The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2615: I am human

"I only said that I will not kill you."

Li Zedao looked blankly at this person who had frightened him, and wanted to smoke even more.

The elder Prisoner Niu spouted blood again, and his eyes were full of despair.

Dantian was abolished, and he was directly reduced to a disuse. What is the difference between him and killing him?

At this moment, Li Zedao felt a little bit, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his head to look at the eight figures that appeared ahead.

These eight figures are like eight hills standing there, giving people a terrible sense of oppression.

With Li Zedao's current strength facing these eight people at the same time, his breathing was also uncontrollably stagnated, and there was a thought of fleeing in his heart.

He is indeed strong, but after all, he is far from enough!

Because they have eight people, and they are just one person! They might even be sixteen people!

The elder Prisoner Niu trembled with excitement when he saw this. He struggled to stand up and respectfully Chongbadao tall figure, and then looked at Li Zedao with vicious eyes, as if my dad came and you were dead.

"The speed of your growth is incredible," said the ignorant sect master.

Even a Tianji cultivator does not seem to have such a terrifying growth rate.

In fact, the breath of heaven has extremely domineering attributes, that is to say, at the same level, the breath of heaven will stabilize the aura.

This is why, in the past, Panlong was slightly weaker than Nuwa.

In addition, a cultivator of Heavenly Mystery will eventually grow into a Soulsmith who surpasses the Ninth Rank. After all, the soul power possessed by a Soulsmith is plainly contaminated with the aura of Heavenly Mystery.

Therefore, Nuwa was able to repair the conveyor belt, and even built such a colorful wall, and directly blocked the conveyor belt. Even Chilong couldn't get past the colorful wall and stepped into the realm of God again.

The aura of heaven is domineering and rare, but it can't allow a person to have such a terrible growth rate.

The ignorant sect master believed that it would take at least decades for this traitor to grow to their heights, even hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

But never expected, but just a few months.

"Regret it?" Li Zedao asked.

The ignorant sect master said calmly: "Somewhat, in fact, our previous decision was to throw you into that magic cave."

"Facts have proved that the demon in the devil's cave is not my opponent either." Li Zedao said.

The ignorant sect master nodded: "No one would have thought that you should have the eye of the demon."

He simply couldn't understand, how could he, who has the blood of Nuwa, become the owner of Demon Eye? At best, he can only become the master of the owner of the Demon Eye, right?

"Good-looking, good character, God can't help but look after you, I can't help it." Li Ze said.

"..." The eight masters couldn't help but scold this traitor as shameless.

Li Zedao took a deep breath: "How is she?"

This is his main purpose for opening the door is to take away Nangong Meili, if something goes wrong with Nangong Meili, Li Zedao wouldn't mind going crazy.

With his current strength, once he goes crazy, these eight masters will also have to be extremely jealous, because they are all shot dead! But Li Zedao is not afraid! Not to mention, he can't die!

Li Zedao slowly drew out the long sword, and a terrifying aura suddenly burst out from all over his body.

Elder Prisoner Niu was a little dazed, and the Eighth Gate Master appeared, but he shouldn't kill this **** God's Domain person. Instead, he said something he didn't understand. It seemed that they were very familiar with this **** God's Domain person.

It also seems that this person of God's Domain has the right to have equal dialogue with the eight masters...what's the joke? He is not the Eight Spirit Gods!

But at this time, after a terrible breath erupted from Li Zedao's body, Elder Prison Niu's body took a halt, and his whole body fell directly to the ground, and he couldn't even lift his head.

The hideous bloodthirsty in the eyes is gone, there is only panic, only absolute fear!

If he knew in advance that the God Realm he was going to face had the same strength as the Sect Master, he would not leave Xumi Realm even if he killed him.

"The points are not damaged." The ignorant sect master said.

Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief, and firmly squeezed the long sword in his hand, and said sternly: "Let me take her away, or maybe you and me fight a battle!"

The ignorant sect master did not answer Li Zedao's words, but said with great regret: "Why do you hate the descendants of Nuwa? You seem to have forgotten that the blood flowing through you is also the blood of Nuwa."

In fact, before Elder Prisoner Niu and the two strong spiritual mirror cultivation bases broke out of Xumiyu, the eight of them already knew that the traitor was coming, and they were outside Xumiyu.

But he didn't rush to show up, but coldly watched this traitor attack the prisoner elder Niu and the other three.

On the one hand, they want to see his true strength, on the other hand, they also want to know the true attitude of this traitor to their descendants of Nuwa.

It now appears that this traitor’s attitude towards the Nuwa clan is a hatred and hatred from the heart, and he even wants to eat their meat and drink their blood!

Li Zedao was silent and said, "It has nothing to do with blood."

"What does that have to do with?"

"People." Li Zedao said.

