The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2641: Love and kill

After being silent for a while, the murderous aura on Tianmeng's body was slightly reduced. She glanced at Li Zedao and continued: "After that, he held the sky-shaking axe and split the chaotic space to create four domains."

Li Zedao's heart was completely shocked.

"Because the location of this chaotic area is too remote, because even the sky couldn't even think that Pangu, who was imprisoned in the sky prison, still has this hand, because all the strong men who guarded the sky prison were killed, even them. His family members also died violently, so the heavens did not get any trouble."

"So Pangu succeeded. He successfully opened up his own area in the area shrouded by the sky. This is not much different from spitting out a slobber on the face of the sky."

"Until in the end, he turned into imprisonment, after covering this area, God didn't notice it, but it was too late by then."

Even if Li Zedao had some guesses, he was still overwhelmed by these short words.

From his understanding, Pangu was actually a rebellion. He encircled a piece of land and established himself as the king. What makes people feel shocked is that he was the only one who rebelled from beginning to end. No one helped him, but he succeeded. !

Tianmeng looked at Li Zedao, and Li Zedao was also looking at this woman.

The eyes are facing each other, there is no affection, no embarrassment, as if they are all staring at a Chinese cabbage.

Li Zedao knew in his heart that this woman was the family members of those strong men who were guarded in the jail, so that what she did would be completely understandable.

What Li Zedao didn't understand was that Pangu had slaughtered those family members cleanly? With Pangu's ability, there shouldn't be any fish slipping through the net, right?

Tian Meng never expected to say that the dark array set up by Pan Gu turned out to be the entrance to the prison.

She couldn't understand why Panlong still kept the jail where he had been imprisoned. This place is extremely shameful to him, isn't it?

Shouldn't he break it with an axe?

Tian Meng also thought of saying that Sky Breaking Axe might be in this sky cell, but she carefully searched every corner of the sky cell and tried to find similar sky stones, but found nothing.

This seems to be a jail, and it is just a jail.

What makes Tian Meng's heart sink to the bottom is that she can't find the exit of the prison! Yes, the entrance that came in before has disappeared, as if it had never appeared before!

Just when she looked for an exit above the sky prison, just when she thought she was going to be trapped here from now on, Li Zedao appeared.

So Tianmeng's sinking heart became active again. Is there a lucky person who has such an unreasonable presence, and is still afraid of not going out?

Even, can he still find the Skybreaker that is likely to be hidden in a hidden corner of this jail?

Two people with different thoughts are like this. Look at me and I look at you. I watched it for a long time.

"During your absence, my sister really missed you a bit." Tian Meng suddenly smiled, and once again returned to the charming and explicit.

It didn't look like she was looking at a Chinese cabbage anymore, but it was like a **** woman staring at a super handsome guy, drooling while watching.

Li Zedao despised this woman quite a bit. It was so stupid that she couldn't see the situation clearly and use the beauty trick.

He was stunned and directly raised his own question: "According to my sister, Pangu is going to kill, that sister..."

Tianmeng's smile remained the same, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

"At that time, I was still in my mother's stomach and was not born yet. Pangu thought that I had two lives, but in fact I was not dead. I was the only survivor and witness of the killing."

Li Zedao was dumbfounded, and a monstrous wolf raged directly in his heart, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

Look at people, when they were still in the womb, they could already be a witness to a killing, and then they could climb out of the womb and thrive. How awesome is this?

Even better than Pangu's awesome!

Li Zedao's admiration for this woman is as endless as the surging river.

"So Xiaodaozi, I want to completely destroy these four domains. I want to break the **** imprisonment. Is this wrong?" Tian Meng's big watery eyes blinked.

Li Zedao decisively shook his head: "Yes!"

Why is it wrong to avenge your own parents? The method is too cruel, but Pangu's method is not cruel?

Li Zedao's decisive response made Tian Meng stunned, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

Shouldn't he criticize his crimes from the highest point of morality at this time? Then immediately go back, without suffering from others, don't persuade others to be kind, and be careful that you are struck to death by lightning!

How could he agree with his statement?

"But I want to protect the mortal realm. I even want to protect the divine realm, the space opened up by Pangu, and I want to protect the creatures that I have bred as much as possible, and I want to protect my women... That's right, no Is it?" Li Zedao said again.

I didn't say that you were wrong, and don't accuse me of being wrong.

