The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2659: A request

"Sister knows that you will not kill any demon." Tianmeng's smile was extremely playful, as if he could see through your careful thoughts.

She was also quite puzzled. Originally, she wished to see Chilong take a good bloodbath of God's Domain, and then beat Xiao Daozi's shameless face.

But who would have thought that she couldn't help but helped Xiao Daozi, repelled Chilong, and resolved the **** storm in God's Domain.

Tian Meng really couldn't understand, what happened to him, how could he do such a thing that is completely against his own interests?

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid that Chilong is going crazy, my sister knows that I am relatively timid."

Tianmeng sneered: "Really? How did my sister hear that shameless people are very courageous? Just like Xiaodaozi, you are not so courageous. Even if your sister is not paying attention, you want to join Chilong to deal with your sister. "

"Fortunately, my sister arrived in time, otherwise I don't know how you cheated to death."


Li Zedao made a guilty conscience and smiled, and he was at a loss after all.

From a standpoint, he is naturally right, but from an emotional point of view, his approach is indeed quite shameless, and it will be thunderous.

In order not to let this woman continue to say that she is shameless, Li Zedao hurriedly said: "Thank you for your sister's action, so as to avoid the **** invasion of God's Domain..."

Tianmeng waved his hand, then poured a basin of cold water: "No, it's just avoided for the time being anyway."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and was silent.

Tianmeng sneered and said: "Xiao Daozi, sister told you before that nothing can exist forever, the colorful wall can't, and the blood moon in the sky can't naturally! It will be broken sooner or later!"

"Once broken, you only need to sneeze at that time, and all the four domains will collapse. All the people you want to protect will have to die, even the little way you have to die!"

"Lingyu Realm? Haha, it is not much different from garbage in the eyes of the sky, just like the eight great spirit gods are garbage in the eyes of your Xiaodaozi."

Li Zedao was silent, revealing a clean but powerful smile.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "There is no way, I can only try to grow into a powerful person of Pangu level, and then see if there is any way to make the sky a **** moon."

Tian Meng's eyes narrowed, staring at Li Zedao's eyes with an unprecedented serious look.

Li Zedao looked at him calmly but powerfully, anyway Shuai got used to it.

"Sister, should I kill you now?" Tian Meng said gloomily after a long time.

She knew that this shameless guy didn't just talk about it. When that day really came and he really reached that height, he would really do it.

What was even more frightening was that Tian Meng didn't doubt his strength at all. She felt inexplicably that he could do it, and it was still a very good one.

This makes Tianmeng feel extremely absurd.

Li Zedao smiled: "Are you willing?"

Li Zedao swears by her own face that this extremely powerful woman will sooner or later be conquered by her own charm. She fell at her feet and became a little woman.

Tianmeng sneered: "Xiao Daozi, you too value yourself. In the eyes of my sister, you are just a tool, nothing more."

"You ruined this tool, so sister can't find other tools?"

Li Zedao said shamelessly: "The point is, my tool sister is so easy for you to use."

The dream turned white, Li Zedao gave a glance: "You are really shameless."

Immediately winks like silk, smiling charmingly and revealing.

She hooked Li Zedao with her index finger, as if she were the queen of high above: "Come here, sister wants to make good use of you before destroying you."



"I don't know what Tian Meng sister needs me to do." Li Zedao asked.

At this time, Li Zedao stood at the exit of the Wuming Cave, looking at the scenery of the Demon Realm.

The Demon Realm really didn't have much to look at, but I saw that there was an endless mountain range in front of it. The mountains were all shrouded in a strong demon energy, and the darkness was extremely suppressed.

There are no green mountains and green waters, no birds and flowers, only the extremely violent demonic energy, like a land of demons.

Of course, all those living here are indeed demons.

Tian Meng stood beside Li Zedao, her bright eyes looking forward.

Among the four domains, the one she disliked the most was this demon domain and ghost domain.

After staying in the ghost realm that is still in chaos for a long time, I will feel a strong sense of loneliness, that kind of loneliness, Tian Meng dislikes it very much.

And if you stay in this Demon Realm for a long time, you will be disturbed by this violent demon energy, your heart will become dark, and you will miss the smell of blood.

Tian Meng glanced at Li Zedao, her red lips lightly opened: "I need you to help my sister refine a weapon stronger than the soul sword you refined before."

I thought I was getting a headache now. Xiao Daozi was indeed too easy to use, so that she seemed to be dependent on her, and she was really reluctant to kill him. How should this be done?

