The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2604: The essence of flattering

What made Princess Long amazed was that this man took his dignity for granted and continued to move forward, even if he used to roll or crawl, he did not stop.

What made her even more amazed was the terrifying talent of this man in cultivation.

She thought he had been alive for a long, long time, maybe as long as Master Long and the others.

But I didn't expect that less than three years ago, he was just a spiritual cloud realm cultivation base.

In less than three years, he has grown from the Lingyun Realm to a strong man at the same level as the Dragon Master. If this is said, it will definitely make people feel like who believes who is a fool.

Li Zedao continued to nod his head with deep conviction, how comfortable these words sounded, it seemed that this arrogant woman had fully grasped the essence of flattering.

Li Zedao looked at Princess Long's eyes that looked like precious amethysts, with encouragement in his eyes.

It's time to show your flattering skills, continue to praise me, don't stop.

Princess Long ignored Li Zedao's shameless request as always, and continued: "As for the position...why is the position generally recognized?"

Without waiting for Li Ze to say anything, Princess Long continued: "In my opinion, the so-called position refers to the position and attitude of observing things and dealing with problems."

Li Zedao stared at this woman with wide eyes in astonishment. He really did not expect her interpretation of the word "position" to be so standardized.

If it weren't for God's Domain, Li Zedao would like to say whether she had found the definition of the word "position" on the Internet.

"The position of Xiang Gong is different from the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Ambassadors. Naturally, it is impossible to swear allegiance to the God Realm or the Avengers formed by the Eight Ambassadors... And I know, Xiang Gong, you are not willing to break this balance. ."

Thinking of Xiang Gong actually refining the pill, which cut the life of those in Xumiyu, Princess Long was deeply shocked and deeply moved.

This is how assertive and righteous people can do this kind of thing that deserves to be done? You know, the blood flowing on him is Nüwa's blood after all, and those are his people.

However, for justice, in order to recover almost negligible justice for those innocent victims, he resolutely did that kind of thing.

Li Zedao shook his head. Under the sun, his eyes showed a hint of coldness.

"No, I actually want to break this balance. One day in the future, when my strength is improved, this balance will be broken."

In Li Zedao's view, the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Ambassadors are factors of instability, so even if they are not killed, they must be beaten to death.

Even if they don't abandon their cultivation base, they have to be scared to their bones and dare not make any unnecessary actions.

Princess Long's expression showed a trace of worry: "I'm afraid that the Dragon Master will not give you time to continue to grow. They will definitely take action."

The Dragon Master couldn't stop Li Zedao, but if the Eight Spiritual Gods shot together, the result would be different.

Li Zedao sneered: "It's not just them, but the Eight Ambassadors. They certainly can't tolerate me. Even the Eight Great Spiritual Gods teamed up with the Eight Ambassadors. It's not too unimaginable."

Princess Long thought for a while, and felt that this seemingly impossible thing that Senior Savage said might really come true.

For the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Ambassadors, even if Li Zedao does nothing, they will feel a strong sense of crisis in their hearts, so he must die.

In this way, the two sides even have a common enemy.

But none of them wanted to face such terrible opponents alone, so even if they really joined forces, it didn't seem to be too unimaginable.

"Aren't you worried?" Princess Long asked.

Li Zedao smiled and asked, "What's the use of worrying? The soldiers come to cover the water and earth."

Li Zedao really didn't worry, because he knew that even if the sixteen terrifying powerhouses really joined forces, they couldn't hide their fatal weakness.

Princess Long thought for a while, too, worrying is useless, so don't worry anymore.

At this moment, the sacred camels under the hips of the two of them stopped and made a frightened neigh, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Princess Long frowned slightly, her nerves tightened slightly.

The strange silence around her, the strange breeze that protruded, made her feel uneasy.

"It's okay, it's just the storms that often occur in the desert." Li Zedao glanced around and said.

He wanted to start the terrible black storm that Shui Feiling had encountered in the past.

The terrible storm almost killed them and forced them to separate. After that, Shui Feiling was taken back to Hell by the little turtle and the old ghost.

Li Zedao naturally knew that when the black storm was blowing, the little tortoise and the old ghost were watching the excitement. If they had rescued them at that time, they would naturally escape the devouring of the **** storm.

But they did not take action, they chose to watch the excitement.

Therefore, Li Zedao didn't know whether to thank the little tortoise and the old ghost or hate their indifference.

