The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2639: Black hole

The speed of surrender of the other six sect masters was not much slower than that of life and death sect masters, especially the ignorant sect master, his face also showed the humble and extremely humble smile that used to hang on Li Zedao's face.

Seeing such a smile, Li Zedao felt a little bit. The so-called coolness before a few breaths also disappeared without a trace and tasteless.

He waved his hand and said, "Get up all the time."

Seven main gate masters stood up cautiously, each of them looked like elementary students who had made mistakes, not daring to lift their heads.

"How to do it, I have already told you."

The head of the seven main gate masters lowered: "Be careful to follow the Lord's will."

Li Zedao sneered. The previous sentence on the left of a traitor had a scum. Now when he enters the Lingyu Realm, he becomes the master, and has the same status as Nuwa?

Sure enough, the respect of others comes from your own strength, not from their so-called upbringing.

He waved his hand dumbfoundedly and said, "Go, I will look for you if I have anything to do."

"Yes, the subordinates and others are here to open the door and wait for the Lord." The unnamed master and others said deeply.

Since the traitor did not intend to trouble them, and even seemed willing to return to the Nuwa clan and lead the Nuwa clan to rise, this meant that the woman would not appear to be a waste of people for cultivation, so naturally there is no need to hide. Hugh.

The severely frightened heart of the Seven Great Masters completely relaxed.

"I know."

Li Zedao's figure disappeared in front of the main gate of the Seven Gates.

The seven masters still maintained the most humble and respectful self-confidence and expression, until after a few sticks of incense, they raised their heads.

Seven main gate masters, look at me and I look at you, you can all see the other person's eyes that are still full of fear and unimaginable look and the cold sweat on his forehead.

They thought they were dead, but they didn't expect that the traitor sent them away in a few words, which gave them a feeling of walking through a ghost gate.

"My lord, how did it do it?" The master of life and death wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, his brain still roared so loudly that he couldn't believe it was true.

You know, only three years ago, he was no more than a mere spiritual **** realm cultivation base, and now he has broken through the shackles to enter the spiritual universe realm, how terrifying is this talent for cultivation, how unreasonable?

Shocking words like this are no longer enough to describe his mood.

"I only know that we can breathe a sigh of relief, and we don't need to worry about being afraid." Jingmen Sect Master Mingse said.

Immediately, they thought of the Master of the Six Masters, and the big characters drawn on the ground on the Liulu Mountain.

They think that the six masters are too pitiful, which is tantamount to being caught by the master for committing crimes against the wind.

"Let's go back and bury Liujin." The ignorant sect master sighed softly.

I feel that the Master of Six Masters died too pitifully. I knew it would be such a result. Even if they didn't help him rebuild his dantian, they would try to extend his life span instead of breaking his neck directly.

"It should be so."

Several other doorkeepers nodded one after another, feeling that they should be.


Li Zedao had no interest in beating the Seven Sect Master, and even after seeing the humble smile on the face of the Wuming Sect Master, even Shuang's interest was gone.

He saw himself from the face of the ignorant sect master, humble enough to make people feel distressed.

"But it's all for a better life." Li Zedao couldn't help sighing.

Besides, it is still useful to leave the seven main gate masters. Who knows if Chi Long will lead the group of demons to kill again one day in the future? They will be needed at that time.

Of course, there are eight spiritual gods.

Besides, Li Zedao now has more important things to do.

He has to prevent Tianmeng from getting the Heaven-Breaking Axe, otherwise the gods and demons will not even have the opportunity to fight in their nests. Then just sneeze, God, mortals and demons will be in ruins. Will completely disappear into the invisible, no longer exist.

After that, everything here will be restored to the most primitive chaotic state.

Soon, Li Zedao came to the nameless cave again.

At this time, that powerful soul formation was still shrouded in the broken conveyor belt, releasing an extremely terrifying sense of oppression, preventing others from entering.

If it were in the past, Li Zedao would have no way of using this soul formation, but now...

"The power of this soul formation is just like that." Li Zedao curled his lips quite aggressively.

Of course, it was like a bright mirror in his heart, so the power of the soul formation was just like that, completely because the soul formation was arranged by the woman at will.

If she carefully arranges, she is afraid that she can arrange a soul formation that is not weaker than Nuwa's colorful wall, and then Li Zedao can only sigh.

Li Zedao raised his hand and hit the conveyor belt with a fist at random.

