The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2612: Ugly mouse

"He is not of Nuwa blood! He is our enemy!"

Jingmen Sect Master Ming and Se disagreed with what the Six Masters said, he refused to admit the blood flowing through that guy, such traitors were not worthy of the noble Nuwa bloodline.

They expended a lot of energy and finally broke the seal on the Lord Nuwa with a hole, and let the demons out.

I was expecting those demons to wash the gods with blood and become the most troublesome existence of the eight beasts. As a result, the demons completely lost track before they could escape from the valley of the demon.

It was the traitor who killed those demons!

This result undoubtedly made them feel quite disgusting, quite angry, and their old faces were so hot that they would spew hundreds of old blood.

Sect Master Dumen frowned and shook his head: "He is not necessarily a traitor, otherwise, why would those beasts want to get rid of him?"

"If you are not under our control, you are a traitor." The master of the gatekeeper loved to glance at the master of the gatekeeper, and suddenly spoke.

Everyone was silent, they knew that the real deadlock was actually here.

When the traitor was still a weak person, his thoughts were completely out of their control. He had his own ideas. He did not devote all his consciousness to the great Nuwa clan. He even undermined the Nuwa clan's multiplication. The big plan, let alone now.

The reason why the Eight Great Spiritual Gods intend to obliterate it is not because he is not under their control at this time?

It doesn't matter if his thoughts are out of control, now he actually has the strength to resist them.

It was a disgrace to join forces with the Eight Spirit Gods to kill that traitor, and to continue to maintain the deformed balance that he had now.

Or just let it go and continue to grow? Of course, this is a gamble, it is the blood of Nuwa after all that is blocking him, it will not be a bad thing.

The fact is that he has done something bad.

His methods are outrageous!

In short, they must negotiate a result as soon as possible.

However, the eight masters have their own ideas, and some feel that they can join hands to completely kill him before he grows into that kind of terrifying powerhouse.

Some feel that they must be wiped out, but it is a shame that they must not join forces with those beasts! Joining forces to kill one's own compatriots is even more shame in shame!

Some of them simply didn't even have an idea, and he didn't know what to do. His mind was rusty after a long time without moving.

Finally, they all looked at the ignorant sect master who was always silent.

Although they have the same terrible strength and status, because the ignorant sect master is a ninth-rank soul craftsman, this Sumiyu was built by him with a lot of energy, and the agreement with the eight spiritual gods in the past was also he tried his best to facilitate this. Only now has this confrontation situation.

So the ignorant sect master vaguely became the first of the eight of them.

The ignorant sect master will basically compromise any idea in the end, even if they feel wrong in their hearts, they will not say it, because they feel that even if an accident occurs, the ignorant sect master has the ability to deal with it.

This is why, when the ignorant sect master said that they could take a gamble, they all remained silent in the end and did not object.

The ignorant sect master said lightly: "If I guess right, he will come here to open the door soon."

Precisely because he was expected to open the door, the Master of the Wuming Sect chose to open the door for the gathering place this time.

Everyone didn't ask the question "How are you sure that he will come to open the door?" This would appear to them rather stupid.

"Whether to obliterate or continue to gamble depends on his performance then." The ignorant sect master said again.

Everyone glanced at each other, that's fine.


As the ignorant sect master guessed, Li Zedao was wandering in the Underworld Mountain at this time.

He is like a lonely wild ghost walking under the violent storm, but the strange thing is that the big raindrops can't wet the white robe that is as white as snow on his body.

Li Zedao wanted to return to open the door, and he wanted to find the person who opened the door.

Nangong Meili was captured by the ignorant sect master, but Li Zedao didn’t know which corner of the God’s Domain where the ignorant sect master was located. There is too much movement, so as not to spread to Yingzhou Island.

So he came to this Underworld Mountain to find Six Masters.

As long as the six masters feel dangerous, the ignorant master will naturally appear.

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that the Eight Great Dragon Masters should have been in contact with the Eight Ambassadors at this time. The ignorant sect masters must also know that the person was himself, and they might still have a headache how to deal with them.

Was it strangling together, or did Xiaozhi use his emotions and reason to persuade him again?

Li Zedao knows that this is a problem for the eight ambassadors who urgently need high-end talents.

The Underworld Mountain is very large, and it is said that the entrance to the underworld is in this Underworld Mountain. As for whether this is true or not, Li Zedao is not sure.

But in his opinion, almost any rumors are not groundless, so the facts are afraid that it is true.

It's just that the Underworld Mountain is too big, even bigger than the Buzhou Mountain Range.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to find the cave where the conveyor belt is hidden in such a huge mountain.

In fact, Li Zedao has been thinking about such a problem.

