The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2637: Unreasonable request

In the end, Li Zedao rolled out of the cave, he rolled to the edge of the cliff, and then the whole person rolled down from the cliff that was quite high.

I don't know how long it took, but only heard a dull and unusual muffled sound.

Li Zedao's body slammed heavily on the ground. For a time, the water splashed all over, and a big hole was forced into the ground. The big hole was quickly filled with rainwater and turned into a big puddle.

Soon, Li Zedao surfaced.

He is now a powerful astral body, he can't fall to death, let alone drown.

But because he was devastated by indescribable pain, he was like a drunk who drank too much, his eyes could not be opened. He gritted his teeth and struggled to crawl out of the big puddle, and then under the violent storm, he continued to wriggle desperately.

He found that only by desperately squirming his body, the pain was reduced by one point.

The body is painful, but the brain is abnormally clear, which undoubtedly exacerbated the pain.

Li Zedao thought that woman definitely didn't want to endure this kind of pain, right? Therefore, she must have taken other pills.

I don't know if it is a coincidence, or it is because there is a mysterious force guiding Li Zedao.

In short, Li Zedao rolled and rolled, climbed and climbed, unknowingly, he actually rolled around Xumiyu where the door was opened.

At this moment, the pain suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

The pain was gone, but Li Zedao was also exhausted by tossing, and he closed his eyes weakly.

At this time, the seven main gates naturally gathered to open the door, and such a terrible thing happened that they couldn't help but gather together immediately, and they were afraid that they would never be able to separate again.

After being separated, there is no minimum sense of security at all.

For the first time, the seven masters felt that God's Domain was such a dangerous place, but if they could, they would now want to escape back to Mortal Domain.

At this moment, their expressions are sad, their eyes are solemn, and their hearts are trembling, full of powerlessness.

They looked at the six masters who had changed themselves, and only felt that their backs were chilly, as if there was a pair of scary eyes staring at them behind them.

They didn't expect to say anything that the master of opening the door, Liujin, would one day be abolished the pubic area and completely degenerated into a waste.

Even more unexpectedly, it was not one of the eight big beasts who made the Six Entries a waste, but the perfect bloodline they worked hard to create, as well as a mysterious woman who shouldn't have appeared in God's Domain.

Even that mysterious woman is a strong spiritual world cultivation level in all likelihood, otherwise Liujin wouldn't have no resistance, and her dantian would be abolished.

Liujin Dantian was abolished, should it be their turn for the seven old guys next?

Even if the seven of them gather together, they still can't compete with the terrifying spiritual world realm masters, right?

In the eyes of the experts in the Lingyu Realm, they do not seem to be much different from a group of ants, just like the general spiritual fairyland cultivation base is not much different from the ants in their eyes.

Thinking of this, their little hearts trembled, and their scalp was extremely numb.

But after the Six Masters said a word, the fear in their hearts turned into anger.

The object of their anger is not the traitor, nor the horrible woman who abolished the Six Masters, but the Six Masters!

It's just because the six masters made such a rather unreasonable request.

"I don't want to die, so you must help me...rebuild my dantian!" The six masters stared at the seven masters with completely lost eyes, especially the ignorant masters.

Once the dantian is broken, the person will be abolished, and if a person is abolished, he will not be far from death. After all, a person who has no cultivation level will not live too long.

Once the strong Dantian is abolished, the life span will be even shorter.

The Master of Six Masters can clearly feel that his body functions are fading rapidly, and there are few days left to live, which undoubtedly makes him extremely frightened.

But if the strong are willing to spend their own cultivation base, they can also rebuild the dantian.

So the six masters made this request to the seven masters.

Seven Masters, you look at me and I see you, and then those who are quite tacitly in agreement regard them as having not heard the words of the Six Masters, of course their hearts are angry.

They feel that Liu Ren is too selfish.

You have been completely abolished. Even if you help you rebuild your dantian, the height that you can reach in the future will be no more than a mere spiritual fairyland cultivation base, and there is no way to enter the quasi-spiritual universe level again.

But the price to pay is that one of us has to spend a lot of cultivation base and completely slip from the realm of Quasi-Spirit Universe Realm.

At this time, we have already lost a quasi-spiritual realm cultivation base, and there is no way to form a contending situation with the eight beasts. We have to face the traitor, the terrifying woman!

In such a precarious situation, you actually want us to lose a quasi-spirit universe powerhouse?

