Master Long didn't like old ghosts very much. He felt that old ghosts were the most restless guy among their eight spiritual gods, and it was the source of their disagreement.

It does things as it likes but takes it for granted, completely ignoring their emotions and feelings, and has no bottom line at all.

What makes people quite helpless is that compared with them, it can be said to be the strongest, but it is also the most afraid of death.

Master Long knew that the old ghost was afraid that he had already returned to this traitor from the Nuwa clan in his heart.

As long as I don't kill me, I will even be loyal to you, just as I was loyal to Panlong in the past.

This undoubtedly made Long Master deeply humiliated, after all, the blood of Nuwa is flowing through this person! Isn't this a traitor?

But even so, it doesn't mean that it wants to see the old ghost being opened by the eight masters and being regarded as the backing.

If it weren't for the traitor and didn't even want to fight hard, the old ghost would have died.

Therefore, it can be said to be quite angry.

The ignorant sect master was even more angry, looking at the Dragon Master as if looking at a dead person: "If you were not greedy for life and fear of death, you have succeeded now."

What can you do except fail when you meet a pig teammate who is so greedy for life and fear of death?

"Aren't you afraid of death? How about you being the backer?" Master Long sneered.

The ignorant sect master is silent, he is not a fool.

With a very reasonable expression, Master Long said, "Anyway, what he has is the blood of Nuwa, so this is your housework. It is really inappropriate for us to participate."

Naturally, these words were meant to disgust the Eight Great Masters, and to provoke the conflicts between the two sides again.

The ignorant sect master was indeed completely disgusted, as if he had eaten a big mouthful of **** pulled by the Dragon Master, and chewed.

The faces of the other seven sect masters also suddenly became ugly.

Nima’s, it seemed that you took the initiative to approach us and said that in order to prevent this state of confrontation from being broken, you should help us solve this traitor, right?

Even, you are more concerned than us!

Why do you have the face to say such things now?

Master Long looked at Li Zedao, his expression softened, expressing his kindness.

"If you have time to go back to the Dragon Palace and sit down, you are already a member of the Dragon Palace anyway. The position of the Dragon Emperor in the future will be handed over to Princess Long."

Li Zedao slanted his eyes and glanced at the Dragon Master, quite disdainful: "Sorry, my wife no longer claims to be a dragon, and is not interested in the position of the dragon king anymore. She just wants to live a peaceful and simple life with me. So I have nothing to do with Dragon Palace."

"Besides, I'm repeating it again. I don't want to have anything to do with the spirits and gods... Isn't it necessary to be a clean person?"

These stupid brains are not very good, and they really can't understand people. Li Zedao is quite helpless and can't reiterate his position over and over again.

Master Long's eyes were completely narrowed, and a monstrous anger swept from deep in its heart, making it almost vomit blood.

What does self-cleaning mean?

The dragon master's figure disappeared in the same place in a flash, and if it continues to stay, it is worried that it will not hold back and die with the other party.

Master Long is gone, so the civet, dog and bird naturally have no reason to stay, so they all left.

So the original fierce net is not just as simple as being torn open with a hole, but directly lost in half.

To be honest, the enemy’s internal forces fell apart so quickly, it was really beyond Li Zedao’s expectations. He thought he would have to go through a fierce battle of life and death, and that someone’s life would be seriously threatened, before he could tear this apart. Zhang Wang.

Li Zedao looked at the ignorant sect master with a playful look, and said, "Isn't it said that you have an antagonism with the Eight Ambassadors? How come you look back and lick your face to cooperate with the Eight Spiritual Gods?"

"What's even more ridiculous is that I was betrayed again, I said you are stupid?"

"If I were you, I would have no face to see people. I committed suicide and apologized to Nuwa!"

The Eight Great Spirits turned black with anger and trembled all over, wishing to fight this shameless traitor for three hundred rounds.

Intentionally refuted, how can this traitor seem to be right.

"Talk about it, who is willing to give up his own life and die with me... or do you come?" Li Zedao's long sword in his hand pointed to the ignorant sect master with the cold glow of the blade.

The ignorant sect master looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person, without responding.

With this shameless traitor, he has nothing to say.

Die with you? Do you think I'm stupid?

"Or you? Or else? You can come."

The long sword in Li Zedao's hand pointed at the other seven masters one by one, and they all remained silent, ignoring Li Zedao's provocation.

They are not stupid!

Seeing that these eight terrifying powerhouses ignored him, Li Zedao was also deeply bored, quite contemptuous that these eight old guys did not have the spirit of seeing death at home, and did not have the slightest awareness of dedicating their lives to the great Nuwa clan. It is really too much for people. disappointed!

Faced with the contempt of this damned traitor, the eight masters almost spewed a mouthful of blood.

