The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2650: Pee in the mud

Li Zedao's mind flashed through countless fragments that he had experienced in God's Domain.

Most of the time, he is humble, lonely and lonely. He is like a stray dog ​​in a violent storm. He only imagines that he can find a small piece of shelter from the wind and rain, and find a small piece that is not enough to fill up. The stomach can barely drive away the bones of that terrible hunger pang.

Most of the time, he was forced to advance and grow.

Fortunately, his luck is really good.

Li Zedao slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and began to put gold on his face quite shamelessly.

"But even so, my nature is still pure, I am still a person, a kind person with a natural growth in my bones, I can't bear to see another terrible war erupt, and I can't bear to watch those innocent people get caught in the blood. Shrouded."

"Can't bear to see them lose their homes and loved ones..."

Tian Meng couldn't listen anymore, and sneered: "Xiao Daozi, do you know you are really hypocritical?"

Li Zedao decisively shook his head: "I don't know!"

With a soft sigh, kind people are always accused of hypocrisy, he understands.

Tian Meng had an urge to kill this shameless guy alive, and said: "If you are really afraid of this happening, you should go to the nameless cave of the Demon Realm to stay, right?"

She was really wondering, wasn't she obviously angry and wanted to kill him? But when I saw him, why did my anger disappear inexplicably? I didn't want to kill him anymore, I just wanted to beat him.

Tian Meng said contemptuously: "But you didn't. You chose to stay in the nameless cave of Buzhou Mountain. You chose to repair the colorful wall behind you."

"You chose to watch me knock down the colorful wall in the nameless cave of the Demon Realm."

"Insufficient ability, you can only choose something." Li Zedao's smile was quite bitter, quite helpless, and he wanted to beat the woman.

You dare to say that you overturned the colorful fence! Do you believe me to beat you?

Li Zedao also wanted to bother with each other. He even wanted to say that he would end up with this woman, but he couldn't do it, so he could only make choices.

If this is also wrong, he doesn't know what is right.

Moreover, in the final analysis, the demise of God's Domain actually has nothing to do with him. Even if Chilong leads a group of demons to kill, he has the ability to protect himself and the people he wants to protect.

Unless, Chilong rushed towards him frantically without life.

But after all, Li Zedao still wanted to do something for those innocent people of God's Domain. He couldn't bear to see the entire God's Domain being shrouded in blood and blood.

He was a pacifist in his bones, and he didn't want to kill everywhere, all blood.

Tianmeng was full of mockery: "Xiao Daozi, why can you package selfishness so taken for granted or even great?"

As soon as the conversation turned, he looked charming again: "Of course, you are hypocritical and have nothing to do with your sister. Anyway, your sister is interested in your body and not your character."


I haven't seen it for more than a year, and this woman is still thinking about her body, and Li Zedao has to admire how attractive her body is.

Tianmeng's eyes are extremely playful: "So little way, have you successfully repaired it?"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Sister Tianmeng knew that this colorful wall was built with sky stones, right?"

"Oh, what do you say?",

Is not this nonsensical? It's just that at that time she forcibly smashed the conveyor belt leading to the Demon Realm and the Mortal Realm, causing serious damage to the cultivation base. In addition, she was quite happy to see Nu Wa wasting the sky stone left by Pangu, so there was no evidence. Blocked by the body.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "I don't have a sky stone."

Tian Meng's big eyes blinked cutely, and his face was full of curiosity: "So, Xiaodaozi, you peeed and mended in mud?"

"...Almost." Li Zedao lowered his head in shame, he did have such thoughts.

Tian Meng's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling a sense of absurdity in his heart.

"It seems that you have successfully repaired, and you feel quite satisfied with yourself. My sister is really curious. Did you replace the sky stone with body materials?"

"Nothing can replace the sky stone." Li Zedao shook his head.

"Peeing and smearing with mud have filled the crack on the surface, but after all, it's just self-deception."

"So, do you still have a sky stone in your hand?"

Tian Meng wanted to hit people, **** little Daozi, even if he was shameless, hypocritical and selfish, he still learned to deceive.

But she really couldn't understand, how could there be a sky stone in Xiao Daozi's hand? Could it be that there are actually sky stones left in the nameless cave in the ghost domain? He was picked up by unreasonable luck?

Li Zedao smiled mysteriously: "Guess."

He knew that this woman would never have thought that she would use that sword. From the woman's point of view, since that day stone had been incorporated into that sword, there would be no heaven stone.

Tian Meng had an urge to kill this guy, and even dared to learn to speak by himself.

"Chilong is about to invade, I have to make some preparations, isn't my sister trying to trap me here?" Li Zedao changed the subject.

