"In the old days, Vulcan and Panlong turned against each other because of this woman." Li Zedao said.

In his opinion, Princess Long didn't know that this woman was normal, even Master Long didn't know.

Of course, it is also possible to be forced to forget this woman.

After all, this woman turned Panlong's head green, and Panlong naturally wanted to erase all traces that were unfavorable to her reputation.

"According to Vulcan, this Tianmeng was originally the woman of Panlong, that is, his sister-in-law. He was deeply attracted by his sister-in-law, and his sister-in-law was also overwhelmed by his charm, so the two naturally fell in love with each other. , And then study how to have children every day."

Li Zedao was disgusted by Vulcan's shamelessness again, and even someone as shameless as himself felt that his thoughts were shameless, which shows how shameless he is.

Princess Long's face flushed as well, and she thought that she should be really shameless. Such a shameful remark can be said for granted. It's really too powerful.

Princess Long couldn't understand how she would fall in love with such a shameless person.

Li Zedao said: "In short, their adultery was soon discovered by Panlong, so the relationship between the two brothers officially broke..."

"Didn't Xianggong say that Panlong had robbed the Vulcan woman? Why is it the other way around?" Princess Long frowned and asked.

Li Zedao said haha: "You also know that there are too many gossips in this regard. I don't know which version is correct, but this is from the mouth of Vulcan, and it must be true. After all, there is no man. I want to be green."

Li Ze Daoxin twisted it slightly, as if being pierced with a needle.

He remembered, his head was green too.

After cleaning up his mind, Li Zedao continued: "Of course, no matter who robs the woman, it doesn't really matter."

Li Zedao's eyes became solemn: "What's important is that Vulcan didn't get the axe, and the conveyor belt that leads to the demon and mortals was not broken by him!"

Princess Long sat up all of a sudden, with an incredible face: "Not him? How is this possible?"

"No!" Li Zedao shook his head.

Not Vulcan, it means that there may be more terrifying enemies lurking in the dark, which means that the already fragile wall may be crushed by an axe at any time.

At that time, Chilong is afraid that he will lead the group of demons again, bloodbath this land, and even the mortal realm!

Chilong, I'm afraid that he has hated Nuwa into his bones, right?

"Even, Vulcan is not sure whether the conveyor belt was really crushed by the sky-breaking axe." Li Zedao said again.

"Who could it be if it wasn't him?" Princess Long wrung her brows tightly, still can't believe that the conveyor belt was not broken by Vulcan.

Who else but him?

"In fact, I fought a battle with Vulcan in Nasumi, and finally Vulcan was imprisoned in Nasumi by me, but after I solved Vulcan, that should have been trapped in Nasumi. The woman of thousands of years is gone."

Li Zedao wrinkled his brows, feeling a bit of an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

"Xiangong thinks that woman has a problem?"

Princess Long knew it, no wonder Xianggong would ask if he saw a woman come out after coming out of the rockery.

It seemed that even though Panlong was the patron saint of God's Domain, he was not a **** after all, at least he was played with by a woman.

"Where can the woman who can turn Panlong and Vulcan be enemies? Maybe the broken conveyor belt has something to do with her."

Li Zedao frowned and said, "Of course, this is all my guess. Maybe the broken conveyor belt has nothing to do with the woman named Tianmeng. It is a man who makes all men but me unable to extricate themselves at first sight. Vase."

Li Zedao naturally boasted, while squinting his eyes slightly to look at the white cloud that resembled cotton candy.

"But if that woman really has a problem, she will definitely show up at the most suitable time."

She imprisoned Vulcan in front of her, and might have destroyed some of her plans, so Li Zedao didn't think she would let him go.

Although the woman felt terrible just to hear it, Princess Long was not at all worried about Li Zedao, just because she believed in the charm of sang-gong, once the woman got close, there was only one way to go.

Princess Long leaned her head back into Li Zedao's arms again, and changed the subject: "I have already asked Master Long about the spirit stone."

Li Zedao suddenly became interested: "What does it say?"

"It says that Lingshi has nothing to do with Dragon Palace or Dragon Veins," said Princess Long.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, not knowing the use of Lingshi, which made him a little depressed.

I thought the dragon master of Nima was really cautious.

It seems that if you want to know the secret of Lingshi, you can only wait until your cultivation level is higher, and after you formally enter the Tuxian Realm, you will beat some dragon master and little turtle to death. After the beat, they will be obedient. said.

Especially the little tortoise, it is so afraid of death, so unscrupulous.

Li Zedao couldn't wait to see the little tortoise and the old ghost again. He wanted to see if the little tortoise saw him again, his eyes would be wider.

