Li Zedao suddenly thought that this woman is an extremely powerful astral body, and it seems that there is no way to find a physical body like those demon men, but can only exist in the form of astral body.

Is it because she herself comes from the ghost realm?

Li Zedao also remembered that this woman said that the ghost domain is the land of the most yin, unless it is the body of the soul or the cultivation level reaches the level of Panlong and Nuwa, otherwise, don't want to step into the ghost domain.

That's why, she forced him to take that soul pill, completely turning him into a true soul body.

That being the case, there is no sunshine in the ghost realm, so it is understandable that Yan Luo does not want to lead a group of ghosts into the gods realm or participate in the war between the three major realms.

It's just that Panlong and Chilong's shameless dominance doesn't seem to allow Yan Luo to take care of himself, right?

Tianmeng smiled mysteriously: "Xiao Daozi, you guessed wrong, my sister didn't smash the conveyor belt leading to the ghost domain."


Li Zedao believed what this woman said, after all, she had no need to lie.

He became more and more certain that his guess might really be correct, and that this woman is likely to come from a ghost domain.

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly, and his small heart trembled abnormally.

Nima, isn't this woman the guardian of the ghost realm, Yan Luo? In this way, many things can make sense.

But thinking about it, it's not right.

If this woman was Yan Luo, she was afraid that she would have turned over the entire ghost realm long ago, so as to find the whereabouts of the axe, why now force herself to go to the ghost realm together?

When Li Zedao's thoughts were surging, the smile on Tianmeng's face was extremely charming. She stretched out her hand and gently raised Li Zedao's chin with her fingers, exasperated: "Little Daozi, my sister will naturally tell you about these things. , Now my sister wants with you again."

"...Sister Tianmeng, it's too windy and rainy here, isn't it good?" Li Zedao lowered his head, and the sound was like a mosquito, like the little virgin who had a love affair.

This woman, how could she be so rascal? It happened that she was already such a rogue, but she was not annoying at all.

At this moment, the wind and rain suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings became extremely quiet.

The wind and rain have not disappeared, but can't get in.

This woman used the fastest time to construct a Xumiyu that seemed to be isolated from the world.

Li Zedao has no excuses, he can only lie down obediently with a deep humiliation and anger in his heart.

Come on, let the storm come harder!

After Tianmeng had played enough, she took the devastated Li Zedao towards the mountain in front of her that was shrouded in torrential rain.

In less than half an hour, Tian Meng took Li Zedao into a cave that seemed to be familiar.

The location of this cave is so secretive, if there is no such woman to lead the way, Li Zedao doesn't think he can find it.

Li Zedao naturally knew that this was the nameless hole, and the conveyor belt leading to the ghost domain was located in this nameless hole.

As he went deep into this cave, Li Zedao finally came to the conveyor belt leading to the ghost domain, but his pupils suddenly widened, his mind roared, and he couldn't believe what his eyes saw.


"Little Daozi, don't you think it's incredible?" Tianmeng chuckled.

Li Zedao nodded hard, it was more than incredible, it was simply unimaginable.

However, there was a barrier that released a weak gloom in front of him. The light was so weak that it seemed to be extinguished at any time.

In fact, the barrier is the conveyor belt. The problem is that the light of the barrier should be very dazzling, unless the barrier has been severely damaged!

In other words, the conveyor belt leading to the ghost domain is already in a broken state at this time!

But this woman said before that she didn't break the conveyor belt leading to the ghost realm, so who broke the conveyor belt?

Of course, just the conveyor belt is broken, it is not enough to make Li Zedao feel incredible and unimaginable. The key is that the faint light turned out to be a mysterious colorful color, just like the mysterious color released by the colorful wall.

This is Nuwa's method!

So this broken conveyor belt has actually been repaired by Nuwa, but it has not been repaired? Moreover, he was not building a colorful fence to completely prevent the powerful Lingyu Realm from passing.

Do you have no time to fix it or do it intentionally?

Tianmeng’s beautiful eyes flashed with an inexplicable gloom, and smiled: "Little Daozi, you must have already noticed that this conveyor belt has indeed been repaired by Nuwa, and it is not so much repaired, it is set up. This one is not too powerful, but it is enough to stop the seal of the Eight Ambassadors."

"Xiao Daozi, do you know why this is?"

Li Zedao shook his head. He is just a handsome guy with overwhelming talent and not really a god. How could he know why.

Tianmeng’s voice is full of playfulness: “That’s because Nuwa’s'good-hearted', she didn’t want to see someone strayed into this broken conveyor belt to reach the ghost realm, and lost their lives in vain, so they set up such a seal. In this way, unless it is a strong person in the Lingyu Realm, no one can force through this conveyor belt."