Could it be shameless? We don’t have the consciousness to dedicate our lives, but what about you? You even killed your own bulletin! You are a shameless traitor!

After despising, Li Zedao took his long sword into its sheath and said sincerely: "In short, I still think like that. I just want to be a beautiful man quietly. I don't have any contradictions between you and the eight spiritual gods. concern."

Li Zedao's voice suddenly became agitated, and he said every word: "However, I still advise you not to use that dirty method to create blood, otherwise, don't blame me for not showing any affection. All the Xumi domains were razed to the ground!"

Facing the threat of a powerful man with such a terrifying talent in cultivation, the Eight Great Masters felt a strong sense of crisis in their hearts.

They didn't doubt that this traitor had the possibility of breaking through the shackles and becoming the kind of powerhouse on the Nuwa master, and that day might even come soon.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course, you can kill me now, if you have that kind of strength."

The ignorant sect master turned and left. If he didn't leave, he would do something that would seriously endanger his life.

The leader of the ignorant sect master left, and the other sect masters naturally had no reason to stay. They left with a strong murderous aura and a sense of humiliation.

Sure enough, cooperating with the eight beasts is quite stupid!

Their resentment towards the ignorant sect master is deeper, and it is because of his persistence and misjudgment that they have to face such a terrible enemy now.

The only thing to be thankful for is that this traitor has his own ideas and pursuits, and he doesn't mean to subvert their rule in an embarrassment with the eight beasts.

With the departure of the eight ambassadors, the surroundings were once again shrouded in weird silence.

Li Zedao sat down on the hot sand, opened his mouth, and spouted a mouthful of old blood, which made his extremely stuffy chest more comfortable.

Sure enough, behind most of the pretense is just struggling to support.

"Damn, those eight guys are so shameless!"

Li Zedao couldn't help cursing, the powerful man in the quasi-spiritual realm, actually shamelessly gang fights, and has the ability to fight one-on-one!

Li Zedao got up and walked to a remnant eaves that could block the sun, sat down cross-legged, and healed the injury calmly.

Although the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Great Masters both left in a dingy manner, Li Zedao's body was still tight, and he did not dare to have the slightest carelessness.

With the shamelessness of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Ambassadors, it is hard to guarantee that they will not make a sneak attack or something.


Infinite hell.

Master Gu glanced at the old ghost and said, "How does this **** think that you want to bow down to Xiao Daozi?"

The old ghost is not ashamed, and naturally said: "If Xiao Daozi is really the person predicted by Panlong, he can really save the people of God's Domain from the water and fire, and the cultivation base has really reached the height that we desperately want but can't go up. What does it matter to him bowing his head to be a minister?"

Little tortoise couldn't listen anymore, and mocked: "Your sister is afraid of death if you are afraid of death, and also said that it is because of the thousands of trash in God's Domain, your sister!"

The old ghost looked at the little tortoise and said, "If Xiao Daozi insists on killing me, I will definitely pull you back before I die."

little turtle:"……"

"If Xiao Daozi really becomes a strong person in the spiritual realm, and bowing his head to it, there is no problem." The Gu God Great God thinks the same as the old ghost, "I'm afraid of monkeys and they have other ideas."

"The original **** has never understood, what do monkeys want those so-called spirit stones? They don't prepare anything secretly, right?"

The eight spiritual gods each do their own things, such as the Lingshi, which is assembled by the monkey and the dog, and only the monkey and the dog know the purpose.

Other spirits don’t bother to bother, just don’t bother me anyway.

The old ghost said: "They have other ideas, it doesn't matter to me. What they want Lingshi to do, it doesn't matter to me, you can go now, I want to move."

Both the little tortoise and the Gu God master were taken aback: "Moving?"

This place is well lived, and it has even lived for thousands of years. Why do you suddenly want to move?

"Let's find a place to hide where you can't even find a small path." The old ghost said naturally. It thinks that Little Tortoise and Gu God are stupid. If you want to bow down to others, then they have to agree.

Xiao Daozi is not broad-minded at all, and he will repay him. He will definitely count the death of the child in his woman's belly on his head quite shamelessly.

When his cultivation level is more advanced, it is when he calculates the general ledger, so it is safer to hide.

The little tortoise froze, and then nodded deeply, agreeing with the old ghost's approach.

With the shamelessness of Xiaodaozi, it is very likely that even his great tortoise will be cleaned up.

Then it made a decision, where the old ghost moved, it moved there along, it wanted to be neighbors with the old ghost.

With the help of the old ghost, Little Tortoise felt inexplicably that he was a lot taller, both internally and externally.

The old ghost glanced at the little tortoise quite indifferently, letting it roll as far as possible.

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