With the effort to speak, Yun Peng has already reached the depths of the Gen tribe, above the Yellow City on the edge of the big desert.

Looking down from a height, there is no difference between the yellow city of Novosibirsk and a yellow dust.

Going forward, it is the Great Desert, one of the ten most fierce land.

Although Yun Peng was an extremely noble mount, possessing extremely terrifying endurance and speed, its eyes still showed a trace of horror in the face of such a fierce land as the desert, and its white feathers stood up.

It made a frightened but slightly neighing sound, and the two masters on its back said poorly, or I won't go there?

The terrifying heat in the desert is not something it can bear. Only at this edge, it feels that its feathers are about to catch fire.

Li Zedao didn't mean to let Yunpeng go deep into the desert. If he continues to move forward, this noble bird is afraid that it will become a fragrant roast bird.

Princess Long patted Yunpeng's back and signaled it to land.

Yun Peng quickly rushed down as he was amnesty, and soon came to a small hill that was covered by yellow sand dozens of miles outside the city of Huangcheng.

Li Zedao and Princess Long swept down from Yunpeng's back and asked Yunpeng to find a place to stay by himself.

Then he and Princess Long simply dressed up, mainly using a scarf to slightly block their faces.

One of these two faces is too handsome, and the other is too beautiful. Such two faces can easily arouse the envy and hatred of others. Although they are not afraid, they are also troublesome.

After covering the faces that could easily cause jealousy, the two went down the hill and walked towards Huangcheng.

Looking at the magnificent earth-yellow city in front of him, countless fragments emerged in Li Zedao's mind.

"Why don't you ask me what I am doing here?" Li Ze stretched out his hand, holding Princess Long's weak and boneless hand.

Princess Long naturally said: "Where you go, I will follow wherever you go, so there is no need to ask."

Li Zedao smiled, and said: "Have you seen a tortoise and a pig in the eight spiritual gods?"

Princess Long was stunned and shook her head: "I have only seen Dragon Master, but I heard that the relationship between the eight spiritual gods is not very good."

"It's not good." Li Zedao smiled.

He remembered that the little tortoise would fight with Master Gu, calling each other a bitch.

I remembered that the old ghost suppressed the little tortoise of course, and the little tortoise didn't dare to let go except scolding your sister.

Li Zedao squinted his eyes and looked at the terrifying sun, feeling the heat wave that was rolling.

"The spirit pig lives in the terrible **** in the great desert. I came to the great desert this time to find it and get back two people who are extremely important to me."

In Li Zedao's voice there was a scent that was hotter than the surrounding heat: "The two people, one is my wife, the other is my child!"

Princess Long's eyes widened suddenly, and she couldn't believe what her ears heard.

The reason she was surprised was not because Xianggong already had a wife and children. After all, Xianggong was such an excellent person with a group of Yingying and Yanyan around him. That was also extremely normal.

But because, how could his wife and children fall into the hands of the pig?

"That was a deal."

Li Zedao remembered every word the old ghost said that day, the old ghost always emphasized that it was a deal.

It said that before you bring the Heavenly Axe back, it will guarantee that she and the child in her belly will not die.

Li Zedao felt a kind of depressed mood. After all, he didn't believe in the plan the old ghost said.

Because, when he was an undercover agent, the old ghost revealed his tracks to the ignorant sect master, which directly caused Nangong Meili to be controlled by the ignorant sect master, and he was forced to become a double agent that everyone scolded.

"I am indeed a descendant of Nüwa. I have the blood of Nüwa. What snake people are all deceiving... Of course, I also have a relationship with the snake people. The leader of the snake people is the female emperor Boya. It's my wife too. You should call her sister after meeting."

Princess Long's beautiful purple pupils widened again.

Li Zedao glanced at Princess Long: "Unexpectedly?"

"Unexpectedly." Princess Long said, "but it seems to take it for granted that you have such a charm, Xiang Gong."

Li Zedao sighed: "I have tried very hard to hide my charm, and it seems that I still failed."

Princess Long thought for a while: "Did Xiang Gong hide it?"

If I hide, how can I fall?

Seeing this woman who always likes to dismantle her own platform when she is pretending to be forced, Li Zedao angrily said: "Don't dismantle me when I pretend to be a calf, otherwise I will lose face."

"Oh." Princess Long nodded, indicating that she remembered that she would definitely pay attention to it in the future.

Li Zedao continued: "As for my origin... About twenty years ago, a pregnant woman managed to escape from the Sumiyu built by the Eight Great Masters, which is indistinguishable from the region, so I became This is the only Nüwa descendant who did not grow up in Xumiyu and has no hatred for the people of Godsyu."

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