The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2590: Too hasty

The reason why the old dragon emperor was able to let the dragon master take a look was naturally not because of his strength, but because of his identity.

"But I hope it's surveillance." Master Long said more.

"Monitoring." Princess Long nodded.

"I will not investigate the matter of killing the Dragon Envoy before," said Long Master.

"Yes." Princess Long said again. She knew that Master Long was too lazy to pursue it, and it was not because of being merciful or making up for it.

If it hadn't been for the old dragon king to ask the dragon master to take action many times before, it would never leave for Wucheng.

In the eyes of the Dragon Master, the dragon veins were humiliated, the emissaries of the dragons were killed, and the guards of the dragons were slaughtered. This was something too small.

"In addition, the snake people do not want to live in the Seven Gods City." Princess Long said again.

Li Zedao didn't mention this matter to the snake people, but directly rejected it.

He knew that Empress Boya would never accept such alms, and would definitely not agree to this matter.

Master Long had long forgotten about this too small thing, so there was no response. He waved his hand and encouraged: "Go and rest."

"Yes." Princess Long thought, turned and left.


Over the desert, the ignorant sect master and the life and death sect master are still like two impassable mountains, completely blocking the path of the old ghost and the little turtle.

The old ghost stayed there indifferently, but the little turtle was furious, and kept greeting the ignorant sect master and the sister of the life and death sect master.

The two were indifferent, just as if they didn't hear anything.

Would you waste your tongue with an angry beast? Anyway, the ignorant sect master and the life and death sect master can't, let alone they don't have a sister.

A spiritual butterfly floated to the ear of the little turtle.

After the little tortoise listened to Lingdie's message, the tortoise's eyes were suddenly rounded, showing a look of arrogance, and then he looked up to the sky and made an extremely cheerful sound.

"Hahahaha, ignorance, life and death, my sister! You think that by blocking the way of the great tortoise, the demons who escaped from the devil's cave can leave the valley of the devil arrogantly and slaughter my **** Rubbish...No, is it Tianjiao?"

"Master Turtle tells you, you are dreaming!"

"Your sister's **** demons are all taken over by the **** of my God's Domain... Tianjiao has taken over, haha..."

The ignorant sect master did not react with the life and death sect master, still floating there quietly.

The little tortoise was angry: "Your sister, you don't believe in the words of the turtle? Don't you believe in the character of the turtle?"

Still no response.

That expression seems to say that I don’t believe you. Isn’t that normal? The fool believes in you!

"...Your sister!"

The old ghost on the side glanced at the little turtle with an idiot look, and then looked at the two terrifying tall opponents in front of him.

"I went back to sleep, you guys do it yourself."

The two stiff faces of the ignorant sect master and the life and death sect master finally twisted.

The little tortoise was so angry that he couldn't help but yell.

Your sister's Gui Ye has said it so many times, you just don't believe it, and you believe it if the old ghost says anything.

Is your sister really bullying? Believe it or not, Master Turtle will fight you for three hundred rounds.


Panlong Temple.

The old dragon emperor was sitting on the golden gleaming luxurious dragon chair in a high position, and the pair of still sharp eyes looked at Princess Long below with some relief.

As a descendant of Panlong, as the lord of the Dragon Palace, the direction of the old dragon emperor's consideration of problems is quite different from that of the dragon master.

In the eyes of Master Long, there are only those eight ambassadors, and the lives of those tens of thousands of innocent Divine Realm people are actually not too concerned, and they die.

The old dragon emperor is different. Those tens of thousands of innocent people in God’s Domain are the people of Panlong, they are the people of God’s Domain. He has to make sure that their quiet life will not be disturbed and their humble lives will not be disturbed. Threatened.

Therefore, this time Princess Long was able to solve those demons perfectly, which made him feel very pleased.

The old dragon emperor is very pleased that Panlong's blood is still strong, and has not completely reduced to a waste of noble status!

When Princess Long said that she was fond of the savage who had humiliated her and King Ming, and killed the dragon envoy, the old dragon emperor's brows frowned.

The old dragon emperor felt that an uncontrollable anger began to spread from deep in his heart, and his voice was a bit louder.

"Don't forget, you have a noble lineage, you are a dragon vein!"

I feel that this woman is depraved, and she is desecrating the blood flowing on her body.

"Which dragon vein do you think is worthy of me?" Princess Long asked.

Old Longhuang's mouth opened and he was speechless.

It was worthy before, not to mention that Princess Long was humiliated after falling into the hands of gangsters, but Princess Long was not worthy of those dragon veins.

But the key is that the current Princess Long has inherited Panlong's will, and she has become the best or even the only candidate for the next dragon emperor, so those dragon veins are indeed not worthy of her.

The old dragon emperor actually wanted to say me, ah, although the emperor is a little older, he is really worthy of you, and he is afraid of offending this woman who has become very terrible, and even more afraid of being despised by other dragon veins.

"Is that savage worthy?" Old Longhuang said coldly.

