Half an hour later, at the foot of the Magic Mountain.

Princess Long looked up at the towering magic mountain and said: "I heard that the conveyor belt is located in a cave halfway through the magic mountain."

"Indeed." Li Zedao also looked up at the magic mountain that was shrouded in devilish energy.

When he flicked the demons before, he asked questions about the conveyor belt. The answer was that the conveyor belt was located in a huge cave halfway through the magic mountain.

The nameless cave is the name of the cave.

This name made Li Zedao's mood fluctuate extremely severely, and tears were almost in his eyes.

Because God's Domain also has a five-person hole, he came to this place through that five-person hole.

"Senior Savage's eyes are uncomfortable?" Princess Long saw the tears of management at the corner of Li Zedao's eyes.

Li Zedao wiped it off and said: "The sequelae of using Demon Eye."


Li Zedao was speechless: "Why do I think you don't believe my explanation?"

Princess Long said: "I don't believe it."


"Let's go."

Li Zedao didn't bother to say anything to this unsightly woman, and took the lead in going up.

Princess Long followed closely.

Half an hour later, the two appeared in front of a huge cave entrance on the mountainside.

But I saw the darkness in the cave, I don't know its depth, and there were bursts of cold and bloodthirsty devilish air.

In the old days, Chilong led the group of demons to rush out of this magic mountain and step into the land of God's Domain. From then on, the entire magic mountain was enveloped by a strong demon energy, and it stayed all year round.

Both of them are powerhouses approaching the quasi-spiritual realm cultivation base, and even those demons don't look at them, naturally ignoring these demons that make people fall into an ice cave.

Glancing at each other, the two entered the cave one after another.

The cave is deep, I don't know where it leads to, and it's so quiet, Li Zedao can even hear Princess Long's heartbeat.

Approximately went deep into the cave for about two sticks of incense, when a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The light is colorful, just like the rainbow after the rain.

In this darkness, the appearance of this colorful light seems so abrupt, such a blogger's eyeball, but so mysterious, it makes people feel incredible.

It feels like an emissary from the world of bliss has come to this **** to purify sentient beings with colorful clouds.

The appearance of this colorful light was naturally within Li Zedao's expectation.

He quietly looked at the colorful rays of light, and the scenes that had happened in the mortal domain appeared in his mind, and his emotions became extremely complicated.

Princess Long's purple pupils were round, her mind roared violently, and her mind was completely attracted.

Princess Long pointed to the light and said with difficulty: "Savage senior, is that the light released by the conveyor belt?"

Li Zedao took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his extremely bad emotions, and said: "That is not the light from the conveyor belt."

Princess Long glanced at Li Zedao in surprise, but she didn't? what is that?

Li Zedao didn't respond, and moved forward, and Princess Long quickly followed.

In front is an extremely narrow passage. The mysterious colorful light at the end of the passage attracts the attention of others, just like a lighthouse on the vast sea, and like the only firefly in the night.

So dazzling, so beautiful, giving people unlimited hope.

Under the guidance of this light, Li Zedao and Princess Long continued to walk through the passage.

I don't know how long it took, the two only felt that this colorful light became more and more dazzling.

Suddenly, the two of them just felt that their vision suddenly became clear.

They saw that they were already in a huge cave that could hold 10,000 people.

Every corner of the cave is flooded with colorful rays of light, which looks extremely mysterious and moving.

Strangely, the top of the cave turned out to be a starry sky with a little bit of stars, as if it was not that the top of the cave was not closed, but the sky outside could be seen.

But it's not right, because this is the magic mountain, this is the realm of the magic, the land of the eternal night, and the stars cannot be seen. Then these little stars come from?

Even more attractive is the breathtaking spectacle in the middle of the cave.

But seeing that there was a colorful cylindrical light body soaring up into the sky, the colorful beam of light was like that broad tree trunk, and could not be embraced by a few arms.


In the past, Princess Long, who didn’t bother to take a second glance at anything, was completely attracted by the spectacle in front of her. She was completely shocked. She couldn’t find any words to describe her at this moment. Exciting mood.

Li Zedao quietly looked at the colorful beam of light, his eyes had already been shrouded in mist, and the past was vivid.

In the mortal domain, there is also an unnamed hole, and in that unnamed hole, there is also the same colorful beam of light.

He came to this realm of God through that beam of light!

This moment, he has been in God's Domain for more than two years.

I don’t know if the year here is equal to the year of the world? Or is it one day in the world for a year? If so, Mengchen sisters and their graves have not only grown grass, can even be said to be ancient tombs?

