The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2621: Jian Wang

But at this time, Li Zedao had no extra thoughts except for wanting to kill.

This almost naked body is beautiful, enough to make all men in the world turn into beasts, even those who cannot lift them up severely, after seeing such a body, I am afraid that they can immediately restore the heroic posture of the year!

But such a body is not much different from an ugly corpse full of maggots in Li Zedao's eyes. Even a second glance will make him feel sick and nauseous.

In order to adapt to the nausea, Li Zedao glanced again, two times, several times.

Li Zedao's calmness made the woman realize that she could not see his panic and helpless anger, so she appeared.

"Seeing me, you don't seem surprised at all."

The woman had an extremely charming smile, and her voice was so beautiful and intoxicating.

Li Zedao didn't respond, he slowly drew out the long sword, and the entire space was enveloped by a terrifying aura, extremely suppressed.

Tianmeng's smile is still extremely charming, and her voice is soft, like a cat-chunk.

"You want to kill me? My sister is so beautiful, she has more charm than all of your women combined, do you bear it?"

It's not surprise, but playfulness, and it also contains a strong sense of self-confidence. She does have confidence in the capital.

She also found it fun and interesting.

A mouse even showed its fangs to a **** cat, and wanted to bite the neck of the **** cat. Isn't this fun and what?

It is undeniable that this mouse is very big, but the mouse is a mouse. Its only end is to be played with by the cat, and finally swallowed by the cat.

Li Zedao responded with action.

Do you think you are a beautiful boy, so you have to prostrate at your feet and kiss your feet to be your slave? ill!

A terrifying sword net appeared above Tian Meng's head, releasing a terrifying **** murderous intent, and then it fell crazily.


There was a huge sandpit on the ground, but there was no blood in the air!

Therefore, that Jian Wang failed to strangle this woman into minced meat!

When the sword net poured down, Tian Meng evaded the sword net at a speed that was calm but fast enough that Li Zedao couldn't keep up with his eyes, and came behind Li Zedao, the charming and explicit face was full of It's all fun.

"You are strong, but still not strong enough. Even now you are weaker than Vulcan, but you have defeated Vulcan... Without my sister, do you think you can defeat Vulcan?"

Li Zedao turned around, exhaling heavily, and squeezed the long sword abruptly.

He let out a low growl like a beast: "Let's see how this trick is!"

In an instant, countless sword nets appeared above the head! Everywhere is Jian Wang!

These sword nets formed a huge net, which covered all the ancient city of Nuo Da! In other words, as long as Tian Meng is still in this ancient city, she won't even want to escape from the strangulation range of Jian Wang!

In this case, her terrible speed won't make any difference!

She can only choose to head-to-head with that Jian Wang!

Li Zedao's pupils stared at that face, his voice was like a ghost from Jiuyou Hell.

"I see where you can hide this time!"

Li Zedao naturally knew that this sword net could not kill the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Great Masters, and naturally it could not kill the terrifying woman in front of her, but it was enough to make her pay a certain price!

The smile on Tian Meng's face was even worse, her red lips lightly opened, and she regretted: "The power of this sword net is indeed terrible, but it still can't hurt me."

"is it?"

Li Zedao felt that this woman looked down on himself too much, and he felt that it was necessary for him to let this woman know his horror.

Li Zedao slammed the long sword in his hand.

Those terrifying sword nets were intertwined in an instant, strangling down crazy!

In an instant, flying sand and rocks, gust of wind howled, it seemed that even the entire space was cut into countless pieces.

From a distance, the area where the entire ancient city was located was shrouded in a terrifying blood red wind, which seemed to be several points more terrifying than a **** storm, like the end of the world.

Infinite hell.

The old ghost, the little tortoise, and the master Gu God felt a little bit of anxiety in their hearts.

"It seems that someone is violent conflict." Master Gu said.

Only a duel between the strong can produce such a strong aura fluctuation, as if the entire space would be smashed into pieces.

Such a terrifying aura fluctuated people, and Master Gu, who had always been calm, couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

Little tortoise said in disbelief: "Your sister, isn't it because they are ignorant and they have gone back to find the trouble of the trick?"

Master Gu glanced at the little turtle, and felt that this **** turtle was not much different from a fool. It seriously reduces the charm of their eight spiritual gods, and even lowers their IQ, really **** it!

Master Gu couldn't help complaining about Panlong coming in his heart, and he didn't know what Panlong thought in the past, and even made such an idiot turtle a member of them.

Master Gu said coldly, "Those people are as afraid of death as you."