"Senior Savage is strong enough to kill Father Mo in a second, and if it weren't for him this time, I would definitely not be able to stop those demons who broke the seal. At this time, a certain place might have become a **** on earth."

"For this alone, he is not qualified to be your husband!"

The old dragon emperor said angrily: "Don't forget, you are the blood of Panlong! How can you be so self-contained? How can you humiliate yourself so? You are desecrating that noble blood!"

Princess Long thought to herself, Nuwa's blood was still flowing through him.

Indifferent said, "The blood of it amazing?"

"You..." The old Dragon Emperor was so angry that his beard curled up.

"There is nothing remarkable. Without the protection of the dragon masters, the dragon veins that we think are quite noble are just a bunch of poor insects." Princess Long said coldly.

The old dragon emperor was so angry that he almost vomited blood, thinking that if you were willing to degenerate and insult yourself, it would be fine. How could you even insult other dragon veins? Just forget about insulting other dragon veins, why did you insult me ​​as well?

Pointing to Princess Long and shouted: "Don't forget, he humiliated you and slaughtered the dragon angel."

"I agree with what the savage predecessor said."

Princess Long said indifferently: "Whoever insults, people will always humiliate!"

Old Longhuang was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"People who like to insult others deserve to be insulted by others in turn!"


"Besides, he didn't actually humiliate me, otherwise I wouldn't be innocent." Princess Long said again.

Inexplicably remembering that Senior Savage once again emphasized the inviolability of his body, Princess Long was inexplicably funny, thinking that Senior Savage did not have a face that people wanted to violate at first sight.

The old dragon emperor was breathing heavily, suppressing the anger firmly, and said in a bad voice: "Do you think the Dragon Master will agree?"

Now, only to move out Master Long.

Princess Long asked, "Do you think Dragon Master cares about who becomes my husband?"

Old Longhuang was speechless again.

"The Dragon Master has stated that it will not pursue the matter of the Savage Senior for killing the Dragon Envoy and humiliating the Dragon Vessel." Princess Long said.

Old Longhuang's expression was very ugly, and Master Long didn't say anything, so he was naturally not good at saying anything.

Princess Long's face was indifferent and arrogant, and could not be profaned. She said in a arrogant but indisputable tone: "You should know that I am not begging you to make such an order. I just inform you of this out of respect."

Old Longhuang's old face became so stiff, he almost spewed out a few mouthfuls of old blood, and it passed.

The old dragon emperor was silent for a long time, but finally he could only compromise: "This emperor can not stop..."

When he said this, the old dragon emperor almost spewed a mouthful of old blood, his old face was extremely hot, because he couldn't stop it at all.

"This matter can't be made public, and other dragon veins can't be known. Naturally, there can be no grand wedding."

In his opinion, this matter can only be done in secret, or even as if nothing happened, otherwise the old dragon emperor knew that he would be swallowed by saliva.

Because other dragon veins will definitely not agree!

They will definitely jointly request to hunt down those savages and break Princess Long into the cold palace, and never take a step out of the cold palace.

"It should be so."

Princess Long thought that Senior Savage felt this kind of thing was quite shameful, so she definitely didn't want others to know.

"You don't need to visit the emperor in the Dragon Palace." The old dragon emperor said irritably.

Since there is no way to stop this, then it's not clear to see.

Princess Long frowned slightly. The main purpose of Senior Savage entering the Dragon Palace was to enter the Dragon Palace. If he did not agree with him to enter the Dragon Palace, he would be angry.

Now he said: "Savage senior has admired the Dragon Palace for a long time. He wants to see the majesty of the Dragon Palace... I promised him."

The old dragon emperor didn’t doubt anything, but impatiently waved his hand and said, “Then let him pretend to be the guardian of the dragon, you just take him around, but don’t bring him to this Panlong Palace, my emperor. I don't want to see him!"

Princess Long thought that Senior Savage would agree to such a proposal, and nodded immediately.


Shenlong Town.

Princess Long told Li Zedao what the Dragon Master and the Old Dragon Emperor meant.

Li Zedao nodded without any objection.

For Li Zedao, nothing has happened in the Dragon Palace. Naturally, it is the best. Otherwise, if he wants to hold a grand wedding, accept the worship of the people, he will have a headache.

Master Long ignored his existence, and it would be even better when he was just an inconspicuous ant.

Princess Long's big eyes shining with charming purple light looked at Li Ze and said seriously: "Since the Savage Senior has agreed, then I am your wife now, and you are my husband."

Li Zedao was stunned: "Is it... too rash?"

Princess Long asked puzzledly: "Why is it hasty?"

Li Zedao didn't know what to say.

Isn't this hasty? What is sloppy if this is not sloppy?

Isn't marriage a major event in life? Even if there is no wedding, should I go to the bridal chamber or something?

Especially entering the bridal chamber, this is a major event related to human reproduction and it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to it!

This woman is too casual and too responsible for marriage.

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