Tian Meng smiled coldly: "My sister would like to die with Chilong, why would you want to stop you? Don't worry, my sister just wants to watch the excitement, and won't favor any of you, and won't run to the eight spiritual gods. The seven masters killed it."

"If my sister really wants to kill, she will only kill a few bitches."

"They are not little bitches, they are my women." Li Zedao's expression became serious.

"Hey, even your women, they are slut!" Tian Meng had a charming and revealing smile, but her aura became quite terrifying.

Tian Meng was quite upset about Xiao Daozi's practice of defending those little slut.

"Once you move them, I can only live with you." Li Zedao said.

Tianmeng sneered: "My sister is so scared."

Immediately, the entire Wuming Cave was shrouded in terrible killings.

Two pairs of eyes, you look at me and I look at you, both exuding extremely cold light, and the battle is about to start.

Tian Meng suddenly curled her lips cutely, and said with disdain: "Just those weak little bitches, are they worth my hands?"

The extremely depressed atmosphere was suddenly broken.

"Sister, aren't you afraid that I will tell Chilong about you?" Li Zedao knew that this woman would not kill if she said that she wouldn't kill, and the tight face immediately relaxed.

After all, this woman knocked down the colorful wall, and Li Zedao was not qualified to point her at all. After all, the experience was completely different from the standpoint.

That's why, when we just met, we could still chat as happily as before.

But when those women are involved, it's tantamount to touching Li Zedao's inverse scales, and Li Zedao said that he would never give in.

Tian Meng said with a cold smile: "Xiao Daozi, you may not understand Chi Long. The only function of that guy's brain is to hit the wall, not to think."


"In addition, my sister told you before that Chilong was refined by Pangu with his violent aura mixed with his soul, so the more **** and brutal the scene, the more excited it will be, so it It is impossible to listen to any explanation from you."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and had to think that this woman was right.

If Chilong really had a brain, in the past, after the conveyor belt suddenly shattered, he would definitely be vigilant and feel that this matter is really strange. At this time, he should sit down and discuss it with Panlong and Nuwa.

But it didn't. It directly led the group of demons, invaded God's Domain, and washed them all the way through.

Of course, Panlong and Nuwa didn't have any brains either.

I was afraid that until they fell asleep, Nuwa and Panlong still believed that the conveyor belt was smashed by Vulcan's hand-piercing axe. The reason why Chilong invaded God's Domain was also provoked by Vulcan.

"Chilong is very strong?" Li Zedao asked.

Tianmeng giggled, looking at Li Zedao as if looking at an idiot.

"Xiao Daozi, don't you think this question is an idiot? If it is not strong, can it beat Panlong to Qiu Nuwa? If it is not strong, Panlong and Nuwa can not keep it even if they have joined forces?"

Tian Meng's expression became solemn: "Let's put it this way, the sword net you made with the soul sword that day, I'm afraid it won't hurt it."

Li Ze repeatedly sucked in cold air, his scalp was numb and he almost didn't feel it.

It was already the strongest sword net that I could wove, but there was no way to do any harm to Chilong, so I just slapped it, just wash it home and sleep.

"So, Chilong is better than my sister?" Li Ze said, swallowing.

Tian Meng nodded: "The attack ability is similar to that of you and me, but Chilong is far stronger than us in terms of attack ability. The soul sword you refined may not cause too much damage to it. ."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, where is the soul sword.

Tian Meng's extremely charming eyes were full of gloat: "So Xiaodaozi, my sister really wants to see Chi Long knocking down your hypocritical face, giggles."


"I'm afraid that only the sky-breaking axe can be used to chop him." Tianmeng blinked with big eyes. "So Xiaodaozi things are very clear. If you want to stop Chilong's pace, you can only find the sky-breaking axe... you actually You have found the Skyshaking Axe, right?"

Li Zedao turned and walked out of the nameless hole, never wanting to talk to this woman anymore.

Tianmeng smiled charmingly, did not leave, but stepped closer to the colorful beam of light in front, the smile on his face was replaced by concentration.

With the previous experience, the colorful gloomy light in front disappeared little by little, and the wall built with blocks of colorful stones appeared in front of Tianmeng.

Tian Meng's eyes narrowed slightly, exclaiming again and again.

Because she couldn't see any gaps!

In other words, the gap was really repaired by the small road, and the sky stone was used, otherwise it would be impossible to see the trace.

He really has a sky stone in his hand! Where did it come from? The nameless hole in the ghost domain?

Tianmeng's thoughts surged fiercely, turned and walked out of the nameless hole.

She knew that Xiao Daozi was waiting for her outside.

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