Li Zedao stunned slightly, but he didn't expect Tian Meng to make such a request.

The little heart trembled even more. What does this woman need such a weapon for? Split that confinement? This is naturally impossible!

Li Zedao is quite self-aware. He knows that even if he succeeds in refining such a weapon, its power will certainly not be comparable to that of the Heavenly Axe.

Split the colorful wall leading to the mortal realm? This seems to be a little bit possible.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled even more.

"Why? Shameless again?" There was a gloomy voice in Tianmeng's voice.

Xiao Daozi's shameless approach without the spirit of contract really angered her.

If he pushes three things and stops four things and finds all kinds of reasons to perfuse, she doesn't mind going to Chilong now, leading the group of demons with it, and bloodbathing the gods!

Don't even mind risking the risk of damage to the cultivation base again, smashing the conveyor belt in the nameless cave of Bu Zhou Mountain, and killing it to Mortal Realm.

Li Zedao knew that this woman was going crazy, her little heart trembled even more, and he shook his head to deny it.

"Sister Tianmeng has misunderstood. The little one is naturally willing to help you refine a weapon, but sister Tianmeng, you also know that refining like that requires a sky stone. This sky stone..."

Several large broken walls shining with mysterious colorful rays and dozens of colorful stones familiar to Li Zedao suddenly appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he immediately understood the woman's thoughts.

Tianmeng sneered: "Isn't this the sky stone?"

Damn it, I really want to know what excuses you have.

After tearing down the colorful wall before, the ruined wall and the colorful stone were directly ignored by Tianmeng as rubbish, and even thought about whether to destroy it, so as not to be recycled by the trail to build a headache-inducing colorful wall. .

After that, Li Zedao successfully extracted the sky stone from the soul sword, repaired the gap in the colorful wall, and said that no matter what the sky stone is integrated into, the sky stone is still the sky stone, and it has not disappeared because of this. That's it.

Tian Meng suddenly realized that, he hurried back to collect these broken eaves and colorful stones.

"Using these sky stones, Xiao Daozi can refine a powerful weapon."

Tian Meng's eyes are full of heat, and she is quite confident in Li Zedao, a guy who is not lacking in talent, luck and perseverance.

Li Zedao did not respond, he picked up a cold multicolored stone casually, frowned, and looked very carefully.

In the end, he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Sister Tianmeng. This is no longer the sky stone. With these colorful stones, there is no way to refine the weapon that my sister wants."

Tian Meng frowned and her voice became gloomy: "Xiao Daozi, did you know that your excuse is quite shameless and clumsy?"

"Who used the soul sword to repair the crack in the colorful wall? It's you!"

"You told me that no matter what the sky stone is integrated into, the sky stone or the sky stone still exists, and it only needs to be refined!"

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and said: "I did say such things, but the point is that the situation is different."

Tianmeng Yinsensen said: "What's the difference?"

"Sister Tianmeng, listen to me explain..."

"Xiao Daozi, if you continue to perfuse your sister, I promise that at most three days, Chilong will lead the group of demons into the realm of God again. This time it will not be a trivial matter. The group of demons will occupy Shenlong City and will bloodbath the nine great tribe!"

Li Zedao looked at those icy eyes, and reluctantly passed the colorful stones in his hands: "Sister thinks this is a sky stone?"

Tianmeng was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back the stone and smashed it on the annoying face.

Damn little Daozi is questioning her IQ?

Angrily said: "This is not a sky stone. What is it?"

"This is a colorful stone!" Li Zedao said with great certainty.


"Sky stone is sky stone, and colorful stone is colorful stone. These are two completely different things."

Li Zedao patiently explained: "I said before that no matter what the sky stone is integrated into, the sky stone still exists... The reason I say this is because the stone did exist that day, but it was crushed by me. Put it on that sword!"

"But this colorful stone, although it is refined from the sky stone, but everything about it has undergone essential changes because of its refinement. It is no longer a sky stone in the true sense."

Li Zedao wanted to show off his knowledge and say something like "the molecular structure has changed," but he was worried that he would add fuel to the fire and be beaten to death by this woman.

He asked cautiously: "My sister understands what I mean?"

Tian Meng glanced at Li Zedao coldly, and began to admire his impeccable hand: "I understand, you are really shamelessly perfunctory."


Li Zedao thought for a while, he took out a pill from Xumi Ring that was enough to cause most alchemy masters to go crazy, and took out a long sword, and he wrapped the pill on the long sword.

The long sword was extremely sharp, and the pill was cut in half directly.

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