Liujin, you are too selfish! You are ashamed of the noble blood flowing through you! If I were you, I would be ashamed to find a knife to stab myself to death.

Seeing that the seven masters reacted like this, he only felt that breathing had become difficult, and the hopeful heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

He clearly knew that other sect masters made such a request, and he would treat it as if he hadn't heard it, and felt that the other party's request was ridiculous.

However, he was very angry. He uttered a hysterical roar at the ignorant sect master.

"Ignorance, all of this is your fault! It's you! It's your stupidity that put our great Nuwa clan into such a huge crisis today!"

"I fell into such a miserable situation, it was you who caused me, you..."

The voice of the six masters suddenly came out, his neck was pinched tightly by the ignorant sect master, and his extremely weak body was lifted by ignorance.


The face of the Sixth Master suddenly flushed red, and his eyes were so round that he almost jumped out of his eye sockets.

He looked at the icy face of the ignorant sect master, revealing a strong fear.

Seeing this, the other six sect masters turned around one after another, when nothing happened.

The body of the sixth master became cold, and he was completely desperate.

Even if he, like them, is one of the twelve envoys around Nuwa, one of the eight masters of the eight big beasts, but now he is reduced to waste, and waste is not qualified to stay in this Xumi area. Even, waste is not worthy to live!

There was a pleading in his eyes. He hoped that the ignorant sect master could let him go, or even drive him out of Xumiyu. He just wanted to live, even if it was extremely humble to live a few more days.

There was a trace of contempt in the eyes of the ignorant sect master. He felt that Liu's greed for life and death was too shameful for the Nuwa clan. He did not deserve to have such a noble blood. He should die quickly.

He pinched the Sixth Master's hand little by little.


"Kacha!" The Sixth Master's head tilted weakly, his eyes still rounded, and he couldn't squint.

The ignorant sect master threw the body of the six masters aside like trash. At the same time, the other six sect masters also turned around, and no one looked at the body of the six masters on the ground.

It’s not a guilty conscience, it’s not that you can’t bear it, but such a corpse is simply not worthy of them to look at, even if he is the Sixth Master, once possessed the same level of strength and status as them, used to be their combat partner, representing a female One of the eight strongest members of the Wa family.

But now, that was an ugly corpse, that's all.

"It's my fault."

The ignorant sect master sighed softly, and his voice was full of bitterness.

He can strangle the six masters unscrupulously, but he must also show his attitude to the other six masters.

Because the other six sect masters were not Liujin, their dantians were not crushed.

In ignorance, if he hadn't changed his mind or had a glimmer of hope in the past, and completely strangled the **** traitor in the cradle, maybe now this would not happen.

The master of life and death glanced at the master of ignorance and said, "No, we are all wrong. We shouldn't ignore the traitor's warning. That warning is actually an opportunity. He is giving us a chance!"

"It's just that we are too arrogant, so arrogant that the traitor's warning is so ridiculous, and we still feel that even if he has become a strong man of our level, he still can't compete with us."

"So, let's stop, don't continue to create blood, otherwise Liu Jin is the best example."

The other six masters were silent, and they had to admit that the master of life and death was right.

They are indeed too proud and too arrogant. They always feel that looking at the entire God Realm, except for the eight beasts, no one can threaten them, even if the traitor turns out to be born, even if the woman suddenly appears, they still don’t have much. The sense of crisis is still going its own way, and even intensified like revenge.

"Let's stop." The ignorant sect master sighed softly.

The other masters looked at each other a few times, and finally nodded.

"In addition, next, we are afraid we will all be together." Jingmen sect master Mingse said.

"Just go to my room." Wuming said.

The sect masters had no objection. After all, these Sumiyus were built by the ignorant sect master. The Nasumiyus that he helped build for himself are naturally more powerful, at least not so easily. So the woman and the traitor broke in quietly, and the Liujin was abolished.

"Besides, let's continue. From now on, everyone must stay in the Xumi area and not go out. The bloodlines outside are also immediately summoned back. In addition, they must not be creating bloodlines, those gods' domain women and poisonous beasts..."

The doormaster of Dumen took a glance at the cold corpse on the ground and said, "Let's put it all out."

"It can only be so." said the master of life and death.

"Then it's settled, and it shouldn't be too late, and each will pass the order, and I will give the order when the door is opened." Wuming said.

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