Vaguely, Li Zedao heard the sound of something breaking, and the soul formation that was shrouded there was directly shattered and no longer existed.

Li Zedao didn't enter immediately, and even retreated immediately. His eyes were full of vigilance, and he was ready to face the woman.

Li Zedao frowned, because the woman didn't show up as expected to see who broke the conveyor belt.

Calm, waiting for the other party to approach? Or is that woman not in that nameless cave? After all, more than a month has passed, she is afraid that she has also cracked the dark array, right?

Even, she has already gotten the axe and left the ghost domain?

Li Zedao felt that this was unlikely. The woman who got the Sky Shaking Axe was for the purpose of breaking the imprisonment. If she had already got the Sky Shaking Axe, the world would have to shake even if it hadn't collapsed.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao's figure flashed into the extremely dark conveyor belt.

Li Zedao's eyes flickered, and he was already in the nameless cave, but he saw that there were many golden light **** around, so the whole cave was bright as daylight.

Li Zedao glanced around, then his pupils shrank slightly.

He didn't see the extremely charming figure, but he was shocked to see that a small celestial stone inlaid with a small piece of celestial stone had appeared before a hole that was about one meter wide.

That woman has already cracked the dark array, and found this deeply hidden hole, is she in it now?

Li Zedao's figure flashed to the entrance of the cave and went to look next, only to see that the inside of the cave was extremely dark, without knowing where to lead, bursts of terrifying and gloomy aura constantly released from the cave, making people shudder.

Li Zedao pondered for a moment, picked up a luminous golden ball on the side, and threw it into the black hole.

The scene that made Li Zedao stunned appeared. The moment the golden ball was thrown in, the golden light disappeared suddenly, as if the luminous bulb was suddenly cut off, completely losing its luster.

Immediately, the golden ball completely lost its trace, not knowing where it led to.

"This... black hole?"

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, afraid that only the black hole can absorb the light of the golden ball so quickly, right?

Where does this terrible black hole lead? Has that woman really entered this black hole?

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging fiercely, and for a while he didn't know whether he should try to enter this black hole to find out or just stay here to see if he could come and wait.

After pondering for a long time, Li Zedao gritted his teeth, his eyes revealed determination.

In the end, he decided to enter this black hole to find out, if the woman hasn't finally gotten the axe, then maybe he can move.

Otherwise, with the strength of that woman and the possession of the Heaven-Breaking Axe, if she wants to attack, who can stop her from the four domains?

Li Zedao didn't think that this woman had been overwhelmed by her own charm.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao's figure flashed and jumped into this extremely dark hole.

The moment his figure jumped into the hole, Li Zedao felt that an unmatched adsorption force immediately enveloped him completely, and then began to pull desperately toward the endless darkness.

Under the horrible absorption force, Li Ze couldn't speak, his body was completely immobile, his eyes could be opened, but the surrounding area was pitch black, no different from a blind man.

"Your sister, what the **** is this?"

Even though Li Zedao is now a real powerhouse of Lingyu Realm cultivation base, his scalp is extremely numb, and he has an urge to escape here immediately.

He didn't know where he would eventually be pulled by this terrifying absorption force, and he didn't know whether he would suddenly stretch out a hand in the endless darkness around him or appear a pair of extremely scary eyes, a scarlet scarlet. tongue……

It might be because he was too idle, so that Li Zedao began to imagine that there would be scenes in ghost movies that were enough to make people scream, and then his scalp became more numb.

Only then did he realize that his courage was a lot smaller than he thought. He was afraid of Sadako, the old corpse in the mountain village, and even the cute zombie.

He felt that classic grimaces were hiding in the darkness and smiling at himself.

Li Zedao felt that if this went on, he was afraid that he would be frightened to death.

So he hurriedly tried to recall the clips where the woman was forced to play the game with her. The effect was amazing, and the sense of fear eased a lot.

Li Zedao was very happy that he had found the best way to reduce fear, so he tried hard to remember.

I don't know how long it took, "Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao's completely uncontrollable body was suddenly smashed on the extremely cold ground. Although it would not hurt him, it also made him embarrassed.

At the same time, the terrible adsorption force disappeared, the terrible darkness disappeared, and everything around became clear.

Li Zedao's nerves were tense, he stood up cautiously, and looked around.

But seeing the square here, it looks like a long-abandoned prison and a palace inhabited by demons.

There is no way to see the top wall all around, and what is even more frightening is that the surrounding walls are still covered by a powerful soul array!

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