Li Zedao heard it in the cloud: "Sister Tianmeng, what is going on?"

According to the woman's meaning, Nuwa set up such a seal only to prevent the people from the Gods' Domain from entering by mistake, not to prevent the strong from the Ghost Domain from entering.

Tian Meng pointed to the broken conveyor belt and sneered: "In fact, long, long before Chilong invaded God's Domain, Chilong, Nuwa, and Panlong joined forces to crush the gateway to the ghost domain. The conveyor belt immediately once again joined forces to kill Yan Luo, the guardian of the ghost realm!"

"What?" Li Zedao's pupils stared round, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't even imagine that it was true.

It turns out that Yan Luo in the ghost realm has been attacked and killed by the three powerful men a long time ago? That said, the entire ghost domain was also blood-washed by those three people?

"Sister Tianmeng, what is going on? Why are they doing this?" Li Zedao said with difficulty.

Tian Meng looked at the already broken conveyor belt and smiled: "In addition to becoming stronger, besides pursuing eternity, what else is worthy of the three powerhouses: Chilong, Nuwa and Panlong?"

"Small still don't understand."

Li Zedao really couldn't understand the inevitable connection between the attacking and killing of Yan Luo's blood ghost domain and becoming stronger and eternal.

"Xiao Daozi, the reason you don't understand is because you don't know how God's Domain, Demon's Domain, Ghost's Domain and Mortal Domain came from." Tianmeng said.

Li Zedao's heart trembled slightly, and he said: "Sister Tianmeng, please help me out."

Tianmeng’s eyes shone inexplicably light: "Here is just the tip of the iceberg in the heavens!"

With a spirit of seeking knowledge, Li Zedao hurriedly asked: "What is the heaven?"

Tian Meng glanced at Li Zedao quite a bit. This question was really idiotic. The point was that she didn't know how to answer it.

He can only say mysteriously; "Heaven... naturally is the heaven."

"..." In Li Zedao's view, this answer is more painful than "you guess", which is not the same as saying.

Tianmeng continued: "The realm of the gods is relative to the heavens, just as the ancient city is relative to the entire desert."

Li Zedao was dumbfounded, it was hard to imagine that this was true.

"In fact, this place was originally a land of chaos. The so-called land of chaos is a barren land with no life. It is used to imprison those fanatics who dare to oppose the sky."

Li Zedao blurted out: "Pangu is that lunatic?"

Tianmeng nodded, and a hint of admiration appeared in the eyes of this extremely powerful woman: "It is Pangu! This extremely powerful person who dared to resist the sky and was finally imprisoned here by the sky secretly refined the extremely terrifying sky Axe, he completely shredded the tip of the iceberg and transformed it into a space that belongs to him only."

Tianmeng’s voice is full of emotions: "What is amazing is that even the sky cannot enter the space."

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging extremely, and he probably understood.

In his understanding, if the heaven is compared to the earth, this place was originally just a prison used to imprison Pangu.

The scary thing is that Pangu turned the prison into an iron barrel and became the owner of the prison. Even the person who sent him to this prison could not get in, so he could only stand outside the prison and curse his mother.

Tianmeng admired: "At that time, Pangu held the sky-breaking axe and opened up four areas on the tip of the iceberg. Those four areas are the gods, demons, mortals and ghosts that you are familiar with."

"Pangu also planned to establish a series of orders, and even sacrificed himself in the end, giving birth to four lives and the powerful imprisonment that completely enveloped these four planes!"

"The imprisonment is as powerful as the sky, and there is no way to easily destroy it! Unless the cultivation base is willing to sacrifice, there will be a way to break it."

Tian Meng shook his head: "How could Tian be willing to sacrifice his own cultivation to break the imprisonment? Therefore, this place has become the only area in the heavens that is not under the jurisdiction of heaven."

Li Zedao's pupils widened: "My sister meant that the four lives that Pangu gave birth to were the Nuwa, Panlong, Chilong and Yan Luo?"

Tianmeng glanced at Li Zedao and praised: "Little Daozi, you are not stupid."

Li Zedao had a feeling of being humiliated to death. In other words, this is a very obvious thing, right? I'm afraid a fool can guess it.

Tian Meng said: "Little Daozi, you can see that imprisonment."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Where is it?"

Tianmeng smiled charmingly, stretched out her index finger that looked like a green onion root, and pointed to the top: "It's there."


Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, and said silently, "Could it be, that blood moon? That moon is the imprisonment that Pangu set in the past?"

"It's the moon." Tian Meng is still very satisfied with Li Zedao's reaction. After all, chatting with a fool is a very tiring thing.

Tianmeng’s voice was full of admiration: “That moon is exactly the powerful imprisonment that Pangu created when Pangu finally destroyed himself, and even the sky has a headache!”

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