The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2606: I am back

All this is so familiar.

Li Zedao's nose was sore, and his small heart was beating very fast, almost coming out of his throat.

He stared hard at the front, he didn't dare to blink at all.

He was afraid that the moment he blinked, Sister Shui suddenly appeared there, so that he would not be able to see the extremely charming little face for the first time.

Of course, Li Zedao also knows that this is impossible.

Li Zedao knew even better than anyone that when he didn't bring the Heaven-Splitting Axe, the old ghost would not wake Concubine Shui Ling, so it is very likely that Concubine Shui Ling was still asleep at this time.

The old ghost is indifferent, and Shui Feiling's life is even worse than the golden sand in the desert.

But what about the child in her womb? Counting the time, it should have already landed, right? That's not Nezha, you have to be mischievous in the womb for three years.

Does the child look like a father or a mother? Like dad, his dad is handsome and smart.

Or is it still dead?

After all, the flesh and blood were connected, and Li Zedao's heart twisted fiercely, and the pain was almost impossible to breathe.

Li Zedao thought of his mother. She is now a missing person. She must be worried too?

According to the previous agreement, Li Zedao brought back the Heaven-shaking Axe, and the old ghost would wake Concubine Shui Ling.

Li Zedao couldn't get the Sky Breaking Axe from the eight gates, and he also knew that the Sky Breaking Axe was not in their hands.

The Heaven-Breaking Axe didn't seem to be in the Dragon Palace, and even the Vulcan who was rumored to be holding the Heaven-Breaking Axe to smash the conveyor belt.

Li Zedao even thought that the Skybreaking Axe didn't exist at all? The crushing of the conveyor belt has nothing to do with the Heaven-Breaking Axe, but it was crushed by another terrifying force?

So Li Zedao couldn't follow the agreement.

But he has the strength to compete with the old ghost, he can use his powerful strength to force the old ghost to compromise, he does not believe that the old ghost can ignore his threat.

Moreover, Li Zedao can also push the responsibility of not getting the Heavenly Shaking Axe on the old ghost!

Because it was because it told the ignorant sect master that he was an undercover agent, which prevented him from staying in those eight sects to get more useful information.

The old ghost must bear this responsibility!

Li Zedao still can't understand why the old ghost did this, and what good is it for him to put himself in great danger?

How could Li Zedao think that the old ghost's reason for doing this is so pure.

Since you are the person predicted by Panlong, then you will definitely not die, and you will definitely bring peace to the God's Domain that is caught in a **** storm.

So whether I say it or not, you will never die.

But if you are not the person Panlong predicted at all, then go to death.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't know the prediction of the so-called Panlong, he only knew that Little Turtle treated himself like this, with a very strong purpose.

Seeing Li Zedao stopped, Princess Long asked, "What are you thinking?"

Li Zedao said: "I wonder if there is a child, what name should I use?"

Princess Long thought for a while and said, "How about Li Dabao?"

Li Ze said with a twitch of his mouth, "Just leave it to me, which is so difficult to choose a name."


Princess Long thinks that Li Dabao is pretty good. If she has a baby in the future, she named Li Dabao. Of course, it may be Li Erbao and Li Sanbao.

At the same time, infinite hell.

The child's cry irritated the little tortoise's nerves crazily, making it almost crazy, wishing that a ghost claw slapped this kid who knew how to eat, drink and cry.

The little turtle's mung bean-sized eyes glared at the old ghost.

"Old ghost, my sister, Master Gui has had enough, Master Gui wants to leave now."

"If you dare to stop the turtle, be careful and be anxious with you!"

I don’t know if it’s because of the heavy yin in the hell, or because he was poisoned when he grew up drinking the milk of a beast, or because he was stunned by a turtle paw from time to time, causing his brain to be slapped. broken.

In short, although this child has grown up a little bit, he is mentally handicapped.

Don't talk about cultivation talents, you can't even stand up.

The gifted child has even entered the Linggu realm when he was his age.

Apart from crying all day, this little kid looks at you stupidly with eyes without focus, as if looking at an idiot, which makes the little turtle almost crazy.

This day is impossible, and if it continues, its great tortoise may become an idiot.

"If you go, the kid will die." The old ghost said lightly.

"He's not going to kill the turtle!" Little turtle said angrily.

This is **** in rubbish, and death is also dead.

The little tortoise patted it with a ghost paw, and the child rolled his eyes and fainted.

The little tortoise took a deep breath of comfort, and the world finally became quiet. This quiet feeling is really good.