The so-called right or wrong is nothing more than a conflict of interest, but a difference in position.


Tian Meng thought about it carefully, Xiao Daozi was indeed right.

With a soft sigh, he said with regret: "It seems that we can't play games happily together."

"This one……"

Li Zedao wanted to say that it is not necessarily true. If you let me take one step, I... will not give in, and then it is okay for us to work together towards a better tomorrow.

But not embarrassed, after all, he has a thinner face.

"In that case, don't blame your sister for killing."

The charming sexiness on Tian Meng's face was reduced, and the voice became gloomy again, "Now what my sister wants to kill most is a few **** in a certain Xumi domain."

Li Zedao thought for a while, and said with some guilty conscience: "I will stop you."

The reason for his guilty conscience is that he is actually quite unsure in his heart.

"Oh, Xiao Daozi, you think you have stepped into the Lingyu Realm, so you can stop your sister's steps?" Tian Meng sneered.

Li Zedao was silent, he had to admit that even if he stepped into the Lingyu Realm, he still couldn't stop this woman, couldn't stop her from killing, just as this woman couldn't stop herself.

Unless he is entangled with her every step of the way, but this is not realistic.

She can afford the time this woman has, but he doesn't have time, and he still has important things to do.

The colorful fence in front of the conveyor belt leading to the Demon Realm and the Mortal Realm has cracks, and it can't be supported for too long. He must find a way to repair it.

Otherwise, once it is broken, Chilong leads the group of demons to kill again, and even kills the mortal realm, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Li Zedao thought of Nintendo and others, and I don't know how they are. It is not because the space is different and the time is not synchronized. So their current graves have even become the object of archaeologists' research?

Even archaeologists are still studying the fossils of computers and mobile phones that have just been unearthed, saying that this is a communication tool used by humans thousands of years ago. Our ancestors had very convenient communication tools thousands of years ago.

Li Zedao's mood became quite low and helpless.

"I want to go home." Li Zedao muttered.

Tianmeng asked: "What did you say?"

"Oh, the little one wants to ask, what does my sister want?"

Li Ze thought about it, and there is really no way to take this woman, but to do what he is best at again, that is to lower his noble head.

Tianmeng was quite satisfied with Li Zedao's attitude, her eyes became watery again, and her red lips lightly said: "Sister doesn't want to do anything, she just wants to... I want to play games with Xiaodaozi, you can satisfy my sister's little wish. ?"

"...Fairy!" Li Zedao couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

The two words "to kill each other" and "to love each other" are usually linked together, and even if they are separated, they are still disconnected.

Li Zedao has decided to kill Tianmeng, so he must continue to "love" this woman now.

The love was so shocking that the whole cell was trembling.

"Little Daozi, you said that if the two of us continue to do this, it seems to be fine."

Tian Meng got up, and those watery eyes looked at Li Zedao affectionately, the heat seemed to melt Li Zedao.

"You want to destroy, I want to protect, so that's impossible." Li Zedao smiled bitterly, expressing considerable regret.

How he and this woman are "in love", I am afraid that there will be a battle sooner or later as two parallel lines that can never cross, and that day is not far away.

Tian Meng nodded in agreement: "Then hurry up and come several times, let's continue."


I don't know how long it has passed, Tian Meng stood up contentedly, smiled and said, "Xiao Daozi, my sister has a bad news that I want to share with you."

Li Zedao has become accustomed to this woman's nasty quality of turning her face and not acknowledging people after she is cool, and it doesn't matter, "Sister, please tell me."

"In fact, I can't find the entrance to my sister, and my sister can't help the surrounding powerful soul formations that are shrouded on the wall. As for the top, it is even in a state of chaos, and there is no exit at all."

The smile on Tianmeng’s face was even worse: "In other words, the two of us are trapped here, maybe we will never get out."


The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently.

"I'm cowardly, don't lie to me, there is an entrance, how can there be no exit?"

"Idiot, who told you that the entrance is the same as the exit? Besides, the entrance is perfectly hidden. If you can find the entrance, my sister will not call you a trick and call you brother." Tian Meng blinked with big eyes. Blinked.


"Then what to do?" Li Zedao almost cried, even Pangu's horrible powerhouse had to rely on the Skybreaking Axe to open a passage away from the outside, afraid that he would really be trapped here.

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