In the past, the conveyor belt from God's Domain to Mortal and Demon's Domain was broken at the same time, so why didn't the belt to Ghost's Domain be broken?

Panlong went to the mortal domain to ask Nuwa to lead the strong to help repel Chilong. Didn't he go to the ghost domain to ask the guardian of the ghost domain to help Yan Luo?

After all, although the demons of the ghosts could not come to God's Domain through the conveyor belt, as a powerhouse of the same level as Panlong and Nuwa, Yan Luo could easily come to God's Domain.

Please, not please?

Or is Yan Luo sitting on the sidelines?

Now that God and Mortal have no guardians for a long time, Yan Luo didn't want to do anything?

Or is the broken conveyor belt related to the ghost domain?

Li Zedao's mind was running at high speed, thinking about various possibilities.

While thinking about it, Li Zedao smelled a strong smell of blood, and his eyes instantly became cold.

It seems that even this torrential rain can't wash away the **** smell, and it can't wash away the evil that makes people feel cold.

At the same time, Li Zedao also felt several violent breaths.

Li Zedao stayed in the door for a while, so he probably knew that the demons hiding in the door had come out, and if nothing else, they had thrown their bodies away.

Soon, seven or eight deformities appeared within Li Zedao's sight. They were all pushing a huge car that had long been stained with blood and a dazzling red. On the car was a corpse of an unbearable degree.

There were the corpses of women, as well as the corpses of various poisonous insects and beasts, as well as the ugly corpses of babies that had just been excavated from the womb.

Some of these corpses are still fresh, and some are even decomposed, with maggots grazing on the carrion.

The turbid water droplets kept dripping from the car, directly polluting the originally clear water on the ground, and the disgusting stench enveloped the entire space.

Even if Li Zedao's hands were covered with blood, after seeing the terrible corpse, his stomach was still twisted, and the violent air filled his heart.

He raised his head and stared at the seven or eight ugly mice with the look of the dead.

Even if these people are in a foreign land like him, even if they have the same blood, but Li Zedao still wants to kill.

It has nothing to do with the blood flowing through the body, it has nothing to do with where it comes from, it has nothing to do with the country, it has nothing to do with the nation.

This is an extremely pure human emotion.

The reason why people are people, those who have thoughts, have moral culture.

Honesty, kindness, benevolence and righteousness, assistance to weak, etc. are all labels on being a person.

Li Zedao felt that these guys could no longer be regarded as human.

Since they are no longer humans, kill them.

The descendants of these Nuwas naturally also noticed the guy who stood there quite abruptly with a black cloth in front of most of his face.

Their cultivation bases are all in the realm of spirits and spirits, naturally they can't see through Li Zedao's strength, and they also feel the breath of blood flowing through Li Zedao.

They felt that the guy who appeared suddenly had very bad luck, and came here if he went nowhere, and even if he came here, he still met them.

They stared at Li Zedao with bloodthirsty eyes, licking the rain at the corner of their mouths as if licking blood.

You see, this guy is so frightened that he dare not even move.

Of course, if they could see Li Zedao's face, they wouldn't think so.

They will only quickly show the humblest smile on their faces, and respectfully shout: Master Miser!

"Jie Jie Jie..."

One of the descendants of Nuwa let out a terrible grinning laugh, and then his figure flashed, like a ferocious wolf, rushing towards the lamb ahead.

Li Zedao didn't draw his sword, nor fist, let alone dodge.

He stood there motionless, like a mountain standing still in the torrential rain.

Feeling a fierce fishy wind blowing over his face, Li Zedao only spoke slightly and said a word.

roll! "

If these ugly mice were not useful, Li Zedao would have drew his sword and killed people.

The descendant of Nuwa who rushed towards Li Zedao immediately felt the terrible pressure enveloping him, his figure abruptly stagnated there, and the hideous bloodthirsty on his face had long been replaced by fear.

Turned out to be a strong person with a spiritual mirror cultivation base? After all, only a strong person with a spiritual mirror cultivation base can produce this chilling sense of oppression.

Immediately, he retreated like a scared rabbit.

The bodies of the other Nuwa descendants also stiffened. They wondered why the gods who possessed the spiritual mirror cultivation base came to this Underworld Mountain. After all, this is a fierce land, and even a forbidden land!

Even if you are a strong master of spiritual mirror cultivation, this place will definitely become your graveyard in the end.

Of course, turning this place into the cemetery of the strong spiritual mirror cultivation base is not something they should consider for those with a small spiritual and divine realm cultivation base, it is a matter for the elders or even the sect master.

They know better than anyone that what they should care about most now is whether they can leave here alive.

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