how many will you still inhale some of it?

Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much, he had the eyes of the demon, and he already had the physique of a demon, how could he be poisoned by the devil?

Or, the eye of the demon has been used too many times, damaging the soul?

I felt my body, and didn't notice anything unusual, so I didn't think much about it. Anyway, it was the last demon.

The damaged soul will slowly recover in the future.

Looking back at Princess Long and said: "The last one! Once this demon is resolved, you and I can leave here. At that time, Princess Long, you can stab me."

Princess Long didn't think that Senior Savage was joking, because his expression was so serious, and even his body was filled with a faint murderous intent.

As she herself said, she wouldn't be kidding.

So she responded very seriously: "I won't stab you."

"is it?"


"you swear?"

"Swear by the character of Senior Savage?" Princess Long asked.

I thought I swear by the character or reputation of other people, you don't necessarily believe it.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he was speechless for a long time.

He looked at her unusually bright and serious eyes, waved his hands and said, "As you might guess, I am indeed a descendant of Nuwa."

Princess Long's expression remained unchanged, but her mind trembled.

Senior Savage deliberately revealed some information to make her guess it was one thing, Senior Savage voluntarily admitted it was another matter.

Li Zedao sat down cross-legged and said, "I have to rest for a while. Using this time, I will tell you a story I have learned about a farmer and a snake that happened a long time ago."

Princess Long thought for a while, but she didn't understand: "The farmer and the snake?"

"A farmer rescued a frozen snake. After the snake regained its ability to move, it in turn ate the farmer." Li Zedao said.

Princess Long understood, she walked to Li Zedao and sat down.

The two were very close, like a couple sitting next to each other.

As long as Princess Long's head is slightly tilted, the film can lean against Li Zedao's shoulders, and Li Zedao can hold Princess Long's waist with just one stretch of his hand.

Li Zedao was a little disgusted: "Although I am like the sea of ​​flowers, I can always attract bees and butterflies to swarm, but this is not the reason you are so close to me."

Princess Long glanced at that ordinary face that couldn't be more ordinary, even ugly, thinking that this face seemed to have nothing to do with Hua Hai.

It is indeed a savage senior, who can be so courageous to think that he is a sea of ​​flowers.

Li Zedao waved his hand as if driving a fly away.

"I mean, you can stay away from me, you are so close to me, I always feel that you are going to plot against me."

"I will not plot against you."

Although Princess Long said that, in order to avoid the misunderstanding of Senior Savage, her **** squirmed back a short distance, farther away from Senior Savage.

Senior Savage doesn't like it, she just doesn't do it.

Li Zedao cleared his throat, brewed his emotions, and considered his words.

He decided to start with the woman who had taken his brother Vulcan by Panlong rather shamelessly.

The conflict between Panlong and Vulcan confirms two eternal truths.

First, powerful countries start to rot from within! Second, confidantes are a disaster!

"In other words, Panlong's younger brother is named Fire God."

Li Zedao's expression and tone were not much different from those of the storytellers in the teahouse.

"The Vulcan, even though it has the same stupid and arrogant look from the bones as those dragon veins, it is also an extremely terrifying character."

"His strength is above those spirit gods, only inferior to his big brother Panlong."

"What makes people talk about it is that this Vulcan is still a very infatuated man... well, just like me."

Princess Long glanced at Li Zedao's ugly profile again, thinking it should be different, right?

Shouldn't there shouldn't be a girl who would like Senior Savage? No girl likes how to be infatuated with this.

If Li Zedao knew what Princess Long was thinking, he would immediately fight this woman who looked down on him for three hundred rounds.

"At that time, Vulcan and a woman knew each other and loved each other. They were like glue, just like the Gods version of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."

Princess Long was taken aback: "Liang Shanbo? Zhu Yingtai? What does the God Realm version mean?"

Interrupted by Princess Long, Li Zedao said with some dissatisfaction: "The story about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is a very moving love story. I will tell you another day... Now we are talking about the story of the **** of fire. If you disturb me so much, it will disturb my thoughts. It is also quite immoral."

Princess Long nodded, temporarily swallowing that doubt into her stomach.

Li Zedao continued to brew his emotions, continue to consider his words, and said, "Say, when Panlong saw his lover of Vulcan, he directly exposed his lustful book, his eyes became rounded, his small heart twitched and his saliva flowed. Then, He did something that was infuriating between people and gods."

Li Zedao looked at Princess Long: "His Royal Highness, guess what?"

Princess Long frowned and shook her head slightly, somewhat unhappy. After all, this guy was slandering his ancestor Panlong.

Of course, this may not be a slander, it may be a statement of facts that she cannot understand.

Li Zedao became very angry, gritted his teeth and said: "Panlong turned out to be like a beast. He defiled the woman who belonged to his brother and took it as his own... Your Royal Highness, do you think Panlong is a beast or a beast?"

Princess Long frowned even more, and her brain roared. She has never heard of such rumors.

The truth of what she learned was that Vulcan was the first sinner in God's Domain.

As Panlong's younger brother, he has extremely terrifying ambitions, he actually wants to usurp the position of Panlong!

After the failure, Panlong missed his old feelings and did not punish him.

But Vulcan turned into anger, holding an axe that he didn't know where it came from, and successively smashed the conveyor belt leading to the gods and mortals, causing the Chilong of the demon and the Nuwas of the mortal to invade.

Especially Nu Wa, she has caused one after another brutal and appalling killings in God's Domain.

Li Zedao was quite dissatisfied with Princess Long's attitude, and repeated his question again.

"Your Royal Highness, do you also think that Panlong is quite shameless?"


Princess Long is considering whether or not to fight the Savage Senior for 300 rounds now.

It's too bullying.

Even if I respect you, I can even say that I rely on you, but you can't bully people like that!

Li Ze said, "His Royal Highness, you haven't answered my question yet."

Princess Long's face is indifferent, and she still keeps her mouth shut.

Li Zedao was also worried about angering this woman completely, so he didn't continue to force her to answer this question, but continued to brew emotions.

"No matter what your Royal Highness thinks, I personally think Panlong is a thing inferior to animals."


Princess Long couldn't bear it, she clenched her fists.

Li Zedao sneered: "This son is a descendant of Nüwa, and is your greatest enemy of the dragon vein. There is no one! What happened to this son's slander of Panlong? Do you slander Nüwa?"

Princess Long thought for a while, it seemed to be the reason. Then the clenched fist was released again.

After half an hour passed, Li Ze said that his mouth was dry, and he was almost finished. Of course, there was a lot of extra plot.

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