The ignorant sect master does not understand: "People?"

"I'm a human, and you, no!" Li Zedao wanted to smoke even more. If he said this with a cigarette in his mouth, the effect would be doubled.

It is cool to stand at the highest point of morality and criticize people. No wonder so many people like to take a cameo in front of the keyboard and turn themselves into the glorious Madonna.

"Innocent people are indebted, Panlong is the one who ordered it, and the spirits and other powerful people in the gods are executed. It is them that you want to kill, not the innocent little people!"

"Not to mention, you are not only killing, you are also torturing! The pain you inflict on them is outrageous! This is not something done by people with intelligence."

The ignorant sect master was silent and said: "Your thoughts are very strange."

What is the difference between those weak and ants? When you walk, do you pay attention to whether there are ants under your feet?

The ignorant sect master felt that this traitor was not only shameless, but also quite hypocritical.

"You are not humans, and there is not the slightest truth, kindness and beauty in you. You will only find my thoughts strange."

Li Zedao didn't care whether these eight terrible guys were angry or not, so he directly expressed his thoughts.

"Of course, the Eight Great Spiritual Gods are also not humans, so I will not participate in the war between you. As long as you don’t come to provoke me, as long as you are not met by me when you do evil, you have nothing to do with me. nothing!"

"The same is true of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods!" Li Zedao added.

Li Zedao will naturally not forget his mission to God's Domain. He came to reinforce the conveyor belt and the colorful wall, not to avenge the God's Domain.

The ignorant sect master was silent, and the other sect masters were equally silent...Although what the traitor said made them quite angry.

Does he really think that by becoming a strong person at the same level as them, he can criticize their actions?

However, since the decision-making power has been handed over to the Master of the Wuming Sect, he will naturally decide what to do and what to say.

"Do you want to remain neutral?" the ignorant sect master asked.

Li Zedao disagrees with the ignorant sect master's statement, and said: "That's right, the feud between you and me has nothing to do with me, and I don't care who you kill whom."

"Of course, if anyone moves the people around me, I will never die with them!" Li Zedao's tone became agitated.

This is a threat, a naked threat, a heavy threat.

Faced with such a threat, the eight masters frowned and had to pay attention.

"Can I trust you?" the ignorant sect master asked.

"You can only believe, can't you? At least for now, you can only believe." Li Zedao sneered.

The Master of the Wuming Sect raised his hand slightly.

In an instant, the space in front of Wuming Sect Master was slightly distorted, and then a figure floated out of the distorted space and appeared in front of Li Zedao.

This figure is the Nangong Meili who was previously captured by the ignorant sect master.

She just floated there motionless, and the violent storm drenched her body all at once.

Then the body slowly floated to Li Zedao in front of the wind and rain.

Li Zedao stretched out his arms and hugged this body, and quickly checked it again to make sure that it was just fainting and there was nothing serious, then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the ignorant sect master.

The ignorant sect master said lightly: "You take her away."

Li Zedao nodded, then turned and strode away.

"Just let him go?" The master of life and death stared at the direction where Li Zedao had disappeared, quite murmuring.

"You can keep him?" The ignorant sect master's eyes flashed with cold light, "Moreover, the Eight Spiritual Gods must also hope that we will strive to keep him."

The master of life and death was silent.

He knew that the ignorant sect master was right.

If they want to keep him, they have to pay a painful price, and this is what the eight beasts are quite happy to see. They most hope to see both lose and lose.

After a moment of silence, the ignorant sect master said, "Of course, we can't give him time to grow up."

He was still betting wrong after all.

He never expected that the bloodline was not worth mentioning in the eyes of this traitor, and even those of them who had the same bloodline as him were no longer even human in his eyes.

What he didn't expect was the growth rate of this traitor, which was unreasonable.

"This is a shame." The Six Master said. Regarding the event of joining forces with the Eight Great Spiritual Gods again, he expressed that he could not overcome the hurdle in his heart.

"Then let him continue to grow." The ignorant sect master said.

They don't do it, and the eight spiritual gods will naturally not do it.

The Master of Six Gate opened his mouth and was silent.

After a few breaths, the eight masters disappeared invisible.

As for the elder prisoner Niu, he still lay there miserably, like a homeless stray dog.

He has been completely reduced to waste, and waste is not eligible to enter the Xumi domain. Therefore, he was completely abandoned.

Dou Da's raindrops poured down, ruthlessly hitting the prisoner Niu Elder, like steel needles piercing his chest fiercely, reaching his heart, so much pain that he almost couldn't breathe.

Looking towards the entrance of Xumiyu, the elder Prison Niu's eyes were scarlet.

He fully understood why that terrible strong man thought they were not human.

They are indeed not humans, not even the poisonous insects and beasts.

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