Li Zedao thought for a while, he should be grateful.

For the old ghost and the little tortoise, saving is a sentiment, not saving is a duty, indifference to witness the lives and deaths of others is morally condemned, but it is not necessarily wrong.

Moreover, they finally brought the Shui Fei Ling back to Infernal Hell, although with extremely strong purpose.

After a few breaths, the originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and the surroundings fell into a weird silence.

Li Zedao felt the surrounding movement, smash it, smash it, he felt helpless in his heart, thinking that he would encounter the terrible black storm that he encountered last time again?

Of course, with his current cultivation base, even if he encounters that terrible black storm again, he can still leave calmly.

The key is that, according to Empress Boya’s statement, she has only seen the black storm once from afar, and has not personally experienced the black storm. Doesn’t it seem that you are too handsome, even God can’t stand it?

Li Zedao wants to cry without tears, is he thinking about it? Is it my fault to be handsome?

As Li Zedao had guessed, it really was a black storm!

However, several terrifying black whirlpools suddenly appeared in all directions. The black whirlpool resembled a hungry demon, making a terrifying roar, madly crushing towards Li Zedao and Princess Long.

When Princess Long saw this, her purple eyes became rounded, revealing horror.

With her current cultivation base, after seeing these terrible vortexes, her little heart was also trembling, and she had an urge to turn and run.

Li Zedao has experienced it once before, and even the vortex that appeared last time is even more terrifying than it is now. In addition, the present is not what it used to be, so his expression is indifferent, just as it is a series of amazing scenery.

As for the divine camel under the crotch, his limbs stiffened long ago, and he couldn't make a sound.

After a while, those storms carrying a large amount of yellow sand crazily swept in, just as if the terrifying spiritual mirror cultivation masters attacked them together.

Of course, this kind of black storm is far more terrifying than those with a strong spiritual mirror cultivation base, they will not die, and they will not feel a sense of fear.

They will only be ruthless, purposeless madness sweeping forward.

When one of the terrible storms swept forward, Li Zedao had already hugged Princess Long, and his figure flashed away from the area covered by the black storm.

As for the two scared camels, Li Zedao directly stuffed them into the Sumi Ring.

When the sacred camel was stuffed into the Xumi domain, Li Zedao only then remembered that there was another person in this Xumi Ring, it was Zhao Tianfu who had helped him carry the scapegoat in the Eight Gods City.

Zhao Tianfu was still in a coma at this time.

Li Zedao directly lifted him out of Xumiyu, and threw him away like trash.

As for what Zhao Tianfu will encounter in the future, whether he will be torn to pieces by the black storm in an instant, it doesn't matter what Li Ze said.

After a few sticks of incense, Li Zedao took Princess Long to a safe area. They stood on a sand dune and watched the terrifying scene in the distance.

However, several black storms collided crazily together, as if they were in a chaotic battle, making a trembling noise.

That scene, as if the world was about to collapse.

Princess Long's pupils were full of awe, marveling at the terrible power of nature.

Li Zedao dragged the **** camel out of the Xumi Ring.

The camel was in shock, his legs were still weak, and he rested for a while before returning to normal.

After an hour, those storms disappeared without a trace. The two got on the camel again and moved on.

After half a day passed, an ancient city suddenly appeared in front of him.

Half of the ancient city is covered by yellow sand, and the broken walls exposed on the ground seem to show the world the magnificent atmosphere it once possessed.

Princess Long's eyes widened slightly: "This is?"

It was really hard for her to imagine that there would be such a huge building complex in this big yellow sandy desert.

She couldn't help thinking whether she had encountered that terrible illusion.

It is said that people walking in the desert will always encounter a terrible illusion. They will see a beautiful oasis or a majestic ancient city, just like a fairyland.

The oasis and the ancient city released a deadly temptation, causing those people to fall into madness, and keep moving toward the green. In the end, they naturally failed to reach the fairyland, and they were thirst to death.

Princess Long closed her eyes and opened them. The ancient city still stands there, so real.

"Not an illusion?" Princess Long frowned slightly.

Li Zedao glanced at Princess Long, shook his head and said, "It's not an illusion."


"The kind of illusion you think is a natural phenomenon, just like rain and wind, not as magical and terrible as you think."

Princess Long can't figure out how such a terrifying illusion is a natural phenomenon?

In her opinion, it should be some kind of terrifying soul formation.

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