The old ghost said of course: "He is dead, and I have to find one. This kind of thing is very troublesome for me. When I feel troublesome, I want to pull you out of the turtle shell. Do you think it has anything to do with you? ?"

The little tortoise was so angry that the tortoise's face was twitching frantically: "Your sister's old ghost, you are a terrible word! Don't think that the tortoise is really afraid of you! Be careful that the tortoise will die with you!"

The old ghost naturally knew that although the little tortoise could not beat it, it did have the strength to die with it, but it was even more clear that this tortoise was only talking about it.

It said: "You dare not die with me, you are afraid of death."

The little tortoise felt insulted to death, and his eyes stared: "Your sister, you are not afraid of death!"

"I'm afraid, otherwise I would end up with which of the eight ambassadors." The old ghost said flatly, as if he was not talking about himself.

Immediately, the tone became solemn: "However, such a person actually appeared."

When the little tortoise heard this, the tortoise's eyes became serious.

They received news from Dragon Palace.

The monkey said that there was a person who might be from the Snake Clan, or from the Demon Clan, or even the descendants of Nuwa, and of course it might be a terrifying powerhouse from the Gods' Domain.

In short, there is such a person who has inherited the Vulcan heritage and is a terrifying soul master. He can use the defensive soul array that is shrouded in the Dragon Palace at any time.

That person has the same level of strength as them!

If it is not handled properly, the delicate balance between them and the eight spiritual gods might be broken.

What is even more terrifying is that that person has extremely terrifying talents, and his current strength is probably not his upper limit. He is very likely to break through that imprisonment and become a real powerhouse in the spiritual world!

The little tortoise was so annoyed that he couldn't help but yelled: "Your sister, that **** monkey is an idiot. He doesn't even understand the true identity of that guy."

The old ghost rarely agreed with Little Turtle's statement. The monkey was indeed an idiot.

Except for the old ghosts of the eight spiritual gods, the others are white-headed idiots.

For example, the turtle in front of me is an idiot among idiots.

The point is that such an idiot even gave himself a nickname "Longshi", and assigned himself the important task of teaching and protecting the descendants of Panlong Lord.

Everyone knows that idiots are a terrible disease and are contagious.

Now it's okay, the descendants of Panlong Lord are really not as good as one, they are no different from idiots.

If Panlong knew it, would he wake up from his deep sleep so angry?

The old ghost frowned suddenly. He looked at the exit of Infinite Hell and said, "There is someone outside the door."


Princess Long's purple eyes showed a trace of admiration. She looked a little abrupt and suddenly appeared in front of the extremely black and extremely tall stone gate, thinking that Xumiyu was indeed a magical place.

Li Zedao was naturally in another mood. He remembered that when he first stood here, he was so humble, so timid, and so small.

At that time, he was humble as one of the dust in the desert, and the old ghost was like the high god. He didn't even have the qualifications to look up at the god.

In addition to begging for protection from the gods, he placed all his hopes on the gods, and he could do nothing.

But now, the old ghost is still a god, but he is no longer dust, he is also a god!

He has the ability to face this stone gate calmly, to have the same dialogue with the old ghost face to face, and to have the ability to do an equal deal with the old ghost.

At this moment, Li Zedao had a deep understanding of what is called hard fist.

Li Zedao knew that the old ghost must have known that someone appeared outside this door, and there were still two...if it was at home.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, trying to calm down his complex emotions of expectation but fear.

The reason for fear was naturally because he was worried that Shui Feiling was actually dead, and the child in her stomach was also dead.

He motioned to Princess Long to stand behind him, then took a deep breath again and shouted.

"Hei Ye, Gui Ye, I am a little Daozi, I am back!"

Inside, when the little tortoise heard this sound, the mung bean-sized eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets, as if they had seen a ghost.

When the old ghost said that there were people outside, it thought it was other spirits and gods who had come, and discussed countermeasures.

Of course, it is possible that someone has strayed into this place, or some powerful soulsmith discovered that this place was distorted, knowing that there is a Xumi domain here, so come to find out.

I even thought that the eight ambassadors were coming, planning to fight to the death.

But it never expected to say that the person outside turned out to be a gangster, the gangster who thought it had no tortoise to face him!

That little path that it even thought it might never see again.

Subconsciously, the little turtle looked at the idiot child who was stunned by one of its ghost claws, and glanced at the Shui Fei Ling who was still in a coma.

Hell Fruit can indeed extend the life of the water concubine, but it will also bring extremely terrible damage to the water concubine.

Its insidiousness directly killed the weak life in her abdomen and severely damaged the soul of this woman.

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