It is best that one day in Mortal Realm is equal to a year in God Realm.

"Do you know what this is?" Li Zedao looked at the shocked Princess Long.

He remembered that when he saw this colorful beam of light before, he was so shocked that he didn't know what words to use to describe the completely shocked mood.

Princess Long looked away from the colorful beam of light with difficulty to look at Senior Savage, and shook her head.

She thought this was the conveyor belt that passed through God's Domain, but Senior Savage said it was not.

"This is a colorful fence!" Li Zedao said.

"Colorful fence?" Princess Long was a little confused.

"Presumably you also know that before the conveyor belt is broken, only the powerhouses of the spiritual world like Panlong, Nuwa, and Chilong can pass the conveyor belt to other planes at will."

"But when the conveyor belt is broken, everyone can pass through the broken conveyor belt to another plane."

"So, instead of saying that it is a conveyor belt, it is better to say that it is a closed door. Only Panlong, Nuwa and Chilong are qualified to enter!"

Princess Long nodded, she still knows a little bit about the conveyor belt.

"In that case, have you ever thought that Panlong has fallen asleep and there is no patron saint in God's Domain, why doesn't Chilong come to God's Domain?"

Princess Long's eyes widened slightly, she had never thought about this issue.

Li Zedao pointed to the colorful beam of light and said, "It's not that Chilong doesn't want to come, but it can't come because that door was blocked by this colorful wall! Chilong can't break this wall!"

Princess Long looked at Li Ze thoughtfully: "This colorful wall was built by Nuwa? Has an extremely terrible seal?"

"You know it."

Princess Long was silent. She knew that Senior Savage's purpose for bringing her here was to make her believe that he did not lie. In the past, Panlong was indeed ungrateful and stabbed Nuwa with a knife.

Li Zedao knew what Princess Long was thinking, and said: "It is only one of the purposes to make you reconfirm that what happened in the past."

"More importantly, I want you to know a terrible fact."

When Princess Long saw Li Zedao's expression dignified, her expression also became serious.

Li Zedao pointed to the colorful wall and said: "Nothing is eternal! Broken things will become fragile no matter how they are repaired."

Princess Long's brows suddenly frowned.

"This colorful wall is naturally not eternal. Believe it or not, this colorful wall that can stop Chilong's pace has cracks!"

"The repaired belt that can block other demons is also in jeopardy."

Princess Long's face turned pale as paper.

"I just said, I don't know if you know one thing, or if the dragon master behind you knows one thing, that thing refers to this thing."

Li Zedao said: "It seems that you don't know."

Princess Long nodded: "I don't know."

She was extremely sure that the dragon masters definitely didn't know about this, just as they never thought about saying that the demon sealed in the demon cave would run out.

Li Zedao's tone became extremely solemn: "Whether you believe it or not, hundreds of years? It may be shorter, and the crack on the colorful fence will become bigger and bigger."

"Then it will collapse completely!"

"Immediately, the conveyor belt wrapped by this colorful wall will be broken again."

"At that time, Chi Long will once again lead the group of demons to sweep the God's Domain! There is no Panlong in God's Domain, let alone Nuwa. Then who will stop Chi Long's pace?"

Princess Long was silent for a while, and suddenly, her purple pupils released an extremely strong purple light.

She looked at Li Ze.

"What are you looking at me doing like this?" Li Zedao was a little nervous.

Although I am really too handsome, you can't stare at me with such hot eyes.

"I believe that the qualifications of the predecessors must have broken through to enter the spiritual world by that time, and then the predecessors will definitely be able to stop the pace of Chilong." Princess Long said with certainty.

Li Zedao was stunned, and said silently: "It is not good for girls to worship blindly."

Princess Long shook her head: "There is no blindness."

"Then continue to worship, don't stop."

"Yeah." Princess Long nodded seriously.

Li Zedao was speechless, this woman really knew what worship was? If you really admire me, you should now hold your heart in your hands and look at me with bubbling eyes.

Then I smiled at you and you started to feel dizzy. You can't wait to dedicate yourself on the spot.

What are you doing like this?

Li Zedao was too lazy to teach this woman what worship is, and he took a deep breath and said: "Although I was indeed a strong person in the spiritual world at that time, why should I fight with monsters like Panlong? Why don't I think of ways to repair this wall now and completely prevent that kind of thing from happening?"

"At the very least, dragging it off for thousands of years?"

Princess Long was silent for a while and said, "Senior wants to mend the wall between God's Domain and Moral Domain, right?"

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, isn't this woman stupid?

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