The little tortoise felt insulted to death, its eyeballs glared at Master Gu, and cursed: "Your sister's dead bitch, they are more afraid of death than Master Turtle, OK?"

The old ghost was too lazy to pay attention to these two idiots, and left the **** in a flash, and went out to find out.

When he saw the ancient city shrouded in the terrifying blood-red wind ahead, the old ghost looked moved and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

When the little tortoise and Gu God adults who followed came out, their eyes were moved.

"Your sister, isn't this the sword net cast by Xiao Daozi? Who is he in conflict with?" The little tortoise twitched with a grimace, there was a real lingering fear.

Fortunately, when he surrounded Xiao Daozi before, Xiao Daozi didn't cast such a terrible sword net, otherwise its great tortoise would have to vomit blood even if it curled up in that turtle shell.

The old ghost was too lazy to answer the question of Little Turtle.

In its view, no matter who Xiao Daozi is in conflict with, it only knows that Xiao Daozi's strength is more terrifying than it had imagined.

What makes the old ghost feel extremely stressed is that the person who can force Xiao Daozi to use such terrible moves is naturally extremely terrifying.

Moreover, that person is definitely not the master of the eight main gates!

In addition to their eight great spirit gods and eight ambassadors, as well as Xiao Daozi, there is still such a terrifying powerhouse?

The old ghost suddenly felt that this place was too unsafe, and even the entire God's Domain became unsafe.

Therefore, it doesn't even have the mood to watch the excitement. It wants to move now, to a place where it can never be found.

Of course, you have to get rid of the entanglement of the little tortoise before moving. With this idiot tortoise, there is no safe place.

Master Gu glanced at the little turtle and reminded: "Your sense of security is gone."

"Your sister's dead bitch, what is the sense of security of the turtle...Your sister, the old ghost? Your sister, the old ghost, wait for the turtle..."

The little tortoise chased the old ghost, Master Gu lightly flapped his wings and left.

No matter who Xiao Daozi is in violent conflict with, it has nothing to do with it. It does not want to be involved in any conflict.

When all the dust settled, the ancient city was completely gone!

All the broken eaves and broken walls were strangled into powder and merged with the yellow sand.

The scope of the entire ancient city has become a huge sandpit, and the scene looks quite tragic.

This ancient city built by no one, after tens of thousands of years, disappeared completely.

Li Zedao stood alone in the big sandpit, covered in a thick layer of dust all over his body, as if he had just climbed up from a pile of flour.

In front of him, was the only building that was shrouded in a powerful soul formation.

This terrible sword net still couldn't destroy the terrifying soul formation that shrouded this building.

Li Zedao's face was as pale as paper, his mouth was open, and he spouted a mouthful of blood.

The price paid for using such a powerful move is that all the aura of heaven in his body has been temporarily emptied, and if he wants to recover, he has to sleep for a few hours.

He couldn't even grasp the long sword in his hand. The long sword slipped from his trembling hand and plunged straight into the sand. Even the hilt of the sword was swallowed by the sand.

Immediately, Li Zedao sat on the ground, panting heavily, he had no strength anymore.

He is now extremely weak, afraid that any strong person with a spiritual realm cultivation base can easily kill him.

Li Zedao didn't have the slightest joy, on the contrary, he felt a strong sense of powerlessness because he had failed!

That terrifying sword net failed to hurt that woman, even a single hair!

He raised his head with difficulty, looking at the woman who stepped on the most charming step from the building in front of him, his eyes were desperate except unwilling.

This woman, how could she easily enter the building shrouded by the terrifying soul formation?

This makes no sense!

Could it be that her attainments in soul formation are already strong enough to ignore the existence of any soul formation? Or is it that the building, or even the entire ancient city, is her home? At least it has something to do with her?

No wonder, in the face of such a terrifying sword net, she can still be so calm, as if nothing happened.

"Who are you?"

Li Zedao made a weak voice, and he lay down tired, his dim and godless eyes looked at the woman's almost naked body unscrupulously, releasing a fatal temptation.

Anyway, if you basically can't survive, then look at it a few more times, which is a point of interest.

Tian Meng had a faint smile, watching this little guy who had completely lost resistance with interest.

She didn't mind Li Zedao's rather rude eyes, even she seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

However, Tianmeng's eyes made Li Zedao quite uncomfortable. He always felt that the woman's eyes looked at him as if she was staring at a pet dog.

Do you mind if a dog looks at your body?

This Miss Tianmeng didn't mind anyway.

Li Zedao decided not to look at it. He raised his head to look at the blood-red full moon, his eyes were quite obsessed, and your body was